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SF/WO* Missions/Campaigns

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User-created missions and campaigns

    1. Incident at sea

      Mission for Wings over Vietnam.
      REQUIRED FILES: Ov-10D Bronce available here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=4755
      Mission briefing:Radar contacts approaching USS Kitty Hawk. Broncos are to be deployed. Engange and destroy.
      Just copy the .msn file in your mission folder.
      I hope you'll like it. Suggestions? Problems? Send me a PM. SEMPER FI!!!


         (2 reviews)



    2. Instantaction Modern Beta

      I allowed to USAFMTL !
      Instantaction Modern .MSN file < JUST Drop to Missions folder
      Intantaction .Ini < First if you not extracted it yet, you need SFP1E program to extact it in FLIGHT folder
      BACKUP!!! your original instantaction.Ini , and change it.
      (This is a Beta version...)
      Options. txt
      <Maybe You need to edit the Options in the Thirdwire/ SFP1 folder and change the Instantactions section like tis:
      or paste it from Options .txt
      GOOD HUNTING ! I was try to ad like a secondary Instantaction button or scroll menu, but sorry I dont able yet !


         (0 reviews)



    3. Iran Iraq Campaign

      *The breifing screens do not work with this add on. The add on is built for campaign play. Single missions will work 90% of the time depending on the plane used. This is due to some terrain issues, however campaign mode should work flawlessly.
      Please read the read me text carefully for installation instructions. This is a seperate install. Please make sure you have the latest patches before installation.
      In addition you will need the following:
      Mig-25PD (can be found here at www.combatace.com)
      F-14a(iaf) can be found at C5 http://www.column5.us/aircraft.shtml
      or Check six
      Latest Weapons pack (can be found at www.combatace.com)
      There is also an optional skin pack that adds even more skins to the Iraqi side created by Phamtuan called : Phamtuan_Skinpack_Iraq that can be used to enhance the game. it may be found at wwww.combatace.com
      This campaign is based on the Iran Iraq war that lasted from 1980-1988. It includes New terrain,, Persian music, photos, new screens, new sound files, new planes, new skins, and campaign files, heavily researched air units for Iran Iraq, historical air bases and locations and much more.
      The campaign contributors are:
      USAFMTL: Project lead & Terrain
      MK2 : Project Coordinator, Campaign files, Music , Pilot Photos, hangar sound files
      Kouts: excellent Main screen and in game screens
      Sundowner: skins for the F-5A, Mirage, F-14A and the F-4D and E
      Sony Tuckson: Mirage skins
      Charles Gunst: Medals
      Bpao: Mirage, F-5A and F-14A aircraft (needs download).
      Marcfighters: Mig skins
      ArmourDave: SU-17
      Crab_02: F-4D pre block 27.
      Mago: Mig-21MF cockpit
      Badger343: Hi res MIG-21MF pit work
      Fubar512 MIG-21 FM and RWR sounds for MIG-21
      WPNSSGT, Tomcat74, C5 Mig-25PD (need to download)
      Wrench, Iraqi hangar screen for the MIG-21MF
      Phamtuan, Iraqi skins MIG-21 , MIG-23, TU-16
      Spectre_USA Lead beta tester
      The IIAF forums located at http://iiaf.net/home.html


         (5 reviews)



