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Mirage 3

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57 files

  1. SF2 TMF Mirage IIICZ (SAAF) by PCG Upgrade/Remod Pack

    SF2 TMF Mirage IIICZ (SAAF) by PCG Upgrade/Remod Pack       3/24/2024
    -For SF2, Any and All-(Full 5 Merged Suggested)
    Found in the Archives! Didn't even know there WAS a TMF version! But here it is!!! :)
    This is a full upgrade/remod pack for The Mirage Factory's Dassault Mirage IIICZ by PCG as used by the South AFrican Air Force.
    Even though there is =NOT= a stock 3W Mirage IIICZ per se, this is set up and labeled to cause =NO= conflicts with any (other) Mirages available for the game (including the version built by Ludo M.54 from a stock 3W Mirage). Skins remain in their original bmp format.  All necessary items are provided, weapons, pilots, seats, sounds, effects, and so forth (most weapons used ARE stock 3W items, with few exceptions). This is a "nationalized" single-user only aircraft.
    This aircraft is supplied with 3 skins:
    "NMF"- as originally delivered
    "Camo1" - Tan/Green (<1971)
    "Lo-Viz" - 2-tone Blue & Grey (~1982)
    All 16 CZs served with No.2 Squadron, “Flying Cheetahs”.
    All skins use the same 'pool' of 16 ID/serial numbers. As can be expected, the SF2 Date Switch (tm) is active, and the LoViz skin starts in 1982 (best guess! based upon Ludo's Mirage F1CZ_Late). Also, the Date Switch is used on the Loadout ini, as newer missiles become available.
    When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown you'll see:
    Mirage IIICZ (TMF)
    So you can't mistake them for anything else but TMF Birds (tm).
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is, as always, in the Notes section below. As an Extra Added Bonus (tm), I've included a bunch of PDFs I found online, documenting the Development & History of the Mirage III & its variants in SAAF service. They are OUTSTANDING docs, and were the basis for some of the changes I've implemented here. Well worth the read!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    For Oli and The Mirage Factory


       (0 reviews)



  2. SF2 TMF Mirage IIIEA (FAA) Upgrade/Remod Pack

    SF2 TMF Mirage IIIEA (FAA) Upgrade/Remod Pack       3/14/2024
    -For SF2, Any and All-(Full 5 Merged Suggested)
    This is a full upgrade/remod pack for The Mirage Factory's Dassault Mirage IIIEA as used by the Argentine Air Force (Fuerza Aérea Argentina).
    Even though there is =NOT= a stock 3W Mirage IIIEA, this is set up and labeled to cause NO conflicts with any (other) Mirages available for the game (including the Bandidos version). Skins remain in their original bmp format.  All necessary items are provided, weapons, pilots, seats, sounds, effects, and so forth (most weapons used ARE stock 3W items, with few exceptions). This is a "nationalized" single-user only aircraft.
    This aircraft is supplied with 2 skins:
    Ar1 - 8th Air Brigade, Camo
    LoViz - Grupo 6 (LoViz Grey <1990)
    Both skins use the same 'pool' of 16 ID/serial numbers, although the Lo-Viz only carries it's number on the front nose gear door (probably not historically correct - simply done for playability). These decals are the originals as issued in 2005. As can be expected, the SF2 Date Switch (tm) is active, and the LoViz skin starts in 1990.
    When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown you'll see:
    Mirage IIIEA (TMF)
    So you can't mistake them for anything else but TMF Birds (tm).
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is, as always, in the Notes section below.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    For Oli and The Mirage Factory


       (0 reviews)



  3. SF2 TMF Mirage IIIEE (EDA) by Macelena Upgrade Pack (v.2)

    This is the variant of the Mirage IIIE employed by the Spanish Air Force. Includes all files needed to run it on SF2, along with loading screens,
    specific loadouts, and an ad hoc pilot model. Install dropping into your mods folder. In doubt, readme included also
    Thanks to Wildcat, Espektro and Mirage Factory. I would like to dedicate it to Bpao, recently deceased, the founder of Mirage Factory, but it would be strange
    since this was originally his job, so this is dedicated to the Spanish airmen killed aboard it
    Anything wrong with the release, plase contact me here
    Esta es la variante del Mirage IIIE empleada por el Ejército del Aire español. Incluye todo lo necesario para funcionar en SF2, así como fondos de pantalla de hangar
    y carga, configuracion de armao específica, y un piloto hecho expresamente. Instalar vertiendo sobre la carpa de mods. En caso de duda, incluye un Léame
    Gracias a Wildcat, Espektro y Mirage Factory. Me gustaria dedicarlo a la memoria de Bpao, recientemente fallecido, fundador de Mirage Factory, pero me resulta extraño
    dedicarle lo que originalmente fue su trabajo, así que dedicado a los aviadores españoles muertos abordo.
    Ante cualquier problema, contactar conmigo  
    *** New Version Uploaded 3/21/2024 ***
    See post below for more details


       (2 reviews)



  4. SF2 TMF Mirage IIIE (AdA) Upgrade/Remod Pack

    SF2 TMF Mirage IIIE (AdA) Upgrade/Remod Pack       3/14/2024
    -For SF2, Any and All- (Full 5 Merged Suggested)
    This is a full upgrade/remod pack for The Mirage Factory's Dassault Mirage IIIE as used by the French Air Force.
    Even though there is =NOT= a stock 3W Mirage IIIE, this is set up and labeled to cause NO conflicts with any (other) Mirages available within the game. Skins remain in their original bmp format.  All necessary items are provided, weapons, pilots, seats, sounds, effects, and so forth (most weapons used ARE stock 3W items, excepting drop tanks). A new User List has also been created (see note about that in the "Notes" below).
    This aircraft is supplied with 3 skins:
    EC 1/13 Artois (NMF)
    EC 2/4 La Fayette (EuroCamo <1968)
    EC 3/3 Ardennes (EuroCamo <1980)
    Each skin has 26 id letters/serial numbers. Almost all markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. As you can see above, the SF2 Date Switch is in effect.
    When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown you'll see:
    Mirage IIIE (TMF)
    So you can't mistake them for anything else but TMF Birds (tm).
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is, as always, in the Notes section below.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    For Oli and The Mirage Factory


       (1 review)



