JAS-39C Gripen
By Dave
JAS-39C Gripen
You Gripen Team is:
Model, Weps and Skins by Gux
FM by Column5
Avionics by Moonjumper and Jat
Testing by USAFMTL
Installation insctructions:
Just install the aircraft into your objects/aircraft folder.
Put the weapons folder in objects folder. If you have a weapons pack installed then that folder will already be there. In that case take the contents and put them in the weapons folder.
Add the weapons according the link below. The gundata is added the same way. Just using the gundata editor.
The data you need to add is in two separate notepad documents.
Sounds go into the sounds folder.
Been tested in WOE only.
Korean War RF-51D Photo-Recon
By Geary
Korean War RF-51D for SF1
For those of us that still fly SF1, who still enjoy the old Korean War mod and who don't have this photo-recon plane.
(Those round black circular things on the left mid/tail section of the plane are supposed to be there. They are the cameras and they are placed in the generally correct areas.)
(This should work fine in SF2. But Wrench has an SF2 RF-51D for Korea in the download section for those that want one for SF2.)
Credit and Thanks to:
Wolf257 - for the P-51D model.
Diego - for the Korean War era pilot.
ErikGen - for the F-80 seat.
Wrench - for the decals and the original skin I adapted/repainted from his SF2 RF-51D.
? - for the P-51 108 gallon drop tank. (Sorry, I don't know who created this but I think it came in an old weapons pack.)
? - I don't know who created the updated cockpit for this model/.lod but God Bless you.
* - The many who created skins, mods, etc for Wolf257's P-51D that I've borrowed from or was inspired by.
Geary - for the new lines, rivets, paint, cameras, new drop tank skin, etc...
If I forget or miss anyone who deserves credit for anything I release, I apologize. I have no intent to abuse or misuse anyone's work or property or claim it as my own. Please contact me to correct any error.
INSTALLATION: Unzip to a folder/place of your choice. Copy, Move, Drag-n-Drop or do whatever you wish to get the folders into their corresponding folders in your Korean War install. If you don't already have the weapon information in your weapondata.ini file, add it. Run the SF1 Weapons Editor. Fly.
I'm releasing this under the Combat Ace Fair Use Agreement. Use it anyway you wish for personal use but please give credit to those due it.
If you find any problems with it, please PM me. If you improve it, please PM me a copy.
By UllyB
1.After unziping the mod archive first copy the TU-126 folder into:
*\Objects\Aicraft\ folder.
2.Then copy the content of the fake_pylon folder,except the text file into:
*\Objects\Weapons\ folder.
3.Add the content of weapons.txt file to the weapondata.ini file.
4.Then start the Weapon Editor Application (WeaponEditor.exe), and load the weapondata.ini file and SAVE ! It's
5.Keep in mind that this plane uses a LARGE runaway, alright ?, so any terrain which DOESN'T have at least one LARGE
runaway for the ENEMY (just check the targets.ini file for airfields and runaways to be sure) it will crash the game.
It took me a while to realize that but finally i did and I updated the readme for letting you all know that as well.
For the time being, Madagascar terrain and Vietnam map don't have , for ENEMY, a large runaway. (In my personal setup I
added one for each to be able to play there,too)
6.If you have a favorite jet you wanna accompany you and you need fuel tanks for it, just replace the default MIG-29
fuel tank setting on the fake pylon declaration with the one you desire.
The modded AWACS has air-to-air/air-to-ground radar (360 degrees and 200 miles radius for BOTH!) and target lock
features.It can see and lock to a target which is 200nm ahead. This way you can surveillance a whole area and lots of
enemy planes keeping an eye on any buggy which winds up too close to you. It also has ECM measures, missiles decoys
(chaff & flares) and RWR capabilities so you will know if enemy has a lock on you or a radar guided missile is on its
way to you.
