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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.


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Status Updates posted by daddyairplanes

  1. pleasant suprise, have good 4G signal in this part of Wisconsin

    1. Dave


      Ft McCoy?

    2. Viggen


      Talk about a random place to be doing your rotation at.

    3. daddyairplanes


      yup and yup. just one more week of cookin and i can get my tail back out the kitchen. workin on a couple of more heavies tho for when i get back


  2. see you all in a few weeks

  3. why did the AF have to name nearly every frickin C-17?

    1. Dave


      Just to piss of all the SF skinners. :lol:

  4. tk, have fun with mobile. i'm seeing the start of project 3 and it is all mods.....

  5. StrikeFighters USA........ would be nice if it were something more than just a ppt for a class assignment

    1. Viggen


      That's what the three US maps are for!

  6. i was just in my office and i heard a ruckus

  7. why do i see good shots of a particular tail marking until i actually need to use those shots?

  8. SF2 is dead huh? why so many wotking on heavies then that in truth will be just eye candy? but such captivating eye candy.....

    1. Gothkrieger


      I have not flown an F4 since Janes IAF, it is great to be able to fly one again thanks to SF2 being able to run on Win7.

  9. me so sad. none of the Max versions i can d/l for free are backwards compatable to 2009...

  10. is trying to install Max 2015

  11. Nice Herc on the site CA!

  12. screech owls are loud for their size........

  13. hows this for backwards? i'm having to move contents of my 2TB external onto my computer to back up..

  14. just downloaded Alexander Nevsky. the Soviets DID really punch up the soundtrack on it....

    1. Viggen


      Arise you Russian People!

  15. having a very amusing arguement with a frenchman on FB.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. daddyairplanes


      and then the Spam came out...

    3. Viggen


      Did he have a solution to Smurf infestations?

    4. daddyairplanes


      No, but if the smurfs in france start speaking german i am sure they will call back......


  16. in the old days we trained to meet the challenges of the eels. now however, we must wake up to the threat of fundamentalist smurfism..

    1. Viggen


      The International Smurfist Conspiracy

    2. Dave


      DOWN WITH ALL SMURFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  17. Had to recover my wifes cat Tux today. She was hit this morning right across the street from my house...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MigBuster


      Gawd sorry to hear - not nice

    3. whiteknight06604


      oh no. I am so saddened by this.I'm so sorry.

    4. usafphantom2


      So Sorry to hear that,Guess I wanted to think she survived it.Please accept my sincerest condolences.I have four dogs and two cats I love animals and hate to hear them go like that.Sorry for both of you and your loss.

  18. why don't you just get back in your rocket and f#$% off back to legoland you c$%ts?!?! ah you dont get lines like that in american movies anymore

  19. is worried that PC development is taking away from Strike Fighters Android. NOT

  20. w/o home internet for next 2 months. this sucks.

    1. whiteknight06604


      I went nuts when mine was out for 8 days last month. good luck.


    2. daddyairplanes


      well can still use it at school tho no dl'ing there. also my inlaws down the road an McD so not totally w/o, just not handy while sitting in my recliner!


  21. i learned something new today.........

  22. to all who make models and the very first skins.... my hats off to you! it can be a pain if you are making an intricate model. to Volker, again many thanks! i think i have this down nw, just one final project for class to see if the lessons took hold....

  23. 3 day drill this weekend. will be back monday hopefully with a buncha goodies for ya all

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. daddyairplanes


      yea well you know whats coming. got the _94 worked out while i was gone


    3. daddyairplanes


      besides Brad, its not really so bad ... is it?

    4. Slartibartfast


      Dammit Janet...

  24. Patience it is said is a virtue. it just isnt one of mine.

    1. Slartibartfast


      Patience is normally justified if there is a .338 round being fired and back to the bar for a beer or 3...

    2. Viggen


      What's a patience? Where can I get one?

    3. JediMaster


      You better get a whole lot if you want to be a doctor.

  25. there doesnt appear to a AH-1Q or S anywhere, even at that other site that shall not be named. anyone thinkin of makin one

    1. KnightWolf45


      me but dont know wend i will start just an idea



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