  5. SF2 TMF Mirage IIICJ (IDF) Upgrade/Remod Pack

    SF2 TMF Mirage IIICJ (IDF) Upgrade/Remod Pack       3/1/2024
    -For SF2, Any and All-(SF2:I and/or Full 5 Merged Suggested)
    This is a full upgrade/remod pack for The Mirage Factory's Dassault Mirage IIICJ series as used by the Israeli Defense Force Air Force. Included in this package are 2 complete versions of the Mirage IIICJ:
    = Mirage IIICJ
    101 Squadron
    119 Squadron
    117 Squadron (all with 1962 start date, NMF)
    101 Squadron
    117 Squadron (both start 1969, in 3 tone Desert Camo)
    117 Squadron (Late <1973, Camo with Orage ID triangles)
    = Mirage IIICJ2
    101 Squadron (3 tone camo)
    117 Squadron (<74, 3 tone, Orange ID triangles)
    253 Squadron (<79, 2 tone Grey)
    They are set up and labeled to cause NO conflicts with the Mirage IIICJ's available as stock within the game.  Skins remain in their original bmp format. Almost all markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. As you can see above, the SF2 date switch is active for both aircraft. All necessary items are provided, weapons (drop tanks), pilots, seats, sounds, effects, and so forth.
    When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown you'll see:
    Mirage IIICJ Shahak (TMF)
    Mirage IIICJ(2) Shahak (TMF)
    So you can't mistake them for anything other than TMF Birds (tm).
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is, as always, in the Notes section below. Also, you will have a choice for avionics ini for the CJ-2, as historically, the radars were removed.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    For Oli and The Mirage Factory


       (0 reviews)



  6. SF2 TMF Mirage IIIC (AdA) Upgrade/Remod Pack

    SF2 TMF Mirage IIIC (AdA) Upgrade/Remod Pack       2/21/2024
    -For SF2, Any and All-
    This is a full upgrade/remod pack for The Mirage Factory's Dassault Mirage 3C series as used by the French Air Force. Included in this package are 2 complete versions of the Mirage IIIC:
    Mirage IIIC ("standard" usage)
    1) NMF - EC 1/2 Cigones
    2) AdA Blue - EC 2/10 Seine (<1975)
    Mirage IIICi/SEPR (rocket boosted, single missile armed, no gun, interceptor)
    1) NMF only - EC 2/13 Alpes
    They are set up and labeled to cause NO conflicts with the Mirage III's available as stock within the game or as a DLC from 3rd Wire. Everything needed is supplied, excepting those weapons used that are stock 3W items. Skins remain in their original bmp format. Each skin has 26 letter and number decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. Almost all markings are decals. The SF2 date switch is used on the standard IIIC, changing to the Air Defense Blue in 1975. For the most part, the skins are left 'attached' to the squadrons from when originally released 'way back when.
    When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown you'll see:
    Mirage IIIC (TMF)
    Mirage IIIC/SEPR (TMF)
    So you can't mistake them for anything else but TMF Birds (tm).
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is, as always, in the Notes section below.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    For Oli and The Mirage Factory


       (0 reviews)



  7. Shahak (removed Cyrano radar)

    SF2I (obligatory)
    AI Plane Pack 1 (for Mirage 5DE AI squadron in campaign)
    Historical background:
    After the six-day war the IDF recognized the Cyrano radar as ineffective and troublesome in exploitation.For this reason radiolocator was removed from all Shahaks and replaced by ballast.
    This mod inludes two additional modified variants of Mirage IIICJ. They are both based on stock SF2I Shahaks with some necessary changes in plane and cockpit *.ini files and cockpit textures.
    In this pack you will find:
    1. Shahak (without cyrano)
    - Atar 9B engine;
    - Removed Cyrano radar;
    - Removed radar scope from cockpit;
    - Removed the ability to use Yahalom missile.
    2. Shahak (71/without cyrano)
    - Atar 9C engine;
    - Removed Cyrano radar;
    - Removed radar scope from cockpit;
    - Removed the ability to use Yahalom missile.
    3. Modified stock Yom-Kippur campaign (it will not replace defaul one)
    - Radars removed from all Shahaks in campaign;
    - Added Libyan Mirage 5DE AI squadron.
    Third Wire: Shahak-model, data, textures, campaign


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  8. Mirage IIIRS

    Swiss Mirage IIIRS
    Install - Need Update July 2012, DLC Mirage IIIO
    In 1961, Switzerland bought a single Mirage IIIC from France. This Mirage IIIC was used as development aircraft. The Swiss Mirages were built in Switzerland by F+W Emmen (today RUAG ) (the federal government aircraft factory in Emmen) as the Mirage IIIS. Australia too, bought, one French-made in preparation for licensed production. Cost overruns during the Swiss production led to the so-called "Mirage affair". In all, 36 Mirage IIIS interceptors were built with strengthened wings, airframe, and undercarriage. The Swiss Air Force required performance comparable to those of carrier based planes; the airframes were reinforced so the aircraft could be moved by lifting them over other aircraft with a crane, as in the Aircraft cavern in the mountains that Swiss Air Force uses as bunkers, offer very little space to maneuver parked aircraft. Also, the strengthened frames allowed for JATO assisted takeoffs. The main differences to the standard Mirage III were as follows:
    New wiring of avionics with U.S. electronics
    Changed cockpit design with gray instead of black panels
    New U.S. radar, TARAN-18 from Hughes
    Use of HM-55S "Falcon" (Swiss designation of the from SAAB in Licence built Robot 27 (Rb27) which is similar to the Hughes AIM-26 "Falcon")
    Radar warning receiver (RWR) on both wingtips and on the back of the rudder
    Strengthened structure for use of JATO-Rockets
    Retractable nosecone and lengthened nosewhlle leg for storing in underground air base
    Four lifting points for moving aircraft in underground caverns with a crane
    Bay at the fin with a SEPR rocket engine to double the velocity for short time or climb to 20 000 m (60 000 ft)
    US TRACOR AN/ALE-40 chaff/flare dispenser at the back under the end of the engine (fitted with the upgrade 1988)
    Canards designed and produced by RUAG Aerospace(fitted with the upgrade 1988)
    New Martin-Baker ejection-seat (fitted with the upgrade 1988)
    The Swiss Mirages are equipped with RWS, chaff & flare dispensers. Avionics differed as well, with the most prominent difference being that the Thomson-CSF Cyrano II radar was replaced by Hughes TARAN-18 system, giving the Mirage IIIS compatibility with the Hughes AIM-4 Falcon AAM. Also the Mirage IIIS had the wiring to carry a Swiss-built nuclear bomb or French nuclear bomb. The Swiss nuclear bomb was stopped in the preproduction stage and Switzerland did not purchase the French-made bomb. The Mirage IIIS had an integral fuel tank under the aft belly; this fuel tank could be removed and replaced with an adapter of the same shape. This adapter housed a SEPR rocket engine with its liquid fuel tanks. With the SEPR rocket, the Mirage IIIS easily reached altitudes of 20,000 m. The rocket fuel was very hazardous and highly toxic, so the SEPR rocket was not used very often. The Mirage IIIRS could also carry a photo-reconnaissance centerline pod and an integral fuel tank under the aft belly; this carried a smaller fuel load but allowed a back looking film camera to be added. In the early 1990s, the 30 surviving Swiss Mirage IIIS interceptors were put through an upgrade program, which included fitting them with fixed canards and updated avionics. The Mirage IIIS were phased out of service in 1999. The remaining Mirage IIIRS, BS and DS were taken out of
    Special thanks to Paulopanz and Coupi.
    Mirage IIIRS
    Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
    Texture - Ludo, Denis Oliveira
    mod - Denis Oliveira
    Decals - Paulopanz
    Data.ini - Denis Oliveira, Coupi
    Cockpit 3D - Denis Oliveira