    4. Iran Iraq War Quick Update

      This updates the Iran Iraq campaign for SF1 to the latest patches: SP051506a and P083006. Both patches can be found at the Thirdwire site www.thirdwire.com
      simply place into your fully patched and installed Iran Iraq folder.
      If you do not have the Iran Iraq War all inclusive mod installed:
      1. You must have a seperate SF1 installation for this campaign.
      2. Make sure you patch the SF1 install to the latest released patches mentioned above.
      3. Then install the all inclusive Iran Iraq campaign (102 MB file) found at www.combatace.com ( follow installation instructions carefully including the seperate F-14a(IAF) and MIg-25PD install)
      4. Install the latest weapons pack.
      5. Then install this quick update.
      I include the original Iran Iraq War read me file below:
      This campaign is based on the Iran Iraq war that lasted from 1980-1988. It includes New terrain,, Persian music, photos, new screens, new sound files, new planes, new skins, and campaign files, heavily researched air units for Iran Iraq, historical air bases and locations.
      This needs to be a separate install.
      STEP 1
      Please make sure your sf1 game installation follows this path (or the medals will not work): C:\IranIraq\Strike Fighters\Flight etc.
      You may go into the MedalsIRAQ.ini AND MedalIran.ini files (located in the "flight" folder of this zip) and change the path if you so desire (AS AN Example ADDING d:\ drive instead of C:\ ).
      STEP 2
      Please install the contents of the folders to their respective locations (not the folders themselves but what is located inside).
      STEP 3
      You must have the following additional planes(and weapons pack) installed.
      Latest Weapons pack (can be found at www.combatace.com)
      There is also an optional skin pack that adds even more skins to the Iraqi side created by Phamtuan called : Phamtuan_Skinpack_Iraq that can be used to enhance the game. it may be found at wwww.combatace.com
      Step 4
      Go to the terrain folder in your SF1 directory. Locate the desert folder. Locate the Desert cat file. Copy file over into the IR folder located in the terrain folder (if you followed the instructions outlined above). Rename the Desert cat file in your IR folder from : Desert to : IR
      #1 There is a known issue while flying from some of the bases that will occur when there is a heavily overcast day with low cloud cover. You will not see the runway due to the clouds, your plane will be positioned above them on the runway. You may take off as normal and it does not affect game play. This is a visual glitch probably due to the terrain elevations and it is relatively rare.
      In order to properly simulate a protracted ground war (after all this war ended in a stalemate after 8 years!)
      we have frozen the ground offensives and they will not start for approximately 9 months of game time. If you play the entire campaign through, it will start before the campaign ends. This method is probably more historical.
      If you would like to change this setting, it is very easy to do. You need to open the IranIraq_data.ini file and find the following file:
      For both Force 1 (Iran) and Force 2 (Iraq) you may then change the value.
      Be warned that changing these settings may result in strange results (the war ending after several months as an example).
      Credit for this campaign goes to:
      USAFMTL: Project lead & Terrain
      MK2 : Project Coordinator, Campaign files, Music , Pilot Photos, hangar sound files
      Kouts: excellent Main screen and in game screens
      Sundowner: skins for the F-5A, Mirage, F-14A and the F-4D and E
      Sony Tuckson: Mirage skins
      Charles Gunst: Medals
      Bpao: Mirage, F-5A and F-14A aircraft (needs download).
      Marcfighters: Mig skins
      ArmourDave: SU-17
      Crab_02: F-4D pre block 27, so yes there is a new plane in this add on.
      Mago: Mig-21MF cockpit


         (2 reviews)



    5. Iraq Nuke

      Iraq Nuke
      Here there are 6 mission for WOE_DS_Terrain with Irqa nuclear power p. facilities targets
      The targets positions are related to "Perry Castaneda Iraq_CW and Iraq_Nuclear maps"
      Aircaft needed:
      B-1B (late)
      Ships needed:
      Installation instructions:
      Unzip DS file and put alla contents in your WOE_Terrain_DS folder (overwrite DS_types and DS_targets.ini).
      Unzip Mission file and put all missions in your WOE_mission folder.
      See also Read me file.
      All FA-18A, F-14A and F-15A skins used are available in DS campaign.
      Missions are for B-1B - As B-1B cockpit I use F-111F cockpit.
      In order to have the aircraft more flyable on Take Off and Landing, I use this configuration
      on B-1B_data.ini file:


         (0 reviews)



    6. Jaguar Strike

      This is my time making a mission for WOE, so everything isnt going to be perfect. I tried to make it so there are alot of things going on *tank battle, enemy CAS, friendly intercept, and flak* but after i had a few problms, i had to cut it down a bit. I also had trouble ith the waypoints, but i managd to get it to the point where there arent any premature landings by the autopilot or wingman. So the waypoints arnt going to be the same as in other WOE missions. Hopefully next go round I get it right, lol. Anyways, this is just a simple Jag mission, the bases are close so there is no long flights, and you can quickly get into the action. If there are any problems, just let me know and I'll try to figure them out.
      The only planes you need are the Mirage Factory Jaguar GR.1, Mig-21F *i think that one is already in the stock folder* and the F-14A from Mirage Factory.
      and make sure you have the latest weapons packs and patches*or else some weapons wont work or the phamat and ECM pod wont show*
      They can be found at www.column5.com. or on www.combatace.com
      all thanks go out to column5 for the planes


