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Cold War Aircraft

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    1. B-52F & B-52D "Big Belly" Version 2.0

      Included is:
      - An updated version of the B-52D "Big Belly"
      - the B-52F, the last of the "Tall Tail" BUFFs


         (6 reviews)



    2. F-4J (UK) Phantom F Mk.3

      F-4J(UK) Phantom II
      Version 1.1 by kazamashin
      *Requires the free F-4J by Thirdwire and Bunyap's latest weapons pack (for the correct drop tanks and BAe Skyflash SAHMs). Make sure you have those.
      This mod is meant to be a remake of the exisiting pre-SP3 F-4J(UK) by Sundowner and many many changes have been made to skins, decals and inis.
      Please read the included Readme file for further details.


         (3 reviews)



    3. J-33 Venom

      This is the Swedish version of the DH Venom,
      That was used in the Swedish "Flygvapnet" 1953-1960.
      1) install "DH Venom" by BUFF
      2) install "DH Venom Update"
      3) Backup your Venom folder (Since the next step will overwrite the ini files making it "J-33 Venom"
      3) Drop the files from the J-33 Venom folder into the Objects/Aircraft/Venom folder letting it overwrite existing files.
      NOTE: You must have the latest version of "Weapon Pack" installed


         (1 review)



    4. A-6E SWIP

      A-6E SWIP
      This is a modification of the A-6E TRAM Intruder.
      List of changes from A-6E TRAM v1.1
      1 Weapons stations de-grouped to enable asymetrical loadouts
      2 Added GP to centreline station to allow buddy refueling store
      3 Added ARM to wing stations to allow AGM-45,AGM-78 & AGM-88
      4 Added CGR to wing stations to allow AGM-84A & AGM-84D
      5 Added EOGR to wing stations to allow AGM-84E
      6 Added EOGB to wing stations to allow AGM-62 Walleye
      7 Amended loadout.ini to use real-world loadouts.
      8 Amended service dates and roles to reflect actual use.
      9 Added new hangar and loading screens by Wrench
      Further amendments 18.5.07
      10 Added IRM to wing stations to allow AIM-9 (after much debate!)
      11 Added NUC to inner wing stations and centreline to allow nuclear bombs
      12 Added canopy animation at low speed
      13 Deleted Sundowner's VA75 low viz skin as it's already available with the A-6E TRAM. Added Paul Nortness's VA34 and VA35 low viz skins.
      Thanks to USAFMTL and to all those involved in the original A-6 project (listed below) for making this great plane and for their permission to create this mod, to Wrench for the fast work in creating the hangar and loading screens, Paul Nortness for his permission to use his skins, gbreuder for his assistance with various tweaks and of course to TK for creating these great games for us to tinker with.
      Copy the A-6E SWIP folder to your Strike Fighters AIRCRAFT folder.
      Ensure you have the weapons pack installed.
      This plane is compatible with all of the A-6E skins currently available. You'll just need to go into the decal.ini file witin the skin folder and edit it so that all references to A-6E_TRAM are changed to A-6E SWIP. Check out the skin folders within this download for an example.
      Have fun, and good hunting!
      Allen (allenjb42) Burton
      Any problems, find me at combatace.com, simhq.com or column5.us


         (2 reviews)



    5. A-6E USMC

      A-6E USMC
      This is a modification of the A-6E TRAM Intruder.
      List of changes from A-6E TRAM v1.1
      1 Weapons stations de-grouped to enable asymetrical loadouts
      2 Added GP to centreline station to allow buddy refueling store
      3 Added ARM to wing stations to allow AGM-45,AGM-78 & AGM-88
      4 Added CGR to wing stations to allow AGM-84A & AGM-84D
      5 Added EOGR to wing stations to allow AGM-84E
      6 Added EOGB to wing stations to allow AGM-62 Walleye
      7 Added LGR to wing stations to allow AGM-65G
      8 Changed Nation to USMC and amended weapons stations to USMC
      9 Amended service dates to USMC service dates for A-6E TRAM/SWIP
      10 Amended loadout.ini to use real-world loadouts
      11 Added new hanger and loading screens by Wrench
      Further amendments 25.4.07
      12 Added IRM to wing stations to allow AIM-9 (after much debate!)
      13 Added NUC to inner wing stations and centreline to allow nuclear bombs
      12 Added canopy animation at low speed
      14 Deleted Sundowner's VMA533 low viz skin as it's already available with the A-6E TRAM. Added Paul Nortness's VVMA533 low viz and VMA533 high viz skins.
      Thanks to USAFMTL and to all those involved in the original A-6 project (listed below) for making this great plane and for their permission to create this mod, to Wrench for the fast work in creating the hangar and loading screens, Paul Nortness for his permission to use his skins and of course to TK for creating these great games for us to tinker with.
      Copy the A-6E USMC folder to your Strike Fighters AIRCRAFT folder. Copy the two fueltank .bmp's to your weapons folder. This assumes you have the weapons pack installed.
      This plane is compatible with all of the A-6E skins currently available. You'll just need to go into the decal.ini file witin the skin folder and edit it so that all references to A-6E_TRAM are changed to A-6E USMC. Check out the skin folder within this download for an example.
      Have fun, and good hunting!
      Allen (allenjb42) Burton
      Any problems, find me at combatace.com, simhq.com or column5.us


