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Files posted by Snailman

  1. RSS SA-8/SA-N-4 Gecko Pack Beta

    RED SIDE STANDARD SA-8/SA-N-4 Gecko Pack 0.3 Beta
    This is a public test version. Please try out equipment playing from both sides. This pack has been tested against stock planes on stock terrain. Mostly on IsraelME, a more advanced map and for fast loading time :)
    About 1000+ launch tests have been done on planes with various types with or without jamming equipment at low and high altitude. Ballistics have been also checked with HoneyFox's Missile Range Simulator.
    To follow the philosophy behind Red Side Standard Weapons Pack (RSSW) I made an attempt to standardize the SAM systems as well. The SA-8 Gecko or Osa family is next in the row. It is a late addition into the game, appears in modern eras. It is the most sophisticated SAM system developed during the soviet era and it is still in service. The SA-8 is a low altitude system for short ranges - considered mobile by the game. In theory it would defend armored units, it can move and stops to shoot. Had the placement routine finished by TW... therefore the SA-8 needs user placement. Usage as Mobile AAA is NOT RECOMMENDED, since this system in large numbers can be more than lethal. Also keep availability dates in mind. A plane with no jammer or chaff is helpless against this system in the early 70's - and I did not modify Noise and CM resistance values.
    Using multiple reference materials (both english an russian) we tried to fine tune the effectiveness of all the weaponry for satisfactory player game experience while keeping as much realism as possible. This provides more challenge playing on the blue side.
    Effectiveness for guided missiles and radars have been tuned to provide realistic hit rate within the proper launch requirements. Because of game limitations, this means some technical parameters and values may be different from real world data.
    We kept as much stock reference as we could to provide compatibility with original game standard (Naming, Types, etc).
    Yet, there are no new ground objects included, but many new equipment is WIP for the final version.
    - The SA-8 and SA-8B systems, with thoroughly revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, Ballistics etc)
    - The SA-N-4 systems, with thoroughly revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, Ballistics etc)
    - Kiev and Krivak ship classes equipped with modded SA-N-4 missiles (both early and late models)
    - Weapon (and folder) names use common standard for convenience, clarity and simplified looks
    - Ground objects use the stock TW 3D models
    - Osa Launch sound. Modify soundlist.ini to use this wav file
    Important changes:
    - Missile ballistic data
    - Radar search and track ranges and altitudes
    - Early SA-8 (Osa) launcher with 4 missiles (No new 3D yet)
    - Corrected SA-N-4 reload times.
    Ground objects: TW
    In-game testing: Everyone who gave us feedback and shared game experience! Thank you very much! I do count on more testing with the SA-2 and upcoming systems as well.
    Work in progress:
    New launcher vehicle corrected 3D models (Early Osa)
    - pvo.guns.ru
    - ru.wikipedia.org
    - www.airwar.ru
    - various forums
    - Istoriya Otyechestvennoy Radiolokatsii (History of Russian radar technology)
    - Vasilin: Zenitniye Raketniye Kompleksi (SAM)
    - Vooruzheniye PVO i RES Rossii (Air Defense and Radio-Electronic System of Russia)
    Special thanks to the author of SAM Simulator for his help and for creating his program.


       (4 reviews)



