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Funniest film scene ever

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I've seen a lot of posts regarding some seriously good comedies and it got me thinking about what the funniest thing I've ever seen in a movie was.


Though it's hard to pick just one, the laundry/bedsheet scene from "Trainspotting" had me nearly pissing my pants. The fact I was a bit drunk at the time probably help a bit.


"Christmas Vacation" also ranks up there for me in terms of really funny stuff.


Anyone else?

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it's a toss up between the camp fire scene in Blazing Saddles and the Shower scene in Porkys.Both had me rolling in the floor and still do!

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The scene from Borat when he fights Azamat and chases him with the rubber fist, the whole sequence of that had me laughing so much in the cinema i cried tears of happiness. Watching it again on DVD it was still hilariously funny

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there are lots of funny movies with good scenes, like "Eurotrip" one of the best... :)

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there are lots of funny movies with good scenes, like "Eurotrip" one of the best... :)


Oh the Eurotrip mime robot scene has me in stitches.

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There arnt that many films that have made me really laugh like TV comedies do

The Naked Gun series was good,so was Airplane and the Monty Python films when I was a kid.


The Indiana Jones sequence when he comes up against the bloke with the fancy swordwork made my laugh at the time.


More recently any scene from that Borat film - saw it at the cinema - was in pain after that!!

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Paul Allen's death sequence in American Psycho ranks up there with me. Morbid, yes, funny as hell, that too.

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IIRC that's from "Rat Race"; they play it on Comedy Central all the time. That is a funny sequence.

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The funniest movie in my point of view is McLintock!

Edited by suhsjake

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You know, I honestly can't pick one! There are scenes I remember being funny and such, but I can't recall which one I've thought was the funniest!

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I gotta vote for Young Frankenstein's Puttin' on the Ritz


always makes me LoL




Young Frankenstien was always a favorite. I loved the scene with the blind Jack Lemmon who pours hot soup in Franks' lap then lights Franks' thumb instead of his cigar... :haha:


And of course Terry Garr..."What Knockers!" "Oh Zank yu Doctor..." or..."How about der roll in der hay?" To which my only answer could possibly have been...well...you know... :blush:

Edited by pcpilot

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Bruce Almighty, Jim Carrey.


He loses the anchor position, and gets "da power", uses it to mess with the guy who did get the job, while on the air.


Saw that at the theater, and couldn't breath I was laughing so hard...

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Young Frankenstien was always a favorite. I loved the scene with the blind Jack Lemmon who pours hot soup in Franks' lap then lights Franks' thumb instead of his cigar... :haha:


And of course Terry Garr..."What Knockers!" "Oh Zank yu Doctor..." or..."How about der roll in der hay?" To which my only answer could possibly have been...well...you know... :blush:



That was Gene Hackman as the blind guy, actually.


My favorite line in the movie isn't great by itself, but in context of the scene:

"Put...the candle...back!"

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Yur right of course...You know, I always get those two mixed up... :crazy:

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I always thought the one liners from Airplane (I knew it as Flying High, dunno what the story with that was) with things like:

"Surely you can't be serious?"

"Yes I am, and don't call me Shirley."


and one of my favourites:

"She's very ill, we have to get her to a hospital."

"A hospital? What is it?"

"It's a building with lots of sick people in it, but that's not important right now."


I used to love the Jive speak, especially the translation for "golly" :rofl:

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You've gotta love Airplane 1 and 2. :grin:

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I just saw "The Big Lebowski" again recently and I'd forgotten how freakishly funny that was. It was wierd, but there were some really hysterical bits.

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For me it was a tie between Dumb & Dumber and Half Baked with Dave Chappelle & Jim Brewer

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Sice we are on older movies...anyone remember Caveman with Ringo Starr..."Lana...zug zug..." or how about History of the World Part1. I loved the French Revolution part...

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History of the World is one of Brooks' best 2nd-tier films, by which I mean ones that didn't make a massive splash like Young Frankenstein or Blazing Saddles but are still better than his obscure ones like Life Stinks.


I watched Caveman like a million times when I was younger as they seemed to play it on cable ALL the time. :grin:

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