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Cold War Aircraft

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    1. Mystere IVA

      Mystere IVA as Add-on aircraft is currently beta version in its flight model. Jean is working on it and after some reworking he be making it a perfect flight model.


         (2 reviews)



    2. Saab J-29F Tunnan

      The J29 flew for the first time in 1948. It was the first european aircraft
      with swept wings. 661 J29s were built between 1951 and 1958 and they served in
      the Swedish airforce until 1967. Due to the swedish neutrality and the fact
      that the airforce needed all the planes SAAB could produce, J29 was never
      exported with the exception of 30 used planes that were modified and sold to
      Austria with start in 1961. J29 broke many speed records during its service.
      Combat records were limited to UN operations in Africa 1961-62 where it
      performed very well.
      J29's performance was comparable with the best fighters the superpowers could
      mobilize (F-86 & Mig-15), and could be considered the peak of the swedish
      airforce during a period when it was second (numerically) only to USA, USSR
      and Great Britain.
      J29F was the last version and this plane was equiped with an after burner and
      the new wing introduced with the E-model.


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      1 comment


    3. Sea Hawk FB.5

      The Sea Hawk FB.5 is now available. These are FB.3s re-engined with the Nene 103. The new engine gave slightly more thrust but performance remained poor.


         (2 reviews)



    4. Sea Hawk FGA.4

      Another Sea Hawk ground attack variant from bunyap.


         (1 review)



    5. Sea Hawk FGA.6

      Another Sea Hawk ground attack variant from bunyap.


         (1 review)



    6. SFP1 MiG-21F-13 RWR Upgrade

      This simple little mod adds an RWR & avionics.ini to the MiG-21F-13 Fishbed-C. As a bonus, skins for the Algerian AF 29th Sqdn & a NKAF MIG-21F, based on the stock SovietSilver skin, are included.


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    7. Sea Vixen

      For info on the history of the De Havilland Sea Vixen


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    8. MiG-21-98 Strike Fighters Red Air Force SP3 updated

      This aircraft is based on the stock MiG-21MF in the sim. This is a fictional aircraft capable of carrying all modern Russian, Chinese and Indian weapons.
      This package includes instructions to add three new nations Strike Fighters Virtual Red Air Force and Strike Fighters Virtual Blue Air Force.
      Also included are personalized decals for SimHQ SFP1 community's members (you guys rock!!!!), Custom Ranks, Callsigns and Wingman names.
      Extract the rar file to a temporary folder. Read the following steps for proper installation of this mod. wherever advised, please make backups of the mentioned files.
      This package has been configured to use Mago's excellent MiG-21MF cockpit. so be sure that you have Mago's MiG-21MF cockpit.


         (1 review)