  2. RSS SA-2 Guideline Pack Beta 0.41

    RED SIDE STANDARD SA-2 Guideline Pack 0.41 Beta
    This is a public test version. Please try out equipment playing from both sides. This pack has been tested against stock planes on stock terrain. Mostly on VietnamSE due SAM site density and fast loading time :)
    About 1000+ launch tests have been done on planes with various types with or without jamming equipment at low and high altitude. Ballistics have been also checked with HoneyFox's Missile Range Simulator.
    To follow the philosophy behind Red Side Standard Weapons Pack (RSSW) I made an attempt to standardize the SAM systems as well. The first of such, the SA-2 Guideline or System-75 family. Using multiple reference materials (both english an russian) we tried to fine tune the effectiveness of all the weaponry for satisfactory player game experience while keeping as much realism as possible. This provides more challenge playing on the blue side.
    Effectiveness for guided missiles and radars have been tuned to provide realistic hit rate within the proper launch requirements. Because of game limitations, this means some technical parameters and values may be different from real world data.
    We kept as much stock reference as we could to provide compatibility with original game standard (Naming, Types, etc).
    Yet, there are no new ground objects included, but many new equipment is WIP for the final version.
    - The latest 3D models of the SA-2 family missiles from Spillone104 with thoroughly revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, Ballistics etc)
    - Weapon (and folder) names use common standard for convenience, clarity and simplified looks
    - Most objects use the stock TW 3D models
    Important changes:
    - All missiles have been changed from Beam Rider to SAHM guidance, as a work around the faulty "tail chasing" game logic also present with Rear60 IR seeking missiles. Also, "Beam Rider" guidance does not allow lead targeting of the missile.
    - All Fan Song radars have been set to their instrumented range, now it is fully up to the RCS, altitude and noise jamming values to determine the range of detection.
    - Target tracking range has been made equal to the search range - what the Fan Song can see can track immediately - launch is still limited by the missile parameters.
    - Missile Turn G and Seeker FOV has been toned down to (almost) real life data. It gives a chance to "Dance of Death" - outmaneuvering the missile in early planes. AI however will be still toast, though.
    - Now all missiles have new 3D models and new skins, thanks to Spillone104
    Ground objects: TW
    SA-2 missile family: Spillone104
    In-game testing: Everyone who gave us feedback and shared game experience! Thank you very much! I do count on more testing with the SA-2 and upcoming systems as well.
    Work in progress:
    New Fan Song 3D models (with correct size and antenna types)
    Various auxiliary vans or SAM site contruction
    New Search/Height inding radar 3D models associated with the sites on regimental level
    Experimental complete SAM site objects for terrains
    - pvo.guns.ru
    - ru.wikipedia.org
    - www.airwar.ru
    - various forums
    - ZRK S-75M Uchebnik (Russian field training manual)
    - SA-2 Guideline (Osprey)
    - Istoriya Otyechestvennoy Radiolokatsii (History of Russian radar technology)
    - Voyna v Vietname - Kak eto bylo (1965-1973) Personal journals of soviet personnel in Vietnam
    - Zenitniye Voyska v Voyne vo Vietname i na Blizhnyem Vostoke (1965-1973) SAM battle experience in Vietnam and in the Middle east.
    Special thanks to the author of SAM Simulator for his help and for creating his program.


       (6 reviews)



  3. RSS SA-2 Guideline Pack Public Test Beta

    RED SIDE STANDARD SA-2 Guideline Pack 0.30 Beta
    This is a public test version. Please try out equipment playing from both sides. This pack has been tested against stock planes on stock terrain. Mostly on VietnamSE due SAM site density and fast loading time :)
    About 1000+ launch tests have been done on planes with various types with or without jamming equipment at low and high altitude. Ballistics have been also checked with HoneyFox's Missile Range Simulator.
    To follow the philosophy behind Red Side Standard Weapons Pack (RSSW) I made an attempt to standardize the SAM systems as well. The first of such, the SA-2 Guideline or System-75 family.
    Using multiple reference materials (both english an russian) we tried to fine tune the effectiveness of all the weaponry for satisfactory player game experience while keeping as much realism as possible. This provides more challenge playing on the blue side.
    Effectiveness for guided missiles and radars have been tuned to provide realistic hit rate within the proper launch requirements. Because of game limitations, this means some technical parameters and values may be different from real world data.
    We kept as much stock reference as we could to provide compatibility with original game standard (Naming, Types, etc).
    Yet, there are no new ground objects included, but many new equipment is WIP for the final version.
    - The latest 3D models of the SA-2 family missiles from Spillone104 with thoroughly revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, Ballistics etc)
    - Weapon (and folder) names use common standard for convenience, clarity and simplified looks
    - Most objects use the stock TW 3D models
    Important changes:
    - All missiles have been changed from Beam Rider to SAHM guidance, as a work around the faulty "tail chasing" game logic also present with Rear60 IR seeking missiles. Also, "Beam Rider" guidance does not allow lead targeting of the missile.
    - All Fan Song radars have been set to their instrumented range, now it is fully up to the RCS, altitude and noise jamming values to determine the range of detection.
    - Target tracking range has been made equal to the search range - what the Fan Song can see can track immediately - launch is still limited by the missile parameters.
    Ground objects: TW
    SA-2 missile family: Spillone104
    Work in progress:
    More new 3D missile objects for all variants.
    New Fan Song 3D models (with correct size and antenna types)
    Various auxiliary vans or SAM site contruction
    New Search/Height inding radar 3D models associated with the sites on regimental level
    Experimental complete SAM site objects for terrains
    - pvo.guns.ru
    - ru.wikipedia.org
    - www.airwar.ru
    - various forums
    - ZRK S-75M Uchebnik (Russian field training manual)
    - SA-2 Guideline (Osprey)
    - Istoriya Otyechestvennoy Radiolokatsii (History of Russian radar technology)
    - Voyna v Vietname - Kak eto bylo (1965-1973) Personal journals of soviet personnel in Vietnam
    - Zenitniye Voyska v Voyne vo Vietname i na Blizhnyem Vostoke (1965-1973) SAM battle experience in Vietnam and in the Middle east.
    Special thanks to the author of SAM Simulator for his help and for creating his program.


