First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Terrain and Environmental Mods
61 files
Alternatice Solid Objects setting for FE Tiles by Jan Tuma
By Jan Tuma
Alternatice Solid Objects Alpha settings for First Eagles seasonal Tiles by Jan Tuma
A) Original setting: BLEND_DST_ALPHA
B) New alternative: BLEND_SRC_ALPHA
Installation: Copy new filles in Terrain directory
Have fun, again watch that Hun in the sun!
Jan Tuma
Flanders Seasonal Coastal Tiles
By Mike Dora
Flanders Seasonal Coastal Tiles
This is a small add-on to previous third-party terrain packs, providing a set of new seasonal coastal tiles to allow the user to enjoy Stary's seasonal tiles with Edward's Flanders terrain. Installation is a simple 5-stage process, just follow the steps set out in the ReadMe file.
My part in this pack has been only to build upon other people's excellent preceding work. Major acknowledgements are due to Edward for filling an important gap by bringing us his comprehensive Flanders front in the first place, and to Stary for his wonderful seasonal upgrade which has brought a new dimension to First Eagles.
Serious personal acknowledgements go to B Bandy RFC and NathanKell for all of their advice, encouragement and coaching through the challenges of first-time tile editing. Thanks chaps, it was a long haul but you never let me give up!
Any errors or omissions are of course mine and nobody else's (though if someone can figure out a way of extending Stary's new-style buildings and trees onto the coastal terrain that would be great).
Photorealisitic Tiles touch up
By Bandy
This is a simple touch up job of some tiles from Edward’s Photorealistic tile set for Flanders [], although surprise yourself and definitely try these tiles in Gepard's Vogesen terrain [], and other terrains as well.
Thank you Edward and all those who contributed to the Flanders environment and campaigns, TK and those unnamed at Thirdwire, and thank you Mike Dora for your original idea to redo the coastal tiles for consistency and your feedback and encouragement. Apologies if I have inadvertently forgotten to thank somebody, but thank you to all 3rd party moddders.
While the new tile sets are certainly welcome (thank you gentlemen!), they come at a cost for some people with old(er) systems. The photorealistic tile set still looks great with the new atmospheric mods and consistently runs superbly. If your system can take the extra load make sure you try Stary’s Flightengine.ini mod to push the horizon out and greatly reduce the ugly gray band. Thank you Stary, those few simple lines of code have rejuvenated FE for me, and I am sure for others as well.
Included are two versions of Flanders coastal tiles (redone for consistent sea colour) that have: 1) a subtle turquoise drop shadow to add visual interest and fake depth to the beach, and 2) coastal tiles without drop shadow for those who've seen the channel coast! Also retouched are coast trench tiles, Frairfield tile to blend in more with surroundings, all the river tiles for consistent colour, and miscellaneous touch ups to various ground bmp tiles. Also included are Rhein river photoreal tiles for Vogensen.
Copy to backup your Flanders and Vogesen terrain folder (to return to if you don’t like, or something ugly happens) and simply overwrite the old tiles. Any problems please PM me here, but remember, in life nothing is perfect...
IL2 clouds for First Eagles
By gumpy
Ok here it is IL2 clouds for First Eagles.It took some editing and some experimenting with different TARGA files to get this effect but I think it looks damn good.I made this mod using the first WideSky V1.0 mod by cellinsky available here and the CLOUD1 TARGA file came from Benders wonderful clouds mod for IL2 available at AAA,so I can't guarantee it will work with any of the other sky mods available here.If you want to use this and you are using a different sky mod you will probably have to revert back to WideSky V1.0.Thanks to cellinsky and Bender for their original mods and I hope they approve of this effect their combined mods creates for First Eagles.
Max188 Hires Snow Extra Tiles (Flanders, Cambrai)
By NathanKell
This "mod of a mod" includes some extra tiles for Max188's high-res winter set. I've also tried to blend the two extra full town tiles in better with the other town tiles.
