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Trainers and all variants

21 files


    I notice that is a lot planes skin with Greek colors...or decals...so i do my best to fix some.
    The airhcraft was use for 22 years in Greece service in the Royal Hellenic Air Force.... 1947-1969 as main training airhcraft.
    first was 25 mk ii a/b
    after 35 planes T-6D as help come from the USA..
    and in 1950 some ?-6G..
    Later all the harvard transform in T-6G
    Until 1964 was with out camo ,with yelow lines on the wings.. and after 1964 paint it with dark green/ grey camo nato. 108 planes total.
    I hope you will like it...thanks all...the combatace...


       (3 reviews)



  2. Aermacchi MB-339A for SFP1/WOX

    Aermacchi MB 339A Version 2.0 for SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI by ID(io)T Team
    Development and operational history
    Aermacchi went on to perform an effective "facelift" on the MB-326 to create the "MB-339", a modernized derivative. The first of two "MB-339X" prototypes performed its initial flight on 12 August 1976, with the second following on 20 May 1977. The first of 107 production "MB-339A" trainers for the AMI performed its initial flight on 20 July 1978, with the type entering service in 1979.
    The MB-339 retained substantial commonality with the MB-326, differing mainly in a new forward fuselage with a raised cockpit, and twin ventral fins plus a taller tailfin to compensate for the loss in yaw stability due to the new forward fuselage. The MB-339 also featured updated systems, particularly rocket-boosted SICAMB / Martin Baker Mark 1T-10F ejection seats with "zero zero" (zero speed zero altitude) capability. However, the MB-339 retained the Viper 632-43 engine; Aermacchi had seriously considered replacing it with a more modern and fuel-economical engine, but the Viper was cheap, reliable, and had good performance. The engine was license-built by Piaggio. The MB-339 retained the six stores pylons of the MB-326G. It did not have built-in cannon, but cannon pods, dumb bombs, and rocket launchers were qualified as stores for the light attack role.The MB-339 has been export in Argentina where ten "MB-339AA" were obtained by the Argentine Navy (ARA), with the type operating against the British during the Falklands War in 1982. Other MB-339A users included Dubai (seven), Ghana (four), Malaysia (thirteen MB-339AM), Nigeria (twelve MB-339AN), and Peru (sixteen MB-339AP).
    The War Trial
    Lt Guillermo Owen Crippa, a young Argentine Fleet Air Arm pilot, was tasked as No 2 of an armed patrol from Stanley airfield shortly after sun-up. The other Aermacchi jet trainer became unserviceable, so Crippa launched on his own. Near Jersey Point he spotted a Royal Navy Lynx helicopter, but as he pulled up to dive on it, he also sighted the ‘enemy’ invasion force anchored in San Carlos Water. Crippa broke off, reported his discovery of the British to his controller in Stanley – and then announced his intention to attack.
    At low level and high speed he emerged from the radar shadow of Fanning Head, and fired all his podded Zuni rockets at HMS ARGONAUT. Crippa then engaged a RFA stores ship with his 30mm DEFA cannon, and before exiting the combat zone, took notes on the number and types of ship sheltering in San Carlos Water. He was subsequently awarded Argentina’s highest decoration for valour in combat. The British were also given a first taste of the courage and determination that characterizes Argentine military aviators.
    Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
    C\Programm Files\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters
    And add to the WEAPONDATA.INI these lines:
    FullName=DEFA 30mm 553 Gunpod (MB339)
    FullName=Macchi FuelTank
    Sobstitute the xxxx with consecutive numbers, open the WEAPONDATA.INI with the Weapon Editor and save.
    NGHENGO: Main 3D model
    Bobrock: 3D model and Cockpit
    Paulopanz: Lots of skins, decals and Hangar & Loading screens
    Spillone104: DEFA gunpods, INI work and sound
    Baffmeister: FM tuning
    Aleducat: Martin Backer MK10-1 seat
    FastCargo: Fake pilot
    Foxmonter: Fuel tank
    Beta testers : All the above plus, Aleks, Starfighter2, Canadair, Erikgen, Silverbolt, triplethr3at, Steve_S, Blasto, Dysko.
    Legal stuff:
    This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
    Enjoy and good flight. :)
    June 2011


