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CPG Poll 3: Features

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For this part of the poll, please rank the following features in order of importance for you. Put the most important feature at the top and the least important feature at the bottom.


1. Detailed carrier ops

2. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft

3. Dynamic campaign (less story-driven)

4. Story-driven campaign (less dynamic)

5. Detailed cockpit procedures (switchology)

6. Detailed comms and ATC

7. High moddability (like SF series)

8. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects

9. Good performance on older systems


As an example, here are my ranking:


1. High moddability

2. Detailed carrier ops

3. High res graphics, terrain and effects

4. Story-driven campaign

5. Detailed comms and ATC

6. Seat-switching

7. Dynamic campaign

8. Detailed cockpit procedurs

9. Good performance on older systems


If you have not voted in the other CPG polls, see them here:




and here:



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1. High modiblitiy

2. Dynamic campaign

3. Detailed Carrier Ops

4. High Res Graphics and Terrain

5. Detailed Comms, wingman commands, and ATC

6. Detailed cockpit

7. Story Driven campaign

8. Seat Switching

9. Good performance

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1. Dynamic campaign (less story-driven)

2. Detailed carrier ops

3. Detailed cockpit procedures (switchology)

4. Good performance on older systems

5. Detailed comms and ATC

6. High moddability (like SF series)

7. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects

8. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft

9. Story-driven campaign (less dynamic)



**keeping my fingers crossed for this project to work

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**keeping my fingers crossed for this project to work




Well, the odds are stacked against it, but who knows, the poll resutls might be influential despite the small sample and unscientific method. If nothing else, its fun to talk about it, share ideas and daydream about the "perfect" sim.

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1. High moddability

2. Detailed carrier ops

3. High res graphics, terrain and effects

4. Story-driven/Dynamic campaign

5. Detailed comms and ATC

6. Seat-switching

8. Detailed cockpit procedures

9. Good performance on older systems

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Well, the odds are stacked against it, but who knows, the poll resutls might be influential despite the small sample and unscientific method. If nothing else, its fun to talk about it, share ideas and daydream about the "perfect" sim.


you're right about that - our chances are pretty slim. but picture that for a second:

a sim -- by the people, for the people (that's my ex-yugoslav mindset kicking in.... keep quiet in there, Tito).

no, really, it would be a great feat to pull off something of this magnitude. a precedent in the sim world if i'm not mistaken.

i'd support it 4 sure (heck, i preordered Battlefront's Shock Force - look how that turned out hehe)

btw, i'm proficient in LightWave and 3DsMax so I'd gladly take some workload for free just to see this dream come true


best of luck

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1. Detailed carrier ops (duh!)

2. High moddability (like SF series)

3. Dynamic campaign (less story-driven)

4. Good performance on older systems

5. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects

6. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft

7. Detailed cockpit procedures (switchology)

8. Detailed comms and ATC (realistic Air Intercept Control procedures!!)

9. Story-driven campaign (less dynamic)

Edited by Typhoid

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1. High moddability

2. Dynamic campaign

3. Detailed carrier ops

4. Good performance on older systems

5. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft

6. Story-driven campaign

7. Detailed comms and ATC

8. Detailed cockpit procedures

9. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects

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1. High moddability

2. Detailed carrier ops

3. Story-driven campaign

4. Detailed comms and ATC

5. Good performance on older systems

6. Detailed cockpit procedures

7. Dynamic campaign

8. High res graphics, terrain and effects

9. Seat-switching



Hmm, tough calls. I think "moddability" is key to sustaining interest over the long haul. Carriers are a must. I have yet to play a dynamic campaign that did not begin to seem like an endless series of near identical missions. (Sometimes very good near-identical missions.) As someone who is part of a family where having the latest and greatest computer is not a priority, games that can run on a wide variety of machines is a priority. And seat-switching would be great.


I think, overall, that a sim that was strong in even a couple of those categories would be a very tempting buy.

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1. Detailed carrier ops (duh!)

2. High moddability (like SF series)

3. Dynamic campaign (less story-driven)

4. Good performance on older systems

5. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects

6. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft

7. Detailed cockpit procedures (switchology)

8. Detailed comms and ATC (realistic Air Intercept Control procedures!!)

9. Story-driven campaign (less dynamic)



Just quoting that so I don't have to re type it.

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1. High moddability (What you don't like you can change)

2. Detailed comms and ATC (You feel more "in" the game.)

3. Detailed carrier ops (as 2.)

4. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft (That would be a revolutionary feature. If these positions have some real utility (EWO is not only for staring on RWR screen and pressing Z and X buttons) a if they can be crewed in MP)

5. Dynamic campaign (Each replay is different, but bombing Dragon's Jaw bridge for 193rd time gets boring)

6. Story-driven campaign (less replayability, but more fun (at least on first play))

7. Good performance on older systems (Not every one has a ultra modern machine and not everyone wants to pour money into it)

8. Detailed cockpit procedures (Reminds me of a post in other discussion: "So I have control stick in my right hand, throtolles in my left, feet on pedals and a spitfire in rear mirror and you expect me to search for flaps control with mouse held in what? Teeth?")

9. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects (This leads to 95% of development time spend on "looks good" and only 5% on other features.)