         (4 reviews)



    6. Lim-6R Beta

      Lim-6R Recon Type
      With some extra time I made the Polish Made Mig-17
      The aircraft is accurate as it can be!!!!
      Uses a F-100 pit.
      Also it has guns but reduced ammo because to make room for cameras
      What is correct:
      NR-23 gun ammo
      30mm gun ammo
      Weapons used
      Flight model
      Different Engine
      Needs work:
      New skins and squads
      Other FM's
      Made by:
      FM: Gerald14
      Load outs:Gerald14
      More Migs to come!!!!!!!


         (2 reviews)



    7. A-5B Vigilante Version 1.2

      A-5B: Monty CZ Version 1.2
      Skin: Sundowner/Paul N.
      Avionics/HUD and ini work: Moonjumper
      Chief Crash Test Dummy: USAFMTL
      RWR Sounds: Fubar512
      From Kesslebrut:
      "- The Pit is freeware everyone can use it in his mods and release it without asking
      - it would be nice if the Modder name me in his readme
      - Commerial use is strictly forbidden - if someone pack it into an commercial Package or make otherwise money with it I'll hunt him to the end of the world.
      3D - model: me
      Textures: Thirdwire, Massimo Altieri (with friendly permission) and me"
      North American A3J-2/A-5B Vigilante
      The A3J-2 (NA-269) was a more advanced version of the Vigilante with more powerful engines, a pair of J79-GE-8 turbojets which allowed for an increase in gross weight to 80,000 pounds.
      Also included in the A3J-2 was a relocation of the boundary air blowing system to the leading edge droop-section. The flaps were increased in area.
      Perhaps the most noticeable change was in the rear fuselage, which was deepened from the cockpit aft to the tail, giving the aircraft a distinctive hump-backed appearance. This deepened rear fuselage incorporated extra fuel tanks which increased the range. The two tanks immediately aft of the rear cockpit were enlarged to hold 945 US gallons as compared to the 695 US gallons in the A3J-1, while an entirely new overwing tank straddling the wing center section was added which held 210 US gallons.
      Two additional underwing pylons were added, making a total of four. The braking capacity was improved and the engine inlet duct area was increased to improve the high altitude performance. The horizontal duct weapons delivery system of the A3J-1 was retained.
      A batch of 18 A3J-2s were ordered for use in the heavy attack role. Two were actually delivered in this configuration, but in the meantime a decision had been made that the Vigilante was no longer needed in the nuclear attack role and that the Vigilante would now be a dedicated high-speed reconnaissance platform. Four aircraft in the batch were converted to YA-5C, which lacked photographic equipment but was similar to the RA-5C. These four planes were used as trainers for RA-5C. The remaining 12 aircraft were held back awaiting conversion. Eventually, all 18 A3J-2s within this batch were converted to RA-5C configuration.
      Edit 17 Apr 07 fixed Avionics70.dll
      Fixed the RWR


         (9 reviews)