Now start the game and select, in SINGLE PLAYER, TU-126Moss plane. DON'T load weapons for YOUR plane (the AWACS),
instead, from the roster, add two (or five) more aircraft. Leave first to be the TU-126Moss. The next ones made them
"escort fighters", for instance choose two MIG-25/29/31 etc. Remember, for the sake of realism you can choose just
soviet planes ONLY, for others , no ammo and missiles will be available. After selecting some fighters load them in the
same menu with ammo and missile and just start the flight. In this scenario the wing will behave like a bomber wing,
not like a usual fighter one, so you, with the AWACS you'll be in the center and other two fighters will be on your
right and on your left. Other additional 3 (if you chose 5 escort planes) will go behind in a wall formation. You have
air-air radar and you can see & lock planes which are 200nm ahead! After locking a fighter for example, if that fighter
goes into your path and you have just 30km to it, send first two wingmen to intercept. First two plane will behave like
your wingman in fighter missions, you can give them command "attack my target" so it's important to lock on an enemy
plane first,obviously. If the events heat up you can order the next three fighter from the escort (if you chose 5 in
total) to move in. Just give them the command "Engage Air" and if enemy fighters are near they will engage them as
well. So basically you can have two planes behaving like a single wingman and other three that will engage in the area
if enemy planes are near.
As a variation you can mix fighter and fighter/bomber planes in your escort and this way you can deal with ground
threats, too. Are you nearby an enemy airbase and a SAM lock sound bothers you or an anti-air gun looks funny at you?
Just search it with the "HOME" key, no matter how far/close it is and send some planes from your escort, which have
antiradiation missiles (or other Air-to-surface ordnance) to take care of the problem.
-The mod was tested on SF1 WOI but it should work fine in other SF1 games (WOV, WOE etc).
I used the Veltro2k's E-767 avionics (AWACS 360 degrees radar this time!) and his famous TU-126Moss model which I found
it here on the download section long ago, Pasko's Tu-16T cockpit and fake pylons. My only merit is that I just had the
idea of transforming all these into an AWACS SINGLEPLAYER mode and that I tweaked it and put all together to make it
work. Logan4 also contributed helping me to make the fuel indicator work (many thanks friend for that!).
-This mode is free of charge and can not be sold by anyone. Feel free to use this mode in your future project without
asking permission, just don't forget to add me to the credits list.
MiG-35 Fulcrum F
By Kaiser1
MiG-35 Fulcrum F
Versión 3.0 del caza polivalente MiG-35, toda la aviónica y el armamento lanzable ha recibido una mejora, tratándolo de parecerlo lo mas posible al verdadero MiG-35:
Nuevas características del radar, mas leal al Zhuk Phazotron AE. Inclusión de un sistema IRST, llamado OLS-K con detección IR y TV. Adaptado al nuevo armamento ruso, misiles AA R-74EM y bombas LGB de la serie 500.
Probado en combate contra aviones de 4,5° y 5° generación de aviones de combate.
Version 3.0 of the multi-purpose MiG-35 fighter, all avionics and launchable weaponry has received an improvement, trying to look as much as possible to the true MiG-35:
New features of the radar, more loyal to the Zhuk Phazotron AE. Inclusion of an IRST system, called OLS-K with IR and TV detection. Adapted to new Russian armament, AA R-74EM missiles and 500 series LGB bombs.
Tested in combat against aircraft of 4,5 ° and 5 ° generation of combat aircraft.
RAF Tornado GR1 -
By guuruu
This is full package.
Don't arm AI with JP233, They can't use it.
CHANGES (3.2):
1) Added AI modifications that they don't jump like crazy frogs on take off and can hit target using CCIP bombs.
2) New HUD (more real Tornado like) based on ians755's HUD for SF2.
3) Modified ALARMS, they are really fire and forget now.
4) Added new radar range in GM mode, 0.3 Nm , it is pseudo Terrain Avoidance and 1st radar mode when you activate radar.
5) Added 2BR for tanks racks.
Delete old folder Tornado_IDS, use new one ;-)
I highly recommend to use WeaponEditor and remove following weapons from list before instalation:
Paveway III
Paveway IV
We don't need milions same weapons ;-)
1) Open WoE/Objects/Weapons/WEAPONDATA.ini in notepad.
2) Copy text from weapons.txt in this pack to the end of WEAPONDATA.ini.
3) Correct [WeaponDataxxx] -> xxx for next numbers in list.
4) save WEAPONDATA.ini.
5) delete WoE/Objects/Weapons/WEAPONDATA.DAT file.
6) Run WeaponEditor, open WoE/Objects/Weapons/WEAPONDATA.ini and save it.