    9. F-105F_and_G.rar

      F-105F-1 Early, F-105F-1 Late and F-105G
      Strike Fighters : Project 1
      build 21-03-2004
      To install these aircraft simply unzip the 3 three folders and place them in your "Strikefighters\Objects\Aircraft" directory.
      Then simply run strike fighters selecting Single Mission and picking the F-105F-1 Early, F-105F-1 Late or F-105G from the list of flyable aircraft.
      You'll need to wait for Service pack 3 to get working tape gauges.
      F-105F and G Thunderchief introduction & History
      The F-105F was heavily committed to combat over Southeast Asia. Some were quickly adapted for the "Wild Weasel" air-defense suppression role, fitted with electronics to detect enemy radars and target air defense sites for destruction in advance of strike packages. The original Air Force "Wild Weasel I" was a modified two-seat North American F-100F Super Sabre, but the F-100 wasn't fast enough to keep up with F-105 strike packages, and so the F-105F was selected for the role.
      The major elements of the modification were addition of the "APR-25 Radar Homing And Warning (RHAW)" system, which picked up and located radar sites; the "APR-26 Launch Warning Receiver (LWR)", which provided warning of a missile launch; and an "IR-133 Scan Receiver" to search for emitters. The back-seat "electronics warfare officer (EWO)" controlled these devices and had a cockpit CRT to help locate targets.
      The first such F-105F "Wild Weasel II", sometimes informally known as an "EF-105F", performed its first flight on 15 January 1966, and the Wild Weasel Thuds were engaged in active combat by the spring of that year. A total of 86 Wild Weasel F-105F conversions were performed.
      The Wild Weasel F-105F was armed with the new "AGM-45 Shrike Anti-Radar Missile (ARM)", a modified Sparrow AAM with a radar-homing head, to destroy radar transmitters, and attacked air-defense sites with CBU-24 cluster bombs and other munitions. Sometimes Wild Weasel F-105Fs worked with F-105Ds in "hunter-killer" teams, with the Wild Weasel Thud pinpointing the target and the F-105Ds destroying it.
      While other aircraft could avoid air-defense sites when possible, Wild Weasels actually had to attract their attention and take them on. This led to the Wild Weasel motto, which was "YGBSM", standing for "You Gotta Be s**ttin' Me!" Apparently this was the reaction of the first Wild Weasel aircrews when they were told what they were getting themselves into.
      Wild Weasel crews were generally gutsy sorts, and they evolved tactics for outflying SAMs launched at them. They would watch for a missile launch, and then fly straight at the SAM at high speed, turning at the last moment. The fast-moving SAM would not be able to turn quickly enough to bring the fighter into the blast radius of its warhead.
      Two Wild Weasel F-105F pilots won the highest American military award, the Congressional Medal of Honor. On 10 March 1967, Captain Merlyn F. Dethlefsen was piloting one of four Wild Weasel Thuds paving the way for a strike package. The leader was shot down by anti-aircraft fire, and North Vietnamese MiG-21 fighter made repeated passes on the survivors, trying to force them to dump their ordnance. Dethlefsen pressed home the attack anyway and destroyed the site. All three surviving Wild Weasels returned home with severe damage. Dethlefsen was personally awarded the medal by President Johnson.
      On 19 April 1967, Lieutenant Colonel Leo K. Thorsness had completed a Wild Weasel strike when his wingmates were shot down. He was low on fuel but stayed around to cover the air rescue operation, driving of a flight of MiG-17s that tried to interfere. Thorsness shot down one MiG and damaged another. He passed up an opportunity to refuel from a tanker when another aircraft breathing fumes showed up, and landed safely at Ubon, a forward base in Thailand.
      On 30 April, Thorsness' F-105 was hit and badly damaged. He and his EWO ejected, Thorsness being badly injured in the process, and were captured by the North Vietnamese. They spent over six years in a North Vietnamese POW camp.
      * 56 Wild Weasel F-105Fs were later updated to an improved "Wild Weasel III" configuration with the designation "F-105G", featuring improved avionics, as well as jammer pods that were faired into the forward fuselage, freeing up the underwing pylons for other stores. 14 of the F-105Gs were further modified to carry the big AGM-78 "Standard Anti-Radar Missile (STARM)", an air-launched variant of the US Navy's "Standard" SAM.
      Known Issues
      * Service pack 3 needed for tape gauges
      Aircraft Files
      Authored by David:
      Models and Cockpit models
      Authored by Lansen & David:
      Cockpit textures
      Authored by Sundowner:
      All Skins
      Authored by Column5:
      Flight model/data file
      Thanks to
      Sundonwer ;)


         (2 reviews)



    10. Improved MiG-21 FMs

      Improved MiG-21 flight models for both SF & WoV. Covers all default MiG-21 Variants.
      UPDATED TO VERSION 2 on 4/11/2005


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    11. RAN805A4G.zip

      Originally added pre-SP2 to biohazcentral.com, re-uploaded here because I could not find it in any A-4 category anymore.
      As mentioned, pre-SP2 so there might be some small issues. Will update.


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    12. MiG-17AS

      MiG-17AS Cuban target for F-8
      Cuba has several versions of the fighter-bomber MiG-17: MiG-17AS Fresco A - Practically are the basic MiG-17, but with two complementary external points under the wings for air-ground rockets S-21 and air-air missiles K-3 (AA-2 Atoll).