    8. A-5A Version V1.0

      A-5A: Julhelm Version V1.0
      Avionics/HUD/ini work: Moonjumper
      FM: Fubar512 RWR Sounds: Fubar512
      Chief Crash Test Dummy: USAFMTL
      Hanger Screen: Julhelm
      Loadouts to carry conventional loads
      Hanger Screen fixed
      2048x2048 skins added by Julhelm
      Tailcone removed as it is not needed for weapons use. It is built into the model.
      From Kesslebrut:
      - The Pit is freeware everyone can use it in his mods and release it without asking
      - it would be nice if the Modder name me in his readme
      - Commerial use is strictly forbidden - if someone pack it into an commercial Package or make otherwise money with it I'll hunt him to the end of the world.
      3D - model: me
      Textures: Thirdwire, Massimo Altieri (with friendly permission) and me"
      To install just drop into your aircraft directory and fly.
      Put the sounds in the sounds folder for a new RWR sounds.
      From Julhelm
      This mod cannot be used without prior permission or be sold in any way, shape or form. Commerial use is strictly forbidden.
      North American A3J-1 Vigilante
      In November of 1953, the Columbus, Ohio Division of North American Aviation began work on a privately-funded design project for a carrier-based aircraft that would be a more capable platform for the delivery of a nuclear weapon than the Douglas A3D Skywarrior. The company gave its project the internal name of North American General Purpose Attack Weapon (NAGPAW). The aircraft was to be capable of delivering a nuclear weapon at speeds of up to Mach 2. In 1954, the NAGPAW was offered to the Navy in an unsolicited proposal.
      The Navy was suitably impressed, but added some conditions. The original NAGPAW proposal called for a low-altitude penetrator which dictated an aircraft with a small wing area with a high loading to give an acceptable low-altitude ride at high speeds. However, the Navy wanted the aircraft to have the ability to launch from a carrier even in zero wind conditions, which requires a larger wing area. The obvious solution for this problem would be a variable-sweep wing, but the Navy had gotten cold feet about variable geometry aircraft in general after the failure of the Grumman XF10F-1 Jaguar, and decided that it would be a better idea to abandon the low-altitude penetrator mission in favor of better carrier landing and takeoff characteristics. Consequently, in January of 1955, the Navy changed the requirements, making a high-altitude Mach 2 dash capability primary and a low-altitude penetration capability only secondary.
      The wing that was finally adopted was mounted high on the fuselage and had a sweep of 37.5 degrees and an area of of 769 square feet. The wing did not have ailerons--lateral control was via a series of spoilers hinged along the leading edges of the wing and deflectors arranged along the trailing edges. The inner wing trailing edges were fitted with large flaps, and the leading edges were fitted with extendible slats. The outer wing panels had hinges outboard of the control surfaces and flaps for folding for stowage aboard carriers.
      The wing was fitted with a boundary layer control system on the trailing edge, which was automatically coordinated with the operation of the wing flaps. When the flaps began lowering, the system directed high-velocity air over them, which increased the lift and lowered the angle of attack required for landing. A external pylon could be mounted underneath each wing for the carriage of an external store or a drop tank.
      The original design had twin vertical stabilizers, and this was actually how the mockup was configured when it was reviewed in March of 1956. However this was changed to a single vertical stabilizer shortly thereafter. The tailfin was a single piece pivoting slab. The amount of tail travel was restricted to 2 degrees left or right with flaps up and 8 degrees with flaps lowered to 25 degrees or more.. The vertical tail was sufficiently tall that it had to be fitted with a hinge so that the top could be folded to the left for stowage aboard aircraft carriers. An electronic countermeasures antenna, formation lights, and a fuel vent were installed in a fairing that extended from the trailing edge of the vertical fin at about 40 percent height. A radio antenna was installed inside a dielectric fairing at the extreme tip of the fin.
      The horizontal tailplanes were of the all-flying variety and were hinged at a single pivot on each side of the extreme rear fuselage. The horizontal tail could perform a limited amount of asymmetrical deflection for roll trim, but could not actually provide roll control, which was the responsibility of the wing spoilers.
      The fuselage was rather long and thin, with a radome at the very tip of the nose. For storage aboard carriers, the radome could be folded back. The aircraft was powered by a pair of afterburning General Electric J79 turbojets, mounted side-by-side in the rear of the fuselage. They were fed by individual air intakes on the sides of the fuselage. A unique feature was the use of variable geometry engine air intakes, the Vigilante being one of the first production aircraft to have this feature. They were designed to decelerate supersonic air to subsonic speed before it reached the engine air compressor.
      In order to protect against the aerodynamic heating generated by flight at Mach 2, much of the internal structure was made of titanium.
      The main landing gear members were attached to the fuselage sides, with the wheels retracting forward and rotating through 90 degrees to fit into fuselage wells. The nosegear also retracted forward. The advantage of forward retraction was that the landing gear would automatically be locked into place by the force of the airstream in the event of a hydraulic failure.
      The aircraft carried a crew of two--a pilot and a bombardier-navigator, seated in tandem underneath separate clamshell-type canopies. The pilot had a frameless, wraparound windshield, and his canopy was sufficiently transparent to provide him with a fairly good view. The bombardier/navigator had only a tiny transparent window on either side. In the mockup, the bombardier/navigator was provided with a completely transparent canopy. However, it was felt that a completely blacked-out cockpit would be more effective for viewing a radar display or for protection against the glare of a nuclear blast, and the bombardier/navigator's canopy was completely solid in later designs. Prospective bombardier/navigators protested that a completely solid canopy would cause claustrophobia, and a compromise was worked out in which a small window would be cut into each side of the canopy. The bombardier/navigator had no forward view and he had no flight controls.