       (4 reviews)



  4. Incoming Weapon Custom View

    Free/Incoming Weapon Custom View 1.0
    This is a Viewlist.ini mod. Perhaps someone else have found out this trick, but here I share what I have done. It's a great modding tool as well.
    How to Use
    Copy VIEWLIST.INI into <your mod folder>/Flight
    Press F9 for Weapon View (press F9 again to cycle multiple instances)
    This is the Weapons View you had before, but you can zoom and pan freely. Great tool for weapon modders like me.
    Press F10 for Tower View Incoming Weapon View (press F10 again to cycle more instances - if present)
    Since I had to use WeaponInFlight instead of the non-working PlayerTarget entry, you can view any weapons that have been launched by anyone during mission. Missiles, bombs, rockets - as long as they have been launched but not yet impacted or self destructed upon the end of lifetime. Weapons launched both friendlies and enemies can be seen.
    Example of usage: Upon "SAM Launch" message, press F10 as fast as possible to catch the launch moment of the incoming missile. Good if you want to practice evasion - or to feel pervert joy in seeing your enemies incinerated by friendly air defense systems.


       (5 reviews)



  5. MiG-21MF MiG-23MF - RSSW Compatible Test Planes

    MiG-21 MF & MiG-23MF
    Red Side Standard Weapon Pack compatible test planes.
    - Pure, stock Thirdware planes with cockpits added and made flyable.
    - Weapon stations and loadouts have been rebuilt and compatible with the current version (0.97) of RSSW.
    - Added Hungarian skin/decal configuration - just because. ))
    Drop them into the Aircraft folder
    Red Side Standard Weapon Pack ver. 0.97
    Upcoming Test planes:
    - MiG-27
    - Tu-22M3
    - Su-7B/M
    Thanks for the tryout and contact me if any problems appear.


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  6. Red Side Standard Weapons Pack - Full Beta

    While this pack is still considered Beta, it is a full version. Only 3D graphics and texture improvements are in progress.
    Red Side Standard Weapons Pack (RSSW) is a standardized, simplified weapons pack for eastern bloc aircraft ordnance. The pack includes weaponry from a time frame from 1950 to 2000.
    The main effort was to provide both users and modders with a stable and well organized collection of on-board weapons. With standardized references, station-specific entries and names there is no need for modders to include weapon files for the aircraft they have made and it is also more easy to construct proper stations and loadout arrangements.
    Using multiple reference materials (both english an russian) we tried to fine tune the effectiveness of all the weaponry for satisfactory red-side player game experience while keeping
    as much realism as possible. This also provides more challenge playing on the blue side. We did not yet apply general changes to blue side weaponry (like the Rear60 IRM fix) some weapons may appear more capable than their blue side counterparts. Even though RSSW was designed to improve red side player experience and flyable aircraft, we will of course apply these changes to blue side to keep a balance challenge level.
    Effectiveness for guided weapons have been tuned to provide realistic hit rate within the proper launch requirements. Because of game limitations, this means some technical parameters and values may be different from real world data.
    We kept as much stock reference as we could to provide compatibility with original game standard (Naming, Types, Loadout ID, etc)
    - Simplified (reduced) version of Lindr2's SovietBombPack
    - The latest 3D models of all Air-to-Air missiles with thoroughly revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, etc)
    - Latest and updated 3D models of Air-to-Ground missiles with revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, etc)
    - Weapon (and folder) names use common standard for convenience, clarity and simplified looks
    - New racks for more realistic loadouts
    Important changes:
    - IRMs with Rear60 aspect has been reworked with higher Turn G and/or higher Track Rate, to compensate the faulty tracking game logic related to Rear60 seekers.
    - R-3/R-13 series missiles has been classified to WP (Warsaw Pact) Attachment type. This was done to help 4th generation aircraft loadouts done for the 80's and 90's.
    Future improvements:
    - Specific weapons for problematic aircraft loadouts (eg. racks holding rocket pods)
    - Revised and standardized guns for on-board and gunpod use
    - Patch loadout files for existing non-RSSW compatible planes
    Weapon LODs: Lindr2, Krizis, Snailman - Please contact me if I left out someone.
    - ru.wikipedia.org
    - russian-ships.info
    - militaryrussia.ru
    - www.airwar.ru
    - rbase.new-factoria.ru
    - worldweapon.ru
    - various forums
    - ????????? ??????????? ?????? - ??????-??????
    - ????????? ??????????? ?????? - ??????-?????
    - ?????????????? ????????? ?????????? ???
    - ??????????? ??????????? ??????
    - Aviatsionniye Takticheskiye Raketi (Karpenko - Bastion)
    - Aviatsionniye Raketi Bolshiye Dalnosti (Karpenko - Bastion)
    - Soviet Russian Aircraft Weapons (Yefim Gordon)
    - Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft Armaments and Avionics (Bilingual)