         (0 reviews)



    7. Korean Air War Complete Mod

      This is a complete Korean Air War Campaign and COMPLETE PLANE SET AND OBJECT SET for Strike FIghters Project 1.
      You can fly the F-86 Sabre, F-84 Thunderjet, F-80 Shooting Star, F-51D Mustang, AD-4 Skyraider, F9F-5 Pantherjet, F2H-2 Banshee, and F4U-4 Corsair for the USAF, USN, USMC, and RAAF. Carrier Campaigns included.
      ALL YOU MUST DO to utilize the campaign and all the aircraft is
      1. Make a fresh install of SFP:1 and Patch it to SP3.2, then delete EVERY SINGLE stock aircraft.
      2. Put the latest version of the Weapons Pack in the Objects folder,
      3. Put the Korea terrain file in the Terrain folder, and
      4. Unzip the provided files to a Temporary Directory. Copy the Campaigns, Flight, Menu, Objects, and Sounds folders to the Strike Fighters Directory, letting them overwrite the existing files.
      Then you can go fly, and smash the Communists.
      Have Fun,


         (3 reviews)



    8. Korean Air War Ground Object and Campaign Update

      Korean Air War Update to SP4 standards
      by malibu43
      This update just organizes the ground objects into proper folders, fixes some aircraft carrier bugs, and ensure the air units in the campaigns use the right aircraft included with the install.
      Delete the campaigns folder and the ground objects folder in your Korean Air War install and replace them with the ones included in this zip file.
      You'll also have to download wrench's F4U:
      Remember to back up these folders before you delete them, in case something goes wrong.


         (0 reviews)



    9. Korean War Mod Update

      Here is the Korean Air War Mod Terrain and Campaign Update.
      My thanks go to TK for such a great sim, FNG2k for his groundbreaking work in this area, and especially Charles, Capun and Gramps (the A-Team) for all their help and support.
      This is a redone Korea Terrain and Campaign V2.0. I used all new tiles plus got rid of all those "sea mountains"and fixed the water and runways to give them a more 1950's look.
      Special thanks to Polak for his water mod, which I have adapted for this terrain. I stongly recommend you download and use Polak's sky mod with this terrain as well.
      1. Delete your old Korea Folder in the Terrain Folder and replace it with this new one.
      2. Delete the old Korean War Folder in the Campaign Folder and replace it with this one.
      3. Fly.


         (5 reviews)



    10. Kurnas

      Here You'll find 8 missions for WOE_suez 2 terrain
      Missions are related to 1973 Yom Kippur war, with Egypt and Syria areas.
      Aircraft needed:
      F-4E IDF
      Copy all missions in WOE_mission folder and You're right.


         (0 reviews)



    11. Libya

      Skies up your skill at Libya
      intercept bandits on sigonella skies
      make sure you have all mig-29 series
      and all modern aircraft


         (0 reviews)



    12. Lightnings Over Europe

      Replaces No.14 Squadron (flying Hunters) in the Red Thunder 1962 campaign for WoE, with No. 11 Squadron flying the Lightning F.Mk.6.
      For all those English Electric rocketeers out there, here is the rocket with wings, flying and fighting against the might of the Warsaw Pact. Hold on to your hats!


