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Going into Space...in a Starfighter?

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Well, after taking a F-15D up to 75000 ft I got curious how high you could take a plane in WOE (WOV/SFP1, it's all the same). Of course, most aircraft aren't able to go up that high, not to mention that the pilots of such aircraft would require special equipment at these altitudes. Anyway, realism set aside, I took the stock F-104G and modified its data file to get beyond 75000 ft. After some modifications I thought that I was ready to go, only to find out that my engine overheated in no time and exploded soon after.



My modified Starfighter, Callsign Cowboy 1-1, on the runway, somewhere in Alaska.



Afterburner on!



So true. :biggrin:



114000 ft, still going up.






Hmm, I guess I'm still there.



View from the cockpit at 215000 ft.



322000 ft and still climbing...



I'm not sure whether one would could see this at 400000 ft



Awww, at 418000 ft I seem to have reached the limit...



Well, back to earth then..



Going down...



I've turned off the engine to conserve fuel.



117000 ft, soon I will enter 'normal' space again.



114000 ft, hey, look! My cockpit is back. :wink:


There you have it, the 'normal' world seems to end at 115000 ft and beyond that is apparently a different realm mere mortals aren't supposed to enter.


It's a shame that there is no real NF-104 available. I sure could have used the rocket engine up there... :biggrin:


I wonder if one could make to 500000 ft....

Edited by Gocad

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Nice Trip!


After the Cockpit came back i would look between the rudder pedals. Just to make sure E.T. isn´t hiding there. :biggrin:

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I know "this outside the map phenomeon", but this is something different.


Anyway, after some more modifications I have been able to get above 420000 ft, only to run into new apparently engine-related problems and I don't think that bailing out at some 600000 ft is such a good idea... :wink:


But this won't stop me in my quest to get to 1000000 ft...and back! :biggrin:

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Great work pushing the flight envelope, perhaps we should have a race into space to see who can develop or modify a manned aircraft in WOE/WOV to reach the fringes of space or evn acheive orbit.


Does the Strike Fighter series support rocket propulsion?

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There are a few rocket fighters around...like the Me-163, but I'm not sure whether its engine is classified as a rocket engine or just is normal jet engine pretending to be one.


Btw, my assumption that the counter would stop at 999999 ft was false.




1750000 ft. I guess my "starfighter" needs a bigger engine...again. :biggrin:


@ Silverbolt:


That is how it would look I would have simply gone beyond the map border:



See, it's a totally different thing. I guess the disapperance of the cockpit (and the aircraft) has something to with the view settings or so.

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anyone for an X-15?



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It's a shame that there is no real NF-104 available. I sure could have used the rocket engine up there... :biggrin:


Can't we make one from the F-104G through some tweaking? Get rid of all the drag and plylons and the gun. If the F-104 has a belly station, make a fuel tank that has no drag. At the back of the tank where it would be on the F-104, add a rocket engine. I guess then we'd have a makeshift NF-104.

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You should increase the max world height in FlightEngine file.


I made a mission starting MiG-21F at about 200km and orbital speed, started out with ZERO indicated airspeed (as it should be). Began tumbling down but eventually stabilized and pulled out about 2km altitude. TK seems to have the near-space aerodynamics nailed down, just not the heat and structural physics of re-entry vehicles.

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TK seems to have the near-space aerodynamics nailed down, just not the heat and structural physics of re-entry vehicles.


But we really don't need those anyway.

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But we really don't need those anyway.


We would if someone decides to make a Space Shuttle or the Buran or something...




...or even the Macross/Robotech vehicles! :biggrin: :biggrin:

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Yes I suppose you are right. Maybe for the AC3 R-101 Delfinus as well! Or...the Arkbird? :blink:

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We need an SR-71 addon. That would be awesome! That could definitely be used as a high altitude aircraft!

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There are a few rocket fighters around...like the Me-163, but I'm not sure whether its engine is classified as a rocket engine or just is normal jet engine pretending to be one.


Btw, my assumption that the counter would stop at 999999 ft was false.



1750000 ft. I guess my "starfighter" needs a bigger engine...again. :biggrin:



See, it's a totally different thing. I guess the disapperance of the cockpit (and the aircraft) has something to with the view settings or so.



Um, there is a slight problem with that number! That is ~331.5 miles or 530.5 km in altitude. The ISS orbits at 334.4 km!!!

So, your F-104 went higher than the space shuttle WITHOUT the mega solid rocket boosters or external fuel tank the size of a C-130 fuselage. :grin:

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Shouldn't the sky be black with stars... :mellow:

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Btw, Major Lee, this is the Bering Strait terrain...as seen from 620000 ft:



So, your F-104 went higher than the space shuttle WITHOUT the mega solid rocket boosters or external fuel tank the size of a C-130 fuselage. :grin:


I admit that I did replace its regular J79 engine with a more powerful one.

Needless to say, this new engine is made out of unobtainium. :biggrin:



What? Just 2000000 ft!? More power to the engine!


You should increase the max world height in FlightEngine file.


I made a mission starting MiG-21F at about 200km and orbital speed, started out with ZERO indicated airspeed (as it should be). Began tumbling down but eventually stabilized and pulled out about 2km altitude. TK seems to have the near-space aerodynamics nailed down, just not the heat and structural physics of re-entry vehicles.


Actually this doesn't seem to be necessary to get up that high. But the max world height number was responsible for the disappearance of the cockpit/aircraft at 115000 ft. Getting up to let's say 2000000 ft just seem to depend on the size of the aircraft's propulsion. Right now my modified engine delivers some 500 kN thrust. :biggrin:


But apparently this isn't enough and I'm determined to get to the point where the counter won't go further.


Oh yeah, in case anybody wants to know:


You can bail out at 2000000 ft and survive. :wink:

Edited by Gocad

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And here I thought the demon lived out there somewhere around Mach 1, silly me. BTW, anyone here have any Beamon's, if you do, loan me some, I'll pay you back later.

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You can bail out at 2000000 ft and survive. :wink:



Yeah...about that...

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And here I thought the demon lived out there somewhere around Mach 1, silly me. BTW, anyone here have any Beamon's, if you do, loan me some, I'll pay you back later.


fair enough...

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