- A-1
- A-4
- A-5
- A-6
- A-7
- B-47
- B-52
- B-57
- B-66
- AC/C-119
- C-130
- F-3
- F-4
- F-5
- F-8
- F-9
- F-11
- F-80
- F-84
- F-86
- F-94
- F-100
- F-101
- F-102
- F-104
- F-105
- F-106
- F-111
- Other
F-4D (78), North Dakota ANG "The Happy Hooligans" by Chris
By Wrench
F-4D (78) USAF, North Dakota Air National Guard Skin and Decal Pak
= For SF2 (Full-4 Merged Recommended)
*Note: can be used in any install with access to the F-4D_78*
Slight modifications to a 1stGen skin pak done by "Chris" in 2005, brings it to SF2.
This skin represents the 178th FIS, 119th FIG North Dakota Air National Guard, aks "The Happy Hooligans". All decals used herein are from this original pak. The skins are stock, with a new-made _5.bmp to add the painted on fin stripe
Other mods included are the data and userlist inis, with corrected 'end-of-service-dates', as many ANG units seem to have used the D until the early 1990s. Also, the canopy has been activated via the usual manual animation key (shift/0). Couldn't pass that one up!
For grins and giggles, jpg copies of the skin maps are included .. in case someone wants to save HD space.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The original 2005 readme is included. Any mistakes/errors are all mine.
Happy Landings!!
kevin stein
ps: having placed their home base on the terrain I working on, couldn't resist having more Hooligans!
A-4B Skyhawk, VA-83 Rampagers (1958, ATG-201)
By Wrench
VA-83 A-4B Skyhawk Skin/Decal Pak
= For SF2 (Any and All, Full-4 Merged Prefered) =
*Can be used in any install that has access to the A-4B*
This skin pack reproduces A-4B Skyhawks of VA-83 "Rampagers" circa 1958, as seen aboard USS Essex (CVA-9) as part of ATG-201, during the Beirut Crisis of that timeframe, supporting the US Marines during the intervention.
All new decals, 100% historcally correct for the serial (Bureau) numbers for those -B Scooters used by VA-83 during this time period. I was unable to match Modex to BuNum, but that's a small thing
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
A-4C Skyhawk VA-76 "Spirits"
By Wrench
A-4C Skyhawk VA-76 Sprits Skin Pak
-- For SF2, Any and All that have the A-4C Accessable --
This skin/decal represents VA-76 Spirits as seen in 1962/63 when based USS ENTERPRISE (CVAN-65) during her Med Cruise and during the Cuban Missile Crisis quarantine as part of CVG-6. All new decals (plus one "borrowed" stock one and editated to suit) have been created for the various markings and such.
Other mods include tweeked data and loadout inis. The loadout ini changes the STRIKE loadout to use a TER with 2 Mk82s each (I Like a little more striking power); if you don't want to carry 4 Mk 82 bombs, just delete the loadout ini, and it'll revert back to stock. Or, you can re-edit, remove the RackType reference, and replace with 2 1000 pound Mk.83s. Your choice!. Data ini changes include activating the canopy via a manual animation key (use Shift/0 to open and close), and the addition of the landing light.
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
EF-4C, 81st TFS, USAFE
By Wrench
EF-4C 'Phantom' WW IV 81st TFS Skin Pak
-- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V/SF2:E =ONLY!!!=
(it can acutally be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the F-4C_67)
This is to fill a request presented to me by daddyairplanes, to add a new skin for the 81st TFS, 52nd TFW, USAFE, based at Spangdahlem AFB from 1973-79ish, where they were the only SEAD-dedicated squadron in theatre. The EF-4Cs were replaced by F-4G WW Vs, which were in turn replaced by F-16CJs. Even though the 81st now flys Hogs, but, ya get the picture! <grin>
It is designed to add to the "sf2 EF-4C Update Pak" released recently. You can find the update pak at CombatAce, at the following URL:
It should be noted, that =THIS= skin is for a European based squadron, so if installilng into a stand-alone SF2:E -make double damn sure you have the F-4C_67 avialabile on you planes list!!!!! (Merged installs, and those users that have run the SF2E.exe to create a SF2E mods folder should have the aircraft already) When in doubt about mods folders, consult the CA Knowledge Base.