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      1 comment


    13. 1st Supersonics ( 1960s IAF MiG Pack ) v1.95

      1st Supersonics ( IAF 1960s MiG Pack ) v1.95
      1. Drop the folders called "Type 74", "Type76", and "Type 77" into your "Aircraft" directory.
      for WOV : Wings Over Vietnam/Objects/Aircraft
      for SFP1 : Strike fighters/Objects/Aircraft
      2. For WOV, you should have Patch 1 & the latest Weapons Pack installed.
      For SFP1, you you have up to SP3 & the Weapons Pack installed.
      Deuces' Effects Packages are suggested. As are Fubar512's Sounds Packages.
      Patches & Weapons Pack availible at http://www.combatace.com/
      Changes In v1.95 :
      1. FMs brought up to the current MiG standard by Fubar512.
      2. MiG RWR sounds by Fubar512.
      3. Updated Type 74 & Type 76 decals by Ghostrider883.
      4. New loading screen photo by Ghostrider883.
      Credits :
      The following people deserve many thanks :
      1. Ghostrider883 for his decals, research, & skins.
      2. The Wrench, for his excellent Hangarscreen & audio RWR workaround used here.
      3. tomcat1974 for his setka3 gunsight .tga
      4. MiG radar .tga by Eruyi.
      Any mistakes are solely mine...
      The Guys at the SimHQ SFP1 forums, CombatAce, & Column5's forums for inspiration, enlightenment and keeping
      the faith in allowing SFP1 to mature and grow.
      A. This mod is primarily intended for WOV, but was tested in & will work for the earlier SFP1 series
      B. v1.8 Changes since the earlier versions in IAF MiG Pack v1.6:
      1. As SFP1 becomes more difficult to find, WOV compatibility is crucial. Cockpits of the earlier
      versions were based on the stock SFP1 F-104G. This has been changed to the A-4B & A-4C pits common to both
      SFP1 & WOV. Both pits are a stopgap until the SFP1/WOV modding community releases proper MiG cockpits.
      2. Availiblity of WOV allows for the more accurate MiG-21PF .LODs as opposed to the earlier PFM LODs in
      order to reflect the fact the Type 76 was based on the Soviet MiG-21PF, and the Type 77 based on the Soviet
      MiG-21FL models. Type 74 continues to use the MiG-21F .LODs. IAF 23mm Gunpod continues to be a compromise
      until such time as a proper GP-9 gunpod is introduced. Droptanks for the Type 74 & Type 76 MiGs are deleted.
      It is known that the Type 74 used some form of IAF availible non-Soviet droptank, but we still
      haven't been able to determine which one. Soviet 490 ltr tanks were only introduced with the Type 77.
      3. In keeping with further research, all the IAF MiG-21 series now have working Radar Warning Recievers. IAF
      MiGs were originally fitted with Serina 2 rear hemisphere RWRs then further upgraded.
      4. The Indians were initially very skeptical of the MiG-21P ( Fishbed-Cs with the 30mm guns removed ) that the
      Soviets initially offered for sale. IAF pilots demanded & got the Soviets to jury rig a GP-9 Gunpod to the Type
      74 Migs before delivery to India. Type 76 Migs were also supposed to recieve this modification, but the 1965
      India-Pakistan War broke out before this could be carried out. During the War, IAF pilots of the 28th "1st
      Supersonics" Sqdn saw extensive service. Due to a lack of AA-2 missiles, the Type 74s used the gunpod exclusively
      in battle, while the scarce AA-2 Atolls were reserved for the gunless Type 76 MiGs. Fortunately for the Indians, the
      Pakistanis also suffered from a shortage of AIM-9B Sidewinders for their F-86F-35 Sabres & F-104A Starfighters.
      After the 1965 War, the IAF quickly replaced both the Type 74 and Type 76 MiGs with the Type 77s. Soviet Doctrine,
      which had favored missiles at the expense of guns on fighters, was changed by the combat experiences of the Indians
      in 1965, and the North Vietnamese during the 1960s...
      Bob "Howling1" Hauser


         (2 reviews)