         (3 reviews)



    13. Line Backer III v1.1

      Thanks for downloading my Linebacker III campaign. This is release (v1.1). If you are installing this over the beta release or v1.0, the change log at the bottom should let you know which files need to be overwritten.
      This is a completely fictional campaign senario created to allow folks to fly some of the 80's/90's era aircraft in a campiagn situation. It's set up to be fun, and not an accurate representation of what would have happened had there been a conflict in Vietnam in the 90's.
      I would recommend a dedicated install for this campaign to prevent corrupting something, but it doesn't need it. See the installation instructions for more details. They aren't required downloads or listed in the install instructions, but I would also highly recommend the "Green Hell 2" mod for the terrain and the "wide sky" mod as well to get the most fun out of this campaign. If you want an extra challenge, add the soviet SAMs pack available at CA, and keep an eye out for those SA-19's...
      Included in the zip file:
      -Vietnam Targets.ini, movement.ini and types.ini
      -LBIII campaign folder
      -F-16C and F-18C
      -Tornado SEA camo
      -Weapon data to be added
      -Menu Screen
      -Ground Object updates
      -Aircraft Data.ini and loadout.ini updates for use with SP5
      All the required downloads are availabe at Combat Ace. However, if you can't find something here, try Column5.us. Required Downloads (sorry there's a lot...):
      -Bunyaps Weps Pack
      -Latest 3rd wire weps editor
      -LAU-88_AGM_65D by KingAlbert
      -Infantry Pack by Kesselbrut
      -US Armor Pack (labeled 'US 70's to Now Pack' in downloads)
      -BMP-1 by Rebel Ryder
      -F-15C (recommend the MSIP F-15C/D for an updated HUD)
      -A-7E_Late_MF (from the MF A-7E pack)
      -F-16A_BLK10_NDC (only pilot and fx are needed for F-16C_BLK50)
      -Tornado GR1 from Tornado Pack
      -LHA-1 USS Tarawa
      -Soviet Artillery Pack
      -SU-27 (available at http://marcfighters.combatace.com
      -B-52H (requires files from B-52G)
      1. Recommended: Start with a clean, patched copy of WOE and Add entire VietnamSEA terrain folder from WOV.
      If you don't want a separate install for the campaign, you can just follow the rest of the steps and add everything to your existing WOE (w/WOV terrain) or WOE/WOV Merged install. Most of the files you're installing shouldn't interfere with anything else, but I can't promise that. I would recommend a seperate install.
      2. Add the included vietnamSEA_targets.ini, vietnamsea_movement.ini and vietnamsea_types.ini into the terrain folder (allow to overwrite)
      3. Drop the LineBackerIII campaign folder into the campaigns folder.
      4. Add the F-16C_BLK40 and FA-18C folders into the aircraft folder. Also run the installer for the F-16A_BLK10_NDC into a temporary folder, and copy all the pilot and extra files (effects, etc.) from the temporary directory into the appropriate directory in your Linebacker III (or WOE) installation.
      5. Install Bunyap's weps pack.
      6. Overwrite the TER_CBU entry and the HTS_POD entry in the weapondata.ini file with the included weapon data and add the data for the ALQ-126. You will need to overwrite the exsisting entries, not just add the data at the bottom. The only difference is the attachment points have been adjusted to allow only the outer and bottom attachment points to be used (for the F-16). The HTS_Pod active year has been changed to 1991 which seems to be more accurate. Make sure to open the weapon in the weapon editor afterwards so it shows up.
      7. Copy all the data.ini files from in the ground object update folder into their appropriate folders in the groundobject folder. This updates all the SAM's, AAA, and vehicles so they show up after the 80's.
      8. Install all of the required downloads. Drop the included F-111F_data.ini file into the F-111F aircraft folder and allow it to replace. Do the same for the inlcuded files for the Tornado GR.
      9. If your doing a separate install, place mainscreen.BMP and mainscreen_alt.BMP in your menu folder. I have included two different mainscreens, and you can switch between the two by simply naming whichever one you want to use mainscreen.bmp and changing the name of the other one to something else. There is also an icon you can use. I would also reccommend saving a copy of one of you favorite 90's rock songs in .wav format and renaming it mainscreen.wav and dropping that in the menu folder. I chose "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns 'n Roses. Really sets the mood!
      vietnamSEA_targets.ini, _movement.ini, and _types.ini by TeTeT
      Modified LBII campaign by TeTeT
      F-16C created using the F-16C_BLK10_NDC by Mirage Factory
      F-18C created using the FA-18A from Mirage Factory and the FA-18ba from the checksix megapack.
      Big thank you to these folks for the work they did and for allowing me to use it!!!
      Changes from 1.0:
      AV-8B's moved from carrier to deal with SP5 issues
      Changes from the Beta Release:
      Fixed squadrons with missing aircraft
      Updated some of the weapons in the campaigns
      Changed the quantities of SU-27's and Mig-29's
      Added the F-14D, SU-17, and Mig-25
      Updated the F-111F data to accomodate the GBU-15
      Changed the F-16blk40 to a blk50
      Updated the HTS_Pod data to allow it to be used in the campaign
      Added SEA camo for Tornado GR1


