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SF/WO* Add-On Aircraft

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SF/WoV/WOE/FE Add-On Aircraft

    1. [Fictional] Dhimari F-104G Starfighter for SF1

      Lockheed F-104G Starfighter for STRIKE FIGHTERS 1
      This is a simple mod of the stock F-104G to give a Dhimari Starfighter with markings for;
      No.1 Squadron - 'The Panthers'
      No.9 Squadron - 'The Fennec Foxes'
      This mod is specifically meant for those versions of SF:P1 or SFG that have the F-104G LOD's so please do not attempt to use this in SF2 as it will reference the newer 3D model with built-in drop tanks.
      1. Drop the F-104G_Dh folder into your Aircraft folder.
      That's it!
      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - January 8th, 2024.


         (0 reviews)



    2. Supermarine Skylark F.1 (Super Mystère B2)

      Supermarine Skylark F.1 for SF1 Wings Over Israel
      This is a simple mod of the excellent Third Wire Dassault Super Mystère B2 to give a 'what if' Supermarine Skylark F.1 with markings for No.5, No.11, No.23 and No.29 squadrons of the Royal Air Force's Fighter Command during the late 1950's and early 1960's era.
      It is essential that you have Wings Over Israel as this is the only 'Series One' game to have the Mystère IV LOD's.
      The adoption of the earlier Dassault Mystère IV (licence-built by Supermarine Aviation as the Siskin F.1) encouraged Dassault to offer the forthcoming Super Mystère to the UK Government to meet the RAF's requirement for a Venom replacement for overseas use. However, by mid-1955 the requirement had changed to that for a supersonic interceptor-fighter for RAF Fighter Command to supplement the Hunter F.6 and provide a lead-in to the Mach 2 English Electric Lightning.
      By this time the Super Mystère prototype had flown (initially powered by a Rolls Royce Avon RA.7R) and the successful early flight-testing gave the RAF the confidence to quickly draft an official Operational Requirement based around a Super Mystère powered by the proposed Avon RA.21R and armed with 2 x 30mm ADEN cannon. Supermarine were selected to licence-build the Super Mystère at South Marston as the Supermarine Skylark F.1 for RAF Fighter Command and with an initial order for 120 aircraft and soon supplemented with an order for 45 Skylark FR.2's for RAF Germany (carrying centreline Vinten camera pods).
      Whilst Dassault quickly moved on to the Mirage family of delta-winged fighters the Skylark was further developed by Supermarine as the FGA.3 fighter-bomber for the RAF and also exported to Finland, India and Saudi Arabia.

      1. Drop the SkylarkF1 folder into your Aircraft folder.
      That's it!

      Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
      And special thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 06/05/18
      Version 1 - 12/06/09


         (0 reviews)



    3. TU-160 Blackjack for SF1 series by UllyB

      TU_160 Blackjack project by UllyB for SF1 series

          The Tupolev Tu-160, NATO reporting name: Blackjack) is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing heavy strategic bomber designed by the Tupolev Design Bureau in the Soviet Union in the 1970s. It is the largest and heaviest Mach 2+ supersonic military aircraft ever built and second only to the XB-70 Valkyrie in overall length.It is the largest and heaviest combat aircraft, the fastest bomber now in use and the largest and heaviest variable-sweep wing airplane ever flown.
          Entering service in 1987, the Tu-160 was the last strategic bomber designed for the Soviet Union. As of 2016, the Russian Air Force's Long Range Aviation branch has at least 16 aircraft in service.The Tu-160 active fleet has been undergoing upgrades to electronics systems since the early 2000s. The Tu-160M modernization programme has begun with the first updated aircraft delivered in December 2014.

       TO INSTALL:
      - unzip the Tu-160 folder into your ...\Objects\Aircraft folder
      - unzip the content of the Effects folder into game's effects folder

      project manager - UllyB
      design,3D modelling,skin,decals - AngelP
      FM tweaking & other corrections- Baffmeister
      cockpit - the model uses a F-111A cockpit designed by NormanKnight.
      weapons tweaking & tester - Baffmeister
      project supervising - Baffmeister & Yakarov79
      Special thanks to Stratos, 76IAP-Blackbird and Logan4 for support, help and ideas
      Special thanks to this wonderful community who gave me ...wings and courage in all these long years.
      I pledge that I will continue the work to this plane bringing, from time to time, upgrades but it will take a while so please be patient.