       (4 reviews)



  3. Soko G-4 Super Galeb v1.1

    Soko G-4 Super Galeb by ID(io)Ts TEAM
    Soko G-4 Super Galeb is single-engined basic/advanced flying and armament trainer with light attack capability,powered by one DMB (Rolls-Royce/Bristol Siddeley) Viper Mk 632-46 turbojet .
    The aircraft was meant to be the advanced trainer for the former Yugoslav Air Force , substituing the elder Soko G2 "Galeb"in early 80's.The aircraft is usually compared with other planes of the
    same type like Bae Hawk,Alpha Jet , although it is smaller and lighter .
    It has never exceed the speed of 921 km/h at 11,000 m and maximum level speed "clean" 920 km/h at 6,000 m .Despites the nickname"Super Galeb", the aircraft is completely different from the elder Soko G2.
    The good aerodynamic qualities are obvious in many airshows proving a very friendly and easy control of the airframe, between -4.00 and +8.00 G ,besides the semplicity and the durability.
    The main armament of the aircraft is composed by rockets, bombs, cluster bombs, droptanks and the specific gun pod using Gsh-23 cannon.Some references talk about a special recon pod mounted, which permits at
    the aircraft to be used in recon missions.
    The G-4 saw many combat missions at the beginning of the Yugoslav wars, used like light-attacker. In total there were three Super Galebs shot down with pilots safely ejected.
    During the Kosovo War the G-4 was used in few combat missions attacking the KLA positions in Kosovo at treetop level without loss, proving the high qualities of resistance to light SAMs and ground fire.
    However, seven G-4 aircraft from the Lete?e Zvezde display team were destroyed in an underground tunnel at Golubovci Airbase, afer lasr guided bombing.
    In the early 1990s the G-4 was a contender in the Joint Primary Aircraft Training System program in the U.S and was highly praised by American test pilots who flew it.
    It lost the bid to the Raytheon/Pilatus entry, which became the T-6 Texan II.the only export order made for the aircraft was for six planes by Myanmar
    VERSION 1.1
    due to inconvenient issues about shadows, we revised the max source file and deleted the .shd file from the game.
    3D Source Designer = Luka Midic - fs98luka@yahoo.com
    Model modification to TW standards = aleks, Nghengo and Spillone104
    Mapping and textures = aleks
    INI files, sounds and testing = Spillone104
    Thirdwire = for the cockpit of A-4 Skyhawk (not included)
    Aleducat = for the splendid Martin-Baker MK10 seat
    special thanks to: = Gunnar88 and to the Serbian Cace community that patiently expected so long from us to fix this wonderful birdie :)
    this add-on is a freeware and we are glad to present a new airplane for those who seek or make scenarios for Thirdwire Sims.....we hope you'll like it!


       (8 reviews)



  4. North American SNJ-5

    The North American T-6 Texan/SNJ was a single-engine advanced trainer aircraft used to train fighter pilots of the United States Army Air Forces, United States Navy, Royal Air Force and other air forces of the British Commonwealth during World War II. Designed by North American Aviation, The T-6 is known by a variety of designations depending on the model and operating air force. The USAAC designated it as the "AT-6", the US Navy the "SNJ", and British Commonwealth air forces, the Harvard, the name it is best known by outside of the United States. It remains a popular warbird aircraft.
    The North American T-6 Texan/SNJ was known as "the pilot maker" because of its important role in preparing pilots for combat. A cantilever low-wing monoplane, the Texan filled the need for a basic combat trainer during WW II and beyond into the 1950's.
    U.S. Navy pilots flew the airplane extensively, under the SNJ designation, the most common of these being the SNJ-4, SNJ-5 and SNJ-6. A few models were equipped with tailhooks and used for carrier qualifications.
    Included are 5 skins:
    Instructor Basic Training Unit, NAS Pensacola (Corry Field) 1952
    Basic Training Group One, NAAS Saufley 1956
    Naval Air Reserve Training Command, NAS Glenview 1956
    Naval Air Reserve Training Command, NAS Grosse Ile 1955
    VMT-2, MCAS El Toro 1952
    Please see the enclosed READ ME file for installation and of course CREDITS.


