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    1. North American SNJ-5

      The North American T-6 Texan/SNJ was a single-engine advanced trainer aircraft used to train fighter pilots of the United States Army Air Forces, United States Navy, Royal Air Force and other air forces of the British Commonwealth during World War II. Designed by North American Aviation, The T-6 is known by a variety of designations depending on the model and operating air force. The USAAC designated it as the "AT-6", the US Navy the "SNJ", and British Commonwealth air forces, the Harvard, the name it is best known by outside of the United States. It remains a popular warbird aircraft.
      The North American T-6 Texan/SNJ was known as "the pilot maker" because of its important role in preparing pilots for combat. A cantilever low-wing monoplane, the Texan filled the need for a basic combat trainer during WW II and beyond into the 1950's.
      U.S. Navy pilots flew the airplane extensively, under the SNJ designation, the most common of these being the SNJ-4, SNJ-5 and SNJ-6. A few models were equipped with tailhooks and used for carrier qualifications.
      Included are 5 skins:
      Instructor Basic Training Unit, NAS Pensacola (Corry Field) 1952
      Basic Training Group One, NAAS Saufley 1956
      Naval Air Reserve Training Command, NAS Glenview 1956
      Naval Air Reserve Training Command, NAS Grosse Ile 1955
      VMT-2, MCAS El Toro 1952
      Please see the enclosed READ ME file for installation and of course CREDITS.


         (2 reviews)



    2. SP-2H (P2-7) NEPTUNE

      A Lockheed SP-2H Neptune- US NAVY. Look out Vietcong.....it's coming to find you!! Please see the READ ME file for credits and installation. Thank you to TRACKER and PAPPYCHKSIX who allowed me to use their P-2H files and skins to create this. Included are skins for VP-1 "Screaming Eagles", VP-2 "Neptunes", VP-21 "Blackjacks" and Pappy's VP-69 "Totems". Includes a gunsight and searchlight combo for huntin' the Cong at night......ENJOY!!!


         (1 review)



    3. MiG-23 obr.71 & MiG-23M Early

      MiG-23 obr. 71 & Mig-23M Eally Readme
      MiG-23 is version between MiG-23S & M, first BVR capable version, All MiG-23 obr.71 planes were updated
      to MiG-23M level (instead Engine), case this detail specification is fully clear (some sources says, that obr.71 has heat seeker,
      however, plane on photo used for hangar has no TP-23, )
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack.Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23, MiG-23M-1 folders to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      - Copy weapons (R-25) to weapons folder
      - open weapon editor, cick merge & select r-25.ini
      Plane specifications:
      Mig-23 obr.71:
      - Max G: 7.0
      - Radar Sapfir-23L
      - ASP-23L gunsight
      - MiG-23 obr can use R-23,R-13M,R-3S missiles
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-27F2M-300 Engine 12500 Kg on AB, but restricted to 10200Kg
      - NO SLATS
      in production 1971-73 ~100 planes
      Mig-23M (Serie 1) - same as orb.71, but:
      - Max G: 7.5
      - TP-23 Heat seeker on default,
      - R-60 allowed,
      - wing with slats
      in production 1972-74 S/N ~ 0390200000-0390202303 (first 'Pure' MiG-23M is 0390202304)
      Had MiG-23M Early HUD or NOT is not clear... looks like planes were updated after 1974.
      MiG-23 obr.71 had no HUD as default, like UB & S
      about R-25: i included this missile as what if... weapons, this missile based on AIM-7 captured in N Vietnam in 1965,
      it buil like back-up for possible R-23 programm failture. it tested in 1972. i include it like BVR weapon for MiG-23 in 1972-73 ,
      used AIM-7 model with new skin.


         (1 review)



    4. F-8H

      This is my little tribute to BPAO.
      You need the MF F-8D to fly it:There are no LODs or skin included therefore you cannot see any wing pylons, nor the hump above the wing is visible.Hopefully someone will create in the future a suitable LOD.