       (8 reviews)

    1 comment


  9. Shahak Over Israel. SF2.

    This is total pack of Shahak Dassault Mirage III and its versions used by Israeli Air Force.
    Pack contains all required models and it is based on regular TW model and available mods on Combat Ace.
    Be aware that this pack after unpacking is around 1GB big.
    All skins are based on templates by ludo.m54 => http://combatace.com/files/file/13128-mirage-iiic-dlc-templates/
    Ive rearanged camo paints and made different versions for different squadrons etc.
    Ive also edited ini files mostly in weapon stations to seperate bomb stations from IRM, FT etc. Also i did some limits i weight for recon versions.
    There are few versions of Mirage III used by Israeli Air Force. As on original TW models it is divided into '62 and '71 versions with different engines.
    All mods (two seaters and recon) are based on denisoliveira models. Ive renamed all required folder /fake pilots/ mods to avoid causing problems with older versions.
    You need fake pilot mod to run some of the parts from this pack.
    To run this mod you need also access to TW lod files from SF2:I (lods and cockpits for shahak and nesher)
    Generaly full merged instal of SF2 family is recomended.

    All canopies can be open by Shift+1 animation key.

    Aircrafts in this pack:
    Shahak BJ Two seater version deliverd in 1966 and 1968 with serials 86,87,88,89.
    Shahak BJ '66 two seater version with Atar 9B engine
    Shahak BJ '71 two seater version with Atar 9C engine
    Shahak IIICJ 70 fighter jets delivered between 1962-1964 serials (01-85 not obligingly in sequel)
    Shahak CJ '66 single seat fighter with Atar 9B engine
    Shahak CJ '71 single seat fighter with Atar 9C engine
    and recon versions:
    Tashbetz. Two recon aircraft delivered with serial numbers 98 and 99. Those aircrafts carried also other camera noses in future.
    Shahak Tashbetz '64 recon version with HYCON HR-231 Oblique Camera
    Shahak Tashbetz '71 same as above but with upgraded Atar9C engine.
    Tarmil. Two fighter aicrafts converted in 1964 to recon role (serial 53 and 85) equipped with Zeiss RMK-15/23 Vertical Camera. Later also Tashbetz 98 and 99 could carry those noses.
    Tarmil '64 one version with Atar9B engine
    Moshel. One IIICJ fighter jet serial 59 (one of the two top scorers amid Shahks) converted to recon role by adding new nose with low-alt panoramic camera. Equipped with Atar9C engine.
    Tsniut. One IIICJ fighter jet serial number 58 (2nd top scorer) and recon aircraft (98) converted into special high alt recon aircraft with Tsniut nose equipped with LOROP camera. Also with Atar9C engine.
    I didnt follow other reco aircraft serial no 41 because I have no photo reference.
    There were also two other noses used by IAF by unfortunately ther is no mod to cover this...hope Denis will do it one day.
    All skins are done by me in 2048x2048 format based on templates by ludo.m54
    numbers.lst and some of the decals are based on wilco pack => http://combatace.com/files/file/10786-mirage-iiicj-shahak-for-sf2i/
    single seaters:
    Ive made decals for early versions covering years 62-69.
    All Shahaks carried two digits numbers. But it also carried three digit numbers in some time of service so based on photos and documents ive made few covering those years (events)
    All decals for camo versions are from wilco pack => http://combatace.com/files/file/10786-mirage-iiicj-shahak-for-sf2i/
    Two seater versions:
    Based on original pack by denissoliveira => http://combatace.com/files/file/15494-mirage-iiibj/
    decals by Coupi (some edited into 3digits by me)
    3d mods - denissoliveira
    nose skins in 2048x2048 format yakarov79
    data.ini Coupi and small fixes by me.
    Recon versions:
    based on pack by paulopanz => http://combatace.com/files/file/15132-mirage-iiirj-iiicj-recon-converted/
    decals by paulopanz some by me.
    3d mods - denissoliveira
    nose skins in 2048x2048 format yakarov79
    National and squadron markings as always in my case are painted on skins.
    Kills decals.
    Ive mede new decals sets covering kills due to aircraft / squadron / year. Not all of them are 100% acurate but i was trying to do my best. For sure kills needs some updates in the future.
    Also if user needs can change real kills markings to standard TW type of kills which will be based on actual player score. You have to edit decal.ini file by removing specific lines. Also required lines for different kills are already there.
    Effect files are added.
    Aircrafts are using standard TW weapons. Ive added few recon pods "camera noses" for recon versions it uses tga files from ravenclaw's Phanoms pack.
    Ive also used standard sound files that everyone should have at this point (year 2017).
    report bugs.
    Hope you will like it.
    Jarek Hereda


       (8 reviews)