       (2 reviews)



  5. Lockheed TV-2 (T-33B) Navy Trainer

    The relatively high performance of the turbojet engine, the high altitude environment where jet aircraft routinely operated, and the new and different demands put on pilots flying jet aircraft required that a jet trainer be developed to aid this transition to a new mode of flight.
    The answer was the T-33, which was created by inserting a twenty nine inch plug ahead of the wing of a P-80, the Air Force's first operational jet fighter, and a second twelve inch plug behind the wing which provided the extra space for a second cockpit with dual controls. Ejection seats and 235 gallon jettisonable centerline tip tanks were added and, on March 22, 1948, Tony LeVier made the aircraft's first flight. The T-33 flew even better than its single seat ancestor. Cleaned up and refined, the airframe climbed faster, cruised more effortlessly and was slightly faster than its older and smaller cousins. Initially designated as a variant of the P-80/F80, the TP-80C/TF-80C, the designation was subsequently changed to T-33A.The US Navy used the T-33 as a land-based trainer starting in 1949. It was designated the TV-2, but was redesignated the T-33B in 1962.A carrier-capable version of the P-80/T-33 family was subsequently developed by Lockheed, eventually leading to the late 1950s to 1970s T2V-1/T-1A SeaStar
    Included with this file are FOUR skins:
    * ATU-200 Advanced Training Unit out of NAS Kingsville, Texas in 1954
    * FAWTUPAC Fleet All Weather Training Unit Pacific out of NAS North Island, California in 1956
    * H&MS-33 Marine headquarters and Maintenance Squadron Thirty-Three, MCAS El Toro,Calif in 1961
    * NAS Glenview Naval Air Reserve Training Command, Chicago Illinois in 1962
    Please see the enclosed READ-ME file for installation and of course CREDITS.


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  6. Lockheed TV-1 (TO-1) Training Star

    Due to the slow delivery of new jet fighters and in order to train new jet pilots, the United States Navy in 1947 obtained the transfer of 49 Lockheed P-80Cs destined to the United States Air Force. Designated originally as TO-1 and changed to TV-1 after 1950, these planes served as land-based trainer aircraft for Navy squadron VF-52 and U.S. Marine Corps squadron VMF-311. With the arrival of the delayed Grumman F9F and McDonnell F2H aircraft, the TV-1s were transferred to reserve squadrons before being phased out of service.
    Included here are skins for VF-52 and VMF-311 from 1948. Also included is the Fleet All Weather Training unit at NAS North Island, the missile chase planes at NAS Point Mugu and the Naval Air Reserve at NAS Oakland. Please see the READ ME file for more histoical info,installation and of course credits.