      The aircraft was to be fitted with a HS-1/1A emergency escape system. The two crew members sat on individual ejector seats. The pilot could initiate the ejection sequence for both crewmen, which could be done by either pulling a face curtain or by pulling a handgrip underneath the seat. After activated, the seat would automatically pull the crewman into ejection position, after which both canopies would be blown away and a catapult-rocket system would fire and blast the crewmen up and out of the aircraft. A drogue chute then was opened to stabilize the seat, and shortly thereafter the crewman was separated from the seat and the crewman's parachute automatically deployed. The entire sequence took only 3 seconds. In the event the pilot was incapacitated, the navigator/bombardier could eject on his own. The HS-1 ejection seats were effective only at speeds above 100 knots, and were superseded in late production A-5As by the HA-1A with zero-zero capability.
      The nuclear weapon was to be stored in an internal weapons bay. The weapons bay did not have a conventional bomb bay with doors opening underneath the bottom of the aircraft, since this would make it impossible to release the weapon at supersonic speeds. Instead, the Mk 28 nuclear weapon was mounted at the end of a long duct which extended rearward between the two engines and was ejected to the rear during release. The duct exit at the rear of the aircraft was capped by a clamshell-opening door, which was later replaced by a blow-away tailcone. The weapon was integrated with two jettisonable fuel storage tanks, which were generally emptied before the target was reached. The weapon and the associated fuel tanks were released as a unit by rearward ejection through the opening at the rear. As the bomb fell toward the target, the attached fuel tanks provided stability. In addition, a countermeasures device was included in the bomb bay that could be ejected before the release of the nuclear weapon.
      The aircraft was to be equipped with a North American Autonetics AN/ASB-12 bomb direction system. It provided basic navigation and aircraft positioning. The nose was fitted with a GE Electronics multi mode radar, a North American NASARR radar computer, CCTV for daytime visual identification, a Radar-Equipped Inertial Navigation System, aand a Versatile Digital Analyzer. There was a TV optical scanner housed in a small bulge underneath the forward fuselage, just behind the radome.
      The aircraft was capable of being refueled in midair, via a retractable probe on the port side of the fuselage ahead of the pilot's cockpit.
      The aircraft had a primitive fly-by-wire flight control system in which stick movements of the stick were converted into electrical signals which fed into actuators that controlled lateral and l longitudinal movements. The actuators then mechanically positioned the control valves, the horizontal stabilizer, and the spoiler activators. There was a mechanical backup system in case this system failed.
      On June 29, 1956, North American received a letter of intent from the Navy. On August 29, 1956, a formal contract was issued for two prototypes under the designation XA3J-1, which was later changed to YA3J-1. It took about two years for the first prototype to be ready. The first YA3J-1 (BuNo 145157) was rolled out of the factory on May 16, 1958. During the rollout ceremony, it was announced that the plane was officially named Vigilante.
      The first flight of the YA3J-1 took place on August 31, 1958, North American chief test pilot Richard Wenzel being at the controls. Only a few relatively minor problems were encountered. The Vigilante went supersonic for the first time on September 5. The second prototype joined the flight test program in November.
      The first production contract was issued in January of 1959. On June 3, 1959, the second prototype (BuNo 145158) crashed when a hydraulic and electrical system failure caused the pilot to lose control of the aircraft.
      The initial A3J-1 production batches soon followed. 14 of them were employed in test flights. The 6th Vigilante made 14 launches and landings on the USS Saratoga (CVA-60) in July of 1960. Additional tests were made of the deck handling of the Vigilante.
      Initial production A3J-1s were powered by a pair of J79-GE-2 turbojets, each rated at 15,150 lb.s.t. with afterburning. Very early on, the J79-GE-4 was introduced on the production line, followed very soon by the J79-GE-8, both of which were rated at 16,500 lb.st. with afterburning.
      On December 13, 1960, an A3J-1 crewed by Cdr Leroy Heath and Lt Larry Monroe set a new altitude record of 91,450.8 feet.
      The first A3Js were assigned in June of 1961 to VAH-3 at NAS Sanford, Florida. This was a Replacement Air Group (RAG), which was used to train aircrews and ground crew maintenance people for the Vigilantes that would be operating with the fleet. The operational debut of the Vigilante was in August of 1962 when VAH-7 deployed aboard the USS Enterprise (CVAN-65) for a short cruise in the Mediterranean. Deliveries to VAH-1 and VAH-3 followed shortly thereafter.
      The linear bomb bay release method was never very reliable. The release often did not work properly, electrical connections were faulty, the ejection gun was unreliable, and there was poor separation and post-ejection stability of the store train of the bomb and two fuel tanks. In addition, it was not uncommon for the entire load to slide out of the bomb bay during a catapult launch, leaving the fuel tanks and bomb sitting on the carrier deck. Such were the difficulties encountered that the linear bomb bay system would never be used aboard aircraft carriers in fleet service.
      In September of 1962, the A3J-1 was redesignated A-5A under the new Tri-Service designation system.
      The A-5A could be equipped with a hose-and -drogue inflight refueling system using a buddy tank system housed in the linear weapons bay. The non-jettisonable system consisted of a 290-gallon buddy tank, two bomb bay fuel cells, a pump unit, and 78 feet of hose.
      The A-5A achieved a reputation of being a difficult aircraft to land aboard a carrier. Pilot inexperience and a high approach speed resulted in several ramp strikes and losses of aircraft and crews.
      In the early 1960s, the submarine-launched ballistic missile became the primary Navy strategic deterrent, and the A3J-1 no longer had a mission. In 1963, the Navy decided to halt any further procurement of the A-5A after only 59 had been built. With RA-5C deliveries beginning in January of 1964, the A-5As were removed from the heavy attack inventory and relegated to training roles. Most of them were returned to North American for conversion to RA-5C standard. Of the 59 A-5As built, 43 were eventually reconfigured to RA-5Cs.