  10. SAAF Mirage IIIB/C/D/E/RZ Cheetah C-D-E Superpack (*)

    South Africa was one of the The largest export customers for Mirage IIICs built in France as the Mirage IIICZ (16). Some export customers obtained the Mirage IIIB, Mirage IIIBZ (3) and Mirage IIIDZ (3) and Mirage IIID2Z (11) were for South Africa.
    A good number of IIIEs were built for export as well, South Africa had the Mirage IIIEZ (17) too. Export versions of the Mirage IIIR were built for South Africa as the Mirage IIIRZ (4), and Mirage IIIR2Z (4) with an Atar 9K-50 jet engine.
    You will have ALL those SAAF Mirages (58) by numbers and letters in a single pack, designed for long waited south african scenery.
    The IIIC/RZ served with 2nd squadron from 1963-4 till 1990
    The IIIEZ served with 2nd squadron from 1966 till 1970, then with 3rd attack squadron untill 1975, when that unit was equpped with Mirage F.1. So they went to 85th Combat Flying School squadron and were retired in 1986.
    The IIIDZ served with 3rd attack squadron and then 85th Combat Flying School, alongside IIIEZ from 1970 until 1986.
    South African Air Force (SAAF) used Mirage III operationally to great effect in Angola. In 1979 a SAAF Mirage IIIRZ was shot down near Ongiva, in Angola. The wreckage of the aircraft was recovered by the Angolans.
    What's in:
    - 11 new flyable planes + 1 (DLC 10) updated + 5 Cheetah V. 2.0
    - Mirage IIIBZ (early, late) (3 skins: 2 camo, 1 Silver)
    - Mirage IIICZ (from DLC 10, 1 camo* skin added decals reworked)
    - Mirage IIIDZ (2 Camo skin)
    - Mirage IIID2Z (1 camo Skin)
    - Mirage IIIEZ (early, late) (4 skins: 3 camo, 1 Silver*)
    - Mirage IIIRZ (early, medium, late) (5 camo skins)
    - Mirage IIIR2Z (early,late)(2 camo skin)
    - Cheetah C-D-E (multiple skins inside) (V.2.0)
    - ALL Historical decal numbers, and 90% decal letter by type;
    - Rudder right & left flag by numbers;
    - pilots;
    - weapons;
    - Hangar/loading screens;
    - canopy open (not 2 seaters) key=10
    Prerequisites for use this pack (*):
    - DLC 07 Mirage 5BA
    - DLC 10 Mirage IIICz
    - DLC 17 Mirage IIIO
    - DLC 20 Mirage EL
    - Denis Oliveira: 3D parts, ini edits, skins (the great maker of this mod)
    - Coupi: data, cockpit, loadout.inis, Cheetah tweakings
    - Paulopanz: decals, skins(*), other textures polish/edit (mostly wings and tail), service ini tweaking
    To Install:
    - please remove every previous Dennis version of the above SAAF Mirages / Cheetahs
    - put all in main mod folder


    @ paulopanz


       (10 reviews)



  11. Mirage IIIB/IIIBE PACK

    Mirage IIIB
    The Armée de l'Air also ordered a two-seat Mirage IIIB operational trainer, which first flew in October 1959. The fuselage was stretched about a meter (3 ft 3.5 in) and both cannons were removed to accommodate the second seat. The IIIB had no radar, and provision for the SEPR rocket was deleted, although it could carry external stores. The AdA ordered 63 Mirage IIIBs (including the prototype), including five Mirage IIIB-1 trials aircraft, ten Mirage IIIB-2(RV) inflight refueling trainers with dummy nose probes, used for training Mirage IVA bomber pilots, and 20 Mirage IIIBEs, with the engine and some other features of the multi-role Mirage IIIE. One Mirage IIIB was fitted with a fly-by-wire flight control system in the mid-1970s and redesignated 'Mirage IIIB-SV (Stabilité Variable); this aircraft was used as a testbed for the system in the later Mirage 2000.
    Texture - Coupi
    3D mod - Denis Oliveira
    Decals - Coupi
    Data.ini - Coupi
    Cockpit - Coupi
    Mirage IIIBE
    The Dassault Mirage III is a family of single-seat, single-engine, fighter aircraft produced by Dassault Aviation for the French Air Force and widely exported. Prominent operators included Australia, Argentina, South Africa and Israel, as well as a number of nonaligned nations. Though an older design, the second generation fighter is still a fairly maneuverable aircraft and an effective opponent in close range dogfighting. In French service it was armed with air-to-ground ordnance or R.550 Magic air-to-air missiles.
    The versatility of the design enabled production of trainer, reconnaissance and ground-attack versions as well as the Dassault Mirage 5, Dassault Mirage IIIV and Atlas Cheetah variants. A Mirage III was the first European combat aircraft to exceed a speed of Mach 2 in horizontal flight.
    Requirements: DLC Mirage IIIO.
    Texture Temp by Ludo.m54
    Texture: Coupi,Ludo.m54
    Decals: Coupi,Denis Oliveira
    Data.ini: Coupi,Denis Oliveira
    Cockpit: Coupi
    3D mod: Denis Oliveira
    Pilot: Banidos Team


       (5 reviews)



  12. Mirage IIIEV Venezuela Air Force

    Mirage IIIEV Venezuela Air Force
    Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
    Mirage IIIEV Venezuelan Air Force, Later upgraded to Mirage 50EV.
    Open Cockpit - shft +1
    Model - TK (Mirage IIIO)
    Texture - Ludo, TK, Denis Oliveira
    mod - Denis Oliveira
    Decals and UserList.ini - paulopanz
    Thank paulopanz and coupi for the great help!


