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F-35A Skinning Contest

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the only template that needs an update is the one for the fuselage because the panel lines are not in an extra layer like on the other two ( wings and tails ) and i realy dont like to redraw all the panel lines

the uvw map outline is in the fuselage template as layer1

Redrawing the panel lines was easy and didn't take long, but the problem with that 'layer1' is that it doesn't contain ALL UV map outlines, makes a repaint, especially when you don't want to stick to the basic paint scheme, a slight PITA.

Edited by Gocad

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UV map woes aside:


The rest is up to your imagination... :biggrin:

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I thought of a couple ideas.....an F-35A in Greek Aegean Ghost scheme. Or one is IAF Desert camo..

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Now that would fitting Dave and may I suggest a Chuck Yeager tribute skin maybe?Chuck Yeager might have been the Wrong Stuff for NASA but for a faithful follower,He's the Right Stuff this West Virginian!And no I don't play the banjo with barefeet and no teeth.I don't play the banjo! :smile2:

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i think i will try a VF-111 skin.....yes i know this is not the navy version...but hey.....

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This is a replica of General Chuck Yeager's P-51 he flew 10-18-1944 to kill the 5 Me-109's over Bremen,Germany before he was shot down on his 8th mission.Had togo to General "Ike" tobe reinstated so he could revenge the german pilot that shot him down.

Edited by WDH

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Um, you might want to check a couple of your facts there. Yeager never flew Bud Anderson's "Old Crow", among other things.


And Chuck was flying Glamorous Glenn II (P-51D, RAF Dark Green topside, grey undersides, invasion stripes) on the day he got 5 kills.



Edited by Klavs81

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Well,I guess there always an error somewhere Huh?So I left the II off ok?My bad I not gonna post anymore cause of this.A little to sick from cancer anyhow to keeping getting kinda mess.Just wanted to enjoy what enjoy my passion with others and not be under the looking glass so to speak.This is a site for fun and tobe a enhancement for future flight sims.And by the way,My family grew up around the General and out of Chuck's mouth was where i got my info when i was 14yrs old,not off the internet,ok?

Edited by WDH

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I thought of a couple ideas.....an F-35A in Greek Aegean Ghost scheme. Or one is IAF Desert camo..


One of them in WIP






Edited by JAT81500

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Looking good guys, Should I increase the dead line until Monday After US EST? I say that because of the improved templates that came out.

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That will assist in that precious commodity, time!



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That would be fair...and it would give me the time to do the other skin I have been thinking about. :wink:

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my final version of the 313Squadron Tigermeet




Edited by ravenclaw_007

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You guys are going to make this a tough competition. Just the way I like it.

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What a lot of nice skins! :biggrin:


By the way, can someone tell me what is UV Map? :dntknw:

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What a lot of nice skins! :biggrin:


By the way, can someone tell me what is UV Map? :dntknw:


If im wrong please correct me but isnt the UV map the map that shows how the skin template(s) will be placed on the model? Sort of like a "link" between model and skin template(s)?


Possible chain:


Basic model > UV Map > Skin template(s)


And these are indeed nice skins...hmm maybe I should try a Mobius 1 skin...nah ill leave that to kei (and it would take forever cuz I still havent finished the one for the Raptor)

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Looking good ST.

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A lot easier to skin with wire mesh isn't it? (When working with camo)


Most Definitely...

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Even their mother could not tell them apart. :wink:


Well, there's no turning back now, the skin has been uploaded and awaits judgement... :blink:

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Ok the judging part next week.


I need 3 views of it, Top, bottom and a side shot, 1024x768 or higher with as much of the plane in the shot as possible. The reason I am doing it this way is because its going to be a tough competition (from the looks of it already) and I want a level judging field so to speak. So no one can spice up their plane with a really good screen shot. This way all entries look the same and focus is on the skin. Am I making sense?


You guys are all doing really great. Keep up the good work.

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