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That will teach the Imperalist lackeys of the capitalist running dogs!!!!!



kevin stein


btw....one day, I'll get around to making a generic Farmer hangar screen.....

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That is the most strategic target ever.

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Kevin, watch out!


The Hot Dog salesman might shoot back with mustard! :biggrin:


This should be the screenshot of the month... nah, what i´m saying... of the year!


Now, don´t let us die uninformed, have you hit it?

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Yah, I fragged it!!!! Emptied the whole load of UV-16-57s into it. But I got damaged when my plane sucked in the exploding chili vapors.....dissolved the turbine blades :haha: And my wingman bombed the Saloon next door (yes, it's another real target!)


You all don't think if some 3d modeler would build a MickyD's it wouldn't show up on a map as a "high value, stargetic target"???...


What I need is one for the Red Side....perhaps a "Borscht Bowl Resturant"????? Yeah, there's room on DBS for both....now, to find some art work...ideas are spinning in my head like out of control gears.


note to self...check clutch...



kevin stein



I love easter eggs!!!!

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LMAO Great Target! MickeyDs,BK and Wendys would be cool also.


We need some buildings to target, town hall, police and fire stations,hospitals,National Guard Armorys and Jails/prisons for both sides.


Crap, I was hoping to fly tonight, but instead i'll be tinkering with ground targets. ARRRGGGG!!!

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Waaaaayyy ahead of you....


When one can 'repurpose' entire objects, and with a little hex editing....almost anything is possible, given the limited number of 3d objects :wink:



kevin stein



ps: what? nodoby's noticed CityBuilding3 being used as the "telephone exhange"????? Another evildamcommbuilding for Sparko to bitch about having the hit all the time.... :rofl:

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Irate residents of little diomede scrape relish and grey poupon from windshields whithin 20 block radius of blast. :biggrin:


I second the motion for more buildings as targets, and if we can make them insertable as ground objects- not just terrain objects that would be outstanding. If you put a target in your ground objects

folder and insert it via mission editor the AI flights can hit it with JDAMs/LGB/Mavericks or any other guided weapon. If you put it in the terrain they can only use dumb bombs.

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Already thought about stadiums, churchs, theaters, et cetera?


I would like to get some target such as capitol like Debt of Honor, im tired of bombing mosques with the Vark



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I've been messing with this idea without much luck so far,I think i'll wait and see what wrench comes up with.


Is there a way to add it to ground objects so it becomes a randomly selected target in single missions, without having to make a mission in the editor?

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Gosh... Bombing hot dog stands. There is a code of Honor in war, by Jingo! Don't thread on food!


'specially tasty one...

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Wrench, you just made my day...and I only got up 45 mins ago!

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OMG!!! That totally goes over the top!!! Veltro, my man!!!!


Repurposing building ain't nothing...just limited to your imagination. "Building3" has been set as a 'machine shop' in several recent terrain mods I've done. The aforementioned telephone exchange; DBS will get an imported 7 story building "Pravda Offices" that's a valid target.


Now, mind you, even I draw the line a creating hospitals and religious centers (even though we have Church's and mosques for targets since SF - those that explore the types inis will note they have a minus point score). For those that go back far enough to ATF/FA might remember the "Collateral Casualties" series of missions -- your targets were hospitals, orphanages, refugee -pardon me; displaced persons- centers. I always thought that was kinda sick, in a slightly satisfying fashion.


Wingwinners "gas station'' and TacOps Center make great targets; there is an almost endliss list of thing you can do; reskinning an object, hexediting to create a 'new' one, etc.


"Think outside the box"


warlord/Icaras: a quick note --- never, Never, NEVER put terrain objects in the GroundObjects folder. You'll screw up your Anti-shipping, CAS and Armed Recon missions. If they are valid targets (via targets ini placement and types ini entries), you as the player should have no problem hitting them the LGBs and JADMs. Maverick are designed for anti-tank; altough sometimes you can use them for anti-ship. I've never had a problem with LGBs...and can't under stand why so many do.


macluna: have you seen the "ASW" (american south west map)??? I think you'll find an extreamly valid 'capitol' type building complex there to hit.



kevin stein

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Waaaaayyy ahead of you....