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
F-4E_86, 45th TFW "The Warbirds" Skin Set (Fictional)
By Wrench
F-4E (86) Phantom II Skin Set - 45th TFW "The Warbirds"
-- For SF2 (any/all) --
This skin/decal set is designed for use =ONLY= on the TMF F-4E ARN-101, as this
is the proper airframe for the time period depicted. You can find/download the
aircraft at the following URL:
You MUST install this aircraft first, before applying this skinpak.
This is a fictional skin, representing the 45th TFW's 3 squadrons, as seen in the
Richard Herman novel "The Warbirds". The novel tells the story of a fictional
Persian Gulf war, wherein the 45th are (basically) the only US Air Power in
the region. I won't go into the storyline, but since it all revolves around a
Phantom unit (the book says it's the last USAF Phantom unit, btw), and EVERYONE
love Phantoms ... it's a no brainer, eh?
The 3 Squadrons of the Wing are represented. They are:
377th TFS
378th TFS
379th TFS
They carry the tail badges as when assigned to RAF Stonewood. After much
discussion with the Resident Experts , it was decieded that the 45th's
deployment to Ras Assanya was just that -a deployment-, and they would still
carry the codes from their parent unit or base. Each squdron also has it's own
tailfin color flash.
A slightly modified Loadout ini is included, with some weapons changes (back to
Iron Bombs ). In reality, these late-model aircraft were used more on PGM
delivery (ie: laser guided bombs) than 'dumb-bombs'. The Dumb Bombs fit more with
the descriptions in the book.
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package
has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT
easier to install (read: drag and drop).
Don't forget to read the "Notes & Other Nonsense" for various and sundry
ramblings of a madman, and Full Credits.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
F-4J(UK) Phantom II
By Wrench
F-4J (UK), Royal Air Force
=For SF2, Any and All (Full-4 Merged Reccomended/Preferred,etc)
This package will create a new aircraft, the F-4J(UK), as used by the RAF in the post-Falklands era, by No. 74 "Tiger" Squadron. This mod uses ALL stock, in game items for weapons (excepting the SUU-23black gunpod included, just in case you ain't got it). No lods or cockpit bits are supplied, as everything is referenced from the stock 3W USN/USMC F-4J. Loadouts have been adjusted to use RAF weapons.
Almost all new decals have been created, with 100% accurate serial and ID call letters for the 15 aircraft taken from US stocks to beef-up UK Air Defense. Historically, 74 was used pretty much ONLY in the AD role, but for fun & playability I've left all the other mission statements intact, excepting SEAD.
2 skins are supplied with this pak, making use of the 'change skin by year switch' from some previous patch or another. They are:
3-tone grays w/plane tail (1982-1987)
3-tone grays w/all black tail (1987-??)
**Please Note: these are Hi-Rez skins, at 2048x2048. End Users with weaker machines may need to resize down 1 step**
All decals are the same for both skins; several of which are taken from Sundowners' original mod -why waste good decals?.
Decal radomization is set to TRUE, so be at whatever patch level is requried (post May/June/whatever!)
For fun, you might want to LOOK at the supplied numberlist -- look closley at the vertical column of call letters for the 1st six aircraft. See if you can see what it says!
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The expected "Notes" section as well, for those interested.
With special thanks to Ant for uploading his Phantom templates some time ago -- it sure makes life easier when you've go the best to work with!! Any/all mistakes are mine, and mine alone.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
By Wrench
F-104G Starfighter, ROCAF Skin & Decal Pak
A rebadging of the stock F-104G Starfighter to those as used by the Republic of China (aka: Taiwan) from the mid-1960s until their retirment in the late 1990s.
As such, it should be considered as a 'generic' skin; although the serials and ID numbers are accurate, it represents no particular unit. The serials and ID numbers represent the first 40ish 104Gs the ROCAF acquired.
Although built and designed for use in SF2 series sims, it's easily backdated for use on SF/Wo* 1st Gens as well. I've even included a SF/Wo* series type Decals ini, ready for use.
For SF2 users, a modified F-104G_UserList.ini is included, with corrected service dates for Taiwan.