This will generate new WEAPONDATA.DAT file.
ravenclaw_007 for BL755
FastCargo for ALARM missile
ianh755 for HUD
Column5.us for NATO fighters.
About rest. I used clean instalation of WoE with NATO fighters I-IV and these 4 planes:
Tornado IDS (which was only in german version there)
Tornado F3 (I used cocpit from this plane and part of HUD)
CF-18 (some small parts of script for HUD, fall line and GM radar skin)
A7D (fall point symbol).
Really have no idea who was author of these parts .... thanks anyway .
JP233 3D model UPDATE
By guuruu
1) New 3D models for JP233 and SG357.
2) Added a little pyro effect.
3) Changed sound SG357.
4) New skin for container.
5) Changed sub-munition positions in container.
0) Copy all files from this pack Weapons folder TO --> Woe/Objects/Weapons
1) Open WeaponEditor and delete all older versions of JP233 and SG357, -->SAVE, -->CLOSE
2) Open WoE/Objects/Weapons/WEAPONDATA.ini in notepad.
3) Copy text from weapons.txt in this pack to the end of WEAPONDATA.ini.
4) Correct [WeaponDataxxx] -> xxx for next numbers in list.
5) Save WEAPONDATA.ini.
6) Open WeaponEditor,WoE/Objects/Weapons/WEAPONDATA.ini -->SAVE, -->CLOSE.
F-15E Strike Eagle_Radar AESA_SFP1 Y SFG
By Kaiser1
F-15E Strike Eagle by Kaiser1
Versión del F-15 adaptado a cazabombardero todo tiempo, cuando entró en servicio en la USAF, los F-15E fueron dotados de un radar AN/APG 70 del tipo multimodo (impulsos Doppler+banda X), después de servir en varios escenarios de combate, la USAF pidió una modernización en su aviónica a Boeing, el cual junto con Raytheon, remplazaron los APG 70 por radares tipo AESA de barrido electrónico activo, los AN/APG 82 V1, que contaban con varias cualidades superiores que sus antecesores.
Esta versión del F-15E esta desarrollada sobre la base de la versión F-15E Strike Eagle V1.3 de Dave con permisos otorgados, intentando mejorar la aviónica de los F-15E y dotarlos de una cabina propia y correspondiente.
El F-15E proporciona las siguiente mejoras:
3 pantallas MFD con la información necesaria para el piloto virtual. Versión de radar lo mas fiel al AN/APG 82 V1. Identificador IFF (Amigo-Enemigo), en la pantalla del radar los enemigos aparecen de color AMARILLO y los amigos de color AZUL (solo en modo TWS-Track While Scan). El APG 82 tiene una ventana de escaneo de 120° y un rango de alcance de 160. Versatilidad de armamento tanto aire-aire como aire-superficie. Muestreo de rangos para misiles AA de radar activo y semiactivo.
En fase de pruebas de combate consiguió victorias contra J10A y MiG-35 Fulcrum F.
Agradecimientos a Dave y el equipo de trabajo del F-15E V1.3, a CombatACE, al grupo Strike Fighters Series y sus modeladores.
Version of the F-15 adapted to fighter bomber all time when he entered service in the USAF, the F-15E was fitted with an AN / APG 70 radar multimode type (pulse Doppler + band X), after serving in various scenarios combat, the USAF ordered a modernization in its avionics to Boeing, which together with Raytheon, replaced the APG 70 radar AESA type of active electronic scanning, the AN / APG 82 V1, which had several superior qualities than their predecessors.
This version of the F-15E is developed on the basis of the version F-15E Strike Eagle V1.3 Dave, trying to improve the avionics of the F-15E and provide them with a corresponding own cabin.
The F-15E provides the following improvements:
3 screens MFD with the information necessary for the virtual pilot. Radar version as faithful to the AN / APG 82 V1. ID IFF (Friend or Foe), on the radar screen enemies appear yellow and friends of BLUE (TWS-only mode Track While Scan). The APG 82 has a scanning window of 120 ° and a range of range of 160. Versatility both arms air-air and air-to-surface. Sampling AA missile ranges for active and semi-active radar.
In combat test phase got victories against J10A and MiG-35 Fulcrum F.