    14. Israeli F-4E ECM Equipped v2.0

      F-4E IDF v2.0 Readme
      1. This mods the stock F-4E to the Israeli version used in Yom Kippur War period.
      2. NationName is changed to Israel.
      3. Chaff/Flares/Jammer added. Note that F-4Es delivered to Israel before the Yom
      Kippur War did not have countermeasures installed. During the War, replacement F-4Es
      from US stocks came with their ECM equipment. Some IDF Phantoms were also up-
      graded during the conflict.
      4. Two skins are included, one for US replacements ( which had hasty Star-Of-Davids
      painted over the US Camo ). This base USAF camo skin is the stock SFP1 skin.
      The second skin is the Kurnas skin by Jennifer. This skin was one of the first ever
      done for SFP1 and was only availible at the now defunct Skunkworks site. Jennifer
      has since moved on, but this skin of hers is included as a tribute to her early
      contributions to the SFP1 Community, which will not be forgotten.
      5. Canopy fix & Hangarscreen by "The Wrench".
      6. Thanks to research data graciously provided by MoonJumper, Python issue fixed.
      7. AIM-9Didf, Israeli TER, QRC-160-8 ECM Pod, and Loadout.ini by MoonJumper :
      Add to WEAPONDATA.ini, number in sequence, then save using the SP3 Weapons Editor.
      FullName=AIM-9D Sidewinder IDF
      FullName=QRC-160-8 ECM Pod
      FullName=Triple Ejector Rack 2BR
      1. If you add Sundowner's Israeli Phantom skin pack, the Israeli camo 370gal droptanks
      will be selectable in the dropdown menu. They will not be the default tanks though.


         (0 reviews)



    15. IAF Rakshak Flogger-B

      ===============/ Indian Air Force "Rakshak" ( MiG-23MF mod. ) Flogger-B v1.0 Readme /========================
      A. installation :
      1. Place the Rakshak folder in your Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft, or your
      Wings Over Vietnam/Objects/Aircraft folder.
      2. Place the four .wav files inside the "Add To Sounds Folder" in your
      Strike Fighters/Sounds, or your Wings Over Vietnam/Sounds folder.
      3. Your copy of Strike Fighters should be pached to SP3.1 standard.
      Your Wings Over Vietnam should be patched to Patch 2 standard.
      4. You should have the most current version of the Weapons Pack installed.
      ( Weapons Packs availible at http://www.combatace.com/
      B. Notes:
      1. The Rakshak is intended for Indo-Pakistan Campaigns & Missions. The Rakshak
      is the MiG-23MF built under licence in India by HAL. Unlike Soviet/WP -23MFs
      the Rakshak recieved minor improvements to include the ability to carry up to
      eight HAL AA-8 Aphid missiles. While we have photos of static display Rakshaks
      with these AA-8s installed. The normal warload for the Rakshak thoughout most
      of it's career appears to have been both SAHM & IRM versions of the HAL AA-7,
      & the loadout.ini reflects this. The data.ini also gives you the option to
      carry a full 8x HAL AA-8s as well.
      2. Rakshaks entered serviced with the Indian Air Force in 1982. They served in general
      service until 2003 before being withdrawn & replaced by both MiG-29s & Su-30s. How-
      ever, limited numbers of the Rakshak remain in service with the TACDE Training Command
      Of the Indian Air Force.
      C. Dredits :
      1. Special thanks to Ghostrider883 for research help & skins for both versions of the Rakshak.
      2. Thanks to the Wrench for his excellent Hangarscreens.
      3. Thanks to Fubar512 for his MiGEngine & Soviet RWR sounds mod.
      4. Thanks to Rafael, Column5 & the original Team Flogger for allowing to mod the Rakshak in the first place.
      5. And special thanks to Bpao for graciously allowing me to use his revision of Rafael's original Flogger
      These guys did all the hard work & deserve the Lion's Share of the Credit. Original version readmes included so
      everybody gets the proper credit that they deserve...
      Bob "howling1" Hauser
      *** Note to Manetsim of Check-Six : JPEG included ***


         (0 reviews)