         (0 reviews)



    5. MiG-23MLA

      MiG-23MLA Readme
      MiG-23MLA factory code 32-12A
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104,
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23MLA_ folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      Plane specifications:
      - Max G: 8.5
      - Radar: N003 Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA)
      - ASP-17 gunsight
      - MiG-23MLA can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles, R-73 aloowed but requred software upgade & new pylons ( mounted on fuselage only)
      - Kh-23 required Delta-NG2 pod (on fuselage)
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-35-300 Engine
      - TP-26 Heat seeker
      in production - 1978~ 83 750-770 planes, ~ 600 for VVS, 560 of them converted to MLD (32-18) in 1982-85
      replaced MLD family in 1984:
      (MLD [32-18] for VVS, 66 new planes in 1984, MLAE-2 [32-22] 1984-85 for Bulgaria, MLAE [32-19]1984-85 for Syria, Iraq, Libya)
      - for VVS only 0390310388~ 0390322399,
      - export & VVS 0390322402-0390324860
      - special batch for Bulgaria (1984) [not MLAE-2]


         (0 reviews)



    6. Pasko's Yak-3RD

      Yak-3RD pak -includes upgrades for 08 Patch Level and SF2 Sims
      Fulfilling a request to make the aircraft available again, as the links at Pasko's Mostly MiGs and Etc seem to have disappeared.
      Some ini mods are:
      moving the cockpit up slightly to hide some gaps;
      A Soviet WW2-style PB1 gunsight tga (from Pappa Romeo's EAW sight pack)
      VERY small FM tweeks for 08+ level games (btw, a few more tweeks are necessary hint-hint to our FM guys);
      Canopy is now operational via an animiation key (Shift/0)
      A new WoE-style Hangar screen (didn't have one before)
      The "CRSPRP.wav" in-line engine sound -- has a nice V-12 buzz (used on many WW2 mods)
      Damage tgas for that 'shot full of holes' look
      Included are a second data and loadout ini, for an "operational" interceptor version, in the "What If..." worlds, with the additon of 2 nose 12.7 machine guns, ala the standard Yak-3. An 'operational' Loadout ini, with the additon of drop tanks is included. Instructions for swapping them out are below in the "To Install" section. Sort of an experiment I performed.
      I've also included a 2nd skin for the 'operational' variant, which is a basically the gray/blue skin from the Yak-3. Be advised of some small mapping issues, as this skin really wasn't designed for this LOD.
      Pasko's original readme is also included
      Note: for the 'operational' variant, I've used as much stock weapons as possible; even the guns are pure 3W stock. However, the drop tanks used are the 75 gallon Mustang ones; so you might need one or another of the various Weapons Pak available to get them. They are NOT included.
      = IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested in Post-Patch SF/WoV/WoE/WoI (mostly 08 Level WoE). Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level) aircraft. Fly accordingly!!! It should also work in SF2 and later iterations - this has NOT been tested, however.
      As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. Of course, the usual 'Notes and Ramblings' section
      With thanks to Pasko for creating this interestering little aircraft!
      kevin stein
      I didn't assign a NATO codename to the aircraft for several reasons:
      1) Couldn't really think of one; even with those assigned to other experimental birds that didn't go into production, or Lend-Lease aircraft that went out-of-serivce rather quickly after WW2, and
      2) The ones I'd thought of, while being rather descriptive (what with that rocket engine in the tail and all) probably wouldn't get used, even in 'impolite' company (well for a couple I came up with, at any rate). If you want to know what they were, just ask!
      End users are encourged to come up with one, and let everyone know.


         (0 reviews)



    7. MiG-23ML(MLA) DDR

      MiG-23ML (MLA) DDR Readme
      MiG-23MLA factory code 32-12A
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104, skin by Soulfreak
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23MLA_DDR folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      Plane specifications:
      - Max G: 8.5
      - Radar: N003E Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA)
      - ASP-17 gunsight
      - MiG-23MLA can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles
      - Kh-23 required Delta-NG2 pod (on fuselage)
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-35-300 Engine
      - TP-26 Heat seeker
      S/N: serie 24 (240,242,246)


         (0 reviews)



    8. Lockheed TV-1 (TO-1) Training Star

      Due to the slow delivery of new jet fighters and in order to train new jet pilots, the United States Navy in 1947 obtained the transfer of 49 Lockheed P-80Cs destined to the United States Air Force. Designated originally as TO-1 and changed to TV-1 after 1950, these planes served as land-based trainer aircraft for Navy squadron VF-52 and U.S. Marine Corps squadron VMF-311. With the arrival of the delayed Grumman F9F and McDonnell F2H aircraft, the TV-1s were transferred to reserve squadrons before being phased out of service.
      Included here are skins for VF-52 and VMF-311 from 1948. Also included is the Fleet All Weather Training unit at NAS North Island, the missile chase planes at NAS Point Mugu and the Naval Air Reserve at NAS Oakland. Please see the READ ME file for more histoical info,installation and of course credits.


