Atreides 144 Posted February 9, 2008 This is plain WRONG The guy should be stripped of his citizenship and then sent to his country or just be given ten minutes with our Canadian Force's soldier's in A-Stan, even though I'm ex-CF I suspect my former buddie's could teach him a thing or two in ten minute's. F this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Saganuay82 Posted February 9, 2008 Agree. Pack him up without trial and send him home.............after a tour of CFB Petawawa :) SOB is sitting here in a nice house enjoying his freedom to do what he wants with TV, phones, running water, grocery stores, cars and the fact that he won't get shot on his way to do anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atreides 144 Posted February 9, 2008 Sad that he is a UofT (University of Toronto, for you outsider's ) student and is using our education system, to promote his hatered toward's our CF member's to an impressionable audience. Seriously, this guy live's in an area close to me, if I could get away with, I would wear my CF dress uniform , go to his place and give him a mouthfull of bloody chicklet's, :fuk: :fuk: I'm an immigrant to this great country of our's and once I took an oath to protect this country, it was for life, civi or not don't *kin preach hate against my buddie's who wear my country's uniform. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted February 9, 2008 I'm sorry you guys have to deal with this kind of BS.we in the USA have to deal with this sort of crap all the time from the Micheal Moore types but you would think that that idiot would be greatful a country took him in and gave him so much freedom.I'd love to see what would happen to him in his old country if he pulled any of this crap there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted February 10, 2008 It's only common sense to respect the host country that's providing your education or a way to better your life experience. But as is obvious here people just refuse to respect the country they're visiting. Don't like Canada? Get the F out. I like the Canucks. Love to ask them to say "out in the boat" and their syrup is to die for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DWCAce 19 Posted February 10, 2008 Every country has an ffin 'hole like that..ARRR it bugs the * outta me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SayethWhaaaa 252 Posted February 10, 2008 "out in the boat" Or "What about the brown cow?" You guys are right, this is complete BS! But he has made it clear that he is an extremist, an anti-semite and a complete wanker... We may just have found our Douchebag of the year for 2008! Maybe a few thousand hours of forced viewing of Degrassi Junior High will teach him not to mouth off to a country that's opted to take him in. Or we could just give Claude Lemieux or Tie Domi a call to administer what it is that they do best... :black eye: People like this really give me the s**ts! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atreides 144 Posted February 10, 2008 I suspect the religious nut is like all religous nuts from other religions, intolarence, ignorance and fear/disdain of that which is different. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rambler 1-1 9 Posted February 10, 2008 What a loser. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sparkomatic 7 Posted February 10, 2008 I thought you guys had Polar Bears? Dont they get hungry in the GWN? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atreides 144 Posted February 10, 2008 I agree with you Alligator about the Moore part, while he may have nothing but contempt for the present occupant of the White House, he doesn't preach violence or hatered toward's members of the Armed Force's, I'm a lefty too, but a lefty doesn't mean communist or anything of the sort, there are degrees of everything, just like extreme degrees of religious zeal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Jug 99 Posted February 10, 2008 I agree with you Alligator about the Moore part, while he may have nothing but contempt for the present occupant of the White House, he doesn't preach violence or hatered toward's members of the Armed Force's, I'm a lefty too, but a lefty doesn't mean communist or anything of the sort, there are degrees of everything, just like extreme degrees of religious zeal. Actually, I support the right of folks to make their opinions known. Reminds me that I did a good job in the service and we are still free. Most of the time, I do the most damage to those who have no respect for my country or its fighting men and women that I can, I ignore them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nesher 628 Posted February 10, 2008 (edited) that's what happen when your giving some people to many rights that they do not disserve! send him back home on a bomb carrying point of an CF-18 or something :P Edited February 10, 2008 by Nesher Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Saganuay82 Posted February 10, 2008 No Nesher, we can't do that. That would be a lot of money to waste for fuel / aircraft and pilot. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ezlead 42 Posted February 10, 2008 This idiot has the Freedom of Speech thanks to generations of Canadian service people who fought and died for it. He should be reminded that Canada also has another great Freedom. The Freedom to Leave the country if you don't like it there. Suggest that to him and listen to him scream about his rights. If he is on a student visa,maybe he should be transferred to the University of Fallujah. That way he could get lots more attention. (From the Canadians and the Americans) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mannie 21 Posted February 10, 2008 (edited) unfortunately this is the $hit we have to put up with. I start to realise that we are right in the middle of a third world war, only we do not know it yet, so didn't name em' that. Sure hope GOOD is going to prevail on this war agains EVIL. and GOOD are us That bastard has gotten you pissed off? I agree with you. he pissed me as well. What are we in israel going to say when a city of ours is being shelled every day for SEVEN YEARS and the targets for those basterds are innocent weman and children how have done nothing wrong except being jews. SEVEN YEARS!!!!!!!!!! would you believe that? Sure there are innocents being killed on the other side too, but thay are not the target. We aim for those who raise there arms against those poor wemen and children in Sederot, but when you hit the tree with an axe, chips are flying. you can't help it. just tell me what other sane country will cope with such a thing? And I'm saying that we in Israel are insane for sure. Sorry, but I just had to get it of my chest. BTW EZlead. The Freedom to Leave the country if you don't like it there. There aim is to take over the whole world and make it there own, meaning Muslem Edited February 10, 2008 by MannieB. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ONETINSOLDIER 2 Posted February 10, 2008 I dont know about you guys,but im deathly afraid of canada and those nuclear powered mooses of mass destruction! (sorry,just thought id try to lighten the mood) Are you sure you want to post that? There is no requirement to lighten the mood. Sag Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nesher 628 Posted February 10, 2008 (edited) not to change the focus on the idiot of the top story we have the same problem in Israel, in greater scales than you can think of! we have members of the Kneset (Israeli parlament) supporting our enemies in plain sight infront of the cameras, left winged members of our citizens are protesting with palestinianes near the border to help and aid people in the Gaza strip while they keep launching Kasam rockets at Sderot!! they protest with the same people calling us to leave thier land and wants us dead! groups that interfere with soldiers work in the borders and complain "bad" behavior to keep the palestinians rights the same people who are trying and sometime succeeding in bombing innocent people like we had last week in Dimona! an officer had to shoot the injured Terrorist cause he kept trying to activate his device even when he got treated by Israeli doctors and medics... to tell you the truth, your situation is better... once in a while you have an idiot that keeps reminding you that there are enemies from whitin not only from the outside! Sag, if i had the money i'd pay the fuel\pilot my self just to see that happening :P Edited February 10, 2008 by Nesher Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ONETINSOLDIER 2 Posted February 10, 2008 I dont know about you guys,but im deathly afraid of canada and those nuclear powered mooses of mass destruction! (sorry,just thought id try to lighten the mood) Are you sure you want to post that? There is no requirement to lighten the mood. Sag I didnt meen to ruffle anyones feathers,and with all due respect,sir,its called "gallows humor",and yes,sometimes you do have to laugh at the situation,or IT WILL get the best of you. <S> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Major Lee 18 Posted February 11, 2008 I suspect the religious nut is like all religous nuts from other religions, intolarence, ignorance and fear/disdain of that which is different. I agree; intolerance, ignorance and fear from enlightened pseudo intellectual atheists is much better... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Saganuay82 Posted February 11, 2008 Yes like the 10 year old boy that was beheaded by the Taliban because he gave the police something to eat. When his father tried to stop it, they hanged him from a tree. A large wall around those parts of the world is best. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WarlordATF 1 Posted February 11, 2008 What he is saying is wrong, politics aside,promoting attacks in ones own country clearly shows this idiot has mental problems. I support his freedom to say it, but i also support another students freedom to just walk up to this <CENSORED> and punch him in the mouth. Notice i didnt say kill him, just beat the little punk up. We are becoming a world so afraid of common violence that we have escalated it to extremes,I mean kids are so afraid to fight these days they are shooting each other. This jerk likes to spout off about how to kill our (I Consider All Allies Ours!) troops? Ok, remember in 3rd grade that little smart$%^ in the back of the room who wouldnt shut up? This guys alot like him, spouting off to compensate for his lack of size. Probably couldnt get laid in a womens prison and is lashing out at the world. Funny how a public beating on the playground worked in gradeschool huh? Simple Solution also works on spoiled collage students, You guys have anything like ROTC up there? That would be justice to see one of those students work this internet badboy around the schoolyard. Besides, if he was considered a real threat he would have just vanished. Both our Governments have boogie men who creep the night defending freedom. Hes just a loudmouth who needs a spanking and probably a diaper change. I guess i just promoted violence towards this guy huh? Good, a little common violence is healthy and natural. :yes: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JediMaster 451 Posted February 11, 2008 I don't think public humiliation can be considered "cruel and unusual punishment", so how about people start doing things like posting PS'd pics of him "enjoying" a donkey and the like? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TX3RN0BILL 3 Posted February 11, 2008 (edited) If someone is going to shoot him please do it with: Silver Bullet Gun Oil! He deserves it! Edit: Just wanted to say that if any harm should come to said motherf... I take no responsibility for it for I do not incite anti-terrorism-supporter-hate! :tomato2: Edited February 11, 2008 by TX3RN0BILL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted February 11, 2008 (edited) I agree; intolerance, ignorance and fear from enlightened pseudo intellectual atheists is much better... I hate to say it but the most intollerent and self rightious people I have ever met were liberal Athiests.there is no give at all with the ones I have meet it's either their way or your ignorant and stupid. I always have so much fun backing them into a corner with a logic loop.the will fight till the end but always look like morons in the end. Edited February 11, 2008 by whiteknight06604 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites