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Crotale SAM system 1.0.0

   (1 review)

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About This File

    CROTALE mod by GKABS

    1) Historical background

   The Development of the Crotale Surface-to-Air Missile system began in 1964.

   The Crotale is a very short range SAM system (Sol-Air à Très Courte Portée or SATCP).

   It was said that South Africa paid 85% (France: 15%) of the first step development 
   costs of this SAM System. The Crotale was named "Cactus" for South Africa.

   Thomson-CSF for the radar and the electronics, and Matra (Engine division) for the 
   R440 missile were the two prime contractors.

   South Africa received the first systems in 1971.

   In 1971 France placed the first order for operational tests: 1 Acquisition Unit and 
   2 Firing Units.
   The Armée de l'Air bought this SAM system in order to protect their airfields.

   The Crotale in this first opérational version (Crotale 1000) was above all engaged 
   for the Egypt-Libya and Angola wars in the 1980s.

   Further developments were launched for several customers among the 15 ones which 
   ordered this system.

    2) Installation in your Strike Fighters 2 installation(s)

   There are 2 options :

    - The "Sand" version in order to put in any "Desert" type SF2 install,
    - The "Green" version for any "European" type SF2 install.

   So you'll find them into 2 separated packs ready to play :)

    If you need any further help please read the Knowledge Base at:

    3) Credits
    - Coupi for suggesting the model, document, creating the data files, and testing.  From the bottom of my heart thanks.

    4) LICENSE:

    You are allowed to use this model and everything included with it for personal non-profit use for Strike fighters 1 and 2.
     For use outside of this scope, you need to contact me for permission.

    Software used:

    3d Max 2009
    UVLayout v2 Pro
    Substance Painter
    Adobe Photoshop

    If you need any assistance please contact me at 


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