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  7. Soko G2 Galeb

    A bit of history:
    Yugoslavia's Aeronautical Technical Institute began design work on an airplane, named Galeb, in 1957. The first flight of the prototype was performed on 31 July 1961. Soon, after a full-size wooden mock-up, the second prototype Galeb 2 was built The Air Force needed a trainer with secondary combat ability that could operate from unprepared runways. Not familiar with such requirements, the designers provided for landing gear strong enough to make the aircraft suitable for landing on aircraft carriers.
    Production began in 1964, making it the first indigenous jet to enter mass production in Yugoslavia. The first production series G-2A was entered in the aircraft register of the Yugoslav Air Force on 30 July 1965, and the last one on 6 January 1981. Production of updated aircraft for export to Libya was extended until mid-1983. Soko produced a total of 248 Galeb aircraft, 132 of which were used by the Yugoslav Air Force. In the first Congo war, a total of three J-21 Jastrebs and one G2Galeb were delivered to the government, flown and mantained by yugoslav mercenaries.In early 90’s during the Yugoslav war, many airframes of dismissed Galebs were put in flight condition and used together with the single seater variant Jastreb as ground attackers from all sides.
    Installation instructions:
    Put the files in the respective folders.
    There are some .INI files to be edited because not everyone have it in the same condition. For exhample: there are guns and a couple of weapons to be added to their respective WEAPONDATA.INI and GUNDATA.INI and then run the editors.
    Plus extract or modify the SOUNDLIST.INI in Flight folder in order to have the JATO sound.
    Flight Instructions:
    This model have a simulated JATO rocket effect to help in take-offs especially when eavy loaded. To activate the JATO use the controls used for vector thrust. (down to activate - up to deactivate) This system works on the principle of the gun recoil so the "propellent" will empty when ammo finish. The rockets work for 14 seconds. Is recomended to not fire the JATO until 150 Km/h.
    When the rockets shuts down you could jettison the spent bottles by Ctrl-D as droptanks.
    For the model we use the wonderful cockpit for F-80 shooting star, made by76.IAP-Blackbird
    Erikgen for the pilots
    Aleks and Nghengo for 3d model and texture
    Spillone 104 for test flights, JATO mod (bottles and effects), loadouts & sounds
    Homer for the serial numbers set taken from his F-84G JRV skin pack
    This model is freeware, and so it must remain!!! have a nice flight


       (8 reviews)



  8. Northrop T-38A Talon for SF1/WO v1.1

    A beautiful T-38A for use with SF1/WO. This was reverse-engineered from FASTCARGO's SF2 files for the T-38A.....therefore he gets the majority of the credit here. Included is a new skin for an early High Viz scheme T-38A and the files to sling a travel pod under your "White Rocket".....to hide the beer of course!! Skins include :
    3560th Pilot Training Wing-mid 1960's based at Webb AFB, TX. An early high-viz scheme with buzz numbers!!
    87th Flying Training Squadron - mid-90s 'white' scheme after AETC was created. Based at Laughlin AFB, TX.
    71st Flying Training Squadron - old 'white' scheme used in ATC until 1992. Based at Moody AFB, GA.
    9th Bomb Squadron - Companion Trainer Aircraft used until the mid-90s. Based at Dyess AFB, TX.
    1st Reconnaissance Squadron - Companion Trainer Aircraft still used by U-2 pilot. Based at Beale AFB, CA
    Animations include an opening and closing canopy for both student and instructor
    Aircraft navigation and landing lights work for night operations
    You can fly from both seats by a minor edit of the files (front and rear data and cockpit ini's included)


       (1 review)



  9. Northrop T-38A Talon (ThunderBirds) for Gen 1 ThirdWire Sims

    Readme for the ThunderBird T-38A for Gen 1 ThirdWire Sims.
    ********************************* Version 1.0 Original Release ********************************
    Version 1.0
    Thanks to the following folks:
    TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
    PappyChkSix - For the original skins, which unfortunately were lost when the model was remapped.
    The Mirage Factory - For allowing me to use the cockpit, effects, damage textures and sounds from the F-5A. FM based off of Mirage Factory F-5A.
    331KillerBee - For the skins and hanger/loadout/loading screens. And the tweaks to make the seperate ThunderBird version.
    Lexx_Luthor - For the Airshow Smoke effect for the Thunderbird T-38A (borrowed from his missile exhaust effects).
    USAFMTL - For beta testing and advice.
    To my fellow Combatace moderators - For helping me beta test and work out bugs.
    Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
    What you will need first:
    Strike Fighters Project 1/Strike Fighters Gold/Wings Over Vietnam/Europe/Israel. This is not for Generation 2 versions of ThirdWire sims.
    What is in this archive:
    1. This readme (duh!)
    2. Effects, Objects, Sounds folder.
    1. Read and understand this entire readme FIRST!
    2. Copy the Effects, Objects and Sounds folders to your SFP1/SFG/WOx directory. Allow directory merging and overwrites (anything overwritten either belongs to me or is the exact same as the Mirage Factory F-5 effects and sounds).
    3. That's it! You should see the aircraft in your selection screen.
    Aircraft Information:
    From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-38_Talon
    The Northrop T-38 Talon is an American supersonic jet trainer. It was the world's first supersonic trainer and to date, is also the most produced. It remains in service as of 2009 in air forces throughout the world including the United States Air Force (USAF), which remains its largest user.
    In the 1950s Northrop began studying lightweight and more affordable fighter designs. The company began with its single-engine N-102 "Fang" concept. The N-102 was facing weight and cost growth, so the project was canceled and the the company N-156 project was began.
    Although the United States Air Force had no need for a small fighter at the time, it became interested in the trainer (N-156T) as a replacement for the T-33 Shooting Star it was then using in this role. The first of three prototypes (designated YT-38) flew on 10 March 1959. The type was quickly adopted and the first production examples were delivered in 1961, officially entering service on 17 March that year, complementing the T-37 primary jet trainer. When production ended in 1972, 1,187 T-38s had been built. Since its introduction, it is estimated that some 50,000 military pilots have trained on this aircraft. The USAF remains one of the few armed flying forces using dedicated supersonic final trainers, as most, such as the US Navy, use high subsonic trainers.
    The T-38 is of conventional configuration, with a small, low, long-chord wing, a single vertical stabilizer, and tricycle undercarriage. The aircraft seats a student pilot and instructor in tandem, and has intakes for its two turbojet engines at the wing roots. Its nimble performance has earned it the nickname "White Rocket". In 1962, T-38s set four time to climb records.
    In addition to USAF pilots, T-38s are also used by NASA astronauts, the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School (other T-38s were previously used as USN aggressor aircraft), other NATO pilots under a joint training program, and some under civilian ownership.
    Notes and Limitations:
    External nozzles don't work...not sure why. Investigation continues.
    ThunderBird Version skins included...resized to 1024x1024 for faster multiplayer.
    Afterburner nodes and travel pod commented out in data.ini for ease of installation.
    This uses the 'Open Cockpit' method to place the cockpit model 'inside' the external model. This also allows the ability to add flight controls to the cockpit, which originally didn't have them modeled. Downsides are the that during inclement weather, it will appear 'foggy' inside the cockpit.
    Capable of being flown from either seat through editing of the T-38Atb.ini file. Simply uncomment the lines that have the seat you want to fly in, and comment out the lines with the seats you don't want to fly in. The default is the front seat. In the ThunderBird version, if you fly in the front seat, there will not be a rear seater (as in airshows, the aircraft was typically flown that way).
    The FM is reasonably 'close' to the real thing...but defaults to being 'fun' vs being 'perfect numbers'. As a pilot with 3000+ hours in the aircraft, it gives a reasonable impression on how the aircraft actually flies...but don't expect to hit all the 'numbers' perfectly.
    This is FREEWARE only, NO money is allowed to be made on the contents of these files, in whole or in part. Released IAW the freeware accords at CombatAce.
    Feel free to redistribute, as long as the original authors are given appropriate credit.
    Questions? Contact me at Combatace.
    2 Jul 09


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  10. AT-6G Texan "Mosquito FAC"

    North American AT-6G "Mosquito FAC"


    for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI, Post 08 Patch Level and probably SF2/SF2:V

    This is a mod of Bunyap's little T-6 Texan trainer into the AT-6G as used during the Korean War as the "Mosquito FAC"
    This is a COMPLETE aircraft mod, with all the trimmings. There have been extensive edits to the data, loadout inis and a "new" cockpit. It is designed for use in the post 08 patch envrionments; in fact a couple of edits WON'T work without being in post 08 patch (movable rudder lights, fer example)
    It has been totally reskined in a Natural Metal, more of a generic than any particular squadron, with all new Buzz Number and accurate Serial Numbers. I say 'accurate', as they ARE for AT-6G, but not from any particular squadron.
    All the weapons supplied have been updated for this late game usage, and are supplied in the new 'folder style'. For SF2/SF2V users, a data ini for each weapon is included in each folder. (note: most of these propably already exist in the SF2 weapons pak. PLEASE check before installing, AND note the T-6_30cal_GunPod has been edited to make the guns shoot in the right direction)
    A new blade-type upper antenna, with repositioned pitot tube, and set for use as a 'fake pilot' seat is also included (thanks to Ravenclaw!!). This is also usable for other nations that used the AT-6G in the COIN or FAC roles. New Hangar Screen, in the WoE style, allowing it's use in all the Classic Series ™ and SF2/2:V and a new Loading Screen are also provided.
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
    Kevin Stein
    ps: yes, I know the anti-glare panel is 'off' in the screenie above; it has bee fixed. I was just too lazy to take another screenie!


