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AV History

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Just read a post,it looks like AV History is going to move to Strike Fighter 2 :good:


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these guys I think: http://avhistory.org/communityserver/default.aspx


thought they were only concerned with MS products however if they are moving to TK's sims then theyre welcome, they used to have some really awesome birds back when I was still involved with CFS2




Ah OK, I've heard of them. I guess it makes sense with Microsoft shutting down their flight sim ops. Definitely will be good to have more people looking at flight models.

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But surely Strike Fighters is a sim lite where pretty models are prized over flight model fidelity.....


Repeat after me 'Stiglr is an ass'


Be awesome if they can use their experience to accelerate flight model development.

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Repeat after me 'Stiglr is an ass'


"Stiglr is an ass."

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Repeat after me 'Stiglr is an ass'


'Stiglr is an ass'


I didn't see on the site where anyone said they were moving to SF2. but it is a very big site.


it would be great to have some more modlers - although I can't keep up now with all the models and mods!!

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I didn't see on the site where anyone said they were moving to SF2. but it is a very big site.

The comments at the link poasted above. For example:



The new platform will be Strike Fighters 2 and we are also monitoring developments in LockOn which may allow us to continue our research there. The Strike Fighter engine is a far more complete 6-DoF than FSX/CFS. The damage model is also more developed as well. We have a test P-51D flying with SF2's more complete FM it's really nice. Graphically...

Graphically what?


As far as I know, TK's sim was the *first* to model moving clouds...I did it hehe!! TK's sim has the *best* air warfare environment modelling, at least grafically. However, AI needs programming to interact with that environment. Only TK can do that. Think the ground combat shooters and how AI soldiers or tanks are programmed to interact with buildings, trees, streams, hills, clouds, spotting contrails at 50 miles on a moonlit night....oops those last two are for air warfare modelling. Well maybe someday, but today TK's sim at least the best air warfare environment grafix.







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'Stiglr is an ass'


Excellent news! Their MS series flight models were fantastic. If they can make an excel workbook like they did for MS, flight model creation would be a hell of alot easier with all the calculations done. Just enter mostly readily available information and export!

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Cool....this is from a post there...one that would make Stiglr slit his wrists, so, I'm quoting it here... :ok:


"The new platform will be Strike Fighters 2 and we are also monitoring developments in LockOn which may allow us to continue our research there. The Strike Fighter engine is a far more complete 6-DoF than FSX/CFS. The damage model is also more developed as well. We have a test P-51D flying with SF2's more complete FM it's really nice.


Graphically SF2 is not up to CFS3 levels but in the functionally department it's superior with carriers, guided missiles and radar to name a few. But the best thing is the dev openly and actively supports his product and it's continued evolution."

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Well, it is and isn't.


CFS3 did certain effects better, namely effects mapping (specular, reflective) where you could have the same model have vastly different levels based on textures defining specular and reflective properties. Weather was alot better. Water was way behind, unless someone has managed better shader effects since I last checked CFS forums. With CA_starry SF's terrain is much nicer, and there's more than just a europe map.


If they've already got a nice P-51 FM, then I guess alot of our prop issues are likely solved. Maybe we'll see some more hi-def WW2 and earlier planes.

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SF2 has over a dozen atmospheric environment shaders...BTW

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They must not have seen Green Hell and Widesky yet.

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Green Hell = insanetacular


Widesky = insanetacular


It'll be better if anyone from over there can come over here.

Edited by kct

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Cant wait to have these guys come on over to the sim.

Oh yeah, cant forget this one, STIGLR IS AN ASS, lol.

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You are giving asses a bad name.

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Now hear this...


Stiglr is an ass.


That is all.

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It is about time TK's work be recognized for what it is: potentially the most realistic flight modeling possible in a consumer grade PC combat flight sim, despite being coded by a single programmer!

So what if the stock flight models were bent a little to fit TK's fun sim lite approach and budgetary limits... the core engine is already solid and is still being refined.

If you feed the flight model good information, you will get an outstanding simulation.

The trick is getting or creating good information and having these guys join the relatively small group of FM gurus can't hurt.

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oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.... let me run in here and say.... STIGLR IS AN ASSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ok, carry on.


For some odd reason, that made me feel better. :biggrin:

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I've just found this thread.


I've been working for years as a skinner with AvH for CFS3; they do the very best flight modelling I have yet found. Their objective is to have the sim performing to within 1% of the actual performances of the aircraft. Often, many parameters are better than that.


AvH do not make or paint the models; that is done by other people. They "commission" paint schemes for existing models, with the agreement of course of all concerned, and meanwhile put together the flight dynamics and damage files. The result is released through their website.


They were essential to the building of the Mediterranean Air War add-on for CFS3, which is the only available full add-on with aircraft built to the very latest AvH 4.00 specifications. Previous aircraft are modelled to 2.XX specs. I'll leave it to the real experts to tell you what that means, but the result is that the aircraft flies far more closely to the real one.


SF needs their input, I agree. Also there is a degree of experience of modelling WW2 aircraft in the CFS3 community which could well be very useful here. Those of you who have flown the recently released Bf109e series (MAW and ETO, not the old Aeroplane Heaven version) will appreciate what I'm talking about.


One of the biggest problems in fact faced by CFS3 modellers is the modelling program. CFS3 requires GMAX, which is free but quite challenging, while SF needs 3DS MAX, if I've understood correctly - which is not free...


One or two screenies of one of my skins - model by Craig Murray and FM/DM by Avhistory. The skin is hi-resolution 2048x2048, and has a specular sheet of the sort which enables different degrees of reflectivity for different areas - say the panel lines, which do not reflect, and the chips in the paint, which do. That's one thing which I'd like to see TK developing, because it is a very useful extra.

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That is where I know you from ndicki, from the CFS3 world.


Here is my thoughts, Bear needs to come over here and talk to some of us about the sim and the likes of Fubar, C5, streakeagle and the other Fm guys to get a clear understanding on what they are getting into. It would be a serious mistake on their part if that didnt. While its good to have FM's that are within 1% of the real thing, there are cases in which that might not work for the sim. Example is streakeagle and his F-4B uber FM, IIRC he made it as close to the real FM as the sim would allow, and the AI couldn't fly it. If they are making FM's for online play, well SF2 doesn't have MP as we all know.


I really can't stress enough for them to come over here, talk to us and get to know the sim from some of us who have been dong it for the last 6+ years.

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I think that this is a great development. The TW series can always use some FM types, probably the hardest part of modding, or maybe second to 3D work (not meant to slight the works of others :) ).

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As far as I have heard, they have already been in contact with TK, and as a result, a number of CFS3 modders who don't want to move to FSX as some have done, are looking seriously at SF. I was already here, even though my main thing remains CFS3.

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