         (6 reviews)



    9. L-39ZA Albatros

      Aero Vochody L-39ZA Albatros
      Soviet-era light trainer that has become popular around the world for aerobatics, training, light attack, and sport flying. The version reflected here is the L-39ZA light attack aircraft, with strengthened wings, four outboard weapon pylons, and an optional 23mm cannon pack on the centerline. Two skins are available, Soviet/Czech tactical camouflage, and modern Czech grey.


         (12 reviews)



    10. A-6E Intruder USMC (Early model)

      A-6E_USMC Intruder Readme
      This is a modification of the A-6A Intruder by Monty CZ/Column5
      Ensure you have the weapons pack installed.
      1) Extract file into Objects/Aircraft
      2) Go fly and blow things up!
      External model of plane by Monty CZ
      Flight model by Column5, modded by gbreuder and allenjb42
      Damage model by Monty CZ/Column5
      Skin for VMA121 by Monty CZ
      Skin for VMA533 by Paul Nortness
      Hangar Screen by Wrench
      Loading screen by Lou Drendel
      Thanks to all of those listed above - they did all the hard work, I just packaged it all together - and of course to TK for creating these great games for us to tinker with.
      This plane is compatible with all of the A-6 skins currently available. You'll just need to go into the decal.ini file within the skin folder and edit it so that all references to hte original A-6 model the skin was made for are changed to A-6E_USMC. Check out the skin folders within this download for an example.
      Have fun, and good hunting!
      Allen (allenjb42) Burton
      Any problems, find me at combatace.com, simhq.com or column5.us


         (5 reviews)



    11. A-6E Intruder (Early model)

      A-6E Intruder Readme
      This is a modification of the A-6A Intruder by Monty CZ/Column5
      Ensure you have the weapons pack installed.
      1) Extract file into Objects/Aircraft
      2) Go fly and blow things up!
      External model of plane by Monty CZ
      Flight model by Column5, modded by gbreuder and allenjb42
      Damage model by Monty CZ/Column5
      Skins for VA35 and VA52 by Paul Nortness
      Screens by Wrench
      Thanks to all of those listed above - they did all the hard work, I just packaged it all together - and of course to TK for creating these great games for us to tinker with.
      This plane is compatible with all of the A-6 skins currently available. You'll just need to go into the decal.ini file within the skin folder and edit it so that all references to hte original A-6 model the skin was made for are changed to A-6E. Check out the skin folders within this download for an example.
      Have fun, and good hunting!
      Allen (allenjb42) Burton
      Any problems, find me at combatace.com, simhq.com or column5.us


         (4 reviews)



    12. OV10D_v1.rar

      This is the first release of the OV10-D Bronco
      Full acknowledgment to Tim "PIGLET" Conrad for his original model and for allowing me to convert it to WOE
      Just UNRAR the contents to you objectsaircraft directory under Wings over Europe


         (7 reviews)



    13. RAAF F-4E Package

      Oz F-4E Package for SF/WoV/WoE
      This is an update of nosecone's RAAF F-4E Phantom II skin set.
      Having never seen this mod before, I made several unkind comments on the message boards, for which I apologized publicly. Also, as part of said apology, I'm updating the inis and pathways so it now become a simple drag/drop or copy paste operation.
      As a bonus, I'm including all the ini's necessary to create an RAAF country specific version of the Phantom. All inis, and brand new -only available in this mod!- Hangar & Loading screens are included.
      Amberly Rhino??? That don't sound too bad!!!
      Once unzipped, you get 2 choices:
      1) Add the skin to the existing F-4E in the usual manner or;
      2) Create a RAAF-only version. I've included everything needed to do so.
      You also get a new, Bonus Skin, "RAAFGray" Well, all it is, is the 5 texture bmps, decals ini, texture set ini for a Dark Gray Version of the skin, based off the colors used on the F-111C that's available. I just reused everything that nosecone did, since he mentioned something about the "later versions". You will be re-using the decal set provided (ie: copy into the RAAFGray folder)
      There are full, detailed install instructions in the read me -- so read the cursed thing!!!. There is vitally important information about weapons loads in there. Operation years are a 'best guess', for a "What If..." aircraft.
      All credit goes to nosecone; he created the decals and did all the original work in 2002. All I've done is assemble it into a cohernt package, updated to the latest standard, and create the dark gray skin. (picture not posted here, check the 'Mods and Skinning' Forum for a screenshot)
      kevin stein


         (4 reviews)



    14. Super Mystere B2 v1.1

      V1.1 (Super Mystere B2 equipped with internal rocket launcher).
      Developed from the Mystere IV it become a completely new aircraft.
      Built in 180 exemplary it served with the French Air Force (Armee de l'Air) from 1958 until 1977.
      The Super Mystere served also with the Heyl Ha'Avir in the six days war... in 1969-70, after the French embargo, the Sambad (Israeli name for the Super Mystere) was modified to use the PW J52-P8A american engine and renamed Sa'ar (tempest)... but this is another story.
      The Super Mystere is also Historically important because it was the first serie-built European fighter able to fly beyond the speed of sound in level flight.
      The SMB2, like others interceptors of the '50/'60 years, was equipped with a internal rockets launcher; this kind of weapons was intended to be used against waves of enemy (soviet) bombers. When the first generation of guided missiles were available, this weapons were abandoned.
      The aircraft is tested with SFP1, WoV and WoE updated at the last Service Pack and with the last WeaponPack.
      This mod is freeware and is not allowed for commercial use.
      FM, modified F100 cockpit and Atar-G101 sound by Kreelin ...thank you Andriam ;).
      3D models, skins and others minor stuff by me.
      enjoy it
      Enrico "ErikGen"