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1. Detailed carrier ops

2. High Modability

3. High res graphics, terrain and effects

4. Story-driven campaign

5. Detailed comms and ATC

6. Good performance on older systems

7. Dynamic campaign

8. Detailed cockpit procedurs

9. Seat-switching





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1. Detailed cockpit procedures

2. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects

3. High moddability

4. Detailed carrier ops

5. Dynamic campaign

6. Detailed comms and ATC

7. Seat-switching

8. Story-driven campaign

9. Good performance on older systems

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1. High moddability (like SF series)

2. Detailed carrier ops

3. Detailed comms and ATC (realistic Air Intercept Control procedures as Typhoid wrote)

4. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft

5. Dynamic campaign (less story-driven)

6. Good performance on older systems

7. Detailed cockpit procedures (switchology)

8. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects

9. Story-driven campaign (less dynamic)

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1. High moddability

2. Detailed carrier ops

3. Dynamic campaign

4. High res graphics, terrain and effects

5. Detailed cockpit procedures

6. Detailed comms and ATC

7. Good performance on older systems

8. Story-driven campaign

9. Seat-switching

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1. High moddability (like SF series)

2. Dynamic campaign (less story-driven)

3. Detailed cockpit procedures (switchology)

4. Detailed comms and ATC

5. Detailed carrier ops

6. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft

7. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects

8. Good performance on older systems

9. Story-driven campaign (less dynamic)

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1. Detailed cockpit procedures (switchology)

2. Detailed carrier ops

3. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft

4. Detailed comms and ATC

5. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects

6. High moddability (like SF series)

7. Dynamic campaign (less story-driven)

8. Story-driven campaign (less dynamic)

9. Good performance on older systems


If the game gives me most or all of what I want, I could care less about moddability... but it is never bad to have as much as possible exposed for modding other than anti-cheating for multiplayer.

TK's current approach is more than open enough to allow the flexibility that most people want or need.

But as a hardcore fan who needs to see several more features added to the sim to really satisfy my wants, there is never enough moddability.


My top three choices are all equally important to me, very hard to rank them.

It is important to maintain scalability.

A great game will run on an old machine as be as fun/easy to play as SFP1 on EASY settings, yet given a modern PC and max settings look as good as LOMAC and be as detailed/realistic as Falcon 4.0.

Edited by streakeagle

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1. High moddability

2. Detailed carrier ops

3. Detailed comms and ATC

4. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft

5. Dynamic campaign

6. Good performance on older systems

7. Detailed cockpit procedures (switchology)

8. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects

9. Story-driven campaign (less dynamic)

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1. High moddability

2. Detailed carrier ops

3. High res graphics, terrain and effects

4. Story-driven/Dynamic campaign

5. Detailed comms and ATC

6. Seat-switching

8. Detailed cockpit procedures

9. Good performance on older systems


Quoting USAFMTL!

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1. High moddability

2. Detailed carrier ops

3. Dynamic campaign

4. High res graphics, terrain and effects

5. Detailed cockpit procedures

6. Detailed comms and ATC

7. Good performance on older systems

8. Story-driven campaign

9 Seat-switching

10 Detailed comms and ATC

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You have left out several features very important to me


A. Good AI, it doesn't have to be the best out there, but it has to be believable: planes that should not dogfight not doing it, wingmen that do their job, groups of planes behaving as a group instead many individuals doing all the same thing, planes that run away if in disadvantage, etc, etc..


B. Avionics: making difference between different kind of radars (pulse, continuous wave...), ecm, awacs or ground control, etc


With the addition of these 2, my ranking would be:


1. A

2. High moddability

3. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects

4. B

5. Detailed cockpit procedures (switchology)

6. Dynamic campaign (less story-driven)

7. Detailed carrier ops

8. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft

9. Detailed comms and ATC

10. Story-driven campaign (less dynamic)

11. Good performance on older systems


And that's assuming that realistic FM is an obvious feature :umnik2:

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1. A

2. High moddability

3. Dynamic campaign (less story-driven)

4. Detailed comms and ATC

5. Detailed carrier ops

6. Good performance on older systems

7. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft

8. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects

9. Story-driven campaign (less dynamic)

10. Detailed cockpit procedures (switchology)


I'd be willing to put $50 up for "A" alone... and/or a dynamic campaign editor/ terrian creator/target placer type thingy that is user friendly.* I'd love to see convoys on the move or army units in laager between waypoints rather than killing every freaking comm building in Paran or each individual fuel tank in North Vietnam.



*User friendly meaning someone as dense as me could use it.

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1. High moddability (like SF series)

2. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects

3. Detailed carrier ops

4 Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft

5. Detailed comms and ATC

6 multi player swap file system . server holds the planes and maps you down load and play( just like unreal tournament)


no switch ologgy none nada zip

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A. Good AI, it doesn't have to be the best out there, but it has to be believable: planes that should not dogfight not doing it, wingmen that do their job, groups of planes behaving as a group instead many individuals doing all the same thing, planes that run away if in disadvantage, etc, etc..


B. Avionics: making difference between different kind of radars (pulse, continuous wave...), ecm, awacs or ground control, etc


Screw grafix, screw carriers, crew multiseats.

Flight model(including avionics) that forces you to fight your plane realisticaly, AI that fights their plane realisticaly, AI that uses tactics, AI that runs away when in disadvantage, AI that can be suprised (you can sneak at him from blind angle and he never sees you). AI that doesn't want to die.

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