         (1 review)



    9. MiG-21MF-75

      MiG-21MF-75 Readme
      This is a updated version of stock MiG-21MF by TW.
      Unofficial designation used in Bulgaria, East Germany, Romania and Czechoslovakia to refer to MiG-21MF aircraft delivered with cockpit instrumentation identical to that in the MiG-21bis (the "75" refers to "1975", the year in which these entered production.)
      -------------------Form Wiki
      Model is stock MiG-21MF model from TW Game.
      sound by starfighter2.
      Skin ini mixed with some skins....
      Also thanks to who made Loading and Hanger Screens (Sorry I forgot whom.)
      This plane required Lindr2's great MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unzip this rarpack
      - copy MiG-21MF-75 folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      - Max G: -4 to +8
      - Radar RP-22S(Sapfir-21)
      - MiG-21SM can use R-3S,R-3R,R-13M,R-60/R-60M missiles
      - Tumanskiy R-13-300
      - As we should know,R-3R = AA-2C and R-3S = AA-2B R-13M = AA-2D R-60 = AA-8A R-60M = AA-8B (IIRC)


         (4 reviews)



    10. Viggen skin/decal -update

      Small Skin/Decal update for Viggen Pack (JA-37, JA-37 edt33, AJ-37, AJS-37, SH-37) by lindr2
      Original Plane by SFP1 Dev A-Team
      lindr2 Viggen Pack
      WHat is it?
      This is just an add of national insignias for the viggen.
      On my system it looked not so good when the national insignias were part of the skin...
      so I took some time to add them as real decals and removed the national insignias from the skins.
      I also tried to add the "fara" (warning) as a decal but couldn't get it to stick on the outside of the air intake ...
      If someone know how pls let me know ...


         (0 reviews)



    11. MiG-23MLAE Libya

      MiG-23MLAE LARAF Readme
      MiG-23MLAE (factory code 32-19), MLD export-B, version for Libya
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23MLAE folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      - add to vp-23.ini weapondata.ini (or open weaponeditor open weapondata.ini & merge with VP-23.ini) no LOD needed
      Plane specifications:
      - Max G: 8.5
      - Radar: N003E Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA-E)
      - ASP-17 gunsight
      - MiG-23MLAE can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles, R-73 allowed, but required APU-72 Rail.
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-35-300 Engine
      - TP-26 Heat seeker
      - new RWR & ECM from MLD
      - VP-23 CM on centerline as default, BVP-50-60 can be mounted.
      S/N - planes from 1023sq, photos from LAVEX2006-2008


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    12. MiG-23MLAE Syria

      MiG-23MLAE Syria Readme
      MiG-23MLAE (factory code 32-19), MLD export-B, version for Syria
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23MLAE_Syr folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      - copy KDS-23_4 folder to weapons forlder
      - add to KDS-23_4.ini weapondata.ini (or open weaponeditor open weapondata.ini & merge with KDS-23_4.ini)
      Plane specifications:
      - Max G: 8.5
      - Radar: N003E Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA-E)
      - ASP-17 gunsight
      - MiG-23MLAE can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles, R-73 allowed, but required APU-72 Rail.
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-35-300 Engine
      - TP-26 Heat seeker
      - new RWR & ECM from MLD
      - KDS-23 4x CM dispensens (Syrian made).


         (0 reviews)



    13. FastCargo's F-5B Freedom Fighter

      This is conversion of great Northop F-5B Freedom Fighter ver 1.1 by FastCargo for SF2 to the first generation Third Wire sims (tested on WOE and WOV).
      All credits goes to FastCargo and can be read in original F-5B Readme.
      I changed: - all .ini files to ANSI format
      - made invisible fuel tanks that are part of aircraft model in SF2 and
      can't be jettisonable in SF1
      - added possibility of carrying F-5A and F-5C wingtip and central fuel
      tanks that can be found in Mirage Factory Weapons Pack 01/25/2009 on CombatAce
      - decals on right place in first gen structure
      - a few more little changes like rear cockpit position, added missile
      (sidewinder) rails or kick off useless files for firs gen etc.
      Thanks to FastCargo for fantastic aircraft (especially rear seat flight feelings) and both FC and Wrench for advice on CombatAce Knowledge Base.
      Michal Minta


         (6 reviews)



