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Peter Brooks

Add On

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Some time ago heard about the add-on for First Eagles...at what stage is this or any idea of release date??

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Haven't heard much lately. TK hinted a few weeks ago that they were nearing completion. Don't know if its even gone Beta yet?

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"two weeks"

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101 , did u try it yet ?

new terrains n ground objects?

I will loose y internet in a few days , as im moving dont know when i will be back online :angry:

not sure where i will be living !!!

uk or spain

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Thats great news about the addon! :good:


I'm sure im gonna buy it eventually, but im gonna wait for WOI to be released and then decide which i want to buy first.


I Hope theres more then just a few planes, 30 bucks is kinda expensive if not.


Anyone tried it yet?


Anyone going to post Reviews or Screenshots?

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I think that you'll like it :wink:

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Well, been playing a couple of hours, and some thoughts for what their worth given that short time for the guys waiting to get some (any!) word.


Generally very good, worth buying. And lots of changes, obvious very quickly to me at least.


The planes looks fantastic. The cockpits are superb. The skins are far better than the original release. Terrain, or new terrain is good. Looks like seasonal weather is now a feature.


There are several variations of some planes - spadVII (150Hp and 180hp), camel (110Hp, 130Hp, 150Hp), so more than you initially expect. About 4 Albs - 2 AlbD3s and 2 AlbD5s. Don't feel shortchanged this time on the number.


Some changes:


Engine starts!!!


Blipping (no gyro effects yet, not even new rotary sound effects - actually the engine sound is the standard proploop one! But new smoke effect for rotary engines.


new smoke damage effects.


Damage modelling seems less extereme, ie, gun effectiveness reduced I think.


Stress modelling is there - I lost a wing coming up from a dive and was destroyed!


The planes i flew were very well done, among best of any WW1 planes in any game if not the best - TK is a master of this, no doubt.


Stalls speeds are more like originally in Hard Mode - around 50 or mph. Have to say it is hard getting used to this again!!! But i like it.


AI is better. More capable, and more imprtantly, interesting too. Not as good as mine, but that can be easily rectified :smile:


Takeoff can be frigthening, after the very subdued way it was before, at least for the planes I flew.


Spins are there !!!! And they are recoverable. The way the stall/spin stuff is done in the data.ini has become far more complex and involved. Its evident TK spent some time on this.


Actually the data.ini is more complex overall! Glad I started when it was simpler.


Overall very good - my one and only disappointment is about gyro effects, but really everything else is there - higher stalls, spins, better ai, stress damaging, engine starts etc. And I'm sure I have only touched the surface.

Edited by peter01

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some screenies


going over a imperial airbase to provoke a duel








somone responds, he regrets it





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101 , did u try it yet ?

new terrains n ground objects?

I will loose y internet in a few days , as im moving dont know when i will be back online :angry:

not sure where i will be living !!!

uk or spain


good luck with your move.I hope your up and skinning in no time.

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Well, been playing a couple of hours, and some thoughts for what their worth given that short time for the guys waiting to get some (any!) word.


Generally very good, worth buying. And lots of changes, obvious very quickly to me at least.


The planes looks fantastic. The cockpits are superb. The skins are far better than the original release. Terrain, or new terrain is good. Looks like seasonal weather is now a feature.


There are several variations of some planes - spadVII (150Hp and 180hp), camel (110Hp, 130Hp, 150Hp), so more than you initially expect. About 4 Albs - 2 AlbD3s and 2 AlbD5s. Don't feel shortchanged this time on the number.


Some changes:


Engine starts!!!


Blipping (no gyro effects yet, not even new rotary sound effects - actually the engine sound is the standard proploop one! But new smoke effect for rotary engines.


new smoke damage effects.


Damage modelling seems less extereme, ie, gun effectiveness reduced I think.


Stress modelling is there - I lost a wing coming up from a dive and was destroyed!


The planes i flew were very well done, among best of any WW1 planes in any game if not the best - TK is a master of this, no doubt.


Stalls speeds are more like originally in Hard Mode - around 50 or mph. Have to say it is hard getting used to this again!!! But i like it.


AI is better. More capable, and more imprtantly, interesting too. Not as good as mine, but that can be easily rectified :smile:


Takeoff can be frigthening, after the very subdued way it was before, at least for the planes I flew.


Spins are there !!!! And they are recoverable. The way the stall/spin stuff is done in the data.ini has become far more complex and involved. Its evident TK spent some time on this.


Actually the data.ini is more complex overall! Glad I started when it was simpler.


Overall very good - my one and only disappointment is about gyro effects, but really everything else is there - higher stalls, spins, better ai, stress damaging, engine starts etc. And I'm sure I have only touched the surface.




Thanks for the info! Sounds like a lot of the 'under the hood' stuff has been improved.



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what is the requirements of the add on? Both recommended and minuim please. My 2.11 ghz, 9600 256 pro, 1 gig ram system is starting to show its age.



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THx Whiteknight

i hope the moving will be a walk in the park, but if its anything like exchaging the contracts has been

then it will be a disaster

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Guest Alligator Devil

Is the addon compatible with a modded install ??


How affects the new flight model of the addon to the rest of available planes ??


What about system requirements ??


I don't see great differences between Aladar's Albatros cockpit (with a few tweaks) and the Alabatros addon cockpit, i think the only difference between the two cockpits are the textures (TK cockpit has darker textures) and the gun mounts.