         (0 reviews)



    14. Linebacker II - Constant Guard

      Linebaker II - Constant Guard
      Here there are some historical missions of F-111A in Vietnam war form dec.1972 to jan.1973,
      during operations Linebacker II and Constant Guard.
      You need DRV_ terrain.
      Copy adn overwrite DRV_ types.ini file in your DRV terrain_folder.
      Copy adn overwrite DRV_ targets.ini file in your DRV terrain_folder.
      download factory target from http://forum.combatace.com/files/category/7-sfwo-object-mods/ and put files in your DRV terrain_folder (without types.ini and targets.ini files).
      Copy all missions file in your mission folder.


         (0 reviews)



    15. Linebacker III (Beta)

      Thanks for downloading my Linebacker III campaign. This is pretty much the finished version. I'm only calling this a Beta simply because it hasn't been extensively tested.
      This is a completely fictional campaign senario created to allow folks to fly some of the 80's/90's era aircraft in a campiagn situation. It's set up to be fun, and not an accurate representation of what would have happened had there been a conflict in Vietnam in the 90's. The squadron names/numbers are just what was there from the Linebacker II campaign I used as a template, so many of them may be incorrect for the type of aircraft used. Also, I didn't really spend any time on which skins to use, so most the default skin for most squadrons will be whatever the default skin for the aircraft is.
      I would recommend a dedicated install for this campaign to prevent corrupting something, but it doesn't need it. See the installation instructions for more details. They aren't required downloads or listed in the install instructions, but I would also highly recommend the "Green Hell" mod for the terrain and the "wide sky" mod as well to get the most fun out of this campaign.
      Included in the zip file:
      -Vietnam Targets.ini, movement.ini and types.ini
      -LBIII campaign folder
      -F-16C and F-18C
      -TER_CBU weapon rack
      -Menu Screen
      -Ground Object updates
      All the required downloads are availabe at Combat Ace. However, if you can't find something here, try Column5.us. Required Downloads:
      -Bunyaps Weps Pack
      -LAU-88_AGM_65D by KingAlbert
      -Infantry Pack by Kesselbrut
      -US Armor Pack (labeled 'US 70's to Now Pack' in downloads)
      -BMP-1 by Rebel Ryder
      -F-15C (recommend the MSIP F-15C/D for an updated HUD)
      -F-111F from F-111 Package (look in the readme for where do get the cockpit)
      -A-7E_Late_MF (from the MF A-7E pack)
      -F-16A_BLK10_NDC (only pilot and fx are needed for F-16C_BLK40)
      -Tornado GR1 from Tornado Pack
      -LHA-1 USS Tarawa
      -Soviet Artillery Pack
      -SU-27 (marcfighters.combatace.com)
      1. Recommended: Start with a clean, patched copy of WOE and Add entire VietnamSEA terrain folder from WOV.
      If you don't want a separate install for the campaign, you can just follow the rest of the steps and add everything to your existing WOE (w/WOV terrain) or WOE/WOV Merged install. Most of the files you're installing shouldn't interfere with anything else, but I can't promise that. I would recommend a seperate install.
      2. Add the included vietnamSEA_targets.ini, vietnamsea_movement.ini and vietnamsea_types.ini into the terrain folder (allow to overwrite)
      3. Drop the LineBackerIII campaign folder into the campaigns folder.
      4. Add the F-16C_BLK40 and FA-18C folders into the aircraft folder. Also run the installer for the F-16A_BLK10_NDC into a temporary folder, and copy all the pilot and extra files (effects, etc.) from the temporary directory into the appropriate directory in your Linebacker III (or WOE) installation.
      5. Overwrite the TER_CBU entry in the weapondata.ini file with the included weapon data. You will need to overwrite the exsisting entry, not just add the data at the bottom. The only difference is the attachment points have been adjusted to allow only the outer and bottom attachment points to be used (for the F-16). Make sure to open the weapon in the weapon editor afterwards so it shows up.
      6. Copy all the data.ini files from in the ground object update folder into their appropriate folders in the groundobject folder. This updates all the SAM's, AAA, and vehicles so they show up after the 80's.
      7. Install all of the required downloads.
      8. If your doing a separate install, place mainscreen.BMP and mainscreen_alt.BMP in your menu folder. I have included two different mainscreens, and you can switch between the two by simply naming whichever one you want to use mainscreen.bmp and changing the name of the other one to something else. There is also an icon you can use. I would also reccommend saving a copy of one of you favorite 90's rock songs in .wav format and renaming it mainscreen.wav and dropping that in the menu folder. I chose "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns 'n Roses. Really sets the mood!
      vietnamSEA_targets.ini, _movement.ini, and _types.ini by TeTeT
      Modified LBII campaign by TeTeT
      F-16C created using the F-16C_BLK10_NDC by Mirage Factory
      F-18C created using the FA-18A from Mirage Factory and the FA-18ba from the checksix megapack.
      Big thank you to these folks for the work they did and for allowing me to use it!!!


