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Landing while damaged

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Hi guys


Just another seemingly noobish question to do with the TW sims


I was flying a mirage 3 for the IAF in wings over israel this morning and we where tasked with a strike mission. During this mission i was hit by AAA and quite severly damaged. I had a lot of holes in the left wing, no rear gear, and only my left airbrake was functioning. I did however manage to get home so i thought id attempt a landing. I had to keep my nose down throughout the final and managed to stay on line using a lot of yaw. I touched down nose gear first and i gently let the back end touch the floor. KABOOM! my aircraft was then a smoking hole in the tarmac LOL.


My question is this, is a crash landing possible in this series or do you always end up dead when a part of the plane that isnt supposed to touch the floor does?



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I guess that no, you explode. Try with lower difficulty settings, but i can´t say if you shall make "collision" or "landing"

settings to "Easy"


EDIT: wich setting have you got?

Edited by macelena

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  MigBuster said:
Yes with the gear down but If in doubt - eject

Actually, it is a simple cost/benefit comparison. Jettison the jet, you live. Attempt to save the damaged jet, you die. I, personally, always thought my young, tender, pink hide was always worth more than a semi-flyable jet.

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If you check the debrief on those bravely saving the airframe missions, you will usually find that you died WAY back at the scene of the accident.


At least in a fighter.


In a bomber, like the above bitmap, maybe you'll only be injured...

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hi guys


Thanks for the replies. I have all settings as hard apart from hud and targetting


that landing with a vulcan after being hit by an sa2 is brilliant. Nice flying!



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One day, while flying an F-14 a crashed into a SU-33 while dogfighting and lost half of my left wing.

Everything else was intact, i had my 3 landing gears, I made a smooth approach and landed normally and as soon as I touched th runway...BANG!

But it was a normal landing, I feel sad for that F-14, I was convinced I would save it. :sorry:

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  coolpilot said:
One day, while flying an F-14 a crashed into a SU-33 while dogfighting and lost half of my left wing.

Everything else was intact, i had my 3 landing gears, I made a smooth approach and landed normally and as soon as I touched th runway...BANG!

But it was a normal landing, I feel sad for that F-14, I was convinced I would save it. :sorry:


Thats exactly how i felt with my mirage. i thought i could have saved it. it was a good aircraft that had brought me home from 29 combat missions LOL

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Being able to put down a damaged a\c and walk away from the crash would be a major step up for definate.


Hate to think how many times I've had to bale to save my virtual backside when I'd much rather have tried to land.


Never say never though. We were bitchin' about not being able to start & stop engines not so long ago.

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hmm might be possible, I wasnt shot up I just screwed a landing a while back in a Mirage. Anyway I came in a bit (read VERY) hard and lost one of the main wheels, didnt loose the gear leg though and I was fine with all settings to hard.



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  Syrinx said:
Being able to put down a damaged a\c and walk away from the crash would be a major step up for definate.


Hate to think how many times I've had to bale to save my virtual backside when I'd much rather have tried to land.


Never say never though. We were bitchin' about not being able to start & stop engines not so long ago.


Well Nicky, maybe you need a BRITISH plane to be able to walk away after landing with damage........

With the Vulcan it worked......




Derk :wink:

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yep....fly the plane near a friendly airbase and eject....the taxpayers will buy a new aircraft instantly..... :flyer:

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Aw shuks thats nothin, I call this one "Troubled Shooting". To maintain level flight needed almost full left aleron, and constant input of left rudder, and came in about 30 kts faster than normal. I had the flight model on hard I got the pig down.

Edited by MAKO69

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I say get out of the engagement zone,press alt+n (if you havent altered the settings), turn on autopilot and when your experiencing high-g's and quite low in altitude, eject! Then when the mission ends it usually shows up as either injured or well.

(But it doesnt look good on your record because it says your shot down.)



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took alot of small arms fire on a CAS mission. my wingman didnt get it as bad as me, but we did both make it back to the carrier.



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Amateurs! :biggrin:






Hard mode everything (of course)...no magic invisible wheels...


Actually, I've noticed landing with battle damage is very hit or miss (so to speak).


For instance, a F-80 gave me a crash when I tried a belly landing due to losing all my gear. However, in reality , I would imagine it would be a fairly benign belly lander because of the low, wide wing and slower landing speed.


Conversely, an F-105 probably shouldn't be an aircraft you would try to belly land because of the fairly high wing, and long, thin, round fuselage. You get slightly sideways on the skidout and you'd probably flip.


And of course, in this particular situation as seen in the screenshot, most tricycle gear jets wouldn't even attempt something like this, especially the F-16 with the small ground 'triangle' for a fairly large aerodynamic planform.



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I like to bring the jets back if I can. I figure, hey why not simulate the skipper wanting me to bring the jet back if possible.


Aside from being on fire or out of control, I pretty much have only one concern with battle damage: when I move the gear handle, do I get three down and locked? If yes, easy day. If no, I'm thinking getting out is a better idea than making a fireball on the runway - I just don't know what the thing is gonna do on the ground when not on the wheels.


I once brought back an F-14 with one engine, one stabilator and full of holes. (Unfortunately, no glorious battle tale - I just got a little too low on a practice strafing run. Ripped a fuel tank off and shed some fan blades, among other things.) Made it back to the field no problem - all gear working.


I dead-sticked an F-4E in to land, twice. No damage, just ran it out of gas in combat, so again all gear working.


Just last week, I took an A-4H in and zapped a runway. Got good and shot up for my efforts - although, I did violate the sacred rule of "One Pass, Haul Ass." Lost the rudder and got shot full o' holes, but all else seemed normal. Got back to the field for the straight-in approach, and son of a gun, I only get one main down. At that point, I cleaned it up, pointed it toward the coast and slowed down to 160-ish and pulled the handle. I was wounded, but survived. If I tried to belly land, or do a two wheel landing, I'm fairly confident I would have bought the farm.


My advice, if you're not sure, get out.


If you have a chance to do a controlled ejection, slow it down, minimize the sink rate (level flight or a little climb is better), and get a little altitude beneath you, if you can.

Edited by gbnavy61

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  Jug said:
Actually, it is a simple cost/benefit comparison. Jettison the jet, you live. Attempt to save the damaged jet, you die. I, personally, always thought my young, tender, pink hide was always worth more than a semi-flyable jet.


That is my opinion also.


I've nursed crippled planes up to the end of the runway and then ejected instead of trying for a landing.

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  Lt. James Cater said:
I've nursed crippled planes up to the end of the runway and then ejected instead of trying for a landing.



That's called teasing the crew cheif. :biggrin:

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Yea, amateur. :biggrin:


Landing with part of a wing on all your gear and still have a running engine...pffft! Easy stuff. BTDT.


Landing without one or both of your main gear (and NOT being on HARD mode or using a ini 'skid')...then talk to me.





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