         (4 reviews)

      1 comment


    15. IAI Sa'ar v1.0

      The Sa'ar (tempest) is a modification of the Super Mystere B2 (Sambad for the Israeli pilots). After the French embargo and the consequent poor availability of Atar spare parts, Hey'l Ha'Avir decided the installation of a PWJ52-P-8A american jet engine on a Sambad cellula. The lower fuel consumption and lower weight after the abolition of the After-Burner complex of the ATAR 101, gave the Sa'ar a bigger autonomy and allowed two extra attach points; the long-piped exaust provided best protection against IR guided missiles.
      The conversion of 26 Sambad started in late 1969, one aircraft a month , and ended in early 1973 (26 month later... of course).
      The Sa'ar, as the Sambad, fought in the IAF with the 105° Squadron "Ha'akrav" (The Scorpion) only.
      The aircraft is tested with SFP1, WoV and WoE updated at the last Service Pack and with the last WeaponPack.
      This mod is freeware and is not allowed for commercial use.
      FM, modified F100 cockpit and PWJ52-P-8A jet sound by Kreelin (thanks a lot Andriam).
      Loading and Hangar screens by NGHENGO (e bravo Maurizio).
      3D models, skin and others minor stuff by me.
      BIG patience by my wife (kiss Alessandra).
      enjoy it
      Enrico "ErikGen"


         (5 reviews)



    16. A-6B Intruder

      A-6B Intruder Readme
      This is a modification of the A-6A Intruder by Monty CZ/Column5
      Ensure you have the weapons pack installed.
      1) Extract file into Objects/Aircraft
      2) Go fly and blow things up!
      External model of plane by Monty CZ
      Flight model by Column5, modded by gbreuder and allenjb42
      Damage model by Monty CZ/Column5
      Skin for VA34 by Paul Nortness
      Skin for VA196 by pappychecksix
      Screens by gbreuder
      Thanks to all of those listed above - they did all the hard work, I just packaged it all together - and of course to TK for creating these great games for us to tinker with.
      The VA196 skin represents the A-6B flown by Jake Grafton and Tiger Cole in the book and movie 'Flight of the Intruder' by Stephen Coonts, who really did fly with VA196 over Vietnam. In the book their callsign was Devil 511, and that's the Modex I've given one of the planes here. In the movie the Modex was 520.
      The data.ini is set up to use the Flight of the Intruder pilots available at Wrench's site at http://wrench1smog.com
      This plane is compatible with all of the A-6 skins currently available. You'll just need to go into the decal.ini file within the skin folder and edit it so that all references to the original A-6 model the skin was made for are changed to A-6B. Check out the skin folders within this download for an example.
      Have fun, and good hunting!
      Allen (allenjb42) Burton
      Any problems, find me at combatace.com, simhq.com or column5.us
      This mod is dedicated to LT Al Ashall and LT Bob Duncan, an A-6B crew who's story I came across while researching the plane's service history and tactics at www.virtualwall.org
      LT Al Ashall joined Attack Squadron Eighty-Five (ATKRON 85 or VA-85, squadron callsign BUCKEYE) as a replacement toward the end of the squadron's 1967 Viet Nam deployment. On this cruise, Al was teamed with a first-deployment pilot, LT Bob Duncan.
      Homeported at Naval Air Station Oceana (Virginia Beach, VA), VA-85 deployed in USS AMERICA (CV-66) in early 1968. Following work-ups, we proceeded to the South China Sea via Rio de Janario, the Cape of Good Hope, and the Indian Ocean, arriving at Yankee Station the first of May 1968.
      VA-85 had 15 INTRUDER aircraft, 12 A-6A bombers and 3 A-6B SAM killers. These three aircraft were partially stripped of the normal DIANE navigation and attack system, and instead were fitted with surface-to-air radar detection equipment and the gear needed to effectively use the Shrike and long-range Standard ARM (Anti-Radiation Missile) missiles. Four crews, including Bob Duncan and Al Ashall, had qualified on the A-6B in addition to their normal A-6A qualifications.
      Initially, the A-6B's were used in the same manner as the equivalent USAF Wild Weasel aircraft: they accompanied daylight strike forces as advance Iron Hand and SAM suppressors. Normal weapons configuration was 2 Shrikes on the outboard wing pylons and two Standard ARMs on the inboard pylons, with a drop tank on the centerline. Because of the scarcity of the Standard ARMs, we were encouraged to use them only when a really promising target came up, and then only if the target was beyond Shrike range or if the Shrikes had been expended.
      As the cruise progressed, VA-85 increasingly found itself tasked with night single-aircraft missions over North Viet Nam -- exactly what the aircraft was designed for. However, the inability of the A-7As and F-4Bs to operate effectively over land at night meant that there were fewer aircraft over the beach, and consequently these few aircraft drew more concentrated attention from NVN's anti-air defenses.
      The A-6B tactics evolved accordingly. An A-6B would launch with the attack birds, and everyone would go their separate ways . . . the attack birds at low level and the A-6B wandering around feet dry at 20,000 feet or so. If and when the NVN gunners lit off their fire control radars, the A-6B would attempt to engage them with either Shrike or Standard ARMs. Given the limited number of A-6Bs, these missions grew to "double-cycles" -- launch and go over the beach with the first batch, go feet wet to refuel when they went home, and be back in position as the second wave came feet dry.
      As the weather worsened, the A-6As would operate below the cloud cover while the A-6B would remain above (or in) the clag. This situation exacerbated the A-6B's weakest point: a combination of detection system and missile delivery parameters left the A-6Bs vulnerable to a close-in attack from the rear hemisphere. If the A-6B found itself targeted from the rear, SAMs might arrive before the Shrike or Standard ARM missiles could take out the SAM guidance radars. If you were operating within the cloud layers and couldn't see the SAMs, dodging them became a very tricky affair.
      On 29 August 1968 Bob Duncan and Al Ashall were scheduled for one of these missions, a double-cycle in support of two A-6A waves. The first wave came and went with no SAM activity, and the A-6B joined with an EKA-3D to refuel before going feet dry to await the second A-6A wave. Between the A-6B's "Feet dry" call and the arrival of the second A-6A wave, the EKA-3D recorded SAM missile radar activity. As usual, the on-station EC-121 flight following aircraft had lost radar contact with the Buckeye SAM killer after it went feet dry. No calls were heard from the Buckeye A-6B, and it failed to return.
      What happened? What is known is simple: The Buckeye flight went feet dry and was not heard from again. What may be surmised is equally simple: The NVN air defenders waited it out until the A-6B was alone over North Vietnam and then took it under fire from the rear quadrant. While the weather low was reasonable, heavy towering cumulus and high layers blanketed North Viet Nam that night -- the worst possible situation for SAM-dodging. It appears likely that the hunter became the hunted, and lost a missile exchange.
      Al was carried as "Missing in Action" for ten years; during this time he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander. On 02 August 1978, his status was changed to "Killed in Action".
      Bob was carried as "Missing in Action" for seven years; on 22 October 1975, his status was changed to "Killed in Action".
      A-6 aircrews were accustomed to operating alone, without radar flight following or other friendly support. Bob and Al recognized the inherent risks and accepted them without qualm. Their professionalism and dedication to duty warrants our respect.
      Bob was more restrained and more married than many of the rest of us, which made for quiet liberties. Never the less, he was a solid officer, a professional aviator, a good friend, and very well liked. Thirty-two years later, his death in combat still brings a sense of sorrow and loss.
      Al was a quiet gent until you got him on liberty . . . then he could be as rowdy as the next guy. He was a solid officer, a professional aviator, and a good friend. Thirty-two years later, his death in combat still brings a sense of sorrow and loss.
      From a friend, squadronmate, roommate, and fellow VA-85 A-6A/A-6B aircrewman,
      Ken Davis
      A memorial from their shipmates in Attack Squadron 85