         (0 reviews)



    4. De Havilland Vampire F.8

      De Havilland Vampire F.8 for SF1
      This aircraft mod will create a 'what if' de havilland Vampire F.8 with colourful post-war markings for No.3, No.4, No.98 and No.263 squadrons of the Royal Air Force. 
      This is a revised upload that was originally for SF2 but mistakenly got left in the SF1 section when the SF1/SF2 split happened and as I can't get SFG/WOX to work on my W10 desktop I've not been able to test it. I think I've got the reverse engineering right but the one thing I can't do is sort out the rockets and tanks (it's so much easier in SF2).

      1. Drop the Vampire_F8 folder into your Aircraft folder.
      That's it.

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Thanks to Pasko for this superb add-on aircraft (one of his many), Gramps for the skins and also Don (C5) for the FM. 
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 26/06/2020
      Version 1 - 17/06/2009


         (1 review)



    5. De Havilland Vampire FB.7

      de Havilland Vampire FB.7 for SF1
      This aircraft mod will create a 'what if' de havilland Vampire FB.7 with colourful post-war markings for No.6, No.8 and No.20 squadrons of the Royal Air Force. 
      This is a revised upload that was originally for SF2 but mistakenly got left in the SF1 section when the big SF1/SF2 split happened and as I can't get SFG/WOX to work on my W10 desktop I've not been able to test it. I think I've got the reverse engineering right but the one thing I can't do is sort out the rockets and tanks (it's so much easier in SF2).

      1. Drop the Vampire_FB7 folder into your Aircraft folder.
      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Thanks to Pasko for this superb add-on aircraft (one of his many), Gramps for the skins and also Don (C5) for the FM. 
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 24/06/2020
      Version 1 - 09/04/2009


         (0 reviews)



    6. A-50_Mainstay_AWACS

      1.After unziping the mod archive first copy the A-50 folder into:
      *\Objects\Aicraft\ folder.
      2.Then copy the content of the fake_pylon folder,except the text file into:
      *\Objects\Weapons\ folder.
      3.Add the content of weapons.txt file to the weapondata.ini file.
      4.Then start the Weapon Editor Application (WeaponEditor.exe), and load the weapondata.ini file and SAVE ! It's important.
      5.Keep in mind that this plane uses a LARGE runaway, alright ?, so any terrain which DOESN'T have at least one LARGE runaway for the ENEMY (just check the targets.ini file for airfields and runaways to be sure) it will crash the game. It took me a while to realize that but finally i did and I updated the readme for letting you all know that as well. For the time being, Madagascar terrain and Vietnam map don't have , for ENEMY, a large runaway. (In my personal setup I added one for each to be able to play there,too)
      6.If you have a favorite jet you wanna accompany you and you need fuel tanks for it, just replace the default MIG-29 fuel tank setting on the fake pylon declaration with the one you desire.
      The modded AWACS has air-to-air/air-to-ground radar (360 degrees and 200 miles radius for BOTH!) and target lock features.It can see and lock to a target which is 200nm ahead. This way you can surveillance a whole area and lots of enemy planes keeping an eye on any buggy which winds up too close to you. It also has ECM measures, missiles decoys (chaff & flares) and RWR capabilities so you will know if enemy has a lock on you or a radar guided missile is on its way to you.
      Now start the game and select, in SINGLE PLAYER, A-50 plane. DON'T load weapons for YOUR plane (the AWACS), instead, from the roster, add two (or five) more aircraft. Leave first to be the A-50. The next ones made them "escort fighters", for instance choose two MIG-25/29/31 etc. Remember, for the sake of realism you can choose just soviet planes ONLY, for others , no ammo and missiles will be available. After selecting some fighters load them in the same menu with ammo and missile and just start the flight. In this scenario the wing will behave like a bomber wing, not like a usual fighter one, so you, with the AWACS you'll be in the center and other two fighters will be on your right and on your left. Other additional 3 (if you chose 5 escort planes) will go behind in a wall formation. You have air-air radar and you can see & lock planes which are 200nm ahead! After locking a fighter for example, if that fighter goes into your path and you have just 30km to it, send first two wingmen to intercept. First two plane will behave like your wingman in fighter missions, you can give them command "attack my target" so it's important to lock on an enemy plane first,obviously. If the events heat up you can order the next three fighter from the escort (if you chose 5 in total) to move in. Just give them the command "Engage Air" and if enemy fighters are near they will engage them as well. So basically you can have two planes behaving like a single wingman and other three that will engage in the area if enemy planes are near.
      As a variation you can mix fighter and fighter/bomber planes in your escort and this way you can deal with ground threats, too. Are you nearby an enemy airbase and a SAM lock sound bothers you or an anti-air gun looks funny at you? Just search it with the "HOME" key, no matter how far/close it is and send some planes from your escort, which have antiradiation missiles (or other Air-to-surface ordnance) to take care of the problem.
      -The mod was tested on SF1 WOI but it should work fine in other SF1 games (WOV, WOE etc).
      I used the Veltro2k's E-767 avionics (AWACS 360 degrees radar this time!) and his famous A-50 Mainstay model which I found it here on the download section long ago, Pasko's Tu-16T cockpit and fake pylons. My only merit is that I just had the idea of transforming all these into an AWACS SINGLEPLAYER mode and that I tweaked it and put all together to make it work. Logan4 also contributed helping me to make the fuel indicator work (many thanks friend for that!).
      -This mode is free of charge and can not be sold by anyone. Feel free to use this mode in your future project without asking permission, just don't forget to add me to the credits list.


