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Back Up Your Stuff Day

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In light of Marcfighters recent HD crash take sometime tonight to back up your mods, installs etc to whatever media you have. Better to be safe that sorry. I am backing my stuff right now before I go on duty.


Remember as Smokey the Bear says....


Only you can prevent lost data....

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Do backups obey the same laws of physics??



kevin stein

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Well after going through 8 pages of Loadout thread and fixin' loadouts, I must say...BACKUP YOUR STUFF!!! :biggrin:

I really mean it...

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for gods sake who doesn't backup their por.... oh wait you said mods, nevermind.


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Has there been any word about how bad the crash hit Marcfighters? Is there a damage report?

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for gods sake who doesn't backup their por.... oh wait you said mods, nevermind.


I backed up my backed up porn :)

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too late for me.

Lost my complete installation of WoE, WoV & Sfp1.

the hardest for me is that i lost the German Havard skin where i worked on over 3 weeks... :fuk:

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Lost my complete installation of WoE, WoV & Sfp1.


WoE, WoV & Sfp1... so that's the new euphemism. :wink::rofl::biggrin:

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WoE, WoV & Sfp1... so that's the new euphemism. :wink::rofl::biggrin:

Fun Bird! :biggrin:

i had 6 different installations.... :blink:

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Since I reorganized (ok, just organized) everything a few weeks ago I haven't backed anything up. I know I should, but it feels like when you're driving the car and the tank is on Empty but you feel you can squeeze just a few more miles out of it before you really have to refill.

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you know what i do?


every computer shop i get into, i make back-ups of my dl'd mods, even a whole installation of my woe.


so when my mom's(i play woe in it yes. dont have my own pc yet.)laptop is not available, i head off to nearest pc shop where i had placed back-ups, and go flying.

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Coming down in buckets today so, I decided it was a good time to back everything up. I have an external drive and burn it to dvd as well. I have been lucky so far as I have never lost a HD (knock on wood, or at least laminate that looks like cheap wood.) :blink:

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