       (6 reviews)



  7. Red Side Standard Weapons Pack - AAM Public test version

    This is a public test version, currently contains only AAM type weaponry. Full version will follow soon. Please try out equipment playing from both sides. AI vs AI combat is also to be observed. Note that missile perfomance is also affected by the launch platform's radar capabilities. You may have to edit your respective launch platform's plane data.ini in case of any weapon not appearing on the loadout menu. Contact me if help needed.
    About 1000+ launch tests have been done per missile against planes with various maneuverability with or without CM at low and high altitude. Ballistics have been also checked with HoneyFox's Missile Range Simulator.
    Red Side Standard Weapons Pack (RSSW) is a standardized, simplified weapons pack for eastern bloc aircraft ordnance. The pack includes weaponry from a time frame from 1950 to 2000.
    The main effort was to provide both users and modders with a stable and well organized collection of on-board weapons. With standardized references, station-specific entries and names there is no need for modders to include weapon files for the aircraft they have made and it is also more easy to construct proper stations and loadout arrangements.
    Using multiple reference materials (both english an russian) we tried to fine tune the effectiveness of all the weaponry for satisfactory red-side player game experience while keeping
    as much realism as possible. This also provides more challenge playing on the blue side. We did not yet apply general changes to blue side weaponry (like the Rear60 IRM fix) some weapons may appear more capable than their blue side counterparts. Even though RSSW was designed to improve red side player experience and flyable aircraft, we will of course apply these changes to blue side to keep a balance challenge level.
    Effectiveness for guided weapons have been tuned to provide realistic hit rate within the proper launch requirements. Because of game limitations, this means some technical parameters and values may be different from real world data.
    We kept as much stock reference as we could to provide compatibility with original game standard (Naming, Types, Loadout ID, etc)
    Extract the files into the respective "Addon" Folder on your system. It is advised, to install it into a fresh (cleaned up) Weapons folder.
    This weapon pack will overwrite almost all soviet type ordnance including stock ones. RSSW compatible plane addons and their loadouts have been constructed to use RSSW weapon specifications, regarding StationSpecific entries, size, weight, diameter and availability dates. Because of that, remaining previous versions of soviet type ordnance may cause problems in loadout appearing with these planes.
    - The latest 3D models of all Air-to-Air missiles with thoroughly revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, etc)
    - Weapon (and folder) names use common standard for convenience, clarity and simplified looks
    Important changes:
    - IRMs with Rear60 aspect has been reworked with higher Turn G and/or higher Track Rate, to compensate the faulty tracking game logic related to Rear60 seekers.
    - Simplified (reduced) version of Lindr2's SovietBombPack
    - Latest and updated 3D models of Air-to-Ground missiles with revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, etc)
    - New racks for more realistic loadouts
    - Specific weapons for problematic aircraft loadouts (eg. racks holding rocket pods)
    - Revised and standardized guns for on-board and gunpod use
    - Patch loadout files for existing non-RSSW compatible planes
    Weapon LODs: Lindr2, Krizis, Snailman
    - ru.wikipedia.org
    - russian-ships.info
    - militaryrussia.ru
    - www.airwar.ru
    - rbase.new-factoria.ru
    - worldweapon.ru
    - various forums
    - ????????? ??????????? ?????? - ??????-??????
    - ????????? ??????????? ?????? - ??????-?????
    - ?????????????? ????????? ?????????? ???
    - ??????????? ??????????? ??????
    - Soviet Russian Aircraft Weapons (Yefim Gordon)
    - Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft Armaments and Avionics (Bilingual)