         (2 reviews)



    17. A-6A Intruder - 'Flight of the Intruder' Special Edition

      A-6A Intruder, 'Flight of the Intruder' Special Edition Readme
      This is a modification of the A-6A Intruder by Monty CZ/Column5, released to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the publication of the novel 'Flight of the Intruder' by Stephen Coonts.
      Ensure you have the weapons pack installed.
      1) Extract A-6A FOTI file into Objects/Aircraft
      2) Optional: Extract Menu file to your main SF/WOV/WOE folder
      2) Go fly and blow things up!
      External model of plane by Monty CZ
      Flight model by Column5, modded by gbreuder and allenjb42
      Damage model by Monty CZ/Column5
      Loadouts modded by allenjb42 to try to reflect the loadouts mentioned in the book for the various missions depicted.
      Skins for Devil 505 and VA196 by gbreuder, based on work by pappychecksix
      Hangar screen by Wrench, modded by allenjb42
      Loading screen - 'Going In Hot' by William S Phillips, depicting 'Flight of the Intruder' author Stephen Coonts in action over Vietnam.
      Menu music - samples from the 'Flight of the Intruder' movie soundtrack by Basil Poledouris
      Thanks to all of those listed above - they did all the hard work and gave their permissions for release, I just packaged it all together - to Stephen Coonts and of course to TK for creating these great games for us to tinker with.
      The Devil 505 skin represents the A-6A flown by Jake Grafton and Morgan McPherson in the book and movie 'Flight of the Intruder' by Stephen Coonts, who really did fly with VA196 over Vietnam. Although Morg gets killed in the first chapter of the book (and after about five minutes of the movie), he and Jake had flown together for two years prior to that point, so you can use the skin to recreate some of their adventures before Morg's untimely death. Besides, you can use the A-6B to fly with Tiger Cole!
      Unfortunately there is no publicly available Morgan Mcpherson pilot model at this time, so if someone would be kind enough to make and release one I would be only too pleased to include it in an update.
      In view of this, the data.ini is set up to use the Jake Grafton pilot available at Wrench's site at http://wrench1smog.com as the pilot, and the default PILOT as the B/N.
      This plane is compatible with all of the A-6 skins currently available. You'll just need to go into the decal.ini file within the skin folder and edit it so that all references to the original A-6 model the skin was made for are changed to A-6A FOTI. Check out the skin folders within this download for an example.
      Have fun, and good hunting!
      Allen (allenjb42) Burton
      Any problems, find me at combatace.com, simhq.com or column5.us