         (3 reviews)



    7. SU-30SM

      Su-30SM Flanker-H
      This model from the DesireFX Page, by user Quartermaster's su-35 3dmodel 
      There is no cockpit in the package,You have to download it 
      in the cockpit. ini
      Please set the Position
      two verson's DATA.ini in the file package,
      AL-31FP's su30sm and AL-41's SU30sm.
      Anmation is open the cockpit and Aircraft fuel pipe,
      The key,ANIMATION_9 and ANIMATION_10 in the game.
      Hope you like it!


         (1 review)



    8. SU-35

      This model from the DesireFX Page, by user Quartermaster's su-35 3dmodel 
      There is no cockpit in the package,You must download it. 
      or it can't be runned in the game.
      Please copy the su-35.lod and su-35data.ini to the su-35 folder.
      when you have been to download the cockpit,
      Please set the Position in the cockpit.ini.
      About the Anmation,The key,ANIMATION_10,
      open the cockpit.
      This model's skin can be used in the Su-30sm also.
      Have Fun!


         (1 review)



    9. Su-37 Terminator

      SU-37 Flanker-F
      Su-37 "Terminator" by the Russian Sukhoi fighter aircraft is a development
      and production of the company's single-seat multi-purpose jet fighter prototype.
      As Su-37 Su-27 fighter is a series of new models are derived from one,
      so the continuation of the Su-27 NATO code, known as the Flanker-F.
      Su-37 in April 1996 in Zhukovsky near Moscow for the first flight Flight Test Center.
      3dregenerator's 3dmodel
      DATA From Another Sukhoi fighter DATA
      Cockpit use insky su-35 Cockpit
      If you want use it in Strike Fighter 2,Please open 3dMod-For-SF2 package,And put
      it in Su-37 Terminator package.
      Thanks for user ivanbasic
      2014 fix NoesGear bug
      Add new skin
      2020/5/27 Add Fixed Data.INI(The game in the difficult level ,High mobility )
       Su-37_DATA(fixed).ini  <------------------------------------------ download in the here
      Thanks!Have Fun!


         (11 reviews)



    10. F/A-37A Talon

      F/A-37A Talon
      Another fine add-on aircraft by Zur-TECH.com
      Installation: Launch the executable and follow the directions.
      Install... Fly... Have Fun.


