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Everything posted by Leidgenosse

  1. F-5E Early Versions Pack

  2. Mirage F1C-200

  3. Hawker Hunter F Mk.58A Swiss Air Force

  4. More than just an open canopy mod....

  5. I have the Skins, is it allright if I attach them here? On a side note: this request seems a bit strange after the hornet-crash yesterday...;-)
  6. New Badges

    Let me see... a sheet for an anonymous acoount on any swiss bank (works wonders to lure the enemy with money, especially germans... ), a screw driver, a block of chocolate and a foldable yodeler (scares the sh*t out of the enemy)... the usual stuff, you know...
  7. New Badges

    Wow, i mean just wow! That's really appreciated. Never thought you'd include such minors like my country. Many many thanks! Proof via PM I guess? Greetings leidgenosse
  8. New Badges

    So, no badge for members of the swiss army? But nice idea anyways
  9. Thanks for the beautiful package and the rather fast "customer support"
  10. Once in a lifetime i kill 32 targets with one AIM-120...
  11. SweetFX

    Thanks for the hint, ArturR Installed it in all my SF2 installations and its working quiet nice so far. Let me ask just one simple question: If I change a value in the settings.txt, do I have to copy it to all folders where I put it in, i.e. the main installation, flight and menu folder? Thanks for any advice leidgenosse

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