Included are the extra tiles needed for the TW Cambrai terrain (All Rough, Village3-4, River6), as well as snow versions of Sopwith Snipe's extra tiles to use Max188's tiles in Edward's Flanders terrain.
I have also revised Max188's lake tiles to use the summer lake water (with a winter alpha channel like Max188's snow rivers) since in the Flanders and Cambrai terrains they serve as the English Channel as well as lakes.
All tiles are merely spliced together (with a few edits or color-shifting) Max188 and/or TW tiles, and Flanders splicing is to match Sopwith Snipe's new summer splice tiles; all credit for the actual painting goes to them.
PSDs available if anyone wants them.
EDIT: Found error in FrCoastCityFarmSea.tga (a piece of one a field was left undeleted). Fixed.
Strait of Gibraltar
By Stary
This is new 250x250km terrain for First Eagles, covering area of, well, the Strait of Gibraltar.
Named a beta, it has everything needed for some quick action, or maybe even a campaign if someone would be so kind to make one.
Included are several cities, some with port facilities, few scattered army camps, about a dozen aerodromes for both sides, new high resolution tileset, and some additional new objects.
Read the readme about additional info.
Requires Iron Duke by Hinchinbrook.
First Eagles stock terrains visual upgrade
By Stary
This is a set of new reworked seasonal textures, together with custom hand placed trees and buildings, created to enhance the look and feel of default First Eagles Verdun terrain and "Expansion Pack 1" Cambrai. For Cambrai sector the large empty grass areas (the so called "rough" textures) have been replaced with new irregular fields.
Max188 Hires Summer Extra Tiles (Cambrai, Flanders)
By NathanKell
This "mod of a mod" includes some extra tiles for Max188's high-res summer set. I've also tried to blend the two extra full town tiles in better with the other town tiles.
Included are the extra tiles needed for the TW Cambrai terrain (All Rough, Village3-4, River6). I have also included minor tweaks to four of Sopwith Snipe's Max188-in-Flanders tiles (fixing seams and adding borders).
All tiles are merely spliced together (with a few edits or color-shifting) Max188 and/or TW tiles, or Sopwith Snipe's combination work.
PSDs available if anyone wants them.
EDIT: Fixed FrFarm2Rough50b.bmp thanks to Panama Red!
Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles
By Panama Red
Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles
The reason that I got started modding the First Eagles Environemntalsystem.ini file was to:
1. Eliminate/reduce the lower horizon purple band in Clear weather,
2. Eliminate/reduce the lower horizon band in Overcast weather and
3. Eliminate/reduce the lower horizon band and overhead triangles in Inclement weather.
Modifying the clouds to make them more realistic was a byproduct of all the time spent "fixing" the first three items. I have tried to make the clouds as realistic looking as possible and at the proper altitude for each type.
In modifying the first Eagles Environmentalsystem.ini file, I used the same theme as TK used for the horizonclouds and broke out all 5 overhead clouds (versus the default Cloud1 for all weathers) into:
1. Cloud1 = Clear
2. Cloud2 = Scattered
3. Cloud3 = Broken
4. Cloud4 = Overcast
5. Cloud5 = Inclement
First Eagles default horizon clouds use the same method as the included horizonclouds included in this mod:
1. Horizonclouds 11-18 = Clear
2. Horizonclouds 21-28 = Scattered
3. Horizonclouds 31-38 = Broker
4. Horizonclouds 41-48 = Overcast
5. Horizonclouds 51-58 = Inclement
This way people can mix and match their particular horizon & overhead clouds (that other people have made) to their hearts desire and still have the original 3 fixes I did for the Clear, Overcast & Inclement weather.
Unfortunately due to internal FE game engine restrictions, I am not able to completely eliminate the Clear lower horizon band and can only transfer the lower horizon bands for Overcast and Inclement weather to above the clouds where you can still see the triangles above the Inclement clouds if you chose to fly above these clouds. From what I have read, without an artificial horizon in WW1 planes, not many pilots flew into/above thick Overcast or Inclement clouds because they could lose their orientation very quickly and did not want to subject their wood and canvas planes to all the turbulence within these clouds either.