Thanks to Dave and the team of F-15E V1.3, to combatace, the group Strike Fighters Series and modelers.
J-31 Grey Falcon
By Piglet_7
Update on the J-31 (Bandidos) for SF1
- Skins
- Damage textures
No J31 cockpit for SF1 so I've retextured the SF1 F-22 pit
Thanks to Bandidos and ThridWire
Loading & Hangar Screens by LeL
BT2D Dauntless 2 (Ver 2.0)
By Wrench
Douglas BT2D "Dauntless II" Version 2.0 - for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO installs patched to 06 levels -ONLY-!!
Updated to Version 2.0, Uploaded 5/18/09!!
-- NOTE: this package is designed to TOTALLY replace my original release from 2005, in it's entirety!! --
This is a complete reskin and redecaling of MontyCZ's A-1H Skyraider into a "What If..." variant of it's predecessor, the BT2D "Dauntless II", had it been available for use in the world of WW2: 1946, in the Pacific Theatre.
This version, as stated above, replaces the original. It's gone through some updating, but still remains pretty much the same. All new decals have been created (and properly done THIS time!) with correct Modex, and new BuNums. The BuNums themselves are actually AD-1 series numbers, but as the BT2D was renamed in 1947 TO the AD-1, this poses no historical conflicts. A new skin, with appropriate weathering, based of new templates, is also included. Some other 'fixes' include the renaming of some bits in the data ini, so's they 'disappear' when not used, and the addition of more formation/running lights and a landing light.
The aircraft depicted in the mod represents BT2Ds of VA-19A, the first squadron to recieve them, and be carrier qualified (that part really is true), aboard USS Coral Sea in 1945.
This is a COMPLETE addon aircraft, with all necessary parts, including an excessively repainted version of the A-4E cockpit (it's the closest there is -- see NOTES below for alternates). For those not having the WW2 Weapons pak, the AN/APS-4 radar pod and 300 gallon AD Blue drop tanks are included.
= IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested ONLY in 2006 Patch Levels SF/WoV/WoE. Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level) aircraft being used in the post 08 patch enviroments. It is NOT reccomended for use in WoI or SF/SFG/WoV/WoE in these post 08 patch game installs. It is also NOT reccomended for use in the SF2/SF2:V new series. If you insist on doing so, you do so at your own risk. No support is available from me for any issues you may experience. You have been warned/advised...
As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
Also included, at the bottom of this document, is the Alternate History essay, telling the story of the Dauntless IIs use against the Home Islands.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
A-10A and C Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Pack
By Spectre8750
June. 24, 2016
Version 1.6 Full Update Package A-10A and C Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Pack
Content size of Install files 1.82GB unzipped.
CLEAN INSTALL REQUIRED! Remove Aircraft Folders,
all other folders can be overwritten.
Drop the contents of the Install folder into the Game Root folder. e.g.
X:\Users\UserName\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Israel\
Overwrite when asked.
AddAllToWeapons.ini is located in the Weapons folder and added to the Game Weapons by using
the Weapons editor. Open the Weapons Editor, browse to the Weapons folder in question and
open the WEAPONDATA.INI (Extract it if you don't have it in the Weapons Folder with CAT Extract)
Then choose Import/Merge and open AddAllToWeapons.ini and pick Save. If you want the New
LAU-3A to show up rather than the Stock LAU-3A, open the WeaponsData.INI you just added
weapons to and paste the Data provided in the AddAllToWeapons.ini manually for that Weapon.
Reason is that if the weapon already exists it wont overwrite it. Once you've pasted in the Data open
the WEAPONDATA.INI with the Weapons Editor, open the WEAPONDATA.INI again and Save.
Extras Folder contains files for optimized play. Use at discretion.
\Flight\ Folder:
FLIGHTENGINE.INI [unlimitedDetailOption] MaxTextureRes=0
NATIONS.INI With Nations from SF:2 and added New World Order and U.S. Army.
SOUNDLIST.INI obviously stock plus added sounds.
VIEWLIST.INI Taken from SF:2 and optimized for wide angle screen shots.
\Objects\ Folder:
AIRCRAFTOBJECT.INI Changed to keep CCIP from showing through solid Cockpit sections.