         (24 reviews)



    11. WOE Mirage 4000 BA & BB - Belgian Air Force

      This aircraft mod represents Dassault's what-if Mirage 4000BA fighter and its trainer BB variant in the Belgian Air Force service. Since the company always created several variants of each type based on costumer requirement and evolution of technology, other national oriented types and variants will be uploaded as separate packages.
      This package comes with 1 skin set for each variant, with decals for BA (18 planes), and for BB (8 planes).
      This is the SF1 version, tested in WOE. There might be some hidden flaws in SFP1, WOV or WOI. Please report if you find some problem.
      The FlightEngine.ini file is extracted from WOE, in order to edit the following part :
      If you're using a SFP1, WOV or WOI install, make sure you can do this edit in the appropriate file.
      Be aware that it could have an effect on other mods (like "double canopy" issue) then you could adjust the value 0.01 to whatever you want (0.97 ? 1.0 ?)
      Install is the regular dropping the contents in their respective places.
      Please note: The model can be quite heavy on FPS in large formations on weaker machines, so if required, either resize skin files or use lower lods(_nd,001,002,003) as lod1.
      The model uses the general french and NATO weapons, either as part of weapon packs or the Mirage 2000 family.
      Important: The BB variant comes with 2 types of cockpit, the basic setup will use a simple pit that has only the pilots cabin instrumented. The other is a fully modeled front and rear compartment, in which you want to fly you should activate the proper line in the AC's.ini file.
      CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000BB_Cockpit.ini <---- basic setup
      ;CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000BB_Cockpit_full1.ini <------ front seat
      ;CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000BB_Cockpit_full2.ini <------ rear seat
      Be aware - the piloting seat position can not be changed during/in game, so chose wisely!
      Make sure to read the manual included with the package.
      Creators of these Aircraft mods as members of CombatAce site:
      Original 3D work: Cocas
      Aircraft 3d update and additional changes: Logan4
      Cockpit 3d work: Logan4
      Aircraft FM: Cliff7600
      Aircraft avionics: Loborojo, Cliff7600, logan4
      Skin files and decals: Flogger23, Cliff7600, logan4, loborojo
      Cockpit files: Logan4, Cliff7600
      Thanks to Crusader for additional brochure files
      Big thanks to members of CombatAce for helping and answering our questions and in sorting out some of the issues we got while creating this mod.
      Modding and distribution of files are allowed and limited according to the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement.


         (0 reviews)



    12. S-32(test)

      3dmodel is from the free3d(freeware)
      (This is not my model, but Edited by me)
      this is a test verson,maybe it has  any unknow problem.
      The su-47 skin  is can be used in this mod,too.
      Cockpit use insky su-35 Cockpit
      The animation key is the 
      ctrl + 0(open the cockpit)
      ctrl + O(open the weaponBay)

      I can't provide sound files and the effect files.
      so you must find the files before you folder it in the game.
      Thanks a lot
      Have fun


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    13. SU-47

      3dmodel is from the free3d(freeware)
      (This is not my model, but Edited by me)
      Cockpit use insky su-35 Cockpit
      The animation key is the 
      ctrl + 0(open the cockpit)
      ctrl + O(open the weaponBay)

      I can't provide sound files and the effect files.
      so you must find the files before you folder it in the game.
      Thanks a lot
      Have fun


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    14. WOE Mirage 4000 A & B - French Air Force

      This aircraft mod represents Dassault's probable initial Mirage 4000A fighter and its trainer B variant in the French Air Force service. Since the company always created several variants of each type based on costumer requirement and evolution of technology, other national oriented types and variants will be uploaded as separate packages.
      This package comes with 3 skin sets for each variant, 3 squadron specific for A (18 planes), and 3 squadron sets for B (8 planes) and special Tiger Meet skin for a single AC.
      This is the SF1 version, tested in WOE. There might be some hidden flaws in SFP1, WOV or WOI. Please report if you find some problem.
      The FlightEngine.ini file is extracted from WOE, in order to edit the following part :
      If you're using a SFP1, WOV or WOI install, make sure you can do this edit in the appropriate file.
      Be aware that it could have an effect on other mods (like "double canopy" issue) then you could adjust the value 0.01 to whatever you want (0.97 ? 1.0 ?)
      Install is the regular dropping the contents in their respective places. In case you have the prototype variant, the 4 "blue tanks" are identical.
      Please note: The model can be quite heavy on FPS in large formations on weaker machines, so if required, either resize skin files or use lower lods(_nd,001,002,003) as lod1.
      The model uses the general french weapons, either as part of weapon packs or the Mirage 2000 family.
      Important: The B variant comes with 2 types of cockpit, the basic setup will use a simple pit that has only the pilots cabin instrumented. The other is a fully modeled front and rear compartment, in which you want to fly you should activate the proper line in the AC's.ini file.
      CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000B_Cockpit.ini <---- basic setup
      ;CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000B_Cockpit_full1.ini <------ front seat
      ;CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000B_Cockpit_full2.ini <------ rear seat
      Be aware - the piloting seat position can not be changed during/in game, so chose wisely!
      Make sure to read the manual included with the package.
      Creators of these Aircraft mods as members of CombatAce site:
      Original 3D work: Cocas
      Aircraft 3d update and additional changes: Logan4
      Cockpit 3d work: Logan4
      Aircraft FM: Cliff7600
      Aircraft avionics: Loborojo, Cliff7600, logan4
      Skin files and decals: Flogger23, Cliff7600, logan4, loborojo
      Cockpit files: Logan4, Cliff7600
      Thanks to Crusader for additional brochure files
      Big thanks to members of CombatAce for helping and answering our questions and in sorting out some of the issues we got while creating this mod.
      Modding and distribution of files are allowed and limited according to the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement.


         (0 reviews)



    15. WOE Mirage 4000 prototype (What-If)

      This aircraft mod represents the probable workout of Dassault's Mirage 4000 and also the first member of an aircraft family as the company always created several variants of each type based on costumer requirement and evolution of technology. Other types and variants will be uploaded as separate packages.
      This package comes with 2 skin sets, the white prototype available for 4 AC, and a test squadron skin for 26 planes.
      This model is the SF1 version, tested in WOE.
      Using it in SFP1, WOV or WOI may reveal some hidden flaws.
      The FlightEngine.ini file provided comes from WOE. Read the "Readme" file for info.
      Install is the regular dropping the contents in their respective places.
      Please note: The model can be quite heavy on FPS in large formations on weaker machines, so if required, either resize skin files or use lower lods(_nd,001,002,003) as lod1.
      The model uses the general french weapons, either as part of weapon packs or the Mirage 2000 family.
      Make sure to read the manual included with the package.
      Creators of these Aircraft mods as members of CombatAce site:
      Original 3D work: Cocas
      Aircraft 3d update and additional changes: Logan4
      Cockpit 3d work: Logan4
      Aircraft FM: Cliff7600
      Aircraft avionics: Loborojo, Cliff7600, Logan4
      Skin files and decals: Flogger23, Cliff7600, Logan4, Loborojo
      Cockpit files: Logan4, Cliff7600
      Thanks to Crusader for additional brochure files
      Big thanks to members of CombatAce for helping and answering our questions and in sorting out some of the issues we got while creating this mod.
      Modding and distribution of files are allowed and limited according to the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement.


         (2 reviews)

      1 comment


    16. Nigerian Air Force Tiger Moth

      Nigerian Air Force Tiger Moth skin for SF, WoV, WoE
      This is a re-skin of RussoUK's excellent little Tiger Moth into those used (???) by the Nigerian Air Force, in their never ending battle for freedom against the aggressors from it's evil neighbor, Togo
      (also reccomended is the weapons modification pak for the Moth available both here at CA and my site)
      This little gem stems from the never ending, good natured ribbing amongst many of us that follow El Presedentie-for-Life, Sparkomatic.
      I'd actually made, and finished this, over a year ago, and promptly forgot about it.
      But with renewed intrest in the Nigerian money-schemes (as posted at C5s), I realized it was time for it's release.
      Defend the Honor of our Beloved Country!!
      Kevin Stein


         (2 reviews)



    17. F-104G Starfighter by 3rdwire for SF/WO*

      This is the default model of the F-104G Starfighter model by Thirdwire for SFG added as setup/installer by BUFF for WOV & WOE Oct 2008 Update. I am uploading the compressed version for those who want to install this addon manually. I take no credit in creating/modifying this addon.