I would like to give Marcel "Cellinsky" Aerni the biggest credit for starting me on this path of modding the sky, I have always admired all his great work in his “Widesky” mods. I have also included his Clear, Scattered, Overcast and Inclement Horizonclouds since they are very realistic and blend well with the FE’s horizon fog, as well as give credit to Polak for his Broken Horizonclouds; they really look like a front is coming through. I also give credit to Cellinsky and ShrikeHawk for their Cloud.tgas, they definitely improved the overhead clouds look.
The easiest way to install this mod (other than using the great JoneSoftGenericModEnabler tool ), is to copy your “Flight” folder and rename it “Flight1”, then unzip all the included files into your original “Flight” folder.
Inclement weather will rain 100% of the time with the standard “particlesystem.ini”, but I can give no guarantees if you are using a modified “particlesystem.ini” file.
Panama Red
Rhine River seasonal tiles for Vogesen
By Bandy
Fly in a snowy, or spring, or fall Vogesen terrain!!!
Contained in this download are 5 folders (plus stock Vogesen FRRhine tiles) containing "seasonal" Rhine River tiles to round out Gepard's excellent Vogesen Terrain. Vogesen.ini already points to the Cambrai terrain folder, so it is simple ini edit as outlined below. Provided are the modded seasonal Rhine River tiles, but if you want to use these Rhine tiles, then you must download other 3rd party tile sets for FE as below, and/or modify stock ..\Terrain\Cambrai\.. 3rd Wire folders as mentioned:
"Deep Snow" season (Thanks to Max188 for Verdun winter tiles)
"Snow" (Thanks to Edward for Verdun winter tiles, which I slightly modded for "Replacement Cambrai Snow Tiles" download)
"Spring" (Thanks to flyguy2 for Verdun spring)
"Summer" (rename 3rd Wire's "Spring" Folder to "Summer")
"Fall" (is stock 3rdWire, leave folder alone, many thanks to TK!)
If you choose to be conservative, use only the stock seasonal folders in the Cambrai Terrain (though these Rhine winter tiles are not compatible with 3rd Wire Snow tiles at all). Mix and match, or for more variety download all the seasonal tilesets mentioned above, then make/rename seasonal folders within the Cambrai Terrain folder as listed above, add the 3rd party tile sets, as well as the appropriate FRRhine tiles in THIS download to the appropriate season, and then edit the Vogesen.ini as below.
Follow these Combat Ace links for additional instructions for making/editing seasonal tile sets []
and if you choose tile set consolidation []. PM me at CA if any problems.
Example TERRAIN.ini edit follows, only replace the portions involving code from [season001] to [season005] or whatever you choose to do.
The dates the 5 seasonal tile sets will show up are changed to discrete months for play testing in single mission; if you reduce the number of seasons, make sure the dates add up, ie: alter the seasonal start-end dates to suit your preference...
//try Max188's hi-res (512 x 512) winter tiles in this folder.
Directory=..\wwiCambrai\Deep Snow <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Make sure this line is present
//try flyguy2's Spring tiles...
Directory=..wwi\Cambrai\Spring <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Make sure this line is present
//Rename 3rdWire's stock Spring folder to Summer, ie: use 3rd Wire "Spring" tiles for "Summer" season
Directory=..wwi\Cambrai\Summer <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Make sure this line is present
//Retain stock 3rdWire Fall Folder.
Directory=..\wwi\Cambrai\Fall <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Make sure this line is present
//try "Replacement Cambrai Snow tiles" by me, based on Edward's winter tile set
Directory=..\wwi\Cambrai\Snow <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Make sure this line is present
Replacement Cambrai Snow tiles
By Bandy
I do not like the look of the stock "Snow" tiles for Cambrai,
but really liked the earlier efforts of Edward and Max188 to make snow for Verdun.