\PilotData\ Folder:
SQUADRONLIST.INI My collection of Squadrons, to allow the A-10 Squadrons to show
up and use decals correctly.
These may be dropped into their respective folders to use. Backup your files before overwriting.
The package includes:
Updated A-10A and C Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Model of the 3.0 released by Wpnssgt, re-released as version v1.0
A-10 Squadrons represented 18FS, 25FS, 45FS, 47FS, 66WS, 74FS, 75FS, 76FS, 78FS, 81FS, 91FS, 92FS, 103FS, 104FS,
107FS, 184FS, 190FS, 303FS, 333FS, 354FS, 355FS, 356FS, 357FS, 358FS. Plus Extra Skins.
Wpnssgt - Original model and post v3.0 3D Modifications.
Spectre8750 - 3D Modifications
Russouk2004 - 3D Modifications
Sundowner - Skin Template, Skins.
Spectre8750 - Skins, Decals.
A-10 Aces II Seat - Ravenclaw_007.
Diego - USAF Pilot
Dave, Spectre8750
Ejection Seat system - Stary.
Tracer Smoke Emitter - Stary.
30mm GAU-8\A Effect - Deuces.
A special Thanks to Mike (Wpnssgt) and Kesselbrut for all their work and allowing me to take on this project.
Thanks for downloading, hope you enjoy.
V-1 Beta
By thebeast0449
Model by Cocas
Okay this is not your ordinary plane obviously and doesnt really
belong in a permanent std install.
At this stage it can ONLY be flown when starting in the air, - If someone could fix that please do so and reupload.
Arm your warhead and detonate on/near impact.
obviously it is a kamikaze type weapon.
Tested on WoV only.Should work on all WO* SF1 series.
I have included a weps package with this so you can equip your he-111
with one- you will just have to workout the weapons on board placement position.
I have borrowed dozens of bits and pieces of others aircraft and do hope
I havent broken any rules or offended in doing so.Im trying to share too.
THIS IS A BETA-AI is pretty much useless with this aircraft-it is defenceless
but still fun to shoot down.
If anybody wants to improve on this and reupload - be my guest-Im sure
Cocas wont mind.
Ju-87 G-1 full Version
By thebeast0449
Cocas,Shaolin and the beast present the new and improved G-1
5 skins Included with remodeled 37mm kannon
based on pasko's ju-87b
read me's included
Su-47 Berkut for WoE / SF1
By ivanbasic
Hello volks!
THIS IS NOT MY MODEL, but I menaged to find it and I forgot which site was that... Not A-Team Skunkworks... The one on that site doesn't work for me.
I don't know who made this model but I owe him/her BIG thanks! Cheers!
Big thanks to yet another unfamiliar person to me for making the pilot I used and added here!
And last but not the least big big thank you goes to Bongodriver whose cockpit I used!
I haven't tried this game anywhere else besides Wings Over Europe with October 2008 Patch!
After spending hours trying to figure out how some stuff work, I decided to update this little marvel!
So... what are the new stuff or let's say updated ones?
1: Massive improvement on the skin itself! Took me forever to do it the way it mostly resembles to the real plane.
2: Further adjustments of maneuverability.
3: Added some of the effects which it didn't have before. e.g. Fuselage Vortex Emitter
4: Fixed LOADOUT.ini file
5: Check out those afterburners! ;)
6: It has it's own pilot now, not the default pilot anymore.
Installation instructions:
1: put content from the "Aircraft" folder to Your "Aircraft" folder
2: put content from the "Sounds" folder to Your "Sounds" folder
3: put content from the "Effects" folder into Your "Effects" folder
I think that is it for now. I am not sure if I've forgotten something to mention.
If you have any questions or suggestions, I would LOVE to hear them!
Best regards,
Bolkow Blohm Firefly
By russouk2004
Bolkkow-Blohm stealth demonstrator "Firefly"
This aircraft as far as I know did fly but I havent seen anything recent ..
So,as far as I know this is the only 3d model in any game I know of...
It was a pleasure to make and give to the community of Third Wire Flight sims...
This aircraft is NOT compatible with SFP2..But can be edited to fly in that version..
Even though this is a stealth a\c,I couldnt find any info on internal missile bays so it carries external,jettisionable pylons,and a cannon that deploys\detracts automatically,when the fire button is depressed...keeping in the stealthy mode..