       (2 reviews)



  13. Swiss Mirage III Pack

    Swiss Mirage III Pack
    Install - Need Update July 2012, DLC Mirage IIIO
    In 1961, Switzerland bought a single Mirage IIIC from France. This Mirage IIIC was used as development aircraft. The Swiss Mirages were built in Switzerland by F+W Emmen (today RUAG ) (the federal government aircraft factory in Emmen) as the Mirage IIIS. Australia too, bought, one French-made in preparation for licensed production. Cost overruns during the Swiss production led to the so-called "Mirage affair". In all, 36 Mirage IIIS interceptors were built with strengthened wings, airframe, and undercarriage. The Swiss Air Force required performance comparable to those of carrier based planes; the airframes were reinforced so the aircraft could be moved by lifting them over other aircraft with a crane, as in the Aircraft cavern in the mountains that Swiss Air Force uses as bunkers, offer very little space to maneuver parked aircraft. Also, the strengthened frames allowed for JATO assisted takeoffs. The main differences to the standard Mirage III were as follows:
    New wiring of avionics with U.S. electronics
    Changed cockpit design with gray instead of black panels
    New U.S. radar, TARAN-18 from Hughes
    Use of HM-55S "Falcon" (Swiss designation of the from SAAB in Licence built Robot 27 (Rb27) which is similar to the Hughes AIM-26 "Falcon")
    Radar warning receiver (RWR) on both wingtips and on the back of the rudder
    Strengthened structure for use of JATO-Rockets
    Retractable nosecone and lengthened nosewhlle leg for storing in underground air base
    Four lifting points for moving aircraft in underground caverns with a crane
    Bay at the fin with a SEPR rocket engine to double the velocity for short time or climb to 20 000 m (60 000 ft)
    US TRACOR AN/ALE-40 chaff/flare dispenser at the back under the end of the engine (fitted with the upgrade 1988)
    Canards designed and produced by RUAG Aerospace(fitted with the upgrade 1988)
    New Martin-Baker ejection-seat (fitted with the upgrade 1988)
    The Swiss Mirages are equipped with RWS, chaff & flare dispensers. Avionics differed as well, with the most prominent difference being that the Thomson-CSF Cyrano II radar was replaced by Hughes TARAN-18 system, giving the Mirage IIIS compatibility with the Hughes AIM-4 Falcon AAM. Also the Mirage IIIS had the wiring to carry a Swiss-built nuclear bomb or French nuclear bomb. The Swiss nuclear bomb was stopped in the preproduction stage and Switzerland did not purchase the French-made bomb. The Mirage IIIS had an integral fuel tank under the aft belly; this fuel tank could be removed and replaced with an adapter of the same shape. This adapter housed a SEPR rocket engine with its liquid fuel tanks. With the SEPR rocket, the Mirage IIIS easily reached altitudes of 20,000 m. The rocket fuel was very hazardous and highly toxic, so the SEPR rocket was not used very often. The Mirage IIIRS could also carry a photo-reconnaissance centerline pod and an integral fuel tank under the aft belly; this carried a smaller fuel load but allowed a back looking film camera to be added. In the early 1990s, the 30 surviving Swiss Mirage IIIS interceptors were put through an upgrade program, which included fitting them with fixed canards and updated avionics. The Mirage IIIS were phased out of service in 1999. The remaining Mirage IIIRS, BS and DS were taken out of
    Special thanks to Paulopanz and Coupi.
    Mirage IIIBS
    Mirage IIIS (Early)
    Mirage IIIS
    Mirage IIIDS
    Mirage IIIRS (Early)
    Mirage IIIRS
    Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
    Texture - Ludo, Denis Oliveira
    mod - Denis Oliveira
    Decals - Paulopanz
    Data.ini - Denis Oliveira, Coupi
    Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira


       (6 reviews)



  14. Mirage IIIBL

    Mirage IIIBL Libanon.
    Requirements: DLC Mirage IIIEL


       (5 reviews)