I was inspired by my earlier experiences with Edward's excellent winter tiles,
so I cleaned some of them up, and made the 30+ other tiles required for use in Cambrai.
They are not perfect, to paraphrase, most things in life are not...
Here they are, simply backup your stock ..Terrain/Cambrai/Snow folder
and replace it with this one to try it out.
They will still also work in Verdun, though some tiles not required.
I also included a WWIVerdun.ini that will make seasonal changes for that terrain.
Follow the directions //commented within the ini itself,
and don't forget to add the fifth season folder "Deep Snow" to the ..Terrain/Verdun folder.
Thank you to Edward and other fine modders for the inspiration and your hard work, and of course TK.
PM me here at CA if there are issues.
Map icons for FE
By p10ppy
New map icons for FE
stylised rather than representative
drop two of the new tga files into your Flight folder
one called MAPFRIENDLYICON.TGA (Entente)
one called MAPENEMYICON.TGA (Central powers)
and they will override the defaults
note there are two MAPFRIENDLYICON.TGA icons in the package (MAPFRIENDLYICON_F.tga(French) and MAPFRIENDLYICON_B.tga(British))
you will need too rename the chosen one to MAPFRIENDLYICON.TGA
Updated Trench Textures
By vanderstok
I found the default trenches looking rather flat, so I enhanced the textures and added a little variation in colour. The result looks more defined, although the bitmaps still have the same size.
Just unzip the files in the WWI\Terrain\WWIVerdun folder.
Active Battlefield for First Eagles Version 2
By Heck
This version includes a number of changes, which are explained in the readme. With these modifications, it works on my system, and I have no problem with stats. I can't guarantee you'll have the same results, as the stats problem seems to be very system dependent, and mission time seems to have an affect also. I'm reposting this because it works for me, and it might work for you. It adds a bit to immersion, so if you can get it to work, I think it's worth it. Complete installation instructions are contained in the readme.
My thanks to Kesslebrut, and Geo, for the use of their ground objects. If you tinker with this, and wish to post a modified version, feel free, just don't mod the ground objects without the specific permission of the original authors.
When Geo finishes his superb new German 77mm gun, and his new 75, I will post a types and targets ini update to take advantage of them. From the screenshot he posted at ThirdWire, they should be fantastic!
As always, you use these files at your own risk. I hope they work for you as well as they worked for me.
Revised Cambrai by Firecage
By Firecage
I have a new WWICAMBRAI_TARGETS file to add a bit more realistic feel to the game.
This release (more to follow) has Balloons scattered around the map by a large amount from the original release.
I have added anywhere from 6-10 Balloons around the 6 major cities in the game as well as a few AAA sites in each.
Every airfield will have a balloon at its corner. I wanted to make it easier to fly to and from airfields and also add to some scenery to each area.
There are about 20-30 balloon recon stations that follow the front lines so at almost any point you cross no-mans land you should see at least 1 observation balloon somewhere near you.
All in all there are probably around 80-100 new Balloons and AAA added, mostly balloons.
Enjoy and thanks for any suggestions you may have to add to this.
You need to have the 2nd expansion pack for this to work. :yes:
This is ONLY the WWICAMBRAI_TARGETS file. Please back up your old targets.ini file before overwriting. :yes:
Vogesen Terrain version 1.0
By Gepard
Vogesen terrain is made for TK's sim "First Eagles" only. I have never tested it with SFP1 sim family.
The Vogesen, in french Vosges, are a mountain ridge along the former french german border. It devided the Elsass (Alsace) from Lothringen. The Elsass was german till 1648 , from 1648 to 1871 french and became german again in 1871. When the great war broke out french armies tried to attack from Fortress Belfort in direction of Mühlhausen (Muhlhouse), but had no real success. Also along the hills of the Vogesen mountains the war was hard and bitter. The german soldier fought here on german soil to defend the civilists in the Elsass lowlands, very often only some steps away from the last hills from where you have a beautifull look over the towns and villages.