         (1 review)



    16. Little txt update for the Falklands

      Paul "COMRPNT" Taylor did some very good campaign start and end textfiles I forgot to add tem into the pack
      ... here they are.


         (2 reviews)



    17. Luftwaffe over Dhimar 1.0

      Luftwaffe over Dhimar
      Campaign Mod for SFP1
      by Drakon
      German Air Force Campaign
      Squadrons: Jagdbombergeschwader 31 "Bölcke" (F-84F)
      Squadrons: Jagdbombergeschwader 36 "Westfalen" (G91-R3)
      Squadrons: Jagdgeschwader 71 "Richthofen" (Sabre Mk6)
      Install the October Patch 08 for SFP1
      Save the Campaigns, Menu and Objects Folder or use the Jonesoft Generic Mod Enabler
      Download and Install the F-84F Thunderstreak from Mirage Factory
      Extract Luftwaffe over Dhimar.rar into your SFP1 Directory
      Good hunting ;)
      Thanks to:
      Ravensclaw007 - Canadair Sabre GAF late
      erikgen - FIAT G91-R3 "Gina"


         (0 reviews)



    18. Malta 1942, a campaign for WoA

      The first half of 1941 had been a hard time for the Allied defenders of Malta, when the Luftwaffe could devote several of its best units to pound the island, sink any ship within nearby waters, and decimate the small fighter force of outperformed Hurricanes. As Germany turned its attention Eastwards with Operation Barbarossa, the RAF could recover, then take a more offensive stance, putting threatening pressure on the Axis convoys to Libya, and even striking targets in Sicily.
      Nonetheless, by the end of the year, as the operations East were getting stuck in the Russian Winter, it was decided to move again large numbers of Luftwaffe units to the Mediterranean Front, in order to eliminate the RAF striking force, and to bend the Maltese morale under the weight of bombs.
      As the valiant defenders of Malta were to face this renewed enemy effort, the Axis leaders began to meet and plot an invasion of the island by air and sea, intended to remove once and for all this thorn from their flank. By the end of April 1942, this Sword of Damocles over Malta would have a name: Operation Herkules..

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Malta 1942 : Malta now with 100% more Spitfires !!
      This is my third campaign for Wings over Africa, the free add-on by The Dev A-Team that enables you to re-enact the air war over the most legendary battlefields of the Mediterranean Theatre of Operations. In this mod, Baltika had already provided campaigns over Malta covering the epic years 1940 and 1941. This 11-months-long campaign, running from December 1941 to November 1942, completes a trilogy, encompassing some of the most dramatic moments of the siege, when Malta was the closest to be dominated in the air before Spitfires were finally delivered, the closest to be strangled with Allied supply convoys repeatedly decimated or driven away, and finally the closest to be doomed as the Axis leaders planned very seriously for Summer 1942 the naval and aerial invasion of the island, codenamed Operation Herkules.
      Four additional downloads will be required to play this campaign (the links are included in the ReadMe file, registration at Capun Skunkworks needed). The modified files provided here allow several flyable units to display their original markings, and activate some Sardinian and Tripolitanian bases and targets on the Tunisia map as soon as the beginning of the campaign. A French translation of the campaign texts is also included.
      Flyable planes (including scheduled upgrades during this long campaign):
      British RAF/FAA :

      Hawker Hurricane Mk.I & Mk.IIb

      Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Vb

      Bristol Beaufighter Mk.I & VI

      Bristol Beaufort Mk.I

      Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV

      Martin Maryland Mk.I & Baltimore Mk.I (reco)

      Fairey Albacore Mk.I

      German Luftwaffe :

      Messerschmitt BF-109 F-4 & G-2

      Messerschmitt BF-110 C-4

      Junkers Ju-88 C-4 night fighter

      Junkers Ju-88 A-4 (bombers & reco)

      Junkers Ju-87 D

      Italian Regia Aeronautica :

      Macchi Mc.200 'Saetta'

      Macchi Mc.202 'Folgore'

      Reggiane Re.2000 'Falco'

      Reggiane Re.2001 'Ariete'

      Junkers Ju-87 B 'Picchiatelli'

      Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 'Sparviero'

      Choose your side! As a British, Commonwealth, or American volunteer in the RAF, serving in "the fighter pilots' paradise", make sure that the sacrifices already consented by the tenacious Maltese population, and by the brothers-in-arms who fought before you, won't have been vain. As a German pilot veteran of the easy playground and hard conditions of living of the Soviet Front, take your part in Rommel's glorious epic by neutralizing the stubborn rock that cripples the Afrikakorps' supply lines. As an Italian patriot, protect Sicily against the odious raids perpetrated by the English air pirates from Malta, and prepare the capture of this invaluable floating bolt on behalf of the King.


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    19. Middle East Wars campaign pack

      3 campaigns for Gepard's Israel terrain
      Suez Crisis '56
      Flyable Aircraft: P-51, Meteor, F-84F, DH Vampire, DH Venom, Hawker Hunter, F-4-7U Corsair, SeaHawk, MiG-15
      6 Days War '67
      Flyable Aircraft: Mirage III, MD-450 Ouragan, Mystère IV, Meteor, Hawker Hunter, MiG-17, MiG-19, MiG-21, Su-7
      Yom Kippur War '73
      Flyable Aircraft: Mirage III, IAI Nesher, F-4E, A-4E, A-4F, Mystère IV, F-104A, Hawker Hunter, MiG-17, MiG-21, Su-7
      Tested with WOV, but should work fine with SFP1. Download links for required addons are included in the readme.


         (6 reviews)



    20. Middle East Wars v1.1 update

      This package updates the MiddleEastWars campaign pack to v1.1.
      Main changes from v1.0:
      - All 3 campaigns updated for use with Gepard's Israel v2.1 terrain
      - Increased enemy air activity when flying ground attack missions
      - Fixed a frontline bug in the 6 Days War campaign that caused the campaign to end prematurely
      - Historically correct markings for the Egyptian Air Force in the Suez campaign
      New addon Requirements:
      - Middle East Wars campaign pack (MiddleEastWars v1.0)
      - Israel 2 terrain by Gepard
      - Israel 2 terrain update v2.1 by Gepard
      - Desert tileset Beta by Gepard (required for WOV/WOE)


         (2 reviews)



    21. Midway Campaign v1.1 Hotfix

      Thanks to Bigstone for drawing my attention to a bug which affected units based on USS Yorktown. I had mistakenly included an experimental build of the campaign_data.ini file.
      This hotfix includes the updated Midway_data.ini file which corrects this bug, together with an updated readme which provides download links for the required files.
      Just unzip the .rar and drop the new Midway_data.ini file into your Campaigns/Midway folder, over-writing the old one. This will likely break any campaigns you have started, so be warned.
      Thanks for the feedback, and my apologies for any worry/sleepless nights/hair-pulling this bug has caused.
      I have edited the main campaign download pack to include the version 1.1 campaign files. So you only need this update if you have downloaded the original v 1.0 of the campaign pack.