         (1 review)



    18. F-22A Global Strike Raptor

      F-22A Blk 20 Global Strike Raptor by the Raptor Team
      Team members:
      Dels – Model maker extraordinaire
      Jimmybib - Skins
      Jat – AIM-9X
      kei nagase - Skins
      Moonjumper - INI work
      Starfighter – FM work
      Fast Cargo - Weps Assist
      CA_Stary - AB Effects
      USAFMTL – Decal work and project manager.
      Wpnssgt and Fubar for their start on this project.
      Aircraft goes into your aircraft folder
      Effects go into the effects folder
      Sounds go into the sounds folder
      AIM-9X bitmap goes into the weapon folder. (You must have the Jul 06 weps pack installed)
      Add the drop tanks as explained in the CA Knowledge Base. Also included are the Small Diameter Bombs and the JSOW by Fast Cargo. To get the default loadouts you must installed these. We are not responsible for any problems you have by not doing so.
      Adding weps link at CA
      The doors don't open automatically. Use Ctrl - O
      Would of loved to of had TVC. But it doesn't exist in game.
      There is no opening gun door. We ran out of animation slots.
      This is freeware and may not be sold. This may not be distributed to any other s sites but Column5.us and Check-six.
      Anything I forgot to mention is purely unintentional.


         (23 reviews)



    19. F-4S_Beta.7z

      Here is an F-4S Phantom II with only 2 skins. I have in my personal stash version more skins, but I need to finish tweaking.
      The completed version will have more skins and I'll include weps and sound files, pilots etc.  If no pilot shows up when u try this one you'll have to edit the 'data' file and change the pilot with one you have.
      I just realized I neglected to change the sound settings in the data file...so i enclosed my j79.wav files.
      Be careful not to overwrite what you don't want to loose, so I'd unzip it to somwplace like C:\Temp...the copying to the right folders.


         (1 review)



    20. [Fictional] McDonnell Douglas A-4E Skyhawk 'Greece'

      McDonnell Douglas A-4E Skyhawk, Hellenic Air Force for STRIKE FIGHTERS 1
      This is a simple mod of the Third Wire A-4E Skyhawk to create a fictional A-4E in service with the Hellenic Air Force during the 1967 to 1991 timeline. It should work with any Series One game with the A-4E LOD's and 'What If' markings are included for 330 Mira in an 'as delivered' USN scheme and also 339 Mira and 340 Mira in wrap-around camo schemes made by me using the template uploaded by BUFF.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the A-4E_HAF folder into your Aircraft folder.
      That's it!

      Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
      Thanks to BUFF for uploading the A-4E template from which I've used the lines and rivets layer.
      And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 10/06/18


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    21. SF1: Nanchang Q-5A 'Fantan' Mongolian AF (What If)

      Nanchang Q-5A 'Fantan' for Strike Fighters 1
      This is a simple mod of the excellent Nanchang Q-5/A-5 Fantan brought to us by 101tfs, Erwin_Hans and friends back in 2008 to make a fictional export version for the Mongolian Air Force. This mod uses the famous 'ordway' MiG-19S pit and the original cockpit 'read me' is included in the aircraft folder - it's certainly worth a read.

      1. From the Aircraft folder drag and drop the Q-5A into your Aircraft folder.
      That's it! I like to keep things simple so I use stock weapons and effects.

      Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
      Big thanks to Erwin_Hans, 101tfs and friends.
      Big thanks also to Richard Pitts2A Ordway for the Mig-19 cockpit.
      And special thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 01/06/18


         (0 reviews)



    22. Avro Canada CF-103 Archer

      Avro Canada CF-103 Arrow for Strike Fighters 1
      This is a simple mod of the excellent Shenyang F-8IIM 'FinBack-B' brought to us by Erwin_Hans back in 2008 to make a fictional Canadian cold-war interceptor with markings for the following RCAF squadrons;
      No.409 Squadron (Blue & Yellow Rudder Stripes)
      No.410 Squadron (Red & White Rudder Stripes)
      No.414 Squadron (Black & Red Rudder Stripes)
      No.416 Squadron (Black & Yellow Rudder Stripes)
      No.425 Squadron (Black & Silver Rudder Stripes)
      N.B. 1960's RCAF markings are a bit of a challenge as they changed so often so I've just gone for a mid-1960's snapshot!