    16. PAF F-86F-35-NA Beta v0.6

      PAF F-86F-35-NA Readme v0.5
      A. installation ;
      1. Simply drop the "PAF F-86F35" into either your Strike Fighters or your Wings Over Vietnam
      Objects/Aircraft folder.
      2. You should already be patched to SFP1 SP3.1, or WOV Patch 2 standard.
      3. You should also have the latest Weapons Pack installed ( availible at http://www.combatace.com/ ).
      B. Notes :
      1. The PAF F-86F-35s were surplus USAF fighters designed to employ the Mk.12A Nuclear bomb using the
      LABS method. When the F-35s were sold to both Pakistan & Portugal, the LABS timers were removed. PAF
      F-86F-35s however retained the sight ( similar to the also LABS equipped A-4s ). Indeed PAF Sabre
      pilots refered to the gunsights as "A-4 sights".
      2. While the F-86F-35 was able to carry 8 HVAR underwing rockets in US service, the PAF apparently pre-
      fered to use rocket pods instead. Later PAF Canadair Sabre 6s also carried rocket pods in lieu of HVARs.
      C. Credits :
      1. Hangarscreen by "The Wrench".
      2. Paki Skin by USAFMTL ( Note this was the first ever Pakistan skin for Strike Fighters ).
      Originally done for the F-86F-40.
      3. M.M. Alam skin by Ajunaidr. M.M. Alam was the ranking Pakistani Ace of the 1965 Indo-Pak War.
      4. PAF 17 Sqdn skin by Ghostrider883, based on a drawing by Bill Gunston. Note that 17 Sqdn operated both
      F-86F-35 and the Canadair Sabre 6 during their "Sabre Years".
      5. And most importantly, special thanks to the mighty "Zur" for allowing me to tinker with his F-86F model.
      As usual, these guys did all the hard work, any mistakes are mine.
      Bob "howling1" Hauser
      ***Note To Manetsim Of Check-Six : Screenshot JPEG included ***


         (2 reviews)