       (7 reviews)

    1 comment


  8. Vertical Pack for Soviet Navy

    Soviet Navy Vertical Pack 1.00
    This is the first complete version of the Vertical Pack, now including the Yak-41M (also known by its commercial designation as Yak-141). I have modeled the plane as if it was deployed into combat units with its military designation Yak-41M. The plane served aboard the aircraft cruisers Novorossiysk and Baku, and on the aircraft carriers Tbilisi and Riga, from 1991-2010.
    This is a fine tuned or modified collection of everything I could find to improve the planes.
    I lot of time was invested in research and testing to provide you a working and accurate Yak-38/38M and Yak-41M. All feedback and suggestions are appreciated.
    I tried to include every component I have used with the planes, so it should work with a fresh unmodded SF2:NA. If you have DirX 9 and Win XP, then you also need Gerwin's IcelandNA modded terrain for XP to be able to play SF2NA on your PC.
    Just copy everything into your designated add-on folder and it should work. Beware it may overwrite existing add-on files and components you already have. Check it first, especially weapons.
    NEW in 1.0 version
    New content
    - Yak-41M VTOL flyable
    - old Su-27 cockpit for Yak-41M (Temporary)
    - Yak-41M Soviet Navy skin (completely new)
    - Yak-41M Soviet/Russian Navy Camo skin (completely new)
    - Yak-141 Commercial Prototype skin (completely new)
    - Stary's Yak-38 cockpit included (+ini changes for compatibilty)
    - Yak-38M Desert Camo skin from Afghanistan, Operation Romb 1980 (New)
    - Yak-38M Naval Camo skin, Tbilisi (Adm Kuznetsov) testing unit (New)
    - Mi-8T Soviet Navy skin (Unarmed transport and passenger version without pylons)
    - Yak-41M new afterburner effect, lift engines included.
    - Yak-41M OLS type IR Search&Tracking device added to 3D model.
    - Yak-41M added APU-470, AKU-58 and BD3-USK type pylon 3D objects for correct display
    - Modified Kiev class Aircraft cruiser data
    - AA-10, AA-11 and AA-12 missiles and Kh-31A, Kh-31P, Kh-35 ASM-s included (minor value changes apply)
    - Delta-NG control pod new 3D object and skin.
    - VSPU-36 gun pod new 3D object and skin (color variants included for different skins).
    - MBD2-67U quadruple bomb rack new 3D object and skin.
    - Yak-38 500liter drop tank new 3D object and skin.
    - Yak-38/38M Flight Manual Text
    - Yak-41M Flight Manual Text
    - Yak-41M textures are now JPG to save space
    - Kiev class aircraft cruiser name decals
    - Kiev class tactical numbers separately done, due to decal limit per mesh.
    - General purpose Soviet Navy red star insignia for ships
    - Soviet Navy Ship tactical number decal set 001-999
    - Updated decal.ini files for ships (Udaloy, Slava, Kirov, Kresta II, Kashin, Krivak and Ulyanovsk) to display new ship numbers, insignia and name decals.
    - Wide-screen 16:9 and old 4:3 Hangar and Loading background pictures are both included in each aircraft folder.
    - Fixed Yak-41M engines, flight model, balance, lift force, fuel amount, range, aerodynamics, slats, loadout, undercarriage spring effect, weapon station structure, nav lights and sound. Also some HUD/Avionics graphics changes.
    - Mi-8 skin minor fixes + new template
    - Yak-38 Northern Fleet skin (dark blue) colors changed.