I hope you enjoy this model..
Templates will follow asap...
B-1B Lancer for WOE
By ivanbasic
Hello everyone!
Here is an updated version of the Rockwell's B1-B Lancer as demanded.
I want to make you who download this bird enjoy it as much as I do or even more if this is your favourite aircraft!
B-1B Lancer for Wings Over Europe (Only tested there, I have no idea if it's gonna work elsewhere)
I am not an author of this masterpiece. I just tried and succeeded in converting it to SF1/WOE and made it playable, not AI anymore.
Very special thanks goes to Dels and the Bone Team! Without them, some (including myself) would only see this Lady on Google images.
Also big thanks to the unknown author for making cockpit, and the guy who uploaded it, alvatototal!
I am really sorry if I forgot to put other names to the list...
So, few words about the aircraft. I have tested it as mention before in WOE only (patch October 2008).
Tried it out in Normal flight mode, as I found it the best, so I have no clue and I am lazy to check out how it performs on Hard flight mode.
New things:
There is a RADAR added to it! Looks a little bit primitive tho, but it works, and if it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid! :D
The engine power is buffed slightly, and oh boy, the maneuverability! At least it's good for my taste...
Also added some magic of mine ;) I wonder if you could tell from the new screenshot I put but if you can't... Check out the afterburners :)
Installation instructions:
1. put B-1B folder into your "Aircraft" folder
2. put content from the "Sounds" folder to your "Sounds" folder
3. put content from the "Effects" folder into your "Effects" folder
4. ENJOY!!!
Any questions, suggestions? FEEL FREE TO COMPLY! Either to my email address (pajincewoe@gmail.com) or message at combatace site.
Best regards,
Yak-28L (SFP1)
By lindr2
Yak-28L for SFP1 Readme
Yak-28L 'Lotos' (Lotus) (1961)
Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104
A4-E Cockpit repaint by Wrench
red5202 pilot by The Trooper
plane required Yak-28 Bombs pack, please install it before http://combatace.com/files/file/11863-yak-28-family-bombs-pack-for-sfp1/
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy Yak-28L folder to Aicraft folder.
- copy Sounds to Sound folder
- copy pilots to Aicraft folder
- copy Fuel tanks & MER to Weapons folder
- open weaponeditor & merge weapondata.ini with Yak-28FT_and_Racks.ini
(Weapon racks KD3-226-250 & KD3-226-500 has ini only section, they need for 6 FAB-250 / 4 FAB-500 loadout)
Plane specifications:
- Engine R-11AF-300
- GSh-23 gun
- max flight distance 2100 km
- Mach limit 1.94
- no radar, 'Lotos' Navigation system
- Bombs loadout
- 6 FAB-250 type bombs (1620 kg max)
- 4 Fab-500 type bombs (2120 kg max)
1 FAB-1500 or 1 FAB-3000 type bombs (3200 kg max)
Yak-28L features:
- animated canopy
- animated air intake cone
- animated nozzles
- drag chute
Yak-28L production: (111 planes 1961-64)
Yak-28L conversion/modifications: Yak-28RR ('Radiotsionnoy Razvedki' {Radiation Recon}) - 10 planes
Yak-28B for SFP1
By lindr2
Yak-28B for SFP1 Readme
Yak-28B Bomber plane (1959)
Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104
A4-E Cockpit repaint by Wrench
red5202 pilot by The Trooper
plane required Yak-28 Bombs pack, please install it before http://combatace.com/files/file/11863-yak-28-family-bombs-pack-for-sfp1/
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy Yak-28B folder to Aicraft folder.