  15. F-103E and F-103D - Mirage III Brazilian Air Force PACK

    F-103 Mirage III Brazilian Air Force
    Install - Need Update July 2012, DLC Mirage IIIO (DLC Mirage IIIEL optional cockpit)
    The history of the Mirage III in Brazil goes back to the sixties, when the FAB elaborated a modernization program and the creation of an air space control system. In 1967 the implementation started of the SISDACTA- Sistema Integrado de Defesa Aérea e Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (Integrated Air Traffic Control and Air Defence System) and of the COMDA-Comando de Defesa Aérea (Air Defence Command).
    As part of the program, it was necessary to acquire a supersonic aircraft to execute the air defence and interception missions. The FAB's initial desire was to obtain the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II, however it could not be materialised because of American restrictions on the sale of advanced military equipment to South American countries.
    With the Phantom out of the game, the remaining option was to look for an European fighter. Among the contenders were the British English Electric Lightning, the Swedish Saab Draken and the French Dassault-Breguet Mirage IIIE. About the same time, the Mirage IIIC, in the hands of the Israeli pilots, inflicted heavy losses to its Arabic neighbours in the 'Six Day War'. There is no doubt that the Mirage III's excellent performance, achieved by the Israelis in that war, helped Dassault-Breguet secure many clients around the world, including Brazil.
    Operational Career
    On April 11, 1979, the 1º GDA ( Primeiro Grupo de Defesa Aérea – First Air Defence Group) was officially established. On April 19, 1979, the 1º ALADA was disbanded and the 1º GDA took over its functions and F-103 aircraft. The 1º GDA remained stationed at Anápolis AB.
    During its operational career in Brazil, the Mirage III fleet suffered some attrition and many additional airframes were bought to replace the lost ones and to keep up the 1º GDA's combat readiness. In total, Brazil acquired 16 additional aircraft from Armée de L’Air surplus. These consisted of four F-103E in 1980, two F-103D in 1984, two F-103E in 1988, two F-103D and two F-103E in 1989, two F-103E in 1998 and the last two F-103D in 1999.
    The F-103 Mirage IIIEBR represented a tremendous leap to the Brazilian Air Force, being over thirty years of service and more than 65,000 flying hours.
    The versions of Mirage III acquired by FAB were developed primarily for air defense missions, but keep some capacity to act as platforms for ground attack.
    The engine was a SNECMA ATAR 09C, whose maximum thrust with afterburning reached 13,900 pounds (6305 kg), leading the aircraft a maximum speed of Mach 2.2 (2,350 km / h).
    The fire control system was based on radar Thomson-CSF Cyrano II, which originally operated the integrated air-to-air missile infrared Matra R530, later replaced by Israeli missile Python III.
    As arms fixed, the aircraft was equipped with two 30 mm DEFA. For navigation, the Mirage III FAB type Doppler systems used. In the early '90s, the FAB joined the Squadron's missions Jaguar air-ground attack, starting to use free-fall bombs and rocket launchers.
    A história do Mirage III no Brasil remonta à década de sessenta, quando a FAB elaborou um programa de modernização e criação de um sistema de controle do espaço aéreo. Em 1967, a implementação começou da SISDACTA- Sistema Integrado de Defesa Aérea e Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (Air Traffic Control Integrado e Air Sistema de Defesa) e do COMDA-Comando de Defesa Aérea (Comando de Defesa Aérea).
    Como parte do programa, foi necessário adquirir um avião supersônico para executar as missões de defesa aérea e interceptação. Desejo inicial da FAB foi obter a McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II, no entanto, ele não poderia ser materializado por causa das restrições americanas sobre a venda de equipamento militar avançado para os países da América do Sul.
    Com o Fantasma fora do jogo, a opção restante era procurar um lutador europeu. Entre os contendores foram o Inglês Britânico elétrico do relâmpago, a sueca Saab Draken e os franceses Dassault-Breguet Mirage IIIE. Quase ao mesmo tempo, o Mirage IIIC, nas mãos dos pilotos israelenses, infligiu pesadas perdas para os seus vizinhos árabes na 'Guerra dos Seis Dias ". Não há dúvida de que o excelente desempenho do Mirage III, alcançada pelos israelenses em que a guerra, ajudou a Dassault-Breguet garantir muitos clientes ao redor do mundo, incluindo o Brasil.
    Carreira Operacional
    Em 11 de abril de 1979, o 1º GDA (Primeiro Grupo de Defesa Aérea - First Air Grupo de Defesa) foi criada oficialmente. Em 19 de abril de 1979 a 1º ALADA foi dissolvida e o 1º GDA assumiu suas funções e aeronaves F-103. O 1º GDA permaneceu estacionada em Anápolis AB.
    Durante a sua carreira operacional no Brasil, a frota de Mirage III sofrido algum desgaste e muitas fuselagens adicionais foram comprados para substituir os perdidos e para manter a prontidão de combate do 1º GDA. No total, o Brasil adquiriu 16 aeronaves adicionais a partir do excedente Armée de L'Air. Estes consistiram de quatro F-103E, em 1980, dois F-103D em 1984, dois F-103E, em 1988, dois F-103D e dois F-103E, em 1989, dois F-103E em 1998 e os dois últimos F-103D em de 1999.
    O F-103 Mirage IIIEBR representou um tremendo salto para a Força Aérea Brasileira, ficando mais de trinta anos de serviço e voando mais de 65.000 horas.
    Os Mirage III das versões adquiridas pela FAB foram desenvolvidas primariamente para missões de defesa aérea, embora mantivessem alguma capacidade de atuar como plataformas de ataque ao solo.
    O motor era um SNECMA ATAR 09C, cujo empuxo máximo com pós-combustão alcançava 13.900 libras (6.305 kg), levando a aeronave a velocidade máxima de Mach 2,2 (2.350 km/h).
    O sistema de controle de fogo era baseado no radar Thomson-CSF Cyrano II, que originalmente operava integrado ao míssil ar-ar infra-vermelho Matra R530, depois substituído pelo míssil israelense Python III.
    Como armamento fixo, a aeronave era dotada de dois canhões DEFA de 30 mm. Para navegação, os Mirage III da FAB utilizavam sistemas tipo Doppler. No inícios dos anos 90, a FAB incorporou ao Esquadrão Jaguar as missões de ataque ar-solo, passando a utilizar bombas de queda livre e lançadores de foguetes.
    Special thanks to Paulopanz and Coupi.
    Mirage IIIEBR (3 textures and 1 silver texture)
    Mirage IIIEBR (fictitious - fuel probe test in 1990-93)
    Mirage IIIDRB (late and Early)
    Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
    Texture - Ludo, Denis Oliveira
    mod - Denis Oliveira
    Decals - Paulopanz
    Data.ini - Denis Oliveira, Coupi


       (5 reviews)

    1 comment


  16. Mirage IIIC (SEPR)

    Mirage IIIC (SEPR)
    The new fighter design was named the Mirage III. It incorporated the new area ruling concept, where changes to the cross section of an aircraft were made as gradual as possible, resulting in the famous "wasp waist" configuration of many supersonic fighters. Like the Mirage I, the Mirage III had provision for a SEPR rocket engine.
    The prototype Mirage III flew on 17 November 1956, and attained a speed of Mach 1.52 on its 10th flight. The prototype was then fitted with manually operated intake half-cone shock diffusers, known as souris ("mice"), which were moved forward as speed increased to reduce inlet turbulence. The Mirage III attained a speed of Mach 1.8 in September 1957.
    The success of the Mirage III prototype resulted in an order for 10 pre-production Mirage IIIA fighters. These were almost two meters longer than the Mirage III prototype, had a wing with 17.3% more area, a chord reduced to 4.5%, and an Atar 09B turbojet with afterburning thrust of 58.9 kN (13,230 lbf). The SEPR rocket engine was retained, and the aircraft were fitted with Thomson-CSF Cyrano Ibis air intercept radar, operational avionics, and a drag chute to shorten landing roll
    Texture Temp by Ludo.m54
    Texture and Data.INI: Coupi
    3D mod: Denis Oliveira


       (7 reviews)



  17. Mirage IIIBJ

    Mirage IIIBJ
    The Armée de l'Air also ordered a two-seat Mirage IIIB operational trainer, which first flew in October 1959. The fuselage was stretched about a meter (3 ft 3.5 in) and both cannons were removed to accommodate the second seat. The IIIB had no radar, and provision for the SEPR rocket was deleted, although it could carry external stores. The AdA ordered 63 Mirage IIIBs (including the prototype), including five Mirage IIIB-1 trials aircraft, ten Mirage IIIB-2(RV) inflight refueling trainers with dummy nose probes, used for training Mirage IVA bomber pilots, and 20 Mirage IIIBEs, with the engine and some other features of the multi-role Mirage IIIE. One Mirage IIIB was fitted with a fly-by-wire flight control system in the mid-1970s and redesignated 'Mirage IIIB-SV (Stabilité Variable); this aircraft was used as a testbed for the system in the later Mirage 2000.
    Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira
    3D mod - Denis Oliveira
    Decals - Coupi
    Data.ini - Coupi


       (7 reviews)