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. I've tried to make it as simple and easy as possible.
A perfect addition to Gepards' Formosa Terrain!
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
P-2H Neptune MLD (Netherlands Naval Air Service)
By Wrench
P-2H "Neptune" RNNAS (MLD) Skin/Decals Pak
-- For SF2, Any & All --
This skin and decal pak is for the P-2H Neptune, and recreates aircraft from 320 Squadron, Royal Netherlands Naval Air Service (aka Marine-Luchtvaartdienst or MLD), in the 1970s.
Designed for the recently released SF2 upgrade, which can be found here:
(yes, shameless self-promotion!)
This adds another user's skin, with (hopefully!) historically accurate markings and serials.
Another minor tweek, is the canopy glass tga has now been made fully transparant.
As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install. A note about the canopy glass tga is in here too!
Happy Hunting!
kevin stein
JASDF F-86 Sabre Skin Pak
By Wrench
JSADF F-86F-40 Sabre Skin Pak
=For SF2 & SF/SFG/WoV/WoE and maybe WoI @ 08 Levels and above=
Something to fill the gap for early usage by the JASDF, from it's formation in 1954, until the mid/late 1960s when the F-104s began replacing them.
You MUST have the F-86F-40 installed first, before installing these skins (duh!). Although all Zur's Sabres are mapped identically, these are for the F-40 variant, and NOT the standard or garden variety F-86F (although the JASDF DID use/build a lot of F variants)
The 4 JASDF Squadron represented here are:
1 Hikotai
3 Hikotai
6 Hikotai
8 Hikotai
While designed with SF2 installs in mind (this was tested in my full-4 merged), it can also be used in 1st Gens, with some minor editing. I've suppled a 'blank' SF/Wo* F-86-40.ini (blank meaning it has no textureset listings), and full instructions for use in 1st Gens, found down below in the "To Insall" section. Be advised, I no longer mod for 1st Gen Series, excepet for WW2 (and I'm trying like crazy to get THEM updated...), so if you can't figure it out...
All have accurate serial numbers assigned, as per squadron (rated at 90%, as I couldn't find each and every one of the 18 A/C per squadron, so 1-3 are 'fill-ins'. Rest assured, however, they ARE correct either for NAA or Mistubishi/Fuji built versions). While the number.lst in included, it's been deactivated as for to keep you from running out of numbers while playing; what with only 18 aircraft per squadron, this is a VERY real possibility. It's easily reactivated by a simple rename. A 'generic' patch is included, also renamed to remove it. SF2 seems to have some kind of 'issue' with the paintchip/patch, in that it shfits the squadron selextions in the dropdown to the left a bit, making it hard to read.
For SF2 only, there are a new SF2 style plane-jane Hangar Screen, a new avionics ini that activtes the gun ranging-only radar (puts the yellow diamnomd on the target when within range),a =very= incomplete UserList.ini, and an extra main ini for SF/Wo* 1st Gen usage. The avioinics.ini =NOT= usable in SF/Wo* 1st Gens, except with the possiblity of WoI with the new Suez Expansion Pak. This has =NOT= been tested, as I don't have the WoI Expansion.
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. For those wishing to install to 1st Gen games, =PLEASE= make double damn sure you read the special section for you. I've tried to keep it as simple a possible, while covering all bases.
It is HIGHLY suggested you read this document through before installing the mod, to make sure you understand what's to be accomplished.
Good Hunting!!
Kevin Stein
Ethiopian Air Force F-86F-40 Sabre Skin & Decal Pak
By Wrench
Ethiopian AF F-86F-40 Sabre Skin Pak
= For SF2, Any and All =
A new skin/decal pak for the Sabre, representing those as flown by the Ethiopian Air Force in the 1960s through the mid-1970s. Designed specifically for the F-40 (as this model/lod has the least in-game problems -ie shadow probs), it can be used on any version as they're all mapped the same. However, what little data is availalbe seems to suggest the later 'hard winged' versions. So, stick to that one
A modifed Loadout ini, with Ethiopian nation-specific loads, is included, as they never seemed to have been fitted with Sidewinders. This A-A load has been eliminated via the magic of that recently (as of Sept/Oct 2011 patch) implemented trick. Ground attack loadouts using rockets keep the 8 HVAR loads. All others are the same as before.
