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Hey Julhelm, want to retract that statement? This is from the fuse of your A3J1_fuse bmp.......its funny as hell, but I got you.....all in fun too. Just poking at you. No offense intended. :rofl::haha:



Edited by Brain32

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I'm just upset I didn't think of it first....


but now you've given me ideas..



kevin stein

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Erwin you did a great oob on this Hornet, damn I think you are a man with alot of time or alot of talent, maybe both!!! Can`t wait to see the next bird you create.


Only a question?! What about those minor bugs on your superhornet like some animations are reversed and the brake doens`t use the rudder?! Will you fix it?!

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Compare the J-8II mine is a reworked Su-15 body .. :grandpa:



hope you can make a J-7H or M base on Mirage Factory 's MiG-21F-13 Fishbed-C :yes:

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Great stuff guys. Looking forward to all of these.


Are you doing the single seat F\A-18E to partner the newly released awesome F model?

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Normaly I don't ask for updates but do you guys have any plans on making any ground objects?maybe some armored personel carriers and Anti aircraft guns.Also some chinese warships would be really welcome.Thanks.

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:shout: UaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! :shout:

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updata :biggrin:


WOW :blink:

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whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!Do you plan add the 8 tubes vikhr launcher?

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Ok those are nice news.. the last modell was great! Did you see my posting about two bugs?! That`s all... hope I could help you

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whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!Do you plan add the 8 tubes vikhr launcher?



Yes there are.


whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!Do you plan add the 8 tubes vikhr launcher?



Yes,it is.

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New project,just guess what is it. :biggrin:



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Excellent work on this!!! :good:

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...And we thought we are looking at a LOMAC screenie :biggrin: .

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