- copy Sounds to Sound folder
- copy pilots to Aicraft folder
- copy Fuel tanks & MER to Weapons folder
- open weaponeditor & merge weapondata.ini with Yak-28FT_and_Racks.ini
(Weapon racks KD3-226-250 & KD3-226-500 has ini only section, they need for 6 FAB-250 / 4 FAB-500 loadout)
Plane specifications:
- Engine R-11AF-300
- NR-23 gun
- max flight distance 2200 km
- Mach limit 1.78
- RBP-3 radar (AG)
- Bombs loadout
- 6 FAB-250 type bombs (1620 kg max)
- 4 Fab-500 type bombs (2120 kg max)
1 FAB-1500 or 1 FAB-3000 type bombs (3200 kg max)
Yak-28 features:
- animated canopy
- animated air intake cone
- animated nozzles
- grag chute
Yak-28B production: (37 planes 1959-61) Replaced by Yak-28I, Yak-28L
RF-101B Voodoo V1.0
By Dave
McDonnell RF-101B Voodoo v 1.0 By Erikgen
FM by Column5
Testing by mppd and USAFMTL
Read the readme. It has a lot of information in it.
RF-101G Voodoo V1.0
By ErikGen
McDonnell RF-101G Voodoo v1.0
The USAF modified 29 F-101A fighters into RF-101G recon aircraft, and 31 F-101C fighters into RF-101H recon aircraft for use by three units of the Air National Guard starting in 1967.
This aircraft is for WoV, WoE and WoI patched Oct2008b ... not tested with SFP1 .
1) Copy the Object folder into your main game folder (\Wings Over ...\).
2) Copy the P&W J-57P.wav into your ...\sounds\ folder.
3) Add the lines you find in the "add_to_WeaponDataIni.txt" to the end of your "weapondata.ini" file, change the xxx with sequential numbers and recompile using the last WeaponEditor.This adds 450 gals tanks
The Med_res_textures folder contains 1024x1024 resolution textures for better fps.
Dave : various support and help
column5 : FM
mppd : ANG skin , fuel tank models and historical info
Spillone104 : J57 sound
me : remaining stuff
Thank you guys.
Every part of this mod can be used into others mods only if the final product is free of charge for the community and proper credits are listed into the product itself.
Enrico "erikgen"
F-101B Voodoo V1.1
By ErikGen
McDonnell F-101B Voodoo v1.1
McDonnell had built 480 F-101Bs, the two-seat, all-weather interceptor used by the Air Defense Command from 1969 to 1972. Surviving USAF aircraft were transferred to the ANG where they served until 1982.
This aircraft is the version equipped with IRTS sensor.CREDITS:
Dave : various support and help (his exelent skin work, not included in this release, will be available soon as separate pack)
column5 : FM (thanks a lot Don)
mppd : skins (fantastic decal set), fuel tank models and support for the Genie making
Spillone104 : J57 sound
triplethr3at, NGHENGO, Spillone104 : test team
me : remaining stuff
Thank you very much, guys.
25-12-2008 - V1.01 - fixed error in right wing texture ... noone noticed it untill Badfrank tried to apply a (not historical) camo skin ... the two wings were sharing the same texture side. Now all seems to be ok. Thanks Badfrank.
23-01-2009 - V1.1 - Last change
- changes to various meshes in order to eliminate little imperfection i saw (old skins are not compromised)
- minor .ini elaboration (ehm ... simply i dont remember what i did)
- disabled the SpecificStationCode=AIM4 row from falcon WeaponStations and augmented load limits ; who have the AIM4 code into his weapondata.ini should remove the two slashes in order to get back them
- updated old skins with new details from Mike (mppd)
- added a Canadian skin as bonus for your patience.
Every part of this mod can be used into others mods only if the final product is free of charge for the community and proper credits are listed into the product itself.
Please, read the readme file before install. If you find problems with this aircraft , PM me or post at CombatAce in the proper section.
Have fun.
This mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement (http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26131)
Enrico "erikgen"
Yak-28I (SFP1)
By lindr2
Yak-28I for SFP1 Readme
Yak-28I 'Initsiativa' (Initiative) (1962)
Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104
A4-E Cockpit repaint by Wrench
red5202 pilot by The Trooper
plane required Yak-28 Bombs pack, please install it before http://combatace.com/files/file/11863-yak-28-family-bombs-pack-for-sfp1/
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy Yak-28I folder to Aicraft folder.
