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Everything posted by dtmdragon

  1. Nail on the head! I had this same problem, it happened randomly and this was the cause. I went through and scaled EVERY viper body skin down by 50% And yes it takes ages! lol
  2. I've used the SC-1800 as the model and made it 21 KT the same as the Fat Man bomb.
  3. Me-1101A-1 IIIrd Gruppe/JG 27 Gruppe Kommandeur Ist Gruppe/JG 27 IIIrd Gruppe/JG 27 Ist Gruppe/JG 27 Mosquito FB.MK XVIII(Special) Tsetse with QF 32-Pounder No. 487 (New Zealand) Sqn, Bomber Command
  4. Meteor MK.IV No. 350 (Belgian) Sqn, Fighter Command/ Air Defence of Great Britain Vampire MK.III No. 127 (Canadian) Wing, 2nd Tactical Air Force Spitfire F. MK XIVe No. 145 (French) Wing, 2nd Tactical Air Force Meteor MK.III No. 350 (Belgian) Sqn, Fighter Command/ Air Defence of Great Britain Spitfire Mk.22 No. 1 (Canadian) Wing, Fighter Command/ Air Defence of Great Britain Meteor MK.IV No. 345 (French) Sqn, Fighter Command/ Air Defence of Great Britain Meteor MK.III No. 322 (Dutch) Sqn, Fighter Command/ Air Defence of Great Britain Vampire MK.III No. 345 (French) Sqn, Fighter Command/ Air Defence of Great Britain Lincoln I No 405 (Canadian) Sqn RCAF, Bomber Command Superfortress MK I No 460 (Australian) Sqn RAAF, Bomber Command Back to the Brits, US Lend- Lease ThunderJet Mk I No. 19 Sqn, Fighter Command/ Air Defence of Great Britain Changed the black and the white colours round in the Sabre's ID stripes to, P-86A-1 Sabre USAAF 353rd Ftr Sqn, 354th Ftr Group Sabre MK I No. 19 Sqn, Fighter Command/ Air Defence of Great Britain
  5. Nice! This luft 46/ SWOTL has to be my new favorite sf2 subject. Anyone have anymore out there?....
  6. Air to air with the 37mm cannon nose A-26B Invader
  7. Saab 29 Tunnan masquerading as Messerschmitt P.1101
  8. P-86A-1 Sabre USAAF 353rd Ftr Sqn, 354th Ftr Group (two styles; one has recognition stripes to avoid confusion with the sweep winged Me-262) USAAF 335th Ftr Sqn, 4th Ftr Group Sabre Mk.I RAF No. 19 Sqn, Fighter Command
  9. The struggle to get out of the seat looks terrifying! Imagine it in the pitch black sea in the middle of the night in stormy weather!
  10. Ageed! Is it any good in game against the arab airforces of the day?
  11. Supermarine Spitfire HF Mk. IX BS273 (ex-BF273) F/O Prince Emanuel Galitzine Special Service (High Altitude) Flight Northolt, September 1942
  12. Kfir TC-2

    Thanks mate, love the Kfir
  13. Griffon engined Mk 24 Spit kicks Mustang butt! :-P you guys are all right, the aircraft and skins in the first page of this topic are what I thought would be the most likely in the luft 46 world. But now im just having a bit of fun and doing what looks cool even if its a bit of a stretch :-)
  14. Spitfire HF Mk.22 (High Altitude Fighter) RAF No. 485 (New Zealand) Sqn, 2nd Tactical Air Force RAF No. 80 Sqn, Fighter Command/ Air Defence of Great Britain Spitfire Mk.24 USAAF 334th Ftr Sqn, 4th Ftr Group Spitfire HF Mk.24 (High Altitude Fighter) USAAF 362nd Ftr Sqn, 357th Ftr Group
  15. I turned it into a fuel tank so you could add or remove it at the loadout screen. http://combatace.com/topic/68132-ah-64-package-for-sf2-ver-11/?p=528766
  16. Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm (I don't think the FAA squadron codes are quite right as I couldn't find any good info on how they worked during WW II) Seafire Mk. 46 No. 808 Sqn, Fleet Air Arm Seafire Mk. 47 No. 800 Sqn, Fleet Air Arm
  17. Here are the Nazi’s... most were SF1 So I had to update their data.ini to SF2 standards etc. I changed the Natter rocket pod to an air-to-air one by using the data from the TW Lightning as a guide so the A.I. Natters will all engage bombers with their rockets. Ba-349A-1 Natter/ Ba-349B-1 Natter (B-1 has cannons as well as rockets) EF-132 KG 40 "Seeadler" Ho-229 V3A 1st Gruppe/JG 1 "Oesau" 1st Gruppe/JG 400 "Komet" Hs-P75 Ist Gruppe/JG 26 "Schlageter" Ta-173 IInd Gruppe/JG 1 "Oesau" IIIrd Gruppe/JG 2 "Richtofen" Ta-183A Huckebein Jagdverband 44 "Jet Experten" Ta-183B Huckebein Jagdverband 44 "Jet Experten"
  18. They were post war strategic bombers until the Canberra became operational. However for Luft ’46 the one here is the USAAF B-29 supplied to the RAF under the WWII Lend-lease program. The name ‘Superfortress Mk I' comes from the WWII RAF style of aircraft naming, eg the Lend-lease P-51D Mustang was the ‘Mustang Mk IV’ in RAF service etc
  19. One more Royal Air Force - US Lend Lease Superfortress Mk I (B-29) No. 617 (The Dam Busters) Sqn, Bomber Command
  20. Cheers guys here is some more allied aircraft: (More to come to....I smell nazi's...) United States Army Airforce: FP-80A-5 Shooting Star/ FP-80A-10 Shooting Star 162nd Photo Recon Squadron Royal Air Force - US Lend Lease Shooting Star Mk I (P-80A-1) No. 2 Sqn, Army Co- Operation Command Shooting Star Mk II (P-80A-5) No. 303 (Polish) Sqn, Fighter Command/ ADGB Shooting Star Mk III (P-80A-10) No. 19 Sqn, Fighter Command/ ADGB

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