    - Yak-41M minor 3D fixes (Lift engine cover, LERX, texture mapping, canopy glass, pylons)
    - Fixed ranges and seeker head of AA-10 Alamo missiles, as well as some minor bugs in inis
    - Fixed Kh-29T and Kh-29L missile speeds and turn rate.
    - Fixed AA-12 Adder (Folded version) launch animation entry in data.ini
    - Yak-38/38M New weapon station stucture to exlude some IRM types.
    - Yak-38/38M loadouts modified with Delta-NG
    - Added separate MDB2 rack with RackSpecific entry for Yak-38 outer pylons. This way other aircraft (Yak-41) can use the normal rack.
    - Yak-41M uses afterburners on VTOL mode correctly (effects added)
    - Modified MBD3-U6 rack, changed the bomb sequence in order to avoid using the RackLimitOutsideOnly setting for Yak-41M.
    - Kiev aircraft cruiser STOL version has been added. It uses a more realistic launch arrangement. This "variant" of the ship is now Kiev (82) class, added separately for campaign use. In 1982 pilots have started to use STOL takeoff doctrine. The "catapult" launch places has been reduced to two, and are using the majority of the deck, along the two converging yellow lines which have this exact purpose. The ship otherwise the same like Kiev (wo. suffix) VTOL mode.
    - Separate Flight Manuals in text files.
    - Yak-38/38M flight model has been simplified with the usage of center-of-mass shift. I did not know that feature earlier. It has no change on the previous flight performance.
    - Mi-8T added lights and optional unarmed version without pylons.
    Previous version 0.98 BETA
    - Paladrian's MiG-21MF cockpit (temporary solution)
    - Yak-38 VTOL flyable.
    - Yak-38M VTOL flyable.
    - Weapons: OFAB-100, 250, 500 etc from SovietBombPack; Kh-23 missiles, UB-8M, UPK-23 gun pod and MBD2 racks from Ordnance Shop II; APU-60-1 rack from Cocas
    - Soviet Pacific Fleet skin (Modified stock skin, set as default)
    - Soviet Navy Grey skin (Redrawn stock skin)
    - Soviet Northern Fleet skin (Redrawn stock skin)
    - Soviet Navy pilot Bright orange overalls (Redrawn Red3202 pilot skin made by The Trooper)
    - Two loadout.ini for both aircraft, a loadout.VTOL and a loadout.STOL. Overwrite loadout.ini to switch between them as you wish for AI and campaing use.
    - Three Kiev_data.ini's one for STOL and one for VTOL style take offs. Use the VTOL loadout file for the VTOL take-off modded Kiev, for safety reasons. The third INI has a "castrated" take off position #1 (Catapult 1) to enable human player VTOL take-off, for Soviet Navy campaigns and missions.
    - Fixed engine thrust vectors and exhaust positions
    - Re-added lift engines to fuselage
    - Fixed number decals position
    - Fixed pylon ordnance positions
    - Fixed Ranging Radar and gun pod's aim point
    - Fixed Kiev class carrier "catapult positions" and AI aircraft take-off. Now they can use all six takeoff positions, and supports vertical takeoff.
    - Real thrust data added based on factory data.
    - Yak-38 automatic slats by Gepard
    - New vertical capable flight model, weight and torque balanced airframe.
    - Changed lift engines thrust angle to 80 degrees to the aft.
    - Engine thrust toned down by 10% to reflect real payload lifting capabilities.