    17. A6E Tram

      Original Credits
      3D Model: Monty_CZ, wpnssgt
      Skins: JSF_Aggie, Paul Nortness, Sundowner, USAFMTL
      Flight Model: column5
      Drop tanks edits by Fubar512
      Version 1.1 Credits
      A-6E TRAM Intruder
      3D Model: Monty_CZ, wpnssgt
      Skins: Sundowner
      Flight Model: column5
      Drop tanks edits by Fubar512
      Ini Work by JSF Aggie
      Copy the A-6E_TRAM folder to your Strike Fighters AIRCRAFT folder. Copy the two fueltank .bmp's to your weapons folder. This assumes you have the weapons pack installed.
      HISTORY (From wikipedia.org)
      The Intruder was developed in response to a U.S. Navy specification for an all-weather carrier-based attack aircraft to serve as a replacement for the piston-powered, WWII-era A-1 Skyraider. Grumman was awarded the contract in 1957, and the resulting A2F-1 made its first flight on 19 April 1960. It was redesignated A-6A in the fall of 1962, and entered squadron service in February 1963.
      The A-6 became the USN and USMC's principal medium attack aircraft from the mid-1960s through the 1990s. It served in combat in Vietnam and in later engagements in Lebanon and Libya. The Intruder saw further duty in the 1991 Gulf War, but it was phased out of service quickly in the mid-1990s. It was intended for replacement by the A-12 Avenger II, but following that troubled stealth aircraft's cancellation, the Intruder was left to soldier on for a few more years before retiring in favor of the F/A-18 Hornet.
      The last Intruders were retired 19 December 1996. Some aircraft were used to form artificial reefs, but the majority are stored at AMARC against possible future need.
      Although the Intruder could not match the F/A-18's speed or air-combat capability, the A-6's range and load-carrying ability are sorely missed.
      The initial version of the Intruder was built around the complex and advanced DIANE (Digital Integrated Attack/Navigation Equipment), intended to provide a high degree of bombing accuracy even at night and in poor weather. DIANE consisted of multiple radar systems: the Norden AN/APQ-92 search radar and a separate AN/APQ-112 for tracking, AN/APN-141 radar altimeter, and AN/APN-153 Doppler to provide position updates to the AN/ASN-31 inertial navigation system. An air-data computer and ballistics computer integrated the radar information for the bombardier/navigator (BN) in the right-hand seat. TACAN and ADF were also provided for navigational use. When it worked, DIANE was perhaps the most capable nav/attack system of its era, giving the Intruder the ability to fly and fight in even very poor conditions (particularly important over Vietnam and Thailand during the Vietnam War). It suffered numerous teething problems, though, and it was several years before its reliability was established.
      Total A-6A production was 488, including six pre-production prototypes. Many of the surviving aircraft were converted to other variants.
      To provide Navy squadrons with a SEAD aircraft to attack enemy air defense and SAM systems--a mission dubbed "Iron Hand" in Navy parlance--19 A-6As were converted to A-6B standard from 1967 to 1970. The A-6B had many of its standard attack systems removed in favor of special equipment to detect and track enemy radar sights and to guide AGM-45 Shrike and AGM-78 Standard anti-radiation missiles. Five were lost in combat, and the rest were later converted to A-6E standard in the late 1970s.
      12 A-6As were converted in 1970 to A-6C standard for night attack missions against the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Vietnam. They were fitted with a TRIM (Trails/Roads Interdiction Multi-sensor) pod in the fuselage for FLIR and low-light TV cameras, as well as a "Black Crow" engine ignition detection system. One of these aircraft was lost in combat, the others were later converted to A-6E standard after the war.
      In the early 1970s some 78 A-6As and 12 A-6Es were converted for use as tanker aircraft, providing aerial refueling support to other strike aircraft. The DIANE system was removed and an internal refueling system was added, sometimes supplemented by a D-704 refueling pod on the centerline pylon. The KA-6D theoretically could be used in the day/visual bombing role, but it apparently never was, with the standard load-out being four fuel tanks. A few KA-6Ds went to sea with each Intruder squadron, and the retirement of the aircraft left a gap in USN and USMC refueling tanker capability that was only later remedied by the new F/A-18E Super Hornet, which can act as a tanker.
      The definitive attack version of the Intruder, introduced in 1970, with its first deployment 9 December 1971, with vastly upgraded nav/attack systems. The original search and track radars of the A-6A were replaced by a single AN/APQ-148 multi-mode radar, and the onboard computers with a more sophisticated (and generally more reliable) solid-state electronic system. A new AN/ASN-92 inertial navigation system was added, along with the CAINS (Carrier Aircraft Intertial Navigation System), for greater navigation accuracy. Beginning in 1979 all A-6Es were fitted with the AN/AAS-33 TRAM (Target Recognition and Attack, Multi-Sensor system, a small, gyroscopically stabilized turret under the nose containing FLIR boresighted with a laser spot-tracker/designator. TRAM was matched with a new AN/APQ-156 radar. The BN could use both TRAM imagery and radar data for extremely accurate attacks, or use the TRAM sensors alone to attack without using the Intruder's radar (which might warn the target). TRAM also allowed the Intruder to autonomously designate and drop laser-guided bombs.