A new "Userlist.ini" is also included, that replaces the one from my JASDF Sabre Pak. It would be advisable to add THIS package over that one, or you'll be editing the main ini to add the Userlist line.
Serial numbers are/have been extrapolated from the 3 known photos - one of which was a derlict camo aircraft, and are not 100% historically accurate (excepting 251 and 258). The aircraft is in Natural Metal, as delivered from the USA. Sometime in the 1970s, the EtAF recieved several dozen from Iranian stocks, which were painted in the same camo colors as the IIAF F-5s. That skin may be forthcoming...who knows!
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
Stock F-4 Phantom 2 USAFCamo1 Decalpack, and Ini Tweek
As the title says, this adjusts the SEA scheme in game to accept the later year Units. Earlier Phantom models have a second skin named SEA73, while later models just have their decal ini's editted. I have also included the effects, weapons and sounds from my Post Vietnam Pack as well as some new loading screens. This also includes the 95% finished version of my all ube squadronlist.ini, now with many place holders so that patching should not throw the squadrons into disarray.
Created in Full5 merged, but should work in any stand alone SF2 version except for NA. Will need SF2Europe for the D and E _75 and _78.
Install is the same as always. For further questions please consult the readme.
Any issues with tailcodes, please post a screenshot with your question or gripe. And do remember, this is meant for after 1973, so the tailcodes will not be the same.
In fact many Vietnam era users will have blank tails as they no longer flew the Phantom after 1973-74. If you want that user, regular USAFCamo1 is left alone for all models prior to 1975.
I hope you enjoy this mod!
Kevin Unruh
aka daddyairplanes
F-105D Hill AFB Skins
Semi Historical Hill AFB F-105D Skins
The 466th TFS, USAF Reserve, was lhe last operator of the F-105 Thunderchief. They flew their last mission before converting to the F-16A in 1984. Due to how
long they flew the 'Thud' and their proximity to Ogden Air Logistics Center, where many aircraft go to be repainted, they flew 3 Thuds in colors other than the traditional SEA camo. Those schemes (SEA Wraparound, European 1, and a one off Desert scheme based on the pattern of the first two) are represented here.
Also provided are black tailcode for the 466th ('HI') and 50 black serial numbers. Sorry only 50 as the Thud was getting rarer by that time. The first 10 serials are
historical with the first 3 being the ones used by the aircraft so painted. the other
40 numbers are redone TW serials spanning FY59-62.
This is not a completely accurate rendition, the pattern is different than T.O. 1-1-4
states for SEA Wraparound and Euro 1. What I did was to wraparound the stock skin, then
swap the colors (as was done IRL). I also did not do the nose art's for the aircraft
due to other commmitments, and lack of time.
Much credit goes to :
ludo.54m for his templates, which allowed me more freedom to color while keeping the
panel lines and rivets
Soulfreak, both for the idea and material support with references
TK for the stock bird and decals
the greater CA community for support and education over the years
Included in the mod are
Desert, Euro 1 and SEA Wraparound skins
my Expanded Squadronlist.ini, which puts 466th TFS as selectable in menu
the Photoshop templates I used to create this mod.
unzip the files, copy and paste to the appropriate folders. Allow merging of
Aircraft and Decal folders. Enjoy
Thank you for downloading this mod!
daddyairplanes aka
Kevin Unruh
16 Jan 2013
DLC21 USAF F-4 Skinpack Decalpack and Ini tweeks
This corrects one of the main faults of the USAF Skinpack in the DLC store, white tailcodes! I also have included many additional units as well as a Word document detailing which tactical units flew the Phantom in its later service with the USAF. I also have included many of the improvements from my previous post Vietnam pack, as well as my mostly finished squadronlist.ini. That ini is set up so that there will be minimal interuption from future patches, and DOES include all tactical Phantom phlyers, at least in US service.
NOTE: all paint schemes came about in 1978 or later. as such i have not included any units that did not fly the Phantom in that timeframe. If you pick a Phantom unit that changed over after 1974, it will have a blank tail!!!