    - Realistic payload choices added. Be warned, pylons are physically capable to hold much heavier payload than the plane can take off with. See payload info at the end of file.
    - Modified weapon stations to hold realistic payload
    - Removed plane numbers from 01-09 (Those were in use of Yak-38U two seaters)
    - Modification of plane numbers. Yak-38 tend to have lower numbers, grey 38M's take higher numbers, and extra easter egg))) (roughly to represent real planes)
    - Reaction control systems to nose, wingtips and aft fuselage.
    - Added gunpod station, exclusively for VSPU-36 (modeled by StationSpecific modified UPK-23)
    - Added choice of droptank (Uses Mig-17 400liter tanks currently)
    - Manual wing fold anim (Animation key 1 - Shift 1)
    - Skins and numbers
    - Dedicated engine sound
    - Yak-38M alternate sights with rangebar and CCIP (MiG-27, Su-25 style) !!BETA!!
    - Yak-38 model without recirculation dams on fuselage (Info from Peter2 and TK)
    - Added Siren-I ECM system to Yak-38
    - Added Gvozdika ECM system to Yak-38M
    Kiev class aircraft cruiser new features
    - Kiev_data_STOL.ini for short take offs (default)
    - Kiev_data_VTOL.ini for vertical take offs (recommended for operating helicopters)
    - Kiev_data_Player.ini for disabling Catapult #1 to enable free vertical take off by player aircraft or helicopter.
    - Extra parking places added
    - 6 working launch places (catapults)
    - Fake arrestor cables untouched, they are needed for fake hooks used by AI Yak-38s.
    Overwrite Kiev_data.ini with the desired file.
    Work in progress list
    - Avionics refinement for Yak-38M
    - Yak-41M land based camo skin
    - Yak-41M modern (russian) camo skin
    - Yak-41M 3D model improvements
    - Ka-25 Hormone helicopter family
    - Improved tactical number set for soviet warships
    - Pr.10200 "Khazlan" class Amphibous warfare ship
    Additional Credits and Thanks
    - Yak-41M: - 3D: Gabilon, Cockpit(Su27) - Oliver, BPAO Anguille
    - Mi-8: - 3D + Original skin - Marcfighter, FM - Kreelin
    - Yak-38: 3D + Original skin - Thirdwire, Cockpit - Stary, Alternate cockpit(MiG21) - Paladrian
    - Weapons: - Lindr2, Krisis, Cocas
    - Soviet plane number decals: - Flogger23
    - Soviet pilot: 3D + Original skin - The Trooper
    - Helped me (INI,testing,tech info) - Wrench, Gepard, 76IAP-Blackbird, Cocas, Logan4 and special thanks to Gabilon.
    - Software: - RedCrow(3DMAX+Photoshop)
    Sources - "J.R.Nockson" and "Volodya" (VVM) (Aviaforum.ru)
    - ru.wikipedia.org
    - russian-ships.info
    - Yefim Gordon: Yak-36, Yak-38 and Yak-41
    - ????????????? 2009/7 ??-38
    - ??????? ????????? 2003/07 ??????? ??????????? ??????? ????
    - Ficker,Butowski: Yakovlev's VSTOL fighters
    - Norman Polmar: Naval Institute's Guide to the Modern Soviet Navy (5th)
    - ?.?.???????? - ??????? ??????? (2010)
    ?????????????? ?????/Documentary videos:
    - ?????? ?????? - ??????? ???????
    - ?????? ?????? - ??????????? ??????? ?????????? ?????
    - ???? ??? ??????? - ?????? ?????????
    - ??????? ? ???? - ??????? ??????????? ??????? ????
    - ????? ???? 1985
    - +various videos from YouTube
    This mod, like all of its components I used are freeware. Commercial use is prohibited. You can use this pack as part of a bigger pack or campaign set freely.
    Ver 0.98 2012 December 26.
    Ver 1.0 2013 December 25.