      In the early 1990s some surviving A-6Es were upgraded under SWIP (Systems/Weapons Improvement Program) to enable them to use the latest precision-guided munitions, including AGM-65 Maverick, AGM-84 Harpoon, AGM-84E SLAM, and the AGM-88 HARM anti-radiation missile. SWIP aircraft also received a GPS receiver and new INS and TACAN systems. After a series of wing-fatigue problems, about 85% of the fleet was fitted with new graphite/epoxy/titanium/aluminum composite wings.
      A-6E models totaled 445 aircraft, about 240 of which were converted from earlier A-6A/B/C models.
      A-6F and A-6G
      An advanced A-6F Intruder II was proposed in the mid-1980s that would have replaced the Intruder's elderly Pratt & Whitney J52 turbojets with non-afterburning versions of the General Electric F404 turbofan used in the F/A-18 Hornet, providing substantial improvements in both power and fuel economy. The A-6F would have had totally new avionics, including a Norden AN/APQ-173 synthetic aperture radar and multi-function cockpit displays--the APQ-173 would have given the Intruder air-to-air capacity with provision for the AIM-120 AMRAAM. Two additional wing pylons were added, for a total of seven stations.
      Although five development aircraft were built, the Navy ultimately chose not to authorize the A-6F, preferring concentrate on the A-12 Avenger II. This left the service in a quandry when the A-12 was cancelled in 1991.
      Grumman proposed a cheaper alternative in the A-6G, which had most of the A-6F's advanced electronics, but retained the existing engines. This, too, was cancelled.
      Electronic Warfare Versions
      An electronic warfare/ECM version of the Intruder was developed early in the aircraft's life for the USMC, which needed a new ECM platform to replace its elderly F3D-2Q Skyknights. An EW version of the Intruder, initially designated A2F-1Q and subsequently redesignated EA-6A, first flew on 26 April 1963. It had a Bunker-Ramo AN/ALQ-86 ECM suite, with most electronics contained on the walnut-shaped pod atop the vertical fin. They were theoretically capable of firing the AGM-45 Shrike anti-radiation missile, although they were apparently not used in that role.
      Only 28 EA-6As were built (two prototypes, 15 new-build, and 11 conversions from A-6As), serving with Marine Corps squadrons in Vietnam. It was phased out of front-line service in the mid-1970s, remaining in use in reserve units with the USMC and then the US Navy primarily for training purposes. The last had been retired completely by 1993.
      A much more highly specialized derivative of the Intruder was the EA-6B Prowler, a 'stretched' airframe with two additional systems operators, and more comprehensive systems for the electronic warfare and SEAD roles. 170 were produced. The Prowler remains in service (see separate entry for more information).
      Combat Experience
      A-6 Intruders first saw action during the Vietnam War, where the craft were used extensively against targets in Vietnam. The aircraft's long range and heavy payload coupled with its ability to fly in all weather made it invaluable during the war. However, its effectiveness in flying low and delivering its payload made it especially vulnerable to anti-aircraft fire and in the eight years the Intruder was used, the U.S. Navy and Marines lost 68 of the aircraft in combat.
      Intruders saw action in strikes against the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon in 1983. One Intruder and one A-7 Corsair were lost during the Lebr. The BN could use both TRAM imagery and radar data for extremely accurate attacks, or use the TRAM sensors alone to attack without using the Intruder's radar (which might warn the target). TRAM also allowed the Intruder to autonomously designate and drop laser-guided bombs.
      Intruders also saw action operating from the aircraft carriers America CV-66 and Coral Sea CV-41 during Operation "El Dorado Canyon"in April of 1986. The squadrons involved were VA-34 "Blue Blasters" from CV-66 USS America and VA-55 "Warhorses" from the CV-41 USS Coral Sea.
      In the early 1990s some surviving A-6Es were upgraded under SWIP (Systems/Weapons Improvement Program) to enable them to use the latest precision-guided munitions, including AGM-65 Maverick, AGM-84 Harpoon, AGM-84E SLAM, and the AGM-88 HARM anti-radiation missile. SWIP aircraft also received a GPS receiver and new INS and TACAN systems. After a series of wing-fatigue problems, about 85% of the fleet was fitted with new graphite/epoxy/titanium/aluminum composite wings.
      A-6E models totaled 445 aircraft, about 240 of which were converted from earlier A-6A/B/C models.