      Serving with no less that nine front-line RCAF squadrons at its peak in the mid-1950's, the Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck provided all-weather defense against Soviet intruders and the four Canuck squadrons based in Europe from 1956 to1962 were, for some time, the only NATO fighters capable of operating in zero visibility and poor weather conditions. However, recognising the fact that the Soviet Union was working on newer jet-powered bombers the RCAF began looking for a missile-armed replacement for the CF-100 even before it had entered service and in January 1953 the RCAF's All-Weather Interceptor Requirements Team submitted a report to the Canadian Government outlining their requirements.
      In response, Avro Canada came up with three distinct proposals;
      1. A subsonic CF-100 development with a thinner swept wing and tail surfaces and with external missile stores (CF-100S).
      2. A single-seat supersonic delta-winged aircraft with twin engines and external missile stores (CF-103).
      3. A large two-seat supersonic delta-winged aircraft with twin engines and an internal missile bay (CF-105).
      After a full year of reviewing Avro Canada's proposals the RCAF announced in February 1954 that they considered that the CF-103 represented the optimum balance between cost, efficacy and in-service date and requested that Avro Canada should be awarded a production contract for 200 CF-103's. To keep costs down the RCAF stipulated the use of two key 'off the shelf' items; the Hughes MA-1 fire control system (from the Convair F-102A) and the Rolls-Royce Avon afterburning turbojet (from the English Electric Lightning). Whilst both items were actually still under development themselves, they were considered to be a safer choice than any home-grown paper project and likely to reach maturity for the projected in-service date of 1960. The only area of risk was the decision to arm the CF-103 with the radical British ADEN 230 twin-barreled cannon in a streamlined semi-conformal installation carrying the cannon and with a 500 round ammunition drum stored immediately above and inside the fuselage.
      The CF-103 used the then fashionable delta-wing configuration but with slab tailplanes and, in order to house a large radar set, the CF-103  used a solid nose with variable geometry air intakes on the fuselage with intake ramps and splitter plates which proved to be a perfect match for the Avon RB.146 turbojet engines each rated at 12,500 lbs thrust dry and 16,500 lbs thrust with afterburner. The aircraft was intended to be built directly from the production line thus skipping the traditional hand-built prototype phase and luckily very little re-design was required as testing progressed. On October 4th 1957, the same day as the launch of Sputnik 1, the first CF-103A was rolled out at Avro Canada's facility at Malton, Ontario eventually making it's first flight on December 30th, 1957 with Chief Development Test Pilot Janusz Zurakowski at the controls. Flight testing quickly demonstrated excellent handling and overall performance, reaching Mach 2.1 in level flight. Development was slowed slightly due to problems with the Hughes MA-1 Fire Control System and the ADEN 230 twin-barreled cannon but the first two CF-103A's entered service with No.425 Squadron on August 15th, 1961 in a ceremony at RCAF Namao, Alberta becoming fully operational by the end of the year.

      1. From the Aircraft folder drag and drop the CF-103A and CF-103B folders into your Aircraft folder.
      That's it! But why are there two aircraft?
      Firstly, I wanted to show this aircraft with AIM-4D Falcons so chose the CF-103A for that but to get Falcons to appear in 1963 I've had to use 'USAF' as the nation name in both the data.ini and textureset.ini which allows a 1963 in service date instead of the 1966 (the allowable export year of the AIM-4D).
      Secondly, I like the look of the black intakes used on the CF-103B which are an affectionate nod towards the mighty CF-105 Arrow. So all five CF-103B skins have black intakes whilst the CF-103A has grey intakes and the continuous 'cheat line' but you can swap things around to suit your own preferences.

      Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
      Enormous thanks to Erwin_Hans, olo007 and 101tfs and the Inksy Group for bringing us the Shenyang F-8IIM.
      And special thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 27/05/18


         (1 review)



    23. Xian FBC-1M 'Flying Leopard'

      Xian FBC-1M for SF1
      This is a simple mod of the excellent JH-7A/FBC-1 released by Insky many years ago to give a fictional export version in service with the Mongolian Air Force. This is released 'as is' and really needs a good Chinese weapons pack, something I don't have in my SF1 installs or simply download the JH-7A.
      Under Soviet pressure at the end of World War Two, the Republic of China was obliged to formally accept Mongolian independence. However, following the Communists victory in the Chinese Civil War, the People's Republic of China warmly recognised Mongolia's independent status and established diplomatic relations with Mongolia during 1949. Although Mongolia aligned itself with the Soviet Union during the Cold War both nations patiently came to agreement on border disputes and by 1986 they had begun to establish trade agreements that paved the way for the 1988 treaty on border control and the 1994 treaty of friendship.
      By 2002, China had become Mongolia's biggest trade partner and their largest source of foreign investment with China allowing the use of its Tianjin port to give Mongolia access to trade within the Asia Pacific region and, in return, giving China access to Mongolia's natural resources. In a move designed to bolster regional security China exported 20 Xian FBC-1 Flying Leopard fighter-bombers (the export version of the JH-7A) which entered service with the Mongolian Air Force in 2008.

      1. Drop the FBC-1M folder into your Aircraft folder.
      That's it!

      Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
      Thanks to Erwin_Hans for bringing the JH-7A to us back in 2009.
      And special thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 15/05/18


         (1 review)



    24. Supermarine Siskin F.1 (Mystère IV - RAF)

      Supermarine Siskin F.1 for SF1 Wings Over Israel
      This is a simple mod of the excellent Third Wire Dassault Mystère IV to give a 'what if' Supermarine Siskin F.1 with markings for No.43, No.56 and No.63 squadrons of the Royal Air Force's Fighter Command during the mid-late 1950's era.
      It is essential that you have Wings Over Israel as this is the only 'Series One' game to have the Mystère IV LOD's.
      The early-1950's was a difficult time for RAF Fighter Command. The obscolescent Meteor F.8 formed the mainstay of Fighter Command but it could barely catch the RAF's Canberra jet bombers and would have been hopelessly outclassed by MiG-15's if the Cold War had turned hot. But just at the time that Fighter Command should have been looking forward to receiving the modern swept-wing Hawker Hunter and Supermarine Swift fighters both programmes hit severe technical problems. especially the doomed Swift. Even before the decision to cancel the Swift fighter programme (taken in February 1955) the Air Ministry were looking for an 'off the shelf' purchase of an interim 'stop-gap' type and although the North American F-86 Sabre was procured in substantial numbers the desperately poor balance of payments situation with the US prevented further purchases.
      Dassault had previously offered the Mystère IIC to the UK Government and had been turned down. But in November 1952 an RAF evaluation team were sent to Istres to evaluate the Mystère IV and submitted an enthusiastic report to the Air Ministry who decided to place an order for 200 Mystère IV's to be licence-built by Supermarine Aviation with Rolls Royce Tay engines. Entering service in March 1955 as the Siskin F.1 this fine aircraft was used by RAF Fighter Command until the early 1960's with the subsequent Siskin FGA.2 fighter-bomber serving in RAF Far East Air Force until 1970.

      1. Drop the SiskinF1 folder into your Aircraft folder.
      That's it!

      Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
      And special thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 04/05/18
      Version 1 - 10/06/09


         (0 reviews)



    25. [Fictional] Dhimari RF-101C Voodoo

      McDonnell RF-101C Voodoo for Strike Fighters 1
      This is a very simple mod of ErikGen's superb RF-101C to give a fictional RF-101C in service with the 20th Recon Flight of the Dhimari Air Force.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the RF-101Cdh folder into your Aircraft folder.
      That's it! Any existing RF-101C's you may have are completely unaffected by this mod.

      Thanks to ErikGen for giving the Voodoo to the SF community. It's 'Hall of Fame' stuff!
      Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
      And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 16/04/18


         (0 reviews)




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