         (0 reviews)



    22. Mig-17PF vs. Mig-19s- Test missions for the poll

      Mig-17PF vs. Mig-19s
      Test missions for the poll
      Drop the two missions into
      C:\...\Wings Over Israel\Missions folder
      In order to change the mission challenge you can change this line, using any text editor.



         (0 reviews)



    23. Mirage 5D campaign

      Kaddafi's Eagles - Mirage 5D campaign
      It is small mod for WOI, which allows you to fly as a pilot of Libyan 69th Independent Squadron fighting against Israel during Yom Kippur War.
      This package includes:
      - modified version of stock Yom Kippur campaign;
      - modified Mirage 5D *.ini files, making the plane flyable;
      - hangar and loading screens for Mirage 5D;
      - AS.20 missile created by ErikGen;
      - "KillMarks for the Evil Ones", created by Horus3K (modified by me for Mirage 5D).
      To install, simply paste all files to main WOI directory. If you have installed any additional weapons, you should install AS.20 missile manually, using weapon editor.


         (1 review)



    24. Missions Pak 3

      30 missions of all types containes a planning map ,and "bad weather" missions "gota find um ta kill um


         (0 reviews)



    25. Misty 32's Floating Trucks (WOV)

      [Welcome to the story of Misty 32 and the floating trucks]
      This is the story of Misty 32, flown by Ed Risinger. Historically Dick Rutan was the GIB (but in the WOV stock F-100D there is no GIB. You’ll need YAP missions 41-50 for the two seater F-100F). The mission simulates the surprise finding of a convoy of trucks in the clouds driving across a mountain-top ridge somewhere in RP1. Read about the real mission in this book: http://www.mistyvietnam.com/book.html
      Repeat Risinger's mission by calling in a strike flight (simulated) of 4 x F-4Cs on alert out of Da Nang. Mark the target with smoke and await the cavalry. If the strike birds fail, then have a go at strafing the convoy yourself.
      After the mission, RTB to Phu Cat, home of Misty. The Gunfighter flight will RTB to their home base of Da Nang.
      Watch out for reported AAA in the area as this is a well-used supply route and the enemy know how to defend it. There's no "kid on the karst“ here. These guys know what they're doing. Read more about the ‘kid’ here: http://www.mistyvietnam.com/exc_2.html
      During the mission you may need some gas, so top-up (simulated) via a friendly A310 tanker out of Da Nang, flying between waypoints 4 and 5 on your Nav. The tanker RTBs to Da Nang when he's completed 4 tracks.
      When you taxi out from the arming pit ready for take off, head to the end of runway 36 and wait. Misty 11 is returning from his early-morning sortie (you are callsign Misty 2.2, the second Misty flight of the day), and a Misty training checkout flight (pair) is also following up behind on finals. Wait for these three aircraft to land safely, before you depart. The reason for this is to add to the immersion, and also to get the timing right on transfer to the target area and simulated call to the strike birds to join you in the target area, once you have marked the target for them.
      *** Installation instructions are included to setup the refuelling tanker, camo drop tanks and static F-100Ds I make use of to populate Phu Cat. A briefing map is also included ***
      1. Install the A310 MRTT Refuelling Tanker, found here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=4453
      2. Download and install the F-100D Camo Tanks mod, found here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=1935
      [Optional Extra Install for Enhanced Immersion]
      Download and install the weather mod, found here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=2723
      [v1.02 update]
      Tweaked takeoff and departure altitude values to make it easier to capture TAKEOFF waypoint.
      [Final Word]
      I know it seems like a lot to download and install, but I tried to make this mission seem as realistic as possible so I think it's worth the setup effort to add in those extra pieces of the environment to make that happen.
      Anyway, I hope you enjoy the mission.
      Regards, comrpnt :-)


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