ALSO NOTE: a few of the ADC units (like the 111th FIS of the Texas ANG) used a different system for serial numbers than the skins in here. Please read the document on Phantom units before griping that i missed someone!!!
Installation is same as usual, unzip, copy to mod folders and allow overwrite.
Finally, with one exception I have not included the skins themselves. To all the oldtimers here, i know that skins are usually fairgame. However, given that is the point of this DLC, i opted not to include the whole skin to avoid pissing off TK and getting skins locked.The exception is the F-4C_67, as he did not include that in the DLC.
I hope that you all enjoy this mod.
Kevin Unruh
aka daddyairplanes
A-7E (74) VA-72 Bluehawks skin pak -SF2/SF2NA
By Wrench
A-7E Corsair II (74) VA-72 "Bluehawks" Skin Pak
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged Required; and/or SF2:NA -ONLY!!- =
Again, as stated above this is for the stock 3rdWire A-7E_74 ONLY!! If you do not possess SF2NA (or other games that may have this aircraft accessable -cause I don't remember if it was or wasn't before!!!), DO NOT download this mod, as you will =NOT= be able to use it.
This is the companion skin for the recently released A-7E_74 VA-46 "Clansmen" skin. It represents the sister squadron, VA-72 "Bluehawks" both of whom were based aboard USS John F. Kennedy during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm.
These were to last 2 operational Corsair II squadrons in USN service, as the type was retired upon the JFK returning to port.
It is HIGHTY suggested you have the SF2/SF2NA Skin pak available at:
as there are some decals called that reference some in that pack. Several decals have been repurposed and repainted from an original FOTF skin mod for many year ago. Many new decals have also been created (note: the first 12 BuNums have been remade from the originals, and may actually represent aircraft that served with this squadron.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them before installing!
Happy Landings!
A-7E(74) Lo-Viz Skin/Ini Pak for SF2/SF2NA
By Wrench
A-7E Corsair II (74) Skin Pak
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged Required; and/or SF2:NA -ONLY!!- =
Again, as stated above this is for the stock 3rdWire A-7E_74 ONLY!! If you do not possess SF2NA (or other games that may have this aircraft accessable), DO NOT download this mod, as you will =NOT= be able to use it.
However, as the standard or garden variety A-7E shares the same mapping (as do all the 3W Corsairs), it is VERY possible that these skins would be usable on them, with a simple rename to fit. BUT...as the stock A-7E has an end-of-service-date of 1976, that may be a moot point.
Read on...
This pack contains 2 new "TPS" lo-viz skin and decals sets. These skins were created from a new Home Grown Template and are in JPG format. The templates will also be available for use, once I upload them.
Also included are slightly modified Data and Loadout inis. The wingfold (which was NOT active at ALL before) and canopy are operated via manual animation keys; the Usual Suspects - Shift/0 for canopy and Shift/9 for wingfold.
The loadout ini includes some changes to standard dumb-bomb loads, giving you a bit more striking power.
As I like to have Altantic & Pacific Fleet squadrons represented by at least one skin each, the skins in this pak are:
VA-25 "Fist of the Fleet" (circa late 80s/early 90s)
VA-46 "Clansmen" (in the Corsair's final deployment during Desert Shield/Desert Storm)
These skins BOTH have the "StartDefaultDate=" set for 1982, an approximate date based on my research. This will OVERRIDE any other stock skins, so be aware of this fact. This was done for historicality, and to encourage other skinner/decalers to step up and fill in some of the gaps. Get to it people!
All markings on both are decals, making it MUCH easier for other squadron to be created in the Lo-Viz scheme. Almost all decals are new; some are repurposed from other mods. The 1st 10 Bunms for the Clansmen are newbuilds, based upon BuNums from a FOTF original skin.
I think the Corsair II is a very overlooked aircraft, and it's time to give it a little love.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them before installing! Please browse the Notes section for other illuminations.
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
A-4B Skyhawk, VMA-331 Bumblebees Skin/Decals Pak
By Wrench
A-4B Skyhawk VMA-331 Bumblebees Skin Pak
-- For SF2, Any and All that have the A-4B Accessable
This skin/decal represents VMA-331 Bumblebees as seen in 1962/63 when based at NS Rossevelt Roads, Puerto Rico and NS Guantanamo Bay (aka Leeward Field), Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis
All new, historically accurate BuNum decals have been created (thank you Skhawaks.org!!). Unfortunately, the listing didn't match Modex to BuNum, so it's not perfectly accurate.
