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The Barak was handed over to 601 Squadron for evaluation:



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We bring light and heat to your pit! :biggrin:


looks like its activating a warp drive or something :biggrin:

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Guest ruhzyo




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khiển trách anh người huê kỳ làm duyên ngụy tạo!!







Damn You Yankee Air Pirate!!

Edited by colmack

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who said pasdarans are uncool?


look our ayatollah style!!!




ten seconds after, a voice over the radio answered.

yes, my favourite target baby.

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RAF Venom departs Akrotiri Cyprus 1956 on route to the Suez. (*note they actually used the usual RAF Grey Green)


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Nothing special here, no high-res action shots of the latest tech fighters. Just the stock TW F-104G, which I have really been enjoying lately. Maybe becuase of the good gun, maybe because it's light and nimble(ish), maybe because it's FAST, or maybe because I have been cashing in with AIM-9Bs as of late.



Despite the poor graphics, you have to admit, it sure is a nice looking plane.

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IMHO, the best 4th generation aircraft


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I thought I'd dust off a couple of AU-1s, change the fluids and go out for a quick TRIM run.

Amazes me that some MIG driver always finds a creative way to end his career.

:ph34r: CL

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Hey Silverbolt, it looks like you'r working on a new viewlist.ini/focus/external camera thing for cockpits, right ?


Anyway, guys I think I've found the Titanic somewhere between Alaska and Russia ..





At the same time, over Northern Europe



Edited by fougamagister

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Russian Fencers attacking a Ukrainian airbase:




One of them wasn't so lucky, but he took some of the enemy with him:



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Hey Silverbolt, it looks like you'r working on a new viewlist.ini/focus/external camera thing for cockpits, right ?


Anyway, guys I think I've found the Titanic somewhere between Alaska and Russia ..





At the same time, over Northern Europe




Yes Sir!

awesome vooDoo screenshot!

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Guest ruhzyo


Edited by ruhzyo

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I think there's an updated fireeffect version I posted somewhere in the Battle of Britain campaign feedback thread

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Two shots today... the one shot per day is over, huh?



12th Wing Hornet, Operation Sicily Shield




Sluff this!


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Back home.

I really love the new MiG-29...


Edited by Soulfreak

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1991 - The Iraqi Air Force take to Operation Desert Storm in their new MiG-29As - license built by the Mirage Factory!



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