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MAKO69 last won the day on June 5 2012

MAKO69 had the most liked content!

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186 Neutral


About MAKO69

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  • Gender
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    Mass USA
  • Interests
    On line gaming, flight sims, surfing the web, & history buff. A big football fan (NE PATS), baseball (RED SOX), and motorsports fan. Riding motor bikes, spending time w/the fam. The name MAKO69 stands for Corvette 1969 MAKO (SHARK) body
    I love cats


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  1. A-4K RNZAF Sea

  2. A-4K.zip

  3. F-35 20-1 kill ratio at Ref Flag http://f35.com/news/detail/f-35a-records-20-to-1-kill-ratio-at-red-flag-exercise
  4. 10 MAY 72 the A-10 takes its 1st flight
  5. 10 MAY 1972 U.S. Air Force and Navy flyers have the largest air battle of the Vietnam Conflict downing more North Vietnamese Migs than any other air battles. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NdOqdsFbGQg https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YfQVehFjvaI
  6. RNZAF A-4K Skyhawk tactics

    I knew you'd like!
  7. Navy'lize a plane a what if?

    For real, you being sarcastic? That was a navy plane to start. Please tell me you knew that.
  8. Navy'lize a plane a what if?

    Well...... This makes sense. I see the fat chick belly for fuel too but, you could hang some fuel tanks from the stubby wings and remove some armor that would allow more room for over sea fuel. This would be more Marine than Navy, but still SHIT HOT. I LIKE THE FATTY GIRL LOADED UP AT THE BOTTOM.
  9. Navy'lize a plane a what if?

    Not much changes from a sea bird to a land bird, just the catapult bar removed like Australia's Hornets. It's more interesting to see a "FAIR FORCE" jet brought up to linebacker status.

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