Very hard were the fights around the hill Hartmannsweilerkopf (Hartmannswillerkopf).
I gave the towns and villages their old german names, to represent the time of the great war. This is not expression of desires of revanche which poissend the relations between germans and french since the french engagement during the 30 years war (1618 - 48). I'm glad that this bitter times are over and today germans and french call friends each other.
Vogesen Terrain is still work in progress. Only the southern part of the terrain is finished.
Version 1.0
1. Vogesen Terrain is now compatible with the Expansion Pack of First Eagles. You will enjoy now the terrain in all 4 seasons. You will face snow in the winter and green in the summer.
If you dont have the expansion pack you should open file vogesen.ini and exchange line
2. I improved the tiling of the terrain. The street network in the Elsass is now much more dense. The River Rhine is now not longer a fragment.
3. I added 2 new german airfields, 2 more Rhine bridges, 2 other bridges, a couple of Castles, 2 chateaus and additional observation ballons (hope i had forgotten nothing). Increased the number of target areas from 78 to 116.
4. I cutted the middle Rhine Valley into the mountains south of Koblenz. This beautifull valley, which is famous for its castles, is still only a fragment. But i enjoyed the fly through this valley very often. With a WWI plane its an relaxe flight. For a funny ride you should take a WWII bird. With full speed in a FW-190, a Spitfire or a Mustang hedgehopping there is a great experience.
1.) unzip all files into your WWI/Terrain folder
(files will be placed in folders Vogesen AND wwiCambrai)
2.) the file "Burgen am Rhein.msn" put into your missions folder
Thats it.
As usual i want to say thank you to all guys who helped me to create Vogesen terrain, to TK, ErikGen, and a lot of others,( sorry guys, at the moment i have forgotten the names. Please contact me if you want to be named at this place.) Thanks for files, suggestions, bug findings etc
Vogesen terrain is freeware. You are free to modify and share it, BUT Commercial use is prohibited.
If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of forum.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Near Clear
By sinbad
Near Clear is a minor tweak that eliminates the puffy little cotton ball clouds nearby. The horizon clouds are unaffected. Simply drop the Cloud1 file into your Flight folder. If you want the cotton balls back, remove it. There will be no enduring effect on the game.
I have tested it in First Eagles with and without the Expansion Pack, but I see no reason it wont work in other games in this series.
Enjoy flying without the cotton balls.
Worn Airfield for Flanders
By ShrikeHawk
Worn Airfield texture for Flanders Terrain.
August 12, 2007 by ShrikeHawk
First of all, kudos and credit to Tailspin for coming up with the idea for a "worn" airbase
and also for finding the right file to edit.
I had 3 objectives in mind when making this texture.
1. Create a used, rutted look for the airfield that has yellowish-looking grass and muddy, exposed earth
patches where planes have repeatedly landed.
2. When close to, or sitting on the ground, the texture must look more complex with details to
give the flyer a greater sense of motion near the ground. But this should not be too prominent at
altitude. This was achieved using filter effects and applying graphic "noise" to the texture.
3. Lastly, I wanted the texture to "blend in" more with the background. This was difficult because the
surrounding tiles are not the same at every airbase. So I attempted to visually breakup the edges of the
texture a la camouflage so that the edge of the airbase is not readily discernable. On close
inspection, you can still see the edges. But not so clearly when viewed at an oblique angle.
Note: I expect this will not look so good with the standard Verdun terrain. In my Verdun terrain, I am
using Edward's replacement tiles, which I highly recommend. This texture works well with Edward's
"Worn" FE Airfield Texture
By Tailspin
Here's a new "worn" or "used" look for the airfields in First Eagles.
You can do anything you want with this file...just give me some credit...dammit!!
