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What in the Hell is That?

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Hmmm makes me wonder.....

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I'll take one in black with red insignia please.


(F-16XL - or F-16F depending on how bad you wanted one)!



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It needs some tweaks and we will release it. But it will be an as is model because the max file is gone. But bpao said we can use his drop tanks and pit for it. Skins are courtesy' of Creepin' Death with ini work by Moonjumper and wrench. Model by wpnssgt who has thrown in the towel on SF and gave me all his stuff.

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hell yeah!


F-16XL!!!! SWEET!

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More sightings of some unusual things.


Model by ??????

Skin by ??????

Developed by ??????

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Guest Saganuay82

Thrown in the towel? Really? Wasn't he working on the F-22 or 23 also?

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X-45 and X-47. Hmmm.



Too bad about wpnssgt. A real shame. :sorry:

As for F-16F, that designation is now officially assigned to the 2-seat Blk 60s.

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Where is Wrench???? :wink:

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I've been looking forward to the XL for a while :) Can't wait!


Too bad about WPNSSGT... didn't know.

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Thrown in the towel? Really? Wasn't he working on the F-22 or 23 also?


Yeah I got a PM from him last week, he is done for good. He has other things going on that he enjoys better.

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I'm right here!!! Don't think the first thing I thought of, is how do we get the Vulcan 6-pak on the nose????


I'm expecting a t-birds skin, with a big black W under the body.....(remember, NO insignia!! -- can't have anything leftover from Old America under the New Order.)


Now, we just need some Mid-Ak Migs.....or Circle Su's



Kevin Stein

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Model by wpnssgt who has thrown in the towel on SF and gave me all his stuff.

Shame, if you're talking to him again say thanks for all his past efforts.

Who knows maybe 1 day he'll be in the mood again.

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I'll second that. :sad:


Anyway, "as is" looks pretty good from that angle. What planes has he left unfinished? I'd be glad to help finish off models, especially exotics like the XL.

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I'm right here!!! Don't think the first thing I thought of, is how do we get the Vulcan 6-pak on the nose????


I'm expecting a t-birds skin, with a big black W under the body.....(remember, NO insignia!! -- can't have anything leftover from Old America under the New Order.)


Now, we just need some Mid-Ak Migs.....or Circle Su's



Kevin Stein


Dude you forgot the Fourth Riech's F-4's ;). If you ever do a Wingman mod, I'll voltuneer as a beta tester!



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will u make a two seater F-16XL

I gota thing for two seaters


Dude re read my 3rd post... :blink:

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Man, a Wingman mod would be completely awesome.


Someone's gotta make terrain for the USA, though.


I wanna fly the last F-111 nuke run...what city was the target again?


We're also gonna need some F-20s...

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Dude re read my 3rd post... :blink:


Thats a shame really :( Without the max file there is no chance of you and the Mirage Factory ppl rebuilding it either.

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Forgot about the Canal Nazis! Don't forget the Mongolian cavalry in the Badlands during The Circle War!


The last Vark nuke run was against the Mid-Ak main base at Baltimore.

We'd also definately need the Tigersharks for the Football City Air Force!


The first 6 books were done by me as complete sets for FA some years ago....some of my best work (not counting the Richard Herman conversions Warbirds, Force of Eagles (eh, kinda weak) and Firebreak -- now's there one we could do; we've go the Israel map, and all the needed planes. Would need the Gadflys...."s**t oh dear", as Ambler Furry would say!


We could even do Lucifer Crusade; we've got the Med maps!



Kevin Stein

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My humble attempt at the Ace Wrecking Crew from a few years ago..........




Might have to re-paint this one soon! :tongue:

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Oh HELL yes!!!!


But weren't they flying Es??? At the 1st Battle of Football city, it mentions both Rhino's strafing Family boats crossing the Mississippi

(yah, I know, it really wasn't ever made clear.....I used E's in the FA version)


Nice to do some PAAF Buffs too....


You know, we've got every plane needed, excepting the Canadian Voodoo's, for a full on Wingman mod (well, maybed need a new gun nose for Hawk's Falcon)


I say, clean that puppy up, do up some nice decals (even down to pilot names onthe canopy rails), and rlease it! I'd download it!!! Fershure!!



kevin stein

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Oh HELL yes!!!!


But weren't they flying Es??? At the 1st Battle of Football city, it mentions both Rhino's strafing Family boats crossing the Mississippi

(yah, I know, it really wasn't ever made clear.....I used E's in the FA version)


Nice to do some PAAF Buffs too....


You know, we've got every plane needed, excepting the Canadian Voodoo's, for a full on Wingman mod (well, maybed need a new gun nose for Hawk's Falcon)


I say, clean that puppy up, do up some nice decals (even down to pilot names onthe canopy rails), and rlease it! I'd download it!!! Fershure!!



kevin stein


What is this "Wingman" you're all harping on about because it sounds like gold. Book series?? Hope so, coz I need something new to read...

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F16's and MIG's in space ? :blink::haha::haha:

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