    14. Saab J-35 Draken with changed Flightmodel for oct2008 patch

      Saab J-35F Draken
      This is a mod of the Draken of the Mirage Factory with the aim to fit the flightmodel to the October2008 patch and include minor changes. Sony, thanks for your permission.
      -The original FM was under the Oct2008 patch oversensitive. I made some little changes so that the Draken is again a pleasure to fly
      -This mod is using the F-4E cockpit instead the F-104 cockpit.
      - I made changes on the radar and included a fake IR sensor.
      - i modded the original skin a little bit and included a modded version of Hoarmurath green danish Draken skin
      I want to say thank you to Sony of TMF for the permission to mod the original Draken (the original readme you find in the Draken folder)
      Then i want to say thank you to Hoarmurath for the permission to mod his green Draken skin.
      -Unzip all files into your objects/aircraft folder.
      V. This mod is FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL use is NOT ALLOWED.
      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
      Hope you enjoy it.
      Michael (Gepard)
      Made in Germany
      April 2010


         (1 review)



    15. Vautour IIB/N for WOI - Updated

      Veltro2K's Vautour IIB/N for WOI - Updated
      This is an update of Veltro2K's Vautour IIB & IIN for Wings Over Israel (WOI). In this update (the originals available at CombatAce in the SF1 Downloads section), I have done my best to correct or mitigate these models' several anomalies: AI inability to taxi and takeoff correctly; AI aircraft exploding on the taxiway; AI problems handling the aircraft in flight; loadout errors; glaring white spots in the engine nacelles.
      Notes: You will notice that AI aircraft still bounce around just a bit while taxiing, but they do now take off in timely fashion. The updates applied here mirror those offered in my updated SF2I version, also uploaded to CombatAce.
      Thanks to Wrench for looking over an early version of this update and supplying some additional fixes and adjustments, as well as the F-86D cockpit for the IIN model.
      Updates & Fixes
      These aircraft versions incorporate a number of fixes and updates:
      - applied Veltro2K's fixpacks for B & N model
      - added damage TGAs from Christian59's "damage pack"
      - added new LOADOUT.BMP
      - spiffed up LOADING & HANGAR screens
      - darkened IDFCamo textures
      - removed spinner nodes to fix unsightly white
      spots within engine nacelles (no material assigned
      to spinner nodes)
      - corrected, renamed, or removed a number of node
      names within DATA.INIs
      - made engine ThrustPositions symmetrical to correct
      AI handling problems
      - tweaked landing gear data to improve AI ground handling
      - added tail bumper to improve taxiing & takeoff stability
      - updated flight model for SF2
      - tweaked loadouts & weapon stations
      - added F-86F cockpit from Dave Zurawski & the F-86F
      Development Team to the Vautour IIB
      - added F-86D cockpit from the Sabre Dog Team to the
      Vautour IIN
      - added Israeli AF '50s/'60s pilot model by Wrench &
      Installation is simple:
      1. Drop the Objects folder into your WOI installation directory.
      2. Add the following data to your WeaponsData.INI and save
      the changes with the 3rdWire Weapons Editor:
      FullName=300 gal Drop Tank
      Original Aircraft: Veltro2K
      Flight Model: ThirdWire
      F-86F Cockpit: Dave Zurawski & F-86F Dev Team
      F-86D Cockpit: Sabre Dog Team
      Damage Textures: Christian59
      IAF 50s/60s Pilot: Wrench & PappyCheckSix
      Misc. Fixes: Wrench
      Eric Howes
      23 May 2009


         (0 reviews)