Same for the Camel, the only difference i see between the free Camel F1 cockpit and the addon cockpit are the textures (darker) and the windscreen.


How many new ground objects are included ??


Aladar's Albatros:




Addon Albatros:




At this moment i'm completely ruined, so the addon will have to wait until my economic situation gets better (Summertime, and the living is easy, The fish are jumping, the cotton is high...)

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I downloaded the expansion this morning and simply love it. Both the Camels and the DR1 are awesome to fly.


The readme file consists amongst others this;


"2. Multiplayer Notes



* For information on which ports are required for multiplayer

connection, please consult the Microsoft Knowledge Base article

"DirectX: Ports Required to Play on a Network", at




* The network module relies on DirectX/DirectPlay, and you must have the

same or higher version of DirectPlay to connect to a host. If you're

having problem connecting to a host, check to make sure the latest

version of DirectX is installed on your system. Also, please check

to make sure your Windows is up to date by checking Windows update page.

Different level of Windows service pack may create incompatibile

DirectPlay sessions.


* Different versions of the game are incompatible in multiplayer play,

so please be sure that everyone has upgraded the game to the same version.


* First Eagles allows you to customize data. For multiplayer sessions,

various security checks are implemented to prevent players from playing

using data sets that are different from other players.

Whenever possible, the host machine automatically transfers the latest

data if any discrepancies are found between players' data sets.

However, due to the file size, not all data can be transferred by the

game. When data files are found to be incompatible, that player is

prevented from playing the game until he or she exits and installs the

same data as the one used by the host. However, even without the latest

data set, that player can still join any session and chat.


For Dogfight Mode, incompatible data only affects the player with the

different data set; the host can still launch the game normally. The data

check is done in the Hangar screen, and the FLY button is simply disabled

for the player who has data incompatible with that of the host.


For Co-op Mode, the data check is performed in the Co-op Mission player

assignment screen. If a player has incompatible data, he or she cannot

select flight assignments. This prevents the host from launching the

game, since all players must be assigned before the host can launch a

cooperative mission.


If you are unable to play due to incompatible data sets, chat with the

host to see what data he or she has. Try to obtain the same data to make

your game compatible. The following section summarizes what data files

are checked and transferred by the game, and what must be downloaded

and installed before you can play in a multiplayer session:


(1) You must have all of the same aircraft that are installed on the host

machine. If you are missing any aircraft installed on the host system,

you cannot play. Note, however, that you can have additional aircraft

installed on your system without experiencing any problems; your custom

aircraft simply won't appear in the aircraft selection drop-down menu.


(2) Data files can be different, as long as the host and all players have

the same aircraft installed. For aircraft already installed on your

machine, key aircraft data are checked (such as the flight model and

damage model data). If any differences exist, the host automatically

transfers data to your system.


(3) Both you and the host must have the current terrain data installed.

If the terrain currently in use is not installed, or the host or you have

different terrain files, you are prevented from playing. Like aircraft,

you may have additional, unused terrains installed without any problems.


* The host controls all Gameplay options for a multiplayer session.

However, you can set your own Graphics, Sound, and Control options.

The only exception is the Terrain Mesh Detail option in the

Graphics section. In multiplayer mode, this is always set to LOW.


* In Co-op missions once the host accepts the players' flight

assignments, the session is closed. No other player can join.

Private Dogfight session via GameSpy is also closed once it is

launched. In contrast, Public Dogfight mode always remains open,

and players may join games in progress at any time."


Time to go online?


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I wasn't gonna finish my camel skins , but i might clean um up to 95% , quickly before im offline


& the tripe maybe also


working on the A-teams skins has given me no time to update any of the earlier 95%ers i posted !!

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Downloading right now...

I also remember TK saying a while back (when he announced the pending add-on) that he was going to implement a new AI opponent system where you could run into the same AI ace (and I suppose his unique skinned AC), and develop a rivalry until one of you was vanquished. Or something like that... A very exciting and immersive idea!!!


I wonder how the reality of that thought has played out...

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Love the Sopwith Tripes, Gambit.

Will you be posting those up?



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I wasn't gonna finish my camel skins , but i might clean um up to 95% , quickly before im offline


& the tripe maybe also


working on the A-teams skins has given me no time to update any of the earlier 95%ers i posted !!


:blink: holy cr@p,great stuff.... as usual.

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Guest Alligator Devil

Amazing textures as always, gambit rocks the whole damn world.


Is the Camel skin for the F1 model ?? The F1 model is far better than the other one (better cockpit and nicest guns)


About the Dr1 addon....


A-Team Dr1 with a few changes in the cockpit.ini file





Add some leather between the guns and you have the Dr1 from the addon:





Easy instructions to fix the A-Team cockpit can be found here (only for the poor):



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NO AD its the A-Team camel I dont think i have anything goin on the F1

i have half done








some others dont remember, i normally do a few days on 1 then swapout so it dont get stressful , doing 1 from start 2 finish

can take all the fun out of it , and now the razbam SKYraiders r Here , specially the A1E, I have every 1/48th & 1/72nd

Skyraider ever made , 2 48th matchbox A1Es with resin molded wings from my tamaya raider

But none finished!!!!

Never have enough spare time to skin and model :sleep:

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