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Awesome work bob, like always. Any chance of a short nose model?

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I think "high quality" has just been redefined.


That is top notch work! :)

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Unbelievable, I am glad people take building w/a passion. "bobrock" has raised the bar. Great stuff bobrock.

I say bobrock deserves a standing O :clapping::clapping::clapping::good::clapping::ok::clapping::biggrin:

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I agree,this aircraft is awesome!

Outstanding work!

Thank,s a lot.

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A dream come true for me, that's it! Oustanding job, Bob! Thanks a million!


P.S. Not sure if anyone has had the same problem, but the loads on the inner wing pylons did not show, whatever weps configuration I used.

Then I tried to edit the AV-8Bplus_DATA.ini file lines like this (see the text in bold I saw missing and copied from the other stations):










































Not sure why and how, but adding those lines solved the problem for me... Hope to have helped someone having the same issue.

Still that's a great add-on, no doubts about that. Thanks again, Bob!


Best Regards,


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But creates another problem...........


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Awesome work, just love it.

As posted above, have you tried adjusting the LoadLimit? I had the same issue and adjusted the weight a bit to allow 3pack of Mave's.

I also noted the Ground radar does work BUT nothing appears in the scope while scanning?!? :blink:

anyone else have an empty ground radar?


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Thanks, Airmax, gave it a try and it looks like that will do the trick.

Now I just need to test-find the LoadLimit values that serve my needs.

Best Regards, Svetlin

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Awesome work, just love it.

As posted above, have you tried adjusting the LoadLimit? I had the same issue and adjusted the weight a bit to allow 3pack of Mave's.

I also noted the Ground radar does work BUT nothing appears in the scope while scanning?!? :blink:

anyone else have an empty ground radar?



Airmax. AG radar does not work because of game limitations. With avionics 70 module included in completely patched SFP, it is impossible to have CCIP and AG radar toghter. This is code limitations

In WOI, there is instead possible

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Airmax. AG radar does not work because of game limitations. With avionics 70 module included in completely patched SFP, it is impossible to have CCIP and AG radar toghter. This is code limitations

In WOI, there is instead possible


I understand your point, but just simply using AG without an weapon active still comes up with blank screen. Is there an option to change that ?


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svetlinnh, I had that same problem, but re-checking them manually in the loadout screen made the mavericks show ingame. Can't understand why.


See if this thread can help: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=28670



Once all this little issues are solved I will post a small patch to fix the loadouts

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The reason the mavericks won't show up on the default loadouts, could be that the maverick called out is the "D". The nation for this weapon is USAF, and AV-8B's nation is the USMC. This means the weapon will have to be "exported" for the AV-8B to use it. However, the "D" isn't exported until 1996, so if you try a mission in 94 or 95 with the default CAS loadout, the D's won't be there. The game should look to the next available maverick, but for some reason on mine, it wasn't doing it. Change the D's to E's in the loadout.ini, and hopefully they'll show up (The E's are available throughout the entire life of the AV-8B and are USMC nationality). I haven't had a chance to try this yet, since I'm traveling for the week, but maybe someone else can give it a try and report back?


Similarly, for the GBU-12D's to be able to be loaded, USAF needs to be added as an allowable attachment type, and the weapon needs to be changed to exported. Or, the attachment types can be left alone and the GBU-12D_N (navy version and attachment type) needs to be changed to exported. Either way, the loadout.ini needs to have either GBU-12D or GBU-12D_N. The GBU-12 that's listed in the loadout.ini has a service end year date of 1976 or something.


Also, to get the Lightning Pod to show up on the right wing station, it will have to be changed to exported. I think this is right anyway, since lots of countries use it.


I should say that I'm using Bunyaps' weps pack, and that's what I'm basing all this on.


Once I get a chance to test these loadout changes, I can post them if you like.

Edited by malibu43

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While we're on the subject of the loadouts, does anyone know if/when/how often TER's are/could be used on the inboard and middle pylon's for dumb bombs. Also are TLR (LAU-88) ever actually used for mavericks?


None of the pictures or literature I've been able to find has shown either TER or TLR's being used at all...



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Also are TLR (LAU-88) ever actually used for mavericks?


They're actually made for it, but according to the fas.org site they're used only with the F-16 and A-10, all the other aircraft carry only a single-rail launcher known as the LAU-117.

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svetlinnh, I had that same problem, but re-checking them manually in the loadout screen made the mavericks show ingame. Can't understand why.


See if this thread can help: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=28670



Once all this little issues are solved I will post a small patch to fix the loadouts


Thanks, Bob, I'll read and try!

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...if you wanna real precise bombing :yes: smile.gif

Edited by starfighter2

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They're actually made for it, but according to the fas.org site they're used only with the F-16 and A-10, all the other aircraft carry only a single-rail launcher known as the LAU-117.


Thanks. Do you happen to know about TER's on the AV-8B? I haven't seen one that actually used them. Would they be used on both pylons, or just the inner?

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the AV-8B was kinda designed around the MK82 and TER, it was the standard USMC Close Air Support configuration.

TERs on the inner and intermediate stations are very common for short-ranged CAS missions with the planes based on FOBs.

Missions flown from a Landing Ship reduce the load due to take-off restrictions.

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the AV-8B was kinda designed around the MK82 and TER, it was the standard USMC Close Air Support configuration.

TERs on the inner and intermediate stations are very common for short-ranged CAS missions with the planes based on FOBs.

Missions flown from a Landing Ship reduce the load due to take-off restrictions.


Thanks! Very helpful stuff!

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That's way cool :clapping:


Where did you get it?

Edited by malibu43

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the AV-8B was kinda designed around the MK82 and TER, it was the standard USMC Close Air Support configuration.

TERs on the inner and intermediate stations are very common for short-ranged CAS missions with the planes based on FOBs.

Missions flown from a Landing Ship reduce the load due to take-off restrictions.


Interesting. I found this article:




The numbers here, as far as payload for the pylons, matches the load limits in the stock weapons stations for the B+. However, the 454 kg specified for the middle pylons, would only allow 2 MK 82's to be loaded.


I have no idea which one is right...


Also some intersting info on the AV-8B+: http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0oGkw0UTkRIilgB...et/avav8_3.html


*edit* - this article seems to support 907 kg on both inner and middle pylons. Click 'Characteristics':



Edited by malibu43

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