         (2 reviews)



    18. AD-4 Skyraider, Version 2.0

      AD-4 Skyraider, Korean War Era, Ver. 2

      for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and possibly SF2 & SF2:V


      Updated to Version 2, Uploaded 5/20/09

      Modifications and reskins for MontyCZ's A-1H to create the eariler AD-4 Skyraider, as used during the Korean War.
      This version is designed to TOTALLY replace the one I released in 2005; a LOT has been updated. It is also designed for use in a Korean War Era install -- although it's quite workable in any era up to 1956, when the US Navy changed the color scheme.
      It is also redesigned for use in the post-08 patch environment of the above mentioned games. Instructions for back-dating to 06 levels are in the "Notes" section below.
      There are 2 brand new skins, still representing VF-194 and VMA-121, during the Korean War, but based off new templates, with some enhancements from Royohboy's AdA Skyraiders, all new decals for modex and semi-historical BuNums. I say 'semi', as these ARE in fact, REAL BuNums as assigned by BuAer to AD-3/4s, but I was unable to ascertain exactly which were assigned to each squadron's aircraft. So, consider them as rather generic AD-3/4 BuNums, but accurate nonetheless.
      NOTE: these skins are also designed to REPLACE any earlier versions!!!
      The VF-194 skin is a redo of that from the original release, with all new decals. The VMA-121 skin bmps are new, and also gets all new decals. I believe the original skin/decal set was done by Volksjager.
      For those that might be wondering, yes, there are 2 more skins in the works....
      This is a full, complete add on aircraft mod, with all the goodies necessary. Along with the new skins and decals, there's a heavily modified/repainted/tweekificateded A-4E cockpit. (more below in "Notes" on an alternate for those that wish a more beautiful, functional and fantastic cockpit). My old 'artwork' style Korean AD Hangar Screen is included; all the artwork was done by the legendary R.G. Smith, who worked for Douglas, and was more or less the Official Company Artist.
      Small data ini edits add a landing light, a few more running lights. Edits to the landing gear make this aircraft fully functional in the post-08 patch world. It should also function pretty well in SF2/SF2:V. This has not been tested by me however, as I don't have either of them yet. It's fully carrier rated, so mission and campaign builders can do their thing. Once we get the new Korea map....
      Designed for use with any weapons pak, the 2 necessary addons, the AN/APS-4 radar pod and 300 gallon tank are included. What is NOT included, are the HVARs, 250, 500 and 1000 lb WW2 era bombs. You WILL need to have these available via one of the weapons paks. However, a "new" weapons has been added - the 260 lb AN-M81 Fragmentation Bomb as used by the Navy. Expeciallly usefull for those pesky CAS, Armed Recon and SEAD mission (and historically used by Panthers in the flak suppression roles)
      As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (7 reviews)



    19. AD-4N/NL Skyraider

      AD-4NL Skyraider, Korean War, VC-35


      UPDATED to Ver 2 for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2 & SF2:V, too

      This version is designed to TOTALLY replace the one I released in 2005; a LOT has been updated.
      This has a brand new skin, still representing VC-35 "Night Hecklers" during the Korean War, is based off new templates
      from Royohboy's AdA Skyraiders, all new decals for modex and semi-historical BuNums. I saw 'semi', as these ARE in
      fact, REAL BuNums as assigned by BuAer to AD-4NLs, but I was unable to ascertain exactly which were assigned to
      VC-35's aircraft. So, consider them generic AD-4N BuNums.
      This is a full, complete add on aircraft mod, with all the goodies necessary. Along with the new skin and decals, there's a
      heavily modified/repainted/tweekified A-4E cockpit. (more below in "Notes" on an alternate).
      Small data ini edits add a landing light, a few more running lights. Edits to the landing gear make this aircraft fully functional in the post-08 patch world. It should also function pretty well in SF2/SF2:V. This has been tested, and acts just the same in SF2 as is post-patch WoE. It's fully carrier rated, so mission and campaign builders can do their thing.
      2 new -only available in this mod!!- carrier deck Hangar Screens are included. Both are the "WoE-style", but for the SF2
      series, that one has the blackboard removed. Also, a new damage tga for the 'tail' section has been created.
      Designed for use with any weapons pak, the 3 necessary addons, the APS-31 radar pod, AN/ALT-7 ECM pod, a small
      50-ish gallon and 300 gallon tank are included. What is NOT included, are the HVARs, 250, 500 and 1000 lb WW2 era
      bombs. You WILL need to have these available via one of the existing weapons paks!!!
      As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
      Good Hunting!!
      Kevin Stein


         (2 reviews)



    20. RAF FGRMk2

      RAF RR Spey-engined Phantom with Marconi RWR


         (0 reviews)



    21. RN F-4K

      Royal Navy RR Spey-engined Phantom


         (2 reviews)



    22. RN FGMk1

      Royal Navy RR Spey-engined Phantom with Marconi RWR


         (1 review)



    23. F-104A Pakistan Air Force

      All the F104 are well modeled but road to perfaction is always under construction


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    24. F-104C

      The model is already with SFP1 comunity but since I was making the F-104 series so i have to include this model also...its dubble work....


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    25. F-104D

      It is F-104D


         (1 review)



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