       (3 reviews)



  11. Galeb G-2 and J-21 Cockpit description

    Here are the images of the cockpits with all instruments for N-60 "Galeb G-2" and "J-21 Jastreb"
    I needed to translate all of this from Serbian to English... so sry for my crappy English!!!


       (0 reviews)



  12. MB-339A

    So here we go...finally
    ID(io)Ts Team is proud to present.........
    Aermacchi MB-339A
    This is the work of a group of aviation enthusiasts, we are not affiliated with Aermacchi,
    or Thirdwire productions and cannot be held responsible for
    any possible damage resulting from the use of, or inability to use, this software.
    This software can be redistributed and/or modified freely provided that any derivative
    works bear some notice that they are derived from it, and any modified versions bear
    some notice that they have been modified.
    It cannot be sold or included in any other program or commercial package.
    In first thank all you guys for downloading this mod for Strike Fighters Project 1, Wings over Europe, Wings over Vietnamand Wings over Israel Too.
    Many months ago I started working on this little Italian bird thinking to the South Atlantic Scenario WIP tahat time.
    I was a newbe and made a lot of main errors before find my great friends that show me the light of a correct modding way, you can find only alittle part of them down in the credit section…..
    Installation instructions
    This package contains all the necessary files in three different directories/folders.
    Unrar the file you downloaded preserving the directory structure.
    You'll obtain 4 folders: MB-339A_ARA, MB-339A_SVIBA,MB-339A_Weapons and Sound.
    MB-339A_ARA and MB-339A_SVIBA are quite self-explanatory, just copy the entire folder in your Objects/Aircraft folder.
    Sound contains a customed MB-339A R.R. Viper jet sound to add into your Strike Fighters Project 1, Wings over Europe and Wings over Vietnam ad Wings over Israel sound folder.
    MB-339A_Weapons contains the 30mm DEFA Gunpod and the Macchi_FuelTank: copy all its contents in in your Objects/Weapons folder and add the following lines to your weapon data.
    TypeName=DEFA30mm (MB339)
    FullName=DEFA 30mm 553 Gunpod (MB339)
    FullName=Macchi FuelTank
    Change the XXX with the first available number in the weapons sequence and remember to open the .ini file with the weaponeditor to make the changes effective.
    The key assigned to the arresting hook operates the opening canopy .
    There isn't a main contractor in this work, this work is son of our passion for our little "Macchino".
    I, Nghengo made the main 3d work on the plane but I was a newbe and, bobrock give me his best in every way building a wonderful virtual Pit, and real Photographic effect skins, Aleks modded DEFA GunPod and has been extract the maps that wear the plane, Spillone104 has been created the Viper Voice, Canadair, DEFA pod FM.… Erikgen closely follow my work since the beginning teach me everything I know on 3ds modding, Capun my first teacher. FM and loadout advisors, beta testers and supporters: Canadair, Erikgen, Spillone104, Silverbolt, triplethr3at, Steve_S, Blasto, Dysko.
    A special thanks goes to Crusader that fit us with unsubsituible materials Foxmonter for modding the Macchi Fuel Tanks…… Streakeagle, Typhoid , Jug, precious friends and advisors…Hunter, my first CAce friend, Bingo, fougamagister, the second one and all the people on CombatAce, Column5 and Thirdwire message boards who shared their knowledge and passion over these years and to Thirdwire Productions for creating such an enjoyable series of games.
    If you encounter any problem installing or using this mod you can get in touch with me on CombatAce
    forum or send me an email.
    At maurizio.olmi@tiscali.it


