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It is yep, its in service with the United Arab Emirates Air Force.


The Hellenic AF's version looks very similar...



Under the hood though...

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Any plan to do a single seater?


Yes sir. :good:

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The Hellenic AF's version looks very similar...

[imgPic of cool HAF Jet /img]


Under the hood though...


As does the F-16I, for that matter.





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The IAF F-16I and the Greek Air Force versions are Blk 52+. The Blk 60 is different because of has a different suite of avionics and look at the nose, there are other things on it that are different.

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As does the F-16I, for that matter.






Yeah but the "Big Spine" has no CTFs.

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Yeah but the "Big Spine" has no CTFs.


They can be added easily. They don't always carry CFT's.

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As does the F-16I, for that matter.






this photo shows a F-16D block 30, NOT a F-16I .

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Technically, Crusader is correct.


There is a tendency to call all F-16s that go to Israel 'I' models...even though that's only been true for the latest batch Israel has received. Even though their models tend to be very different from the USAF F-16 versions.



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this photo shows a F-16D block 30, NOT a F-16I .


Right on Crusader. it is the D.

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Guest Sony Tuckson

as opposed to what many people think, F-16 is all but standard


Each country uses a peculiar model (only details, of course, but usually visible if one can look)


Belgian models are the only ones with a brakechute housing, but without any dragchute avbl, it was built as an ECM housing.


Portuguese A models are ADF birds, but lacking the typical blade antennas in front of the canopy


Danish and Norwegian birds were the first to get the interception spotlight, found now on some C models (Greek)


Etc, etc. and Israel of course goes way farther into upgrading the viper...for the best!

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Sony's absolutely right, there's a huge amount of F-16 variants, with some being told apart only by the small details. Now then, train your eyes to see if you can tell which viper this one is... :biggrin:



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Very purdy! Although, isn't there supposed to be a IRST bubble above the nose, or is that another variant I'm thinking of?

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Yay! Echo Block 60!

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If anyone is ever in Tucson, Arizona, be sure to swing by the Tucson International Airport, you might just catch a glimpse of the Blk 60's either parked or taking off and landing ;). Thankfully I work near that area :)

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That's right, the baddest of the baddest of vipers, the F-16F Block 60 is coming your way, clear that runway...




Excellent work there... Is a single seater also available?

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Certainly is, check the bottom of page 2.

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Certainly is, check the bottom of page 2.


I had a look..Thanks.. Looking forward to seeing this released...


By the way... will these variants be in service with the USAF? or will the F-16's place be taken over by the JSF.. I certainly hope the F-16 still stays in frontline service in the U.S. Air Force.....

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The long term plan is the JSF taking over the F-16's mission.


Back to Israeli F-16s....back in the summer of 1987, I managed to get a tour of the (at the time) General Dynamics plant in Fort Worth, TX. Interesting building, over a mile long...and you can see from one end to the other inside. You even saw the far end fading a bit due to atmospheric attentutation.


Anyway, so we get a tour, using a golf cart to get around. Seeing a line of Vipers in yellow was pretty cool. Now, I was about 19 years old, and had grown up in high school a mile away from MacDill AFB. I knew exactly what F-16s looked like, could even tell you the difference between the A/B/C/D models. Knew vaguely about the CCV and AFTI models they were playing with at Edwards.


Well, as we progress along the line, I see some Vipers that have spines. Now, I knew about the AFTI F-16, and it had a similar spine, so that's why they stood out to me.


At the end of the tour, as they're giving us the outbrief, I ask about the 'Spiny' Vipers I saw. Of course, everyone looks at me like 'What spiny Vipers?' (Amateurs...sheesh). However, the GD rep kind of gives me a surprised look, and very matter of factly says they can't comment on the those particular aircraft.


Only later on did I learn they were the F-16 Block 30s destined for Israel.


Cool stuff!



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