    16. MiG-21M Fishbed-G

      MiG-21M Fishbed-G for SFP1, WOI, WOE, WOV
      In the 60th the MiG OKB developed a recon version of the MiG-21. This bird (MiG-21R) got a bigger tank on the back. Basing on the MiG-21R the soviets developed the MiG-21S, a fighter plane with an improved radar RP-22 and a better weapon system. The S had 4 hardpoints under the wings and the big backtank of the R. But it had no internal gun.
      For export an simplified version was developed and called MiG-21M. The M looked very similar to the S, but got the old RP-21 radar. Because the costumers demanded an internal gun the MiG-21M got as first plane the GSha-23.
      On paper the MiG-21M had a good performance. It was twice as efficient in the ground attack role than the older MiG-21 versions and was also able to carry the double number of air to air missiles. But in reality the pilots did not love this bird. The MiG-21M was much heavier than the MiG-21F, PF, PFM (SPS-K) but had the same engine. So the agility of the older planes was lost. In contrary the MiG-21M was a very stable gun plattform.
      Later in service the MiG-21M was updated some times. It got the protection plates below the side air intakes (Startklappen) which should avoid FOD incidents, but also protect against gun smoke which could harm the engine. In some cases the MiG-21M got the engine of the MiG-21MF.
      The bird in this package is the basic MiG-21M without protection plates and periscope on the canopy, as it was used in the Warshaw Pact and Syria. It represents an early eastgerman LSK/LV MiG-21M before major upgrates.
      MiG-21M for WOE, WOV, WOI, SFP1 credits
      While making the MiG-21M i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
      The plane itself:
      Model and skin by TK
      The Cockpit
      Cockpit by Mago/Paladrian
      The tactical numbers.
      basing on the MiG-21F numbers by PauloPanz
      And finally my little share
      I edited the Data file to delete the periscope and the protection plates and made some othe minor changes.
      I hope that i havent forgotten someone to give the proper credit.
      1. unzip into your aircraft folder
      The subfolder MiG-21M will be created
      Thats it! Enjoy flying.
      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
      Hope you enjoy it.
      Michael (Gepard)
      Made in Germany
      Juni 2010


         (0 reviews)



    17. F-104J

      Lockheed/Mitsubishi F-104J for SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI oct.08 patch standard:
      This mod recreate the F-104J version of the Starfighter used by the JASDF as interceptor from 1962 to 1990.
      Armament consisted only of Sidewinders missiles for a maximum of 4 and the internal M61A1 20mm gun with 750 rounds.
      Natural metal/silver= 201st, 202nd, 203rd, 204th, 205th, 206th, 207th and APW
      2 tone light blue camo with sharkmout= 207th Late
      Test units with daygloo or red tail= UF-104 and Late test unit
      Included there are new silver tip and wing drop tanks and daygloo orange tip tanks.
      To open the canopy use Shift+0
      Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder. :)
      And add the code lines of the fuel tanks to your WEAPONDATA.INI
      Note: You need to have the stock SFP1 F-104G in your install
      Added 3D details, Fuel tanks, INI work, flight model, sounds and effects: Spillone104
      Texture and decals: Spillone104 (Bobrock templates) and JetZ for serial and squadron decals
      Fake Pilot mod: FastCargo
      BETA testers: Steve_S, Silverbolt
      Special thanks to JetZ for the original F-104J mod on his site.
      Thank you all guys!
      Legal stuff:
      This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
      Enjoy and good flight. :)


         (7 reviews)



    18. RF-104G-Ev LOROP

      Lockheed RF-104G-Ev/LOROP for SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI oct.08 patch standard:
      This mod recreate the RF-104G-Ev/LOROP Stargazer used by the R.O.C.A.F. as recon plane from 1983 to 1995.
      For specific recconaisance purposes the Republic of China Air Force created a special radome with sensitive infra-red equipment which could be mounted on an everage F-104G aircraft specifically modified to support the equipment. An aircraft having operating this system was designated RF-104G-Ev (Evolution) and could be recognised easily since the radome was much longer then the ordinary F-104 radome. It is likely that initially the prototype radome has been used from the formerly developed RTF-104G of the German Air Force since there is quite some similarity.
      Armament: NONE
      Turn on the radar to use the viewfinder.
      Only four planes were modified with this equipment: 4365/4397/4398/4400
      Included there are new light grey tip and wing drop tanks.
      To open the canopy use Shift+0
      Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder. :)
      And add the code lines of the fuel tanks to your WEAPONDATA.INI
      Note: You need to have the stock SFP1 F-104G in your install
      Added 3D details, Fuel tanks, INI work, flight model, sounds and effects: Spillone104
      Texture and decals: Spillone104 (Bobrock templates).
      Fake Pilot mod: FastCargo
      TK and ThirdWire: for the stock F-104 model.
      BETA testers: Aleks
      Thank you all guys!
      Legal stuff:
      This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
      Enjoy and have a good recce flight. :)


         (5 reviews)



    19. MiG-23MF (Bulgaria)

      MiG-23MF (Bulgaria) Readme
      MiG-23MF for Bulgaria code 23-11MF
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23MF_BUL folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      Plane specifications:
      - Max G: 8.5
      - Radar Sapfir-23E
      - ASP-23D gunsight
      - MiG-23MF can use R-23,R-13M,R-3S,R-60 missiles
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-29-300 Engine
      - TP-23 Heat seeker
      in production - 1978 - 12 planes Skins: grey & camo (plane numbers are historical)