  18. Mirage IIID Pack

    Mirage IIID Pack
    The Dassault Mirage III is a family of single-seat, single-engine, fighter aircraft produced by Dassault Aviation for the French Air Force and widely exported. Prominent operators included Australia, Argentina, South Africa and Israel, as well as a number of nonaligned nations. Though an older design, the second generation fighter is still a fairly maneuverable aircraft and an effective opponent in close range dogfighting. In French service it was armed with air-to-ground ordnance or R.550 Magic air-to-air missiles.
    The versatility of the design enabled production of trainer, reconnaissance and ground-attack versions as well as the Dassault Mirage 5, Dassault Mirage IIIV and Atlas Cheetah variants. A Mirage III was the first European combat aircraft to exceed a speed of Mach 2 in horizontal flight.
    This package includes:
    Mirage3D2Z - South Africa
    Mirage3DZ - South Africa
    Mirage3DS - SWISS
    Mirage3DA - Argentina
    Mirage3DA (Early) - Argentina
    Mirage3DP_PAF - Pakistan
    Mirage3DP_PAF (Early) - Pakistan
    Mirage3DE - Spain
    Need install:
    Strike Fighters Israel or/And Full merge
    DLC MirageIIIO
    DLC Mirage5BA
    Texture Temp by Ludo.m54.
    Textures: paulopanz, Denis Oliveira.
    Decals: paulopanz, Coupi, Denis Oliveira.
    Cockpit: Coupi, Denis Oliveira.
    Data.ini: Coupi.
    3D mod: Denis Oliveira.
    I thank my friends paulopanz and Coupi with their great job.


       (8 reviews)



  19. Mirage IIIDBR

    Mirage IIIDBR
    The history of the Mirage III in Brazil goes back to the sixties, when the FAB elaborated a modernization program and the creation of an air space control system. In 1967 the implementation started of the SISDACTA- Sistema Integrado de Defesa Aérea e Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (Integrated Air Traffic Control and Air Defence System) and of the COMDA-Comando de Defesa Aérea (Air Defence Command).
    As part of the program, it was necessary to acquire a supersonic aircraft to execute the air defence and interception missions. The FAB's initial desire was to obtain the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II, however it could not be materialised because of American restrictions on the sale of advanced military equipment to South American countries.
    With the Phantom out of the game, the remaining option was to look for an European fighter. Among the contenders were the British English Electric Lightning, the Swedish Saab Draken and the French Dassault-Breguet Mirage IIIE. About the same time, the Mirage IIIC, in the hands of the Israeli pilots, inflicted heavy losses to its Arabic neighbours in the 'Six Day War'. There is no doubt that the Mirage III's excellent performance, achieved by the Israelis in that war, helped Dassault-Breguet secure many clients around the world, including Brazil.
    Operational Career
    On April 11, 1979, the 1º GDA ( Primeiro Grupo de Defesa Aérea – First Air Defence Group) was officially established. On April 19, 1979, the 1º ALADA was disbanded and the 1º GDA took over its functions and F-103 aircraft. The 1º GDA remained stationed at Anápolis AB.
    During its operational career in Brazil, the Mirage III fleet suffered some attrition and many additional airframes were bought to replace the lost ones and to keep up the 1º GDA's combat readiness. In total, Brazil acquired 16 additional aircraft from Armée de L’Air surplus. These consisted of four F-103E in 1980, two F-103D in 1984, two F-103E in 1988, two F-103D and two F-103E in 1989, two F-103E in 1998 and the last two F-103D in 1999.
    A história do Mirage III no Brasil remonta à década de sessenta, quando a FAB elaborou um programa de modernização e criação de um sistema de controle do espaço aéreo. Em 1967, a implementação começou da SISDACTA- Sistema Integrado de Defesa Aérea e Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (Air Traffic Control Integrado e Air Sistema de Defesa) e do COMDA-Comando de Defesa Aérea (Comando de Defesa Aérea).
    Como parte do programa, foi necessário adquirir um avião supersônico para executar as missões de defesa aérea e interceptação. Desejo inicial da FAB foi obter a McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II, no entanto, ele não poderia ser materializado por causa das restrições americanas sobre a venda de equipamento militar avançado para os países da América do Sul.
    Com o Fantasma fora do jogo, a opção restante era procurar um lutador europeu. Entre os contendores foram o Inglês Britânico elétrico do relâmpago, a sueca Saab Draken e os franceses Dassault-Breguet Mirage IIIE. Quase ao mesmo tempo, o Mirage IIIC, nas mãos dos pilotos israelenses, infligiu pesadas perdas para os seus vizinhos árabes na 'Guerra dos Seis Dias ". Não há dúvida de que o excelente desempenho do Mirage III, alcançada pelos israelenses em que a guerra, ajudou a Dassault-Breguet garantir muitos clientes ao redor do mundo, incluindo o Brasil.
    Carreira Operacional
    Em 11 de abril de 1979, o 1º GDA (Primeiro Grupo de Defesa Aérea - First Air Grupo de Defesa) foi criada oficialmente. Em 19 de abril de 1979 a 1º ALADA foi dissolvida e o 1º GDA assumiu suas funções e aeronaves F-103. O 1º GDA permaneceu estacionada em Anápolis AB.
    Durante a sua carreira operacional no Brasil, a frota de Mirage III sofrido algum desgaste e muitas fuselagens adicionais foram comprados para substituir os perdidos e para manter a prontidão de combate do 1º GDA. No total, o Brasil adquiriu 16 aeronaves adicionais a partir do excedente Armée de L'Air. Estes consistiram de quatro F-103E, em 1980, dois F-103D em 1984, dois F-103E, em 1988, dois F-103D e dois F-103E, em 1989, dois F-103E em 1998 e os dois últimos F-103D em de 1999.
    Texture: TK, Denis Oliveira
    Decals: Coupi,Denis Oliveira
    Data.ini: Coupi,Denis Oliveira
    Cockpit: Coupi
    3D mod: Denis Oliveira


       (3 reviews)