       (20 reviews)



  9. MBD2-67U Soviet bomb rack

    The most widely used soviet multiple bomb rack (Mnogozamkoviy Balochniy Derzhatel) for 50-120kg sized free fall bombs. On many planes this was the only type of rack used.
    Plane types: MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-27, MiG-29, Yak-38, Su-17, Su-25, Su-24 and on helicopters Mi-8, Mi-24 and Ka-25
    A high detail replacement for older MBD2 racks. There are two types included, regular MBD2 and the MBD2_SPEC variant with StationSpecific value set, to exclude other types of rack from a weapon station.
    I have made no low detail version, but if there is a need, I can make one.


       (5 reviews)



  10. Delta-NG missile control pod + skin template

    This is a new version of the soviet Delta-NG missile control pod with hi detail skins in three colors (silver, green, navy grey) and... a Photoshop template for those who want to customize it to their aircraft skin. default is the white capped one for the Yak-38.
    This is one of my first 3D object, I did it as practice. It is freeware, just give credits.
    By Snailman, 2013 04 07


       (0 reviews)



  11. Yak-38 Vertical Pack 0.98 beta

    Yak-38 Vertical 0.98 beta
    The main reason for me to play Strike fighters 2 is that I can fly a Yak-38 in it )) That how I found this game on the internet. Unfortunately, being an AI plane it was not suitable for player controls... I found Gepard's addon which was the only one out there. It game me a lot of idea I decided to improve the plane's features and game experience. This is a fine tuned or modified collection of everything I could find to improve the plane. Mostly not my work, but I wasted a lot of time to put together and test a working and accurate Yak-38. This was my main and only goal. Try it. Since many things are in testing phase, all feedback is appreciated!
    I tried to include every component I have used with this plane, so it should work with a fresh unmodded SF2 NA. If you have DirX 9 and Win XP (like me), then you also need the IcelandNA modded terrain for XP to be able to play SF2NA on your PC.
    Just copy everything into your designated add-on folder and it should work. Beware it may overwrite existing add-on files and components you already have. Check it first, especially weapons.
    - Paladrian's MiG-21MF cockpit (temporary solution)
    - Yak-38 VTOL flyable.
    - Yak-38M VTOL flyable.
    - Weapons: OFAB-100, 250, 500 etc from SovietBombPack; Kh-23 missiles, UB-8M, UPK-23 gun pod and MBD2 racks from Ordnance Shop II; APU-60-1 rack from Cocos (not yet in use)
    - Soviet Pacific Fleet skin (Modified stock skin, set as default)
    - Soviet Navy Grey skin (Redrawn stock skin)
    - Soviet Northern Fleet skin (Redrawn stock skin)
    - Soviet Navy pilot Bright orange overalls (Redrawn Red3202 pilot skin)
    - Two loadout.ini for both aircraft, a loadout.VTOL and a loadout.STOL. Overwrite loadout.ini to switch between them as you wish for AI and campaing use.
    - Three Kiev_data.ini's one for STOL and one for VTOL style take offs. Use the VTOL loadout file for the VTOL take-off modded Kiev, for safety reasons. The third INI has a "castrated" take off position #1 (Catapult 1) to enable human player VTOL take-off, for Soviet Navy campaigns and missions.
    - README FILE with FLIGHT MANUAL included
    - Fixed engine thrust vectors and exhaust positions
    - Re-added lift engines to fuselage
    - Fixed number decals position
    - Fixed pylon ordnance positions
    - Fixed Ranging Radar and gun pod's aim point
    - Fixed Kiev class carrier "catapult positions" and AI aircraft take-off. Now they can use all six takeoff positions, and supports vertical takeoff.
    - Real thrust data added based on factory data.
    - Yak-38 automatic slats by Gepard
    - New vertical capable flight model, weight and torque balanced airframe.
    - Changed lift engines thrust angle to 80 degrees to the aft.
    - Engine thrust toned down by 10% to reflect real payload lifting capabilities.
    - Realistic payload choices added. Be warned, pylons are physically capable to hold much heavier payload than the plane can take off with. See payload info at the end of file.
    - Modified weapon stations to hold realistic payload
    - Removed plane numbers from 01-09 (Those were in use of Yak-38U two seaters)
    - Modification of plane numbers. Yak-38 tend to have lower numbers, grey 38M's take higher numbers, and extra easter egg))) (roughly to represent real planes)
    - Reaction control systems to nose, wingtips and aft fuselage.
    - Added gunpod station, exclusively for VSPU-36 (modeled by StationSpecific modified UPK-23)
    - Added choice of droptank (Uses Mig-17 400liter tanks currently)
    - Manual wing fold anim (Animation key 1 - Shift 1)
    - Skins and numbers
    - Dedicated engine sound
    - Yak-38M alternate sights with rangebar and CCIP (MiG-27, Su-25 style) !!BETA!!
    - Yak-38 model without recirculation dams on fuselage (Info from Peter2 and TK)
    - Added Siren-I ECM system to Yak-38
    - Added Gvozdika ECM system to Yak-38M
    Kiev class aircraft cruiser new features
    - Kiev_data_STOL.ini for short take offs (default)
    - Kiev_data_VTOL.ini for vertical take offs (recommended for operating helicopters)
    - Kiev_data_Player.ini for disabling Catapult #1 to enable free vertical take off by player aircraft or helicopter.
    - Extra parking places added
    - 6 working launch places (catapults)
    - Fake arrestor cables untouched, they are needed for fake hooks used by AI Yak-38s.
    Overwrite Kiev_data.ini with the desired file.
    Work in progress list
    - Yak-38M red, blue and white numbers for the late version grey skin to represent actual rare planes.
    - VSPU-36 Gunpod model
    - Avionics refinement for Yak-38M
    - Soviet Desert Camo (Afghanistan) (Redrawn stock skin)
    - Cockpit for both Yak-38 and Yak-38M
    This mod, like all of its components I used are freeware. Commercial use is prohibited. You can use this pack as part of a bigger pack or campaign set freely.
    2012 December 26.


       (7 reviews)




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