         (3 reviews)



    20. MiG-23ML (MLA) Bulgaria

      MiG-23ML (MLA) Bulgaria Readme
      MiG-23MLA factory code 23-12A
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23MLA_Bul folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      Plane specifications:
      - Max G: 8.5
      - Radar: N003E Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA)
      - ASP-17 gunsight
      - MiG-23MLA can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles
      - Kh-23 required Delta-NG2 pod (on fuselage)
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-35-300 Engine
      - TP-26 Heat seeker
      8 historical correct Serial & plane Nunbers - 8 planes delivered in 1984


         (2 reviews)



    21. MiG-23ML (MLA) CzSSR

      MiG-23ML (MLA) CzSSR Readme
      MiG-23MLA factory code 23-12A
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23MLA_Cz folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      Plane specifications:
      - Max G: 8.5
      - Radar: N003E Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA)
      - ASP-17 gunsight
      - MiG-23MLA can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles
      - Kh-23 required Delta-NG2 pod (on fuselage)
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-35-300 Engine
      - TP-26 Heat seeker
      17 historical correct Serial & plane Nunbers - 17 planes delivered in 1982-1983


         (1 review)



    22. Hunter FR10 for WOE

      This is the WOE version of the Hunter FR.10 SF2 mod by Paulopanz.
      It uses ThirdWire LODs so it works only with Wings Over Europe install.
      Read the Readme
      Credits :
      Project, skins and decals by Paulopanz
      Dedicated sound by Spillone104
      Cameras & ini edits: by Cliff11
      Beta testers: Cliff11, Spillone104 & Gaunt
      Freeware only is allowed, give proper credits.


         (2 reviews)



    23. MiG-23MLA Angola

      MiG-23ML (MLA) Angola Readme
      MiG-23MLA factory code 23-12A
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23MLA_Ang folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      Plane specifications:
      - Max G: 8.5
      - Radar: N003E Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA)
      - ASP-17 gunsight
      - MiG-23MLA can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles
      - Kh-23 required Delta-NG2 pod (on fuselage)
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-35-300 Engine
      - TP-26 Heat seeker
      6 historical correct plane Numbers ~ 35-50 planes delivered in 1984-1988


         (0 reviews)



    24. MiG-23ML (MLA) DPRK

      MiG-23ML (MLA) DPRK Readme
      MiG-23MLA factory code 23-12A
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23MLA_DPRK folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      Plane specifications:
      - Max G: 8.5
      - Radar: N003E Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA)
      - ASP-17 gunsight
      - MiG-23MLA can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles
      - Kh-23 required Delta-NG2 pod (on fuselage)
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-35-300 Engine
      - TP-26 Heat seeker
      3 historical correct plane Numbers, 20 semi-historical (60-79) if you want use histocal correct numbers only, please replace decals.ini & number.lst in DPRK skin folder.
      32 planes delivered in 1984


         (0 reviews)



    25. AERITALIA G.91YS

      This is modification of great Aeritalia G.91Y Yankee by Enrico "erikgen" Gennari.
      "The G.91YS is a variant of the -Y developed specially
      for the Swiss Air Force requirement for a Hunter replacement.
      Essentially an extra wing pylon has been fitted for
      carrying Sidewinder missiles." FLIGHT International, 29 April 1971.
      Unfortunately Swiss Air Force preferred the Northrop F-5 and G.91YS stayed on prototype only.
      Pair of IRM (Sidewinders) increase actionability of this superb aircraft and evolve to multirole purpose.
      There are two skins inside pack: Italian Prototipo - historical; & Swiss based on stock skin with Hunter decals - fictional (what if).
      Instalation is same like Yankee (original readme included) + fakepilot method + extra pylon (G91ys_pylon).
      Credits goes to:
      - Enrico "erikgen" Gennari for 3d, skins, pit , blood and tears & awesome aircraft.
      - kreelin for FM
      - Spillone104 for the jet sound, photos and SFP1 conversion
      - Swiss skin decals by Muesli from his Alp-Hunters.
      - FakePilot method by FastCargo
      -> Special Thanks to COCAS for made new pylon specially for this mod! <-
      Rest: skins, ini works and other changes by me.
      Freeware licence.
      Michal Minta


         (4 reviews)



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