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About mdatelmi

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sondrio (Italy)
  • Interests
    Military Aviation, Sci/Fi modelling, Graphics (Photoshop), knives collecting...and much more!


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  1. OV-10A Bronco 68-73

    Great work! Thanks!
  2. Need your prayers

    I pray for you and her! (we have four daughters)
  3. Ohhh....fantastic work, mate! We had the DH Vampire in service with the 2°, 4° and 6° Stormo. I really love these what-if!
  4. Nigerian Mi-35P colors?

    Take a look here: https://www.ultracast.ca/Linden-Hill-LHD48006-Bush-War-Hinds-Collection-p/lind48006.htm
  5. Real life problem

    My condolences to you and your family
  6. Happy Star Wars Day!!!!

    Done in IL-2...A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... (I don't remember who made the skins. Sorry!. I have only the screenshots of a custom mission)
  7. Happy Mach 1 Day!!!

    mmm.... 14 october 1947 not 11
  8. Valkyrie VF3

  9. Valkyrie VF3

  10. Don't Miss

    Magnum Research .45/70 caliber
  11. Hi Svetlin, would it be possible to have indications on .INI files to use the rack? It would be useful for a my version of the Italian Air Force of the Condor F1 of Coca's. Thanks!
  12. KF2 Hammer "Ra'am II" and "Baz II" (69 Sq early and late, 106 Sq and 133 Sq) IAF

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