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UFOs on WOE: Solomon Islands Map

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***Action Report****************************************************************************


Date: July 16, 2008

Time: 5:00 AM

Aircraft: Showtime 11 AC-130

Showtime 12 AC-130


Spotted two bright, spherical objects shortly after takeoff moving in unknown direction. Phenomena's flight characteristics did not resemble any known aircraft... Contact with object lost at 6:01 AM




Follow-up Report--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Date: July 18, 2008

Time: 5:14 AM

Aircraft: Lion 11 Kfir F-21A Lion

Lion 12 AC-130 (Showtime 11)


Unknown objects spotted again near airbase at 5:02 AM. Immediately scrambled Lion 11 and 12 to investigate. Lion 11 was able to stay in close contact with objects until 5:28 AM... Contact with object lost at 5:45 AM



What are these things? :dntknw:








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Old news....that was just swamp gas. Or Dave eating burritos again...




In actuality, it's misplaced runnign lights. But swamp gas is a better explaniation :yes:



kevin stein

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Old news....that was just swamp gas. Or Dave eating burritos again...




In actuality, it's misplaced runnign lights. But swamp gas is a better explaniation :yes:



kevin stein



Oh...I thought it was the sun shining out of someones behind !


Imagine explaining that to the CO "nothing on radar Sir, but it sure is windy up here..."

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I thought it was the sun shining out of someones behind !

Is that called "rear lights"?

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Is that called "rear lights"?


I thought that was called a "Full Moon". :blink:


oh, and very nice story telling, Shin. Have you considered writing novels? Or actual military reports?

Edited by Rambler 1-1

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Hey thnx for the positive review... Actually I am currently writing up something based on my experience in the Thirdwire Series simulators... its about Navy pilots stuck in a stalemate war... I'll post a few excerpts for ya and see what you think...


Thanks for the explanation guys...

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I thought those were the guys from The Abyss. :grin:

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Actually, it would those gals from The Abyss. "The Builders of Memory" were all female.


Shoot, if you all want UFOs.....here's a whole flock of 'em.....










these were encountered over Alaska...










There was a whole AAR I wrote up for the last 4 pic over at SimHQ -- about 4 years ago. Don't know if it's still there in the archives or not.


There ya go...do you want to believe????



kevin stein

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Ohh God......It's the armadillos again......they're..they're...BACK!!OHH GOD THEY'RE BACK!!!!

Edited by viperBAT32

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I to have seen some strange things in the skies latley...




There were three of them. I scrambled and shot them all down.

Edited by thundercheif

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Did you recover anything?

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Apart from advanced laser weapons and probing equipment i found the wrist watch i thought i had lost.


Carpe diem und på gensyn



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the were stalking me over an air base in vietnam while flying the ac-130.



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Hmmm. those lights look like from an episode in the 1978 battlestar galactica episode. cant think of the name but count ibly played by patrick mcnee was in it and it was a two episode affair. Where can this be dowloaded?

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They came from off the north or south map edge.



I thought those were the guys from The Abyss


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