Other mods include a tweeked data and loadout ini. The loadout ini changes the STRIKE bombs to use 1000 pounders. Data ini changes include activating the canopy via a manual animation key (use Shift/0 to open and close), and the addition of the landing light.
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
Happy Hunting!
kevin stein
A-4C (65) Skyhawk, VSF-1 "Warhawks"
By Wrench
A-4C (65) Skyhawk, VSF-1 "Warhawks" Skin/Decal Pak
= For SF2 (Full-4 Merged Prefered) and/or SF2:V =
*Can be used in any install that has access to the A-4C_65, which comes from SF2:V. Hence, the 'Full-4 Merged' tag is applicable *
This skin set replicates A-4C Skyhawks as used by Antisubmarine Warfare Fighter Squadron 1 (VSF-1) during the 1965-1971 timeframes. I won't go into defining the "VSF" concept, you can research that on your own. (Google is your friend). Think of the Composite Squadron concept, as used during WW2 on the CVE Escort Carriers. These aircraft gave a modicum of air defense for the CVS-class carriers, while still maintaining their Light Attack Role
All but 3 of the decals are new; those were reused from a 1stGen mod by Paul Nortness (Fist of the Fleet). All BuNums are 100% historically accurate for A-4Cs as used by VSF-1. Unfortunatly, I was unable to match Modex to BuNum, so some inaccuracy in inherent. Research shows (via photo evidence), of some Dets have Modex numbers in the 570 and 580 ranges. I've chosen the slightly non-historical route for those. Please see the "Notes" section below for more information on BuNum assigned to aircraft on USS INDEPENDENCE.
Decal randomization is set to TRUE, so be at least at the June 2011 patch level (or whichever one gave it to us)
A couple of inis are included; the loadout ini has some minor changes for a couple of mission profiles. The data ini has had the landing light added, and (of course!) the canopy activated, via manual animation. Use shift/0 to open and close it.
All 'standard' Skyhawk mission profiles are retained.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
F-80 Shooting Star, Fuerza Aérea Colombiana (Columbian Air Force) for SF2
By Wrench
F-80 Shooting Star, Fuerza Aérea Colombiana (Columbian Air Force) for SF2
= For SF2, Any/All Versions =
A new skin for the recently released F-80C Shooting Star by erikgen. The aircraft is available at the following url:
This skin represent the 15 aircraft the FAC used in the 10° Escuadrón de Caza-Bombardeo from 1958 thru 1966.
Like the other Shooting Stars, the skin is in dds format, and the decals are Randomized.
Weapons, sounds, pilot figures, etc are =NOT= included; they are in the 'base pak' linked above. You WILL need them!!
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
SF2NA A-6E TRAM (aka "A-6E_79") Skin Pak 1
By Wrench
A-6E TRAM (aka "A-6E_79) Skin Pak 1
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged Required; and/or SF2:NA -ONLY!!- =
Again, as stated above this is for the stock 3rdWire A-6E_79 ONLY!! If you do not possess SF2NA, DO NOT download this mod, as you will =NOT= be able to use it.
The skin pak is designed to be used with my A-6E_79 Upgrade/Fixit/WhatHaveYou Pak, located here at CA at the following URL:
The shins herein are conversions from the 1stGen A-6E Tram by MontyCZ. I'm really not sure who created the original skins/decals, but suspect it may have been Paul Nortness. The Lo-Viz skins are new creations, from the TRAM template I created a few weeks back, and the stock 3W Gray/White skin is used for VA-128, so =ONLY= the decals are being reused.
The skins in this pak are:
=Standard GullGray/White:
VA-128 "Golden Intruders"
=In Lo-Viz:
VA-42 "Green Pawns" (called VA42lo)
VA-52 "Knight Riders" (called VA52lo)
VMA-533 "Hawks" (called VMA533lo) as seen during Desert Shield/Storm when based in Bharain.