         (5 reviews)



    18. MiG-15bis BS Fighter-Bomber Mod

      MiG-15bis BS Fighter Bomber 'stand-in' For SF, WoV & WoE
      From the readme:
      Based on some discussions & wishes for more 'NATO Fighters' mods, I thought I see if I could do a quick and dirty hack job and create the fighter-bomber version of the MiG-15bis as used by the Soviet and other client state's air forces.
      Mind you, it is exactly what I say it is -- a hack job adding the extra wing hardpoints 'virtually' via data ini edits, but it seems relatively close to what should actually be there...
      I hope you like this little tweek; albeit not perfect, it does add another version of this historical, and varied aircraft.
      -- This mod is designed for use with the Weapons Pak!!! --
      Ok, first off...this is NOT a full aircraft mod; this is only a group of inis and a few other bits. You WILL need to have Pasko's MiG-15bis already installed, as you will be transfering most of the physical parts (the aircraft itself). Also as there is no cockpit with the original, you will probably want to use one of the Russianized Skyhawk pits available at CombatAce. The cockpit ini supplied with the kit is built around that one; either the black or green, it dosen't matter.
      I've built the ini's around a standard Soviet Air Force version; if you want it to be for another country (ie: Czech AF), you should know by now the edits necessary to create a 'country specific' version of the aircraft.
      Please read the readme for further, detailed instructions for installation!!!
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    19. MiG-19P Farmer-B Mod

      This is a modification of the stock MiG-19S Farmer-C into the limited all weather, radar equiped 19P. Since the base aircraft exists in all versions of the game, no LODs are included. In fact, everything, but the radar nose, cockpt, and few other bits, are all stock items!
      =NOTICE: you MUST have the latest weapons pak installed to make use of the Izurmud radar nose, and missiles!!=
      Hopefully, you'll have Magoo & Badger the Bad's MiG-21PFM's cockpit around somewhere, as you're going to be needing it!! If you don't have it, go and get it. You'll probably be wanting it for your Fishbeds anyway, so head over to "SF/WoV/WoE" downloads section, and pick it up!!
      This package includes some 'new' weapons, so you'll be using the weapons editor to add them.
      There are full, detailed install instructions in the readme. There are also some explinations as the the "what's and wherefore's", and an extensive credit list.
      Most of the credit goes to Lexx_Luthor, for his ideas concerning the 'radar bubble' nose, on this and 19PM Farmer E.
      Happy Hunting!!
      Kevin Stein


         (2 reviews)



    20. Indian Air Force Type 96B Update Pak

      IAF Type 96B Fishbed C Update ver 2.0
      Based on the original mod by Bob 'howling1' Hauser. Skins by Ghostrider883
      What I've basically done, is 'rearrange' things to use the latest, Patch 4 versions of the 21MF lod, and 21MF data ini.
      == This package is designed to be used ONLY with the latest weapons pak!!! ==
      == This package is also set to use the Magoo/Badger Mig-21MF cockpit - make sure you have it installed. ==
      The loadouts have been set for Indian weapons; several of which might be new. Please check the 'Loadout Fixes' Thread at the CombatAce Knowledge Base for any further details. (and I've listed them in the enclosed 'readme' as well, plus a new one)
      Weapons carraige has been updated to reflect the use of some 'stand-off' style A-G missiles.
      I've NOT included any of the skins, as these were done by ghostrider883, but I've updated the decal ini for the "7Sq" skin. The skin bmps themselves fit fine, and need no updating (which is good, as I didn't really want to get into that!).
      PLEASE!!! (must I beg?) read the enclosed readme for detailed install instructions -- ya'll sensing a pattern here???
      With thanks to the original modders/skinners that brought the Sub-Continet to our gaming world!!
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein
      ps: just in case anyone is interested, I've updated all the Pakistani MiG-21/J/F-7s as well, but they need to use pre-patch lods, which at the moment cannot be uploaded. I'm trying to figure out a work around...


         (0 reviews)



    21. Mirage Factory MiG-23 "Flogger" Series

      This is the Mirage Factories Mig-23 series. Package contains:


         (4 reviews)

      1 comment


    22. LA-15

      LA-15 By Pasko and Column5


         (4 reviews)



    23. Mirage Factory Mirage 5BA

      Mirage 5BA by the Mirage Factory


         (5 reviews)



    24. Mirage Factory Mirage IIICi

      Mirage IIICi by the Mirage Factory


         (5 reviews)



    25. Mirage Factory Mirage CJ

      Mirage CJ by the Mirage Factory


         (3 reviews)



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