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Everything posted by Righteous26

  1. Can you provide the _data.ini file for the missile?
  2. You can destroy these tanks with the listed weapons but it takes a lot of hits to the rear quarter to do it. Attacks from the front are far less effective.
  3. You are basically a very inaccurate artillery piece while trying this. Stick to diving fire.
  4. New Guy hear recommended by Trotski

  5. I would check the cat files to ensure that they have names like ObjectData001.cat and are large. They should be tens to hundreds of megabytes each.
  6. If it keeps that up then just download this file from the site and edit the weapons therein to your liking. It should contain everything you need including models, skins and data files. You can put these in your Objects\Weapons folder
  7. I must have gotten it out of the cat files with the cat Extractor. Here is mine. Just copy it to your Objects folder. I have also included the GUNDATA.INI file. It contains the information for all the guns in the game. Put it in the Objects folder as well. WEAPONDATA.INI GUNDATA.INI
  8. Go to the Objects folder in your install. Look for a file called WEAPONDATA.INI and make a copy of it in case you make a mistake while editing it. This contains the weapon data for the weapons included in the base install. You can search for the AA-2 by using CTRL-F. Individual weapons are overwritten by the folders in the Objects\Weapons folder. So, if there is no AA-2 folder the computer will use the data from the WEAPONDATA.INI file. It is the same data but in a long numbered list with over 100 weapons. In my WEAPONDATA.INI file the AA-2 is [WeaponData141]. Yours may vary. You can change the GuidanceType=10 or any other statement as you see fit.
  9. I used a hex editor called HxD Hex Editor. I went to this website to get the hex codes for the scores: https://numbergenerator.org/numberlist/hex-numbers/1-100000#!low=1&high=100000&csv=nl&oddeven=&step=1&addfilters=
  10. He can explore the site. It would be helpful to see what is here.
  11. There is a 1986 mod for SF2:NA. I believe it is called Red Storm Rising (RSR). It has the F-18A.
  12. Try adding the sounds to your soundlist.ini file.
  13. Boeing AH-64 Apache rockets pod moving up and down

    All four of the pylons are articulated. This appears to be some sort of maintenance test. The pylons have a limited range of motion while the wheels are on the ground and the squat switch is engaged. The squat switch can be overridden by the SQT ORIDE switch in the right rear avionics bay. It can not be overridden from the cockpit. Either pilot can slave the gun to his head.
  14. Terminal popup is for sea skimming anti-ship missiles. It allows the missile to plunge through the deck and provides a terminal evasive maneuver to defeat point defense systems. I would caution against using popup on other types of missiles as the missile could fly into the ground enroute to the target.
  15. It may be much easier on you to place the "Tested on a Full 5 Merged Install" disclaimer on the download page and readme file. The worst thing that is likely to happen to a user who selects a variant for which they have no lod is a CTD.
  16. There appear to be only two options for generating a help flight in the Mission Editor. They are Not Available and Generate Randomly. It does not appear that you can change the type available. See the attached pictures. If you need help with the interceptors then do as the person above suggests and assign an escort to your flight. You can also have a sweep mission go in before you get to the target.
  17. It may be faster to copy the entire Effects folder and not let it overwrite existing files.
  18. The sound names make no difference for the visuals. They determine only what you hear when the missile launches and is active if your view is set to the missile or you are close to the launcher when it fires. You can set the other sound names to "Missile" and the same sound will play on loop while the missile is active regardless of what phase of flight it is in. Check your Effects folder for the following files: LargeMissileFireEffect.ini MissileFireEffect.ini LargeSAMTrailEffect.ini You may have to reload the Effects folder from the weapons pack you used for the SA-5 to get all the effects in the proper folder. The ini files call up other files such as fx files and tga files (pictures with transparencies) to create the effects you see on screen.
  19. Check the missile data file. Look for the following in the last several lines of data. BoosterEffectName=LargeMissileFireEffect //This is the effect at launch BoosterSoundName=SA-2 BoosterNodeName=booster BoosterPosition=0.000000,-6.590000,0.000000 SustainerDuration=10.000000 SustainerAccel=3.8 SustainerEffectName=MissileFireEffect //This is the effect when the sustainer motor is firing SustainerSoundName= SustainerPosition=0.000000,-4.050000,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=LargeSAMTrailEffect //This is the effect when the missile is in flight and neither the booster nor sustainer are firing InFlightSoundName=MissileEngine ReleaseAnimationID=-1 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000 If any of these are blank then nothing shows.
  20. Some aircraft such as certain A-4 and A-7 variants have this. Look for a small green light that reads "IN RANGE" or something similar.
  21. This module is failing: Faulting module path: E:\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Objects\AircraftObject.DLL
  22. They are both MEDIUM. The IraqWA_Targets files shows 17 airbases using airfield7 and 11 using airfield8. I checked the IraqWA_Types file and got the following: [TargetType292] Name=Runway7 FullName=Runway ModelName=airfield7.LOD TargetType=MEDIUM_RUNWAY ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=1000 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=100.0 ArmorValue=0.0 ArmorType=0 RepairRate=20.0 StartDetectChance=100 StartIdentifiedChance=50 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=10 MaxVisibleDist=30000.0 ZBufferOffset=6.000000 FlatObject=TRUE DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect= DestroyedModel= SecondaryChance=0 [TargetType293] Name=Runway8 FullName=Runway ModelName=airfield8.LOD TargetType=MEDIUM_RUNWAY ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=500 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=100.0 ArmorValue=0.0 ArmorType=0 RepairRate=20.0 StartDetectChance=100 StartIdentifiedChance=50 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=10 MaxVisibleDist=30000.0 ZBufferOffset=6.000000 FlatObject=TRUE DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect= DestroyedModel= SecondaryChance=0
  23. This was the initial post. He said the crash happens when he orders his wingmen to attack. He is well past the takeoff point by this time. Perhaps you should pay more attention to the OP and not your unfounded assumptions. This has nothing to do with airfield size or aircraft selection. He made that clear. That's why I suggested taking the CAP chance out to see what happens.
  24. I looked at several benchmarks for both chips and they were 10% different when performing timed tasks. I have also noted that SF2 does not take advantage of the advanced chips. Increasing power does not seem to help here as the OP has an i7 and is still experiencing this problem. The campaign manager also determines missions using the war goals listed near the top of the _data file. You should check that out. It's not just the chance given to the squadron. In this case they are all 90 anyway so any mission type should have the same chance. As you are defensive at the start of the campaign you will be on defensive missions like defensive CAS and CAP. You should start that campaign with a defensive CAS mission if you play as Mercenary and change no other options. I started it ten times yesterday and a defensive CAS mission to Najafi or Mosak came up every time. A CAP mission came up second as I intentionally failed the first mission. I was then able to replicate the problem. It happened twice. The first time was when a MiG-21 fired an AA-2D at a friendly and the second was when I fired an AIM-9N at a MiG-23BN coming off its attack run on some friendly tanks. The game just crashes to the desktop. Setting the CAP mission chance for [AIRUNIT008] to 0 in the _data file may help this. The CAP missions should not come up anymore. You still have not spelled Occam correctly. It's Occam, Ockham or Ocham. A razor is a small blade that is used for precise cuts. Given the intent of Occam's Razor is to be as precise as possible with as little effort as possible a razor is more appropriate.
  25. Is the CAP mission the first or second mission you flew? If it is the second, were you successful on the first?

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