  20. Mirage IIIBE

    Mirage IIIBE
    The Dassault Mirage III is a family of single-seat, single-engine, fighter aircraft produced by Dassault Aviation for the French Air Force and widely exported. Prominent operators included Australia, Argentina, South Africa and Israel, as well as a number of nonaligned nations. Though an older design, the second generation fighter is still a fairly maneuverable aircraft and an effective opponent in close range dogfighting. In French service it was armed with air-to-ground ordnance or R.550 Magic air-to-air missiles.
    The versatility of the design enabled production of trainer, reconnaissance and ground-attack versions as well as the Dassault Mirage 5, Dassault Mirage IIIV and Atlas Cheetah variants. A Mirage III was the first European combat aircraft to exceed a speed of Mach 2 in horizontal flight.
    Requirements: DLC Mirage IIIO.
    Texture Temp by Ludo.m54
    Texture: Coupi,Ludo.m54
    Decals: Coupi,Denis Oliveira
    Data.ini: Coupi,Denis Oliveira
    Cockpit: Coupi
    3D mod: Denis Oliveira
    Pilot: Banidos Team


       (5 reviews)

    1 comment


  21. Mirage IIIBS

    Mirage IIIBS
    The two-seater Mirage for conversion training, first flew on October 21, 1959 and received the designation Dassault Mirage IIIB.
    The fuselage is 60 cm longer than the single seat, and the two cabins are closed by a single cover. As the rear cabin occupies the space for avionics in single-seat, this equipment usually goes in the nose, instead of radar. Thus, training the Mirage III can not perform interception missions, although they have limited ground attack capability.
    The first Mirage IIIB of the production line for the Air Force of France flew on 19 July 1962. While maintaining the Atar 9B engine 6000 kg of thrust, the plane weighs little and performs well. Among the countries that have acquired Mirage training, most of them with guns, was Israel (Mirage IIIBJ), Lebanon (IIIBL), South Africa (IIIBZ) and Switzerland (IIIBS).
    Texture: Coupi
    Decals: Coupi
    Data.ini: Coupi
    Cockpit: Denis Oliveira
    3D mod: Denis Oliveira


       (6 reviews)



  22. Mirage IIIBZ

    Mirage IIIBZ
    The Armée de l'Air also ordered a two-seat Mirage IIIB operational trainer, which first flew in October 1959. The fuselage was stretched about a meter (3 ft 3.5 in) and both cannons were removed to accommodate the second seat. The IIIB had no radar, and provision for the SEPR rocket was deleted, although it could carry external stores. The AdA ordered 63 Mirage IIIBs (including the prototype), including five Mirage IIIB-1 trials aircraft, ten Mirage IIIB-2(RV) inflight refueling trainers with dummy nose probes, used for training Mirage IVA bomber pilots, and 20 Mirage IIIBEs, with the engine and some other features of the multi-role Mirage IIIE. One Mirage IIIB was fitted with a fly-by-wire flight control system in the mid-1970s and redesignated 'Mirage IIIB-SV (Stabilité Variable); this aircraft was used as a testbed for the system in the later Mirage 2000.
    Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira
    3D mod - Denis Oliveira
    Decals - Coupi
    Data.ini - Coupi


       (5 reviews)

    1 comment


  23. Mirage IIIB-2(RV)

    Mirage IIIB-2(RV)
    The Armée de l'Air also ordered a two-seat Mirage IIIB operational trainer, which first flew in October 1959. The fuselage was stretched about a meter (3 ft 3.5 in) and both cannons were removed to accommodate the second seat. The IIIB had no radar, and provision for the SEPR rocket was deleted, although it could carry external stores. The AdA ordered 63 Mirage IIIBs (including the prototype), including five Mirage IIIB-1 trials aircraft, ten Mirage IIIB-2(RV) inflight refueling trainers with dummy nose probes, used for training Mirage IVA bomber pilots, and 20 Mirage IIIBEs, with the engine and some other features of the multi-role Mirage IIIE. One Mirage IIIB was fitted with a fly-by-wire flight control system in the mid-1970s and redesignated 'Mirage IIIB-SV (Stabilité Variable); this aircraft was used as a testbed for the system in the later Mirage 2000.
    Texture - Coupi
    3D mod - Denis Oliveira
    Decals - Coupi
    Data.ini - Coupi


       (2 reviews)



  24. Mirage IIIB

    Mirage IIIB
    The Armée de l'Air also ordered a two-seat Mirage IIIB operational trainer, which first flew in October 1959. The fuselage was stretched about a meter (3 ft 3.5 in) and both cannons were removed to accommodate the second seat. The IIIB had no radar, and provision for the SEPR rocket was deleted, although it could carry external stores. The AdA ordered 63 Mirage IIIBs (including the prototype), including five Mirage IIIB-1 trials aircraft, ten Mirage IIIB-2(RV) inflight refueling trainers with dummy nose probes, used for training Mirage IVA bomber pilots, and 20 Mirage IIIBEs, with the engine and some other features of the multi-role Mirage IIIE. One Mirage IIIB was fitted with a fly-by-wire flight control system in the mid-1970s and redesignated 'Mirage IIIB-SV (Stabilité Variable); this aircraft was used as a testbed for the system in the later Mirage 2000.
    Texture - Coupi
    3D mod - Denis Oliveira
    Decals - Coupi
    Data.ini - Coupi
    Cockpit - Coupi
    For free use if you forget any credit or there are errors, please contact us.


       (13 reviews)



  25. Mirage IIIRJ & IIICJ recon converted

    Two Mirage IIIRJ single-seat photo-reconnaissance aircraft, received in March 1964 (98,99 then 798,799 and last 498,499).
    Other Mirage IIICJ were later transformed in recon plane (41, 53, 59, 85 later 741, 753, 759, 785 and finally 441, 453, 459, 485).
    The IDF used several different noses on those planes called Moshel, Tamil, Tashbetz and Tsni'ut.
    Denis made all!
    WHAT'S IN:
    - 6 new 6 IDF planes;
    - Historical Serial Numbers;
    - True ATAR sounds;
    - IDF pilots;
    - open canopies key=10 autoclosing at take off;
    - Denis Oliviera new noses 3D parts and inis tweakings;
    - Spillone104 sounds;
    - Paulopanz decals and some minor editings;
    - You must have SF-2 ISDRAEL;
    - put all in main mod folder and overwrite;
    It was very difficult to find good references.
    So hints and suggestion from our israeli friends to upgrade the pack will be very welcome
    That's all.
    PS: I asked and begged my great 3d nose artist friend Denis to make these planes. He kindly made them and granted me to upload! Thank you!!


       (7 reviews)

    1 comment


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