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DS Mod Goodies

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Go with the starting number, specific for each squadron.


The resupply time was set to 80, based on the logic that the campaign should be over in less than 80 days, and I just wanted each squadron to start out with enough to get them through the campaign.


I'll deffinately check each unit as part of the first update.


For the tornados some resupply during the campaign might be "historicaly plausible" because you'll get LGBs and designator pods. And tornados have spend late stages of desert storm droping LGBs. (Of course they didn't have designator pods, but we have no bucaneers so...)

As for the number fo needed bombs: 17. December - 24. February = 14+31+24 = 69 days, mission rate 3, deviation 3 -> average 1 mission in 3 days 69/3 = 23 missions + 10 for ground war (then you are on ~80 days and thus ressuplied) means 33 missions total.

Worst case 8 tornados per mission (becuse of attrition it's not probable that you'll get all 12 fliable at any time). 8 bombs per plane -> 64 bombs per mission. 33 * 64 = 2112 bombs.


Oh, have i written how much i like the desert pink skins and nose art? beautiful

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Vigilant I am raising your warning level because you caused me to do too much math. :lol:



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Vigilant I am raising your warning level because you caused me to do too much math. :lol:





Sorry, i have my final university exams in two weeks. Guess it begins to affect my thinking :crazy:

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Downloaded...installed...played a bit...


Simply stunning!!! :clapping::yahoo::notworthy:


A really new sim!


Thanks at all folks involved! :salute:


And now a little, probably stupid, question...

It's possible remove the tags (both enemy and friendly) and leave only the "red box" target indicator...I'm feel a bit distracted to fly with all those "letters" everywhere... :blush:

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Downloaded all three parts, quickly tested yesterday and today, and that's a helluva mod, more a new game than a mod, IMHO. Oe of the small goodies I really like is the windloop effect with radio chatter, that adds a lot of immersion!

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I'll finaly get this baby downloaded by this afternoon. :yahoo:

So reading the WOE manual, I was wondering if we shouldn't be setting the Enemy Skill Level to Easy, for the Iraqis?

From the manual; Easy- Enemies arn't all that accurate. They'll fire less often and miss more often. Also their flying skills are below average.


Edit: I'm just trying to figure out the most 'realistic' setting, but I'm not sure how things are modeled in this game. Maybe Hard, is actually the most realistic?

Edited by GreyCap

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I'll finaly get this baby downloaded by this afternoon. :yahoo:

So reading the WOE manual, I was wondering if we shouldn't be setting the Enemy Skill Level to Easy, for the Iraqis?

From the manual; Easy- Enemies arn't all that accurate. They'll fire less often and miss more often. Also their flying skills are below average.


Edit: I'm just trying to figure out the most 'realistic' setting, but I'm not sure how things are modeled in this game. Maybe Hard, is actually the most realistic?


Just stick everything on hard and see what you make of it. Ill give u a warning though get ready to avoid plenty of SAMs and try not to run into any mig 29s

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Just a quick correction to the F-111 tanks:




FullName=F-111 Fuel Tank























MaxFuelAmount=272.200012 <-should be 1769

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Just stick everything on hard and see what you make of it. Ill give u a warning though get ready to avoid plenty of SAMs and try not to run into any mig 29s


Yeah that's what I'm trying to figure out. If the US met some Iraqi MiG-29's, how much of a 'fight' would they be in for? All I seem to remember about the Iraqi Air Force is that they would either run for the border, shoot down their own Leader or fly into the ground. :blink:



I think I might be setting Enemy Skill level to Easy.

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Actually, I just watched 'The Dogfights of Desert Storm'. The -29's didn't appear to be that much of a threat.

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None of the Iraqi AF was much of a threat. They either got shot down or bugged out to Iran.

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Actually, I just watched 'The Dogfights of Desert Storm'. The -29's didn't appear to be that much of a threat.


Got a '29 on my last last op...flying the Jaguar, day two of the war. After egressing utra low-level after a successful strike on an ammo bunker. RWR going crazy as the he came in on my port side high. Turned into him and got him with a head-on winder shot.