There is no "StartDefaultDate=" line for the Lo-Viz skins, as yet. When more have been created/converted, then it's suggested to add that line to the textureset inis with the date of 1985. That's a fair apporximation of the transition. For now, you'll just have to
select them from the drop down on the loadout screen.
Some of the decals have been modified from their original form to give a better 'fit' on the 3rd Wire model. To that end, some will notice the checks on the rudder for the Hawks is a seperate decal, whereas it was a single piece before. For the "Knight Riders", I've tried as best as possible to get the notch on the knight's helmet to line up with the position light (same as in Real Life; the light represented the Knight's eye).
Decal Randomization is set to TRUE, but be advised of some oddities; these may be caused by the lack of a full squadron's numbers (TK has always reccomended a minimum of 18) or something odd induced by NA or 3/2012 patch. I personally suspect it's the lack of numbers.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them before installing!
Happy Landings, and Good Hunting!
kevin stein
A-1H Skyraider, VA-52 skin pak
By Wrench
A-1H "Skyraider" VA-52 Skin Pak
-- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V =ONLY!!!= --
(it can acutally be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the A-1H)
This pak will add a new skin/decal set for the stock 3rdWire A-1H Skyraider. It represents aircraft from VA-52 "Knightriders" from the USS TICONDEROGA ~ August, 1964, during the time of the attacks on the US Destroyers, and the "Flaming Dart" retalitory raids.
It is designed to add to the "A-1H Update Pak" released some months ago. You can find the update pak at CombatAce, at the following URL:
A highly reccomended mod, if I do say so meself <grin>
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
A-1H Skyraider, VA-65 Tigers Skin Pak
By Wrench
A-1H Skyraider VA-65 Tigers Skin Pak
-- For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Prefered), and/or SF2V --
(it can acutally be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the stock A-1H)
This skin/decal represents VA-65 Tigers as seen in 1962/63 when based USS ENTERPRISE (CVAN-65) during her Mediterranean Cruise and "Caribbean Cruise" of Oct/Nov 62 as part of CvG-6. All new decals have been created for the various markings and such. (well, not ALL -- some are reused from my other Skyraider skin paks, but you get the idea).
For use with or without my A-1H Skyraider Upgrade Pak. (available in the CombatAce SF2/Skins/Downloads section)
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
A-1H Skyraider, VA-105 (ATG-201, 1958)
By Wrench
Douglas A-1H (AD-6) Skyraider, VA-105 Skin/Decals pak
- For SF2 (Any and All, but Full-4 Merged Prefered*) -
*Note: you MUST, at the very least, have SF2:V for the A-1H. Hence, the 'Full-4 Merged Prefered' warning label*
This skin pack reproduces A-1H (AD-6) Skyraiders of VA-105 "Gunslingers" circa 1958, as seen aboard USS Essex (CVA-9) as part of ATG-201, during the Beirut Crisis of that timeframe, supporting the US Marines during the intervention.
Can (or Should?) be applied to my Skyraider Upgrade Paks, available here at CombatAce.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
kevin stein
3rdW A-1J Skyraider, Skins and Ini Update Pak
By Wrench
A-1J "Skyraider" Skin and Ini Update Pak
-- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V =ONLY=!!!
This package contains inis, full skin and decals sets, a few weapons and a complete cockpit, to make the stock AI-only A-1J "Skyraider" flyable. While the cockpit is not 100% correct (or, more truthfully, close), it does have all the gauges working as they would be in a propeller aircraft. Until such time a a proper AD-7/A-1J pit arrives, this WILL have to suffice.
Ini edits include some enhanced AI statements, corrected ammo counts, fuel quantity, on-board countermeasures (chaff and flares for Vietnam era usage) the addition of the running/formation lights on the tail, a landing light, and a working canopy (use Shift/0 to open and close). Wingfold is NOT activated, due to odd movement and placement issues with the outer wing stores locations. At some point in the future, I'll try and get them dailed in properlly, so the wingfold will work and the weapons follow the wing.
A new 300 gallon drop tank has also been included, as the LOD lacks the nodes for built-in drop tanks as seen on other SF2 aircraft (even though called out in the data ini, it just ain't there!). And just for extra added enjoyment, the "Special Weapon", as used by VA-25 is also included. Yup, the world (in)famous Toilet Bomb.
