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    By Erik,
    On his way out to lunch, CombatACE's Lead Engineer Bruce Shingleton smiles for a photo as he comments on the downloads he is responsible for and oversees. "Last week we got a new pencil for the pencil holder on my desk and we blew past the five million downloads mark," says Bruce. Indeed we've reached a milestone and are quite proud of the silent counters that keep track of important yet needless numbers. We hope you've gotten hours and hours of entertainment out of the downloads we've help provide to the community, even if you didn't download all 5,000,000.                  .

    DCS World 31 May 2013 News Update
    By Dave,
    31 May 2013 - DCS News Update   This past week saw the release of yet another update to DCS version 1.2.4. The advent of the auto-updater has now allowed us to release much more frequent, smaller patches to main versions (i.e. 1.2.2... 1.2.3... 1.2.4). We hope that you appreciate this as much as we do and not have to wait long period between updates. You can read about the most recent DCS version 1.2.4 update here: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?...95&postcount=7   Over the past week, our team has primarily been focused on bug fixes with a focus on network play, artificial intelligence (AI), avionics, and air defense systems. Next week we will decide to push latest fixes to a new 1.2.4 update or wait for the move to 1.2.5.   In the meantime, our artist have been busy updating some of the outdated 3D models. For instance, I've attached images of the improved 3D models for several Russian-made air-to-air missiles that will be included with the DCS version 1.2.5 release.   Matt  

    DCS World 27 May 2013 Update Available
    By Dave,
    DCS ver. Update   DCS World Adjusted the Module Manager such that, when logged in, the Module Manager will now display the user’s login-name.
    Fixed radars in track mode not being visible on Radar Warning Receivers (RWR).
    The search/acquisition mode for the S-300 tracking/engagement radar (Flap Lid) has been removed.
    Fixed missing search radar indications for the SA-6, SA-11, and I-Hawk.
    DCS: A-10C Warthog Replaced corrupted voice over files (Russian voice-over in A-10C training).
    DCS: Combined Arms The full rearming after activating autopilot after a gunshot is fixed.
    Fixed incorrect machine gun ammo displaying after switching on autopilot for a client.
    Fixed binocular view when using a two-monitor configuration.
    DCS: Black Shark 2 Spanish localization: Missing textures for Ka-50 in some missions has been fixed.
    DCS: P-51D Mustang Corrected in-cockpit sound glitches.
    The mirror can now be closed after deploying with a mouse click.
    ATC in radio menu is fixed for the P-51D.
    Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 Corrected S-25 rockets remaining in payload after salvo launch.
    Standby compass back lighting is now working.
    DCS: UH-1H Huey Increased UH-1H durability after a hard landing (lowered explosion threshold).
    The spontaneous yaw "jerks" has been fixed.
    Added the most recent version of Flight Manual.
    Added functional ground crew to the FARP for a UH-1.

    DCS World 24 May 2013 Update
    By Dave,
    24 May 2013 Update   Earlier this week we released a further update to DCS version 1.2.4, that you can read about here: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?...26&postcount=6   Before moving on to DCS version 1.2.5, we plan on one more update to 1.2.4 with a focus on resolving bugs that are having the biggest impact on gameplay. Chizh and I (with tester input) have scoured the bugs and problems sub-forums and created a list of the most common complaints / bug reports. Our goal is to wrap up 1.2.4 in such a way that we have a very solid foundation for 1.2.5. Once I have a change log, I hope to post it prior to version release.   A few weeks ago I mentioned new information regarding the Nevada map and the development of EDGE technology. Fear not, I have not forgotten! Much of this work is being done in our Minsk office and I am waiting to receive images and information from them to use in my update. Unfortunately, I have not had access to new terrain builds in over a year (I have not been holding out on you all!).   An internal topic this week was how we can improve our communications via our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/eagle.dynamics We will now being doing much more regular posts, more images, weekly "best of" community screen shots, more general military aviation news, and break up the large update text blocks with smaller posts such that news is not missed of products releases and software updates. If you have other ideas on how you think we can improve our Facebook page, we would love to hear from you.   As many of you have learned, the next project from the very talented Belsimtek team (developers of DCS: UH-1H Huey) is the Mi-8MTV-2. The team is already making rapid progress and they gave me permission to provide a few new, work-in-progress images.   Matt

    DCS update is now available
    By Dave,
    DCS WORLD Multiplayer. Icon and life bar of killed unit do not disappear for client (hide icon). Fixed. Sometimes client doesn't get info about group placement. Fixed. Fixed client crash on mission restart while still loading. Added FW-190 as a static object. MP. Clients crash after server unpause (mission related). Fixed. Missing sounds in mission file is fixed. Module manager. Removed installed add-on's from the available tab. Command menu problem has been fixed: the same menus were not be able to be submenus. AI do not follow advanced waypoint attack restrictions is fixed.   DCS A-10C A-10C RWR works in the MP now. AGM-65E can't be used in A-10C anymore.   DCS CA Ground Commander control can move unmovable units     DCS FC3 A-10A. Cockpit pressure altitude implemented in cockpit. A-10A. Engine oil pressure indicators are working. A-10A. APU gauges were added. A-10A. Ripple quantity and interval is fixed. A-10A. Cockpit time of day in HUD is incorrect is fixed. Su-27. Cockpit RWR nail lights are reversed. Fixed. FW-190. Warm air trail is removed. F-15C. The IR threats will not indicate on the TEWS. A-10A. Right rudder pedal is jammed forward in the cockpit is fixed. Autothrust was removed at all aircrafts except of Su-33. Su-33. Autotrust now should be engaged separately after route/return/landing autopilot mode was engaged. Su-27/33. Flaperons control buttons animated. Su-27/33. Flaps now can be commanded to extended at any speed. However they will be not extended until airspeed is lower than a certain value A-10A. Cockpit, left yaw SAS switch moves when RWR makes a sound. Fixed. A-10A. engine temperature indicators are fixed. Su-27. Fixed gun shells counter. A-10A All Circuit Breakers always popped out are fixed.   DCS UH-1H Corrected missions of UN campaign.

    DCS: Mil Mi-8MTv2 Screenshots
    By Dave,

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