Crazy Sob was throwing out flares like a man possessed...how dumb did he think my Sidewinders were ? :biggrin:

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Actually, I just watched 'The Dogfights of Desert Storm'. The -29's didn't appear to be that much of a threat.

Overall combat records of the 29 are unimpressive indeed.

Iraq, Erythrea. Let's forget former Yugoslavia, given how one-sided the thing was.

Just have a look to Ethiopia vs Erythrea war in 2000. Erythrea air force was quickly ousted of the sky by Ethiopian Flanker. I don't know if the export variants or first batches of 29 are that bad, but they did not perform well anywhere.

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None of the Iraqi AF was much of a threat. They either got shot down or bugged out to Iran.

A 25 got an F-18, but I concurr: kill ratio is definitely not in IrAF favor. :biggrin:


They performed quite good against Iran (hence Saddam's self-confidence), especially in the middle and end of the war, after the disappointing first years. But tactics, planes and weapons were definitely on Coalition's side two years latter.

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A 25 got an F-18, but I concurr: kill ratio is definitely not in IrAF favor. :biggrin:


One, just one......to.....what was it for the US side alone....54..... :biggrin:

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Dave, you are indeed a gentleman. You spared Saddam's AF the Saudi kills! :biggrin:



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Two -29's tried to jump my flight of Tomcats on the third day of the campaign. Picked 'em up as they were taking off at 10NM, they turned into us and fired. The exchange of shots yielded 2 kills for the Turkeys, 0 for the 29's...though my wingman bought it about 30 seconds later when an SA-3 took him out.


In reality, the MiG-29 did not fare well at all against our Eagles.


EDIT: As mentioned above, I think our only air-to-air loss was an F/A-18 lost to a MiG-25 Foxbat. We lost some F-15E's, an F-14B, and a couple F-16's and -18's to SAM and AAA fire. Not sure how many other a/c went down to surface threats, but in the air, we had the IrAF in the bag, so to speak.

Edited by Caesar

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MiG-29s carries R-60MKs is more closer to history.As I know,there were no archers fired in DS. :yes:


BTW,I just want more advanced Vipers and some apaches. :minigun:

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Overall combat records of the 29 are unimpressive indeed. I don't know if the export variants or first batches of 29 are that bad, but they did not perform well anywhere.

Actually yes the were THAT bad, AFAIK the only airforce that used MiG-29's that were as good as Soviet were Germans, I don't know what state were Iraqis Fulcrums in, but Yugoslavian were on top of being dumbed down eksport versions also in downright horrible condition, as bad as for example radar not working at all



Anyway about the DS Fulcrum I noticed just one strange thing, they are quite durable, one needed 55x20mm shells to finally go down...

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Thanks for the mod, truly amazing!!


I have noticed my wing-men flying off all over the place, and crashing when we return to base.


If I give the rejoin formation call, they will respond and start to rejoin, but if they have gotten too far out, they simply start to wander again.


I know there are wm issues, but this seems worse than usual.


Anyone else having this experience?

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In reality, the MiG-29 did not fare well at all against our Eagles.


One really wouldn't expect them to...the MiG-29 falls more into the same class as the Hornet. The F-15 is superior in every way that matters, but particularly its radar, missiles and integration into the electronic battle space.

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Thanks for the mod, truly amazing!!


I have noticed my wing-men flying off all over the place, and crashing when we return to base.


If I give the rejoin formation call, they will respond and start to rejoin, but if they have gotten too far out, they simply start to wander again.


I know there are wm issues, but this seems worse than usual.


Anyone else having this experience?


Which aircraft are you seeing this with?


I have occasionally seen with all SF/WO? versions, if you give the "return to base" command after you've reached the last three waypoints (approach, lineup, touchdown), the AI will sometimes get confused and fly around in circles. This is not specific to the DS addon, we didn't change anything with the stock airfields, or the AI landing behavior.


Either give the "return to base" command prior to reaching the 3rd to last waypoint, or just fly the last three, let your flight follow you, and they will land.


If it's a specific aircraft, it may be a FM issue. For example with the AV-8B, I had to specify an approach speed in the AIData section, or it would not get slow enough to land. It would flare, and overshoot the runway/carrier.

Edited by JSF_Aggie

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