       (10 reviews)



  13. Harvard T-6 Texan MKIV

    Harvard T-6 Texan MKIV
    Model T-6 Texan: Bunyap
    3d-Modifications: Ravenclaw_007
    *.ini Modifications: Ravenclaw_007 & Soulfreak
    Paintjob-Screens: Soulfreak
    Paintjob-Skins: Soulfreak
    The Harvard T-6 Texan MKIV was the 1st Plane of the new formed West-German Air Force.
    That was in 1956. 2 Sqadrons flew the T-6 MKIV. Both skins are inclusive.
    Special Thanks goes to Bunyap, for his great T-6 Texan-Series.
    and to Volker "ravenclaw_007" Prauss for his great 3d Modifications
    on the MK4.
    Thanks Guys!!!
    i hope you´ll like this Add-on Aircraft.
    Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi


       (2 reviews)



  14. De Havilland Chipmunk

    This is the De Havilland Chipmunk , hope you enjoy .


       (2 reviews)



  15. MB-326G Impala II "preproduction model" Air Killer

    A mod of FoxMonter's MB-326 GB, to create the SAAF's two air-air combat- killer of the '70s and '80s "Bushwars", the Aeromacchi Impala II "preproduction" aircraft.
    In total, the Impala II was credited with at least six air-air kills (ACIG).
    This is a complete package, which comes with one SAAF skin, Squadron No. 4 of the two-aircraft killer Capt. W. Westoby, two internal 30mm DEFA cannons, updated aircraft data file and a modified cockpit. Two Angolan kill markings grace the fuselage side.
    Mod by Richard "Pitts2A" Ordway, uploaded with the permission of FoxMonter, USAFMTL and many others. For SFP1/WOV/WOE.
    See the instructions file for install.
    Complete credits and history in readme.


       (6 reviews)



  16. AN-2 Colt

    AN-2 Colt by Pasko and Column5


       (2 reviews)



  17. Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star

    The two-place T-33 jet was designed for training pilots already qualified to fly propeller-driven aircraft. It was developed from the single-seat F-80 fighter by lengthening the fuselage slightly more than three feet to accommodate a second cockpit.
    Originally designed the TF-80C, the T-33 made its first flight in March 1948. Production continued until August 1959 with 5,691 T-33s built. In addition to its use as a trainer, the T-33 has been used for such tasks as drone director and target towing, and in some countries even as a combat aircraft. The RT-33A version, reconnaissance aircraft produced primarily for use by foreign countries, had a camera installed in the nose and additional equipment in the rear cockpit.


       (2 reviews)



  18. Aero L-29 Delfin

    L-29 Delfin (Maya) was trainer of Warszaw pact air forces from late 50s to 80s.


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  19. Aermacchi MB-326 GB ARMADA ARGENTINA

    Aermacchi MB-326 GB from the ARMADA ARGENTINA for SFP1/WOV/WOE
    See the instructions file for install.


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  20. RAAF Macchi MB-326H

    A mod of FoxMonter's MB-326BG, to create the RAAF's trainer of the '70s and '80s, the Macchi MB-326H.
    This is a complete package, which comes with three skins, RAAF Camo, RAAF overall grey, and the famous "Fanta Can" scheme of the RAAF "Roulettes" Display Team.
    Mod by Charles, skins by Gramps, uploaded with the permission of FoxMonter.


       (6 reviews)



  21. L-39ZA Albatros

    Aero Vochody L-39ZA Albatros
    Soviet-era light trainer that has become popular around the world for aerobatics, training, light attack, and sport flying. The version reflected here is the L-39ZA light attack aircraft, with strengthened wings, four outboard weapon pylons, and an optional 23mm cannon pack on the centerline. Two skins are available, Soviet/Czech tactical camouflage, and modern Czech grey.


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