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Posts posted by Menrva

  1. 25 minutes ago, JamesWilson said:

    Why Menrva said there's something wrong in YAP and others? They look amazing mods

    I already explained why in that other topic, but I'll repeat myself. YAP for SF1 monetized upon freeware mods from CombatACE without permission from the respective authors. I'm not talking about the quality of the assets (of which I cannot talk about, as I do not own these products) but about their legality. On the surface the YAP products look amazing, but they did wrong to some modders and 3d modelers of CombatACE. Up to you if you wish to play with such contents, some of which were sold while they were freeware at CombatACE. I hope this is clear enough. I'm not referring to YAP-RW which is an entirely different project with a different aim.

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  2. Just for context, John Shelton and Mike Figursky passed away in 2019. The money would go to no-one and the website and store are no longer maintained since then. Fans of YAP managed to contact Shelton's wife and obtain access to the front-end of the website, where now they're sharing reworked YAP content for Strike Fighters 2 for free, under the name YAP-RW: http://yankeeairpirate.net

    I'm not involved in any of this, I always stayed away from YAP content (and that's what I'd suggest doing to anyone), but I deem necessary to point this out. What Soulfreak says still applies IMHO, it's all in a grey area. Nonetheless, YAP-RW exists and it's not related to the YAP owners, it's a group of end-users who had bought the products and are updating them for SF2 for free. Up to CombatACE admins to decide how to deal with YAP content; if what I heard is true, that 3d modelers never received agreed compensation by Shelton, it's not like this matter can be solved anymore. YAP also monetized upon freeware content by modders here at CombatACE without permission, so I also very much doubt the original YAP was exactly legal back in the day.

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  3. 3 hours ago, OlWilly said:

    Could be, but I really don't see the point in flying on Easy or Normal Flight settings. Even Hard is very forgivable compared to other sims or real life

    I think there's been a misunderstanding. I'm not suggesting to play it on Easy, I never do since I play with Hard difficulty. It's just something worth testing to see how that affects rudders in game.

    3 hours ago, OlWilly said:

    I wouldn't say so.

    Probably my bad wording, I did not mean to say that rudders are not needed in Strike Fighters. What I wanted to say is that they are not useful in the way they have been implemented. Had they been working as expected, they'd have a lot of use indeed.

  4. 43 minutes ago, ludo.m54 said:

    The issue comes from my soundlist.ini... I deleted it and everything seems to be fine.

    I never thought that this kind of file could generate texture issue.:good:

    During the development of ODS 30AE, we used to have sounds in higher quality, some WAVs even were some MBs in size. They made loading times much longer and definitely required more memory. I wouldn't say it's due to the soundlist as we have some 300 entries in it for ODS 30AE. Try reducing the quality of sound files instead. The game prefers low frequency mono sounds, low quality ones overall.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Gepard said:

    A black plane means, that there is no texture file available.

    Not always. I think Ludo already knows that textures are needed, he's using his own Mirage F1 add-ons.

    Black textures happen when you run out of VRAM. @ludo.m54 reinstall DirectX 9 redistributables, update video drivers and make sure you're using your dedicated GPU in the game's options (Strike Fighters 2 usually defaults to the integrated graphics card of the CPU, and that is obviously insufficient for high quality add-ons).

  6. @omegaeleven Apologies if I didn't reply to your PM in time. RL is not being kind to me at the moment. 

    I'm happy that Gepard and mehlhorndirk gave you help. This is the best I can offer at the moment, a zip of data mainly recovered from CombatACE, you'll find a DOC and a PDF, alongside links to useful posts that can be found in CombatACE's forums: SF_Campaigns_KB.zip

    I'm no campaign data guru. What I did for the Desert Storm campaign data is an impressive amount of work, but the complex ground war does not work yet as intended. You'll find out that you learn a lot more by doing, trial and error.

    I'm also happy to see that my Horn of Africa terrain is being used, it never got a review by users so I consider it the most overlooked of my terrain mods. If the terrain ever needs some additions or fixes, feel free to let me know and I'll work on it if RL gives me some breath.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Gepard said:

    This was my fault. Before i released the terrain in 2019 or so, i was curious how the Mosul Dam would look in this terrain. So i included it in the terrain and afterwards i have simply forgotten to replace it with the original dam file again. My fault. Sorry.

    No problem, I think swambast will understand.

    Like Wrench reminded, it is suggested that @Lacsap replaces the uploaded package with one which includes just the tileset files and the updated terrain's data.ini file. No need to repackage your whole terrain with it.

  8. Wonderful tileset, but I wasn't expecting it to be a standalone terrain with some other material included without permission. I see that swambast's Mosul Dam has been included and that was meant to be exclusive to the IraqWA terrains I released long ago. Nothing wrong on seeing stuff like this being re-used on other terrain mods, but I'd make sure to contact the authors involved next time, as well as including a proper list of credits.

    If only the tileset stuff got changed, it would have been best to release the updated tiles and data files alone, just like many other tileset mods made in the past by the likes of Stary and Brain32.


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