- copy Sounds to Sound folder
- copy pilots to Aicraft folder
- copy Fuel tanks & MER to Weapons folder
- open weaponeditor & merge weapondata.ini with Yak-28FT_and_Racks.ini
(Weapon racks KD3-226-250 & KD3-226-500 has ini only section, they need for 6 FAB-250 / 4 FAB-500 loadout)
Plane specifications:
- Engine R-11AF2-300
- GSh-23 gun
- max flight distance 2100 km
- Mach limit 1.84
- 'Initsiativa-2' Radar
- Bombs loadout
- 6 FAB-250 type bombs (1620 kg max)
- 4 Fab-500 type bombs (2120 kg max)
1 FAB-1500 or 1 FAB-3000 type bombs (3200 kg max)
Yak-28I features:
- animated canopy
- animated air intake cone
- animated nozzles
- drag chute
Yak-28I production: (223 planes 1962~66)
Yak-28I used in Afganistan campaign (1980-82) 149-th GvBAP (Khanabad Airfield, Uzbekistan)
4 feb 1980 one plane crashed near Karshi.
Yak-28PP (SFP1)
By lindr2
Yak-28PP for SFP1 Readme
Yak-28PP ECM plane (1965)
Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104
A4-E Cockpit repaint by Wrench
red5202 pilot by The Trooper
UB-16UMP, S-5 models by Krizis
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy Yak-28PP folder to Aircraft folder.
- copy Sounds to Sound folder
- copy pilots to Aircraft folder
- copy Fuel tanks & Weapons to Weapons folder
- open weaponeditor & merge weapondata.ini with Yak-28FT_and_weapons.ini
Plane specifications:
- Engine R-11AF2-300
- max flight distance 2200 km
- Mach limit 1.62
- ECM:
- SPS-5 "Fasol" freq 0.1-0.25 HHz
- SPS-22,33,44,55 "Buket" freq 0.88-5.12 HHz
- SPS-141,142,143 "Siren'-1D" freq 4.5-12 HHz
Yak-28PP features:
- animated canopy
- animated air intake cone
- animated nozzles
- drag chute
Yak-28PP production: (84 planes 1967-71)
Yak-28PP used in Afganistan campaign (1979-89)
- 149-th GvBAP (Khanabad Airfield, Uzbekistan)
Used: Soviet-Russia 1967-1993, Ukraine 1992-94
Yak-28U (SFP1)
By lindr2
Yak-28U for SFP1 Readme
Yak-28U Trainer (1962)
Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104
A4-E Cockpit repaint by Wrench
red5202 pilot by The Trooper
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy Yak-28U folder to Aircraft folder.
- copy Sounds to Sound folder
- copy pilots to Aircraft folder
- open weaponeditor & merge weapondata.ini with Yak-28UFT.ini
Plane specifications:
- Engine R-11AF-300
- max flight distance 2400 km
- Mach limit 1.8
- additional FT (disposed inside bombbay)
Yak-28U features:
- animated canopy
- animated air intake cone
- animated nozzles
- drag chute
Yak-28U production: (187 planes 1961-68)
Yak-28RR (SFP1)
By lindr2
Yak-28RR for SFP1 Readme
Yak-28RR 'Radiotsionnoy Razvedki' {Radiation Recon} plane (1967)
Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104
A4-E Cockpit repaint by Wrench
red5202 pilot by The Trooper
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy Yak-28RR folder to Aicraft folder.
- copy Sounds to Sound folder
- copy pilots to Aicraft folder
- copy Fuel tanks Weapons folder
- open weaponeditor & merge weapondata.ini with Yak-28FT_pods.ini
Plane specifications:
- Engine R-11AF-300
- GSh-23 gun
- max flight distance 2400 km
- Mach limit 1.8
- two RR8311-100 air sampling pods (also used on An-12RR, An-26RR ect)
Yak-28RR features:
- animated canopy
- animated air intake cone
- animated nozzles
- drag chute
Yak-28RR production: ~10 planes (converted from Yak-28L)
By acesfakia
I notice that is a lot planes skin with Greek colors...or decals...so i do my best to fix some.
The airhcraft was use for 22 years in Greece service in the Royal Hellenic Air Force.... 1947-1969 as main training airhcraft.
first was 25 mk ii a/b
after 35 planes T-6D as help come from the USA..
and in 1950 some ?-6G..
Later all the harvard transform in T-6G
Until 1964 was with out camo ,with yelow lines on the wings.. and after 1964 paint it with dark green/ grey camo nato. 108 planes total.
I hope you will like it...thanks all...the combatace...
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