A new SF2-style hangar screen, and a new loading screen are also included. All decals are new, with correct Modex, squadron codes and BuNums. It should be noted, that in Vietnam era squadrons (and possibly before) most Skyraider units used a mix of AD-6/7 (or A-1H/J after 1961), so these may not be fully historical, as the BuNums reflect only the one type (AD-6 or A-1H) per squadron. But the BuNums ARE 100% accurate for the models they indicate; and in the cases where photos or profile were available, the actual aircraft represented.
Skins included in this set are:
VA-25 "Fist of the Fleet", USS Coral Sea, 11/1966
VA-115 "Arabs", USS Kitty Hawk, 3/1966
VA-145 "Swordsmen",USS Intrepid 9/1967
VA-152 "Wild Aces", USS Oriskany, 8/1965
The new "A-1J.INI" has been edited to move these new skins to the top, and the original 3W "USNGray1" and "USAFCAmo1" to the bottom, making it easier to select the USN/USMC marked skins.
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires, to make it a LOT easier to install.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
oppsy edit! I had H, when I meant J!!! Sorry! -w
3rdW A-1H Skin and Ini Update Pak
By Wrench
A-1H "Skyraider" Skin and Ini Update Pak
-- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V =ONLY!!! --
This package contains inis, full skin and decals sets, a few weapons and a complete cockpit, to make the stock AI-only A-1H "Skyraider" flyable. While the cockpit is not 100% correct (or, more truthfully, close), it does have all the gauges working as they would be in a propeller aircraft. Until such time a a proper AD-6/7 (or A-1H/A-1J) pit arrives, this WILL have to suffice.
Ini edits include some enhanced AI statements, corrected ammo counts, fuel quantity, on-board countermeasures (chaff and flares for Vietnam era usage) the addition of the running/formation lights on the tail, a landing light, and a working canopy (use Shift/0 to open and close). Wingfold is NOT activated, due to odd movement and placement issues with the outer wing stores locations. At some point in the future, I'll try and get them dailed in properlly, so the wingfold will work and the weapons follow the wing. A new 300 gallon drop tank has also been included, as the LOD lacks the nodes for built-in drop tanks as seen on other SF2 aircraft (even though called out in the data ini, it just ain't there!). A new SF2-style hangar screen, and an new loading screen are also included. Almost all decals are new, with correct Modex, squadron codes and BuNums. It should be noted, that in Vietnam era squadrons (and possibly before) most Skyraider units used a mix of AD-6/7 (or A-1H/J after 1961), so these may not be fully historical, as the BuNums reflect only the one type (AD-6 or A-1H) per squadron. But the BuNums ARE 100% accurate for the models they indicate; and in the cases where photos or profile were available, the actual aircraft represented.
Skins included in this set are:
VA-35 "Black Panthers",USS Saratoga, Med Cruise, 7/1958 (possibly during the Beirut Crisis)
VA-85 "Black Falcons", USS Forrestal, 1962 (also possibly on a Med Cruise)
VA-176 "Thunderbolts", USS Intrepid, Vietnam War (1st SEA cruise, before the famous "bee and lightning bolt" added)
VMA-331 "Killer Bees", circa 1956-59, before transfering to Skyhawks. This one's for Gunny!
The new "A-1H.ini" has been edited to move these new skins to the top, and the original 3W "USNGray1" and "USAFCAmo1" to the bottom, making it easier to select these USN/USMC marked skins.
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/uses, to make it a LOT easier to install.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
RDAF Camo, F-84G Thunderjet
By Wrench
RDAF Camo SkinPak for F-84G Thunderjet
=For SF2, Any and All (Full-4 Merged Reccomended/Preferred,etc)
A simple reskin/redecaling for the recently released F-84G Upgrade Pak.
This skin represent Euro-style camoflaged Thunderjets of the Royal Danish Air Force. They were painted such (as what little data seems available) during the later years of their service. The skin itself is a repainted/relined version of the 1stGen JRV (Yugoslavian AF) skin by Homer. I just retouched some bits to remove other bits! Full credit goes to him for the skin (wherever he may be).
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!!
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
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