When one can 'repurpose' entire objects, and with a little hex editing....almost anything is possible, given the limited number of 3d objects :wink:



kevin stein



ps: what? nodoby's noticed CityBuilding3 being used as the "telephone exhange"????? Another evildamcommbuilding for Sparko to bitch about having the hit all the time.... :rofl:


What's with phone booths? They would make great comm buildings - and really hard to hit (you see them only if you crash right into them...)! :biggrin:

Edited by Shaolin

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The objects in question, and another one....







(if you can't read the sign, let me know, and I'll tell you what it says)


There's yet another I won't be showing...you'll have to see/find it for yourself. Suffice it say, it honors the Original Terrain Tiling Guru



kevin stein

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Now, mind you, even I draw the line a creating hospitals and religious centers


warlord/Icaras: a quick note --- never, Never, NEVER put terrain objects in the GroundObjects folder. You'll screw up your Anti-shipping, CAS and Armed Recon missions.


(1) I totally agree on the hospitals and religious centers, but we all know that they have been targets in real life far too many times and if they AI were attacking one in the Sim wouldn't you go just a little further to hunt em down and kill them?


But i see your point that they would also be targets for us, so that might not workout so well.


(2) I did not know that, So i need to edit the terrains ini to make them targets for single missions?


(3) Veltro, Can I get Fries with that??? LMAO! Thats a great model man. It takes a sick mind to put forth that effort, I like it! :rofl:

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OMG!!! That totally goes over the top!!! Veltro, my man!!!!


Repurposing building ain't nothing...just limited to your imagination. "Building3" has been set as a 'machine shop' in several recent terrain mods I've done. The aforementioned telephone exchange; DBS will get an imported 7 story building "Pravda Offices" that's a valid target.


Now, mind you, even I draw the line a creating hospitals and religious centers (even though we have Church's and mosques for targets since SF - those that explore the types inis will note they have a minus point score). For those that go back far enough to ATF/FA might remember the "Collateral Casualties" series of missions -- your targets were hospitals, orphanages, refugee -pardon me; displaced persons- centers. I always thought that was kinda sick, in a slightly satisfying fashion.


Wingwinners "gas station'' and TacOps Center make great targets; there is an almost endliss list of thing you can do; reskinning an object, hexediting to create a 'new' one, etc.


"Think outside the box"


warlord/Icaras: a quick note --- never, Never, NEVER put terrain objects in the GroundObjects folder. You'll screw up your Anti-shipping, CAS and Armed Recon missions. If they are valid targets (via targets ini placement and types ini entries), you as the player should have no problem hitting them the LGBs and JADMs. Maverick are designed for anti-tank; altough sometimes you can use them for anti-ship. I've never had a problem with LGBs...and can't under stand why so many do.


macluna: have you seen the "ASW" (american south west map)??? I think you'll find an extreamly valid 'capitol' type building complex there to hit.



kevin stein


want me to upload the max file ?

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awesome possibilities!



Edited by Typhoid

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I've been messing with this idea without much luck so far,I think i'll wait and see what wrench comes up with.


Is there a way to add it to ground objects so it becomes a randomly selected target in single missions, without having to make a mission in the editor?



Yes it should just load them as random targets in single mission play, sure beats the heck out of "destroy the enemy fuel tank" every other mission.

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"Think outside the box"


warlord/Icaras: a quick note --- never, Never, NEVER put terrain objects in the GroundObjects folder. You'll screw up your Anti-shipping, CAS and Armed Recon missions. If they are valid targets (via targets ini placement and types ini entries), you as the player should have no problem hitting them the LGBs and JADMs. Maverick are designed for anti-tank; altough sometimes you can use them for anti-ship. I've never had a problem with LGBs...and can't under stand why so many do.




kevin stein


OK i can see how a random generated mission could load some weird object at the wrong time- like a hot dog stand- however my focus is creating scripted missions in the same fashion that YAP does.

Now if one is smart about how they label the object like calling it "misc" instead of "tank" it is not as likely to show up where you don't want it. Lets be be clear about the guided bomb issue:

what putting these targets in the ground object folder does is allow The AI flights to target and destroy said objects with guided weapons. The difference is spectacular, before i discovered this

the AI would just fly around and never drop their bombs, now my missions are total carnage. i have had such good results with this that I seldom use the random generated or campaign features,

so if doing this will screw up peoples campaigns perhaps the should have a separate install to try my methods.

Oh and if any one decides to try this you must use CAS or armed Recon for your AI flights to target these objects with guided weapons, strike will not work.

Edited by Icarus999

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