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I wonder, is the iranian twin-tail more maneuverable (if perhaps probably slower) than the U.S. Single-tail version? :blink:

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Off hand, I'd say no.


Vertical stabs typically (I won't say all the time) have very little to no influence on roll rates or pitch nose track for normal manuevering, which most of ACM consists of. You could stomp some rudder while doing an aileron roll, which might give you the tiniest bit more roll...but usually just induces an additional yaw vector.


Where it comes more into play are things such as high alpha/post stall. Twin verticals/rudders tend to be less occluded by the airflow coming off the wings/fuselage and so can have more authority. This might be useful if you're right at the limit and need that last bit for a kill. Or to help prevent entering a spin.


However, the F-5, though certainly not a slouch, isn't exactly known for it's high alpha capabilities...nor is it particularly spin-prone.


I suspect the twin outboard canted vertical stabs were designed for the same reason it has romboid intakes...to increase it's low observable qualities.



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Hehe, was just thinking, if the iranians are contemplating doing a dive inverted with their twin-tail Tigers on top of their Tomcats, or the other way around... :rofl:

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oh yeah, so you are working on the Irani VESPA!!! :good:

Good work ma man. :wink:

You might ask why vespa? :dntknw:

well, theres an Italian company that build mostly scooters named Vespa.

Vespa in Italian=Hornet. (WASP) :biggrin:

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Hehe, was just thinking, if the iranians are contemplating doing a dive inverted with their twin-tail Tigers on top of their Tomcats, or the other way around... :rofl:


I think the Iranians for their next project are gonna make a F-14 clone with a single vertical stabalizer.Now that would be inovative. :ok:

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I think the Iranians for their next project are gonna make a F-14 clone with a single vertical stabalizer.Now that would be inovative. :ok:



To reduce drag you mean? Oh well, they're used as radar pickets, might just as well have the ability to "turn tails" faster and get the heck outta dodge in a hurry... :haha:


For now though I can't wait to get my hands on these beauties from FastCargo... :nyam:

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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I think the Iranians for their next project are gonna make a F-14 clone with a single vertical stabalizer.Now that would be inovative. :ok:





What is a Tomcat with AL-31,R-77 and ect?


Why it is not a F-4E with russian update or something else?

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What is a Tomcat with AL-31,R-77 and ect?


Why it is not a F-4E with russian update or something else?



Been there done that...well atleast I've made them for my enjoyment. :wink:

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I think the Iranians for their next project are gonna make a F-14 clone with a single vertical stabalizer.Now that would be inovative. :ok:


Briliant stuff. I think theyl put on 3 stabs just to be special.

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What is a Tomcat with AL-31,R-77 and ect?

Why it is not a F-4E with russian update or something else?


They're currently refitting the Tommies they haven't cannibalised and the F-4 is supposed to have gone through a modernisation programme a short while ago. I'll let you guys decide on what constitutes an Iranian modernisation programme. :tongue:


But apparantly, and information is hard to get on this subject, but apparantly, the IRIAF is developing a pseudo stealth plane. Now, the story I've heard is that it's based on the new trainer that was unveiled on state run TV in mid to late 2006. But it's also, being said that, and this is the one I believe is more likely because of the informational blackout that surrounds it (I know it sounds like conspiracy nutjob-esque, but hear me out), they are also supposedly making a RAM coated, low RCS variant of the Suq that makes use of certain design changes, RAM coated and redesigned disturbed airflow intakes, new wing etc. That's what my friends at ASPI are saying, and there's supposedly an article coming up in AirForces Monthly, but it got me to thinking... What would be the point of 'stealthing up an F-5 series jet??? I mean, how are the weapons going to be carried? I have a million questions... most of them variants on "Why?" :yes:

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They're currently refitting the Tommies they haven't cannibalised and the F-4 is supposed to have gone through a modernisation programme a short while ago. I'll let you guys decide on what constitutes an Iranian modernisation programme. :tongue:


But apparantly, and information is hard to get on this subject, but apparantly, the IRIAF is developing a pseudo stealth plane. Now, the story I've heard is that it's based on the new trainer that was unveiled on state run TV in mid to late 2006. But it's also, being said that, and this is the one I believe is more likely because of the informational blackout that surrounds it (I know it sounds like conspiracy nutjob-esque, but hear me out), they are also supposedly making a RAM coated, low RCS variant of the Suq that makes use of certain design changes, RAM coated and redesigned disturbed airflow intakes, new wing etc. That's what my friends at ASPI are saying, and there's supposedly an article coming up in AirForces Monthly, but it got me to thinking... What would be the point of 'stealthing up an F-5 series jet??? I mean, how are the weapons going to be carried? I have a million questions... most of them variants on "Why?" :yes:




Stealth F-5? :rofl:

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They want to be the pinnacle of F-5 development - first they build their own, then they turn it into a "Hornet" :haha: , now they want to make a stealth out of it - next thing you know, maybe they'll try to copy the X-29... :rofl:

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They want to be the pinnacle of F-5 development - first they build their own, then they turn it into a "Hornet" :haha: , now they want to make a stealth out of it - next thing you know, maybe they'll try to copy the X-29... :rofl:



The "Sleath F-5" must mixed with some tech from UFO,I think :rofl:


By the way,what do you think about this









Here is a Video from youtube


Edited by Erwin.Hans

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The original Tomcat design was a single finned plane, actually. I have pictures around somewhere...

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Bah! That isn't even reminisent of an F-5. Where is the Aranakshak or what ever it is that looks like an F-5 with Super Hornet intakes.

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Well, after not being real happy with the F-5F (and the Sagheah by default)...I rebuilt the cockpit area to it's proper contours and am in the process of remapping the whole model...again.


Next time I get the bright idea to build 6 variants of the same basic design...someone take a large, blunt object and beat me over the head with it.




The good news....the T-38A/B/C and F-5B are model complete, ini (thanks starfighter2 and the MF) and paintwork (thanks pappychecksix) close. Cockpits will use MF F-5 variants...except for T-38C. That has to be built from scratch...damn.


I thought I was doing something simple for my first aircraft model...but nooooo....



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I thought I was doing something simple for my first aircraft model...but nooooo....




I think someone needs a hug. Way cool my friend :good:

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T-38A cockpit mesh 99 percent complete. Any changes will be minor. INI, UVW mapping and texture work remain. Other variants remain to be built.




T-38A, F-5B and F-5F skins by pappychecksix:








There may be minor work on the models needed, but no major alterations...a few minor anomalies remain.



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Wow, those are jaw dropping! That T-38 should be darn near perfect since you've got the 1:1 to use, eh?



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Nice job on the Saegheh, dont take this the wrong way but i'm going to take great pleasure in blowing it out of the sky if you release it :ph34r:

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Nice job! That T-38 is sweet! The Iranian version looks pretty cool too, it should make an interesting target. Thanks for all your work, can't wait!

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