Thicker, Fuller Clouds for FE
By ShrikeHawk
Thicker, Fuller Clouds for FE
07/30/07 by ShrikeHawk
I felt that the default in FE looked too much like faded white blobs
and not nearly enough like clouds. So I set about to change it.
My intention here was to make more robust-looking clouds with a higher
density and a greater "presence". I also wanted to create the more
complex shapes that clouds can form. The kind that makes you lay in
the grass and imagine what animal shape the cloud is.
I increased the random factor for the clouds as well, so scattered
clouds can be almost as dense as the default broken clouds and then
again the clouds could be very sparse. So you never quite know what
you're going to get. I like that better.
I wanted to fix Inclement Clouds too. Realistic or not, I felt that it
was too featureless and too muddy gray. I thought the cloudlayerbottom
didn't match the stormy gray of the horizon clouds. So I created a new
CLOUDLAYERBOTTOM5.bmp that I think fits the look of a stormy sky better.
I have increased the particle count in the clouds a lot. This is a big
reason for the thicker clouds. In defense of TK, I think he had the
default clouds the way he did because it would keep the framerates high
for most machines. This is a guess. I have not seen a framerate hit on
my machine (2.80Ghz CPU, @750Mb RAM, GeForce 6800GT 256Mb VRAM), but it
is possible that some machines may get an FPS degrade with this mod.
Have fun!
Mod to enable Max 188's Hi Res tiles in Edward's Flander's Terrain
This small mod allows you to use Max188's stylish high resolution summer terrain with Edwards most excellent Flanders map. The installation is a bit involved, but worth the time if you like Max's tiles.
What I've actually done is paint nine new tiles based on Max's high resolution originals to replace the new tile types that exist in Edward's set (all the others in Edward's terrain are like-for-like replacements of the original First Eagles set, as are Max's high resolution tiles).
Thanks to Edward and Max for the inspiration and hard work that have allowed my small contribution.
--Sopwith Snipe
April 2007
First Eagles Flanders Terrain
By Edward
Flanders Terrain for First Eagles
Terrain by Me. Tiles by Bill Gates, Third Wire, and Me. Static Aircraft and other bits by the A-Team. Ground Crew and other ground objects by Geo. Moored Zeppelin by Hinchinbrooke. Hi Res Buildings by Max188.
Special Thanks to TK for a Great Flight Sim and the A-Team for doing twenty-one really great WWI aircraft; and Aladar, MontyCZ, EmlD, Bortafarm and others for many more spectacular aircraft.
Let me personally thank Charles, Capun and Geo for all their help and support with this. These fine gentlemen make modding a lot of fun.
1. Put the Flanders folder in your Terrain Folder
2. Select in Menu
3. Fly
To Delete just remove the folder.
Known Issues:
Nothing in Life is Perfect.
First Eagles Flanders 1916-1918 Campaign for the Royal Flying Corps, Royal Naval Air Service and German Air Service to follow. It will include all the great available aircraft.
Hi-Res Winter Terrain Set for First Eagles
By max188
This is a hi-res winter terrain set for First Eagles. It is a winterized version of the Hi-Res Summer Terrain, and utilizes 512x512 tiles. Also included are buildings and trees to match the winter landscape.
First Eagles Winter Replacement Terrain
By Edward
Here are Replacement Winter Terrain Tiles for First Eagles. They are modified EAW Tiles. They are not perfect, as I still have to replant a few trees, but they certainly allow you to fly over the Western Front when it's cold.
These tiles change nothing except the look of the terrain. All roads, rivers trenches and airfields are intact.
Just drop these files in your wwiVerdun terrain folder. To delete just remove the files.
Flanders Terrain is to follow.
Spring Terrain
By flyguy2
This is a modification of the summer terrain by Firecage, posted with his kind permission. The color scheme is warmer and is reminiscent of the old Flying Corps Gold terrain.
Many thanks to Firecage for the original summer terrain and his support and suggestions on this project.
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