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Yankee Air Pirate 2 - Ready

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Here you go:



Don't forget John and Team did pledge their loyalty to existing customers...hopefully the discount coupon will be available soon, and no, I'm not kidding.

Edited by swambast

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Woot, going to order now.

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My better half would kill me for buying more puter games now.. need money etc. SO i'm off to gamble on the fruit machines, whatever I win will go to buy this! :biggrin:

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YAP is back! I should get the CD about the same time I finish my ODS campaign.


Life is good in the 3rd wire world...



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YAP is back! I should get the CD about the same time I finish my ODS campaign.


Life is good in the 3rd wire world...




Very intersting, I don't understand thoguh. Do you get all 100 missions on Cd for 24.95 if you have wov?

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I am fairly confident that is true, yes.


But I am sure Eightlein or ZeroCinco of the "YAP Team" will be along shortly to confirm or deny.


I am unsure as to the "2" part, if it indicates a compilation, other tweaks, or what. The site is excellent, but doesn't go into much detail as to what comes with...

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I miss YAP since I went on Vista. :dntknw:

I guess YAP 2 dodes not run on the V Mosnter?

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I miss YAP since I went on Vista. :dntknw:

I guess YAP 2 dodes not run on the V Mosnter?


Actually all Thirdwire sims will run properly on Vista if you install it outside Program Files directory. You might need to edit terrain.ini files though. So the original WOV and YAP will run on Vista.


BTW, Thirdwire's next release is Strike Fighters: Vietnam (Vista remake of WOV).

Edited by jomni

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I can't wait to get my hands on YAP2!


only first, I have to get my hands on a new computer. And some cash. Oh well.


Post lots of screen shots please! I have pored over the ones on the YAP site, but even those pics make my comp lag something fierce.


EDIT: Oh sh!t, I said "plz"! it's all downhill from here...

Edited by Rambler 1-1

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according to 05 with the cd you get first 10 missions and the rest will follow soon


price per missions set $14.95.


carriers included


01-10 = Ticonderoga

11-20 = Constellation

21-30 = Hancock

31-40 = Independence

41-50 = Ranger

51-60 = Enterprise

61-70 = Oriskany

71-80 = Intrepid and Coral Sea

81-90 = Bon Homme Richard and Kitty Hawk

91-00 = Midway


About thirty-five aircraft. We will have another at the end of this week and another by Monday.

Edited by colmack

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There is a good write up about it over at SimHq. Well worth the read.

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I will buy this as I did the original YAP.

But for me, playing at the 08.30.06 revision level is a huge step backwards.

I am much happier with the Oct 2008 version of the game.

I expect the WoV2 to be even better based on my experiences with SF2.

Nearly every aspect of the game was improved between the Oct 2008 patches and SF2: graphics textures, 3d models, damage models, flight models, avionics, and most important: AI.

Of course, I realize some aspects of the game were degraded or even deleted along the way and YAP may need some of those features to function 100% correctly.

Hopefully, the YAP team and TK can work together to make YAP2 and WoV2 compatible.


Vista users are just plain out of luck being forced to disable shaders with YAP2.

Fortunately, I refused to jump on the Vista bandwagon.

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I did the same thing, being forced to go back to 06 for my own stuff, at least for now, so I understand the concept.

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Nearly every aspect of the game was improved between the Oct 2008 patches and SF2: graphics textures, 3d models, damage models, flight models, avionics, and most important: AI.


Really? how noticable a difference?


Is there any download of YAP2? Or is everything going to be CDs?


I have a profound hatred of waiting for mail, as there's no guarantee I'll ever get anything.....yes the postal service is really that bad here.

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First, I suggest you read our review at SimHQ, http://www.simhq.com/_air12/air_399a.html.


And thanks Dave, for your kind words.


Let me try and clear up a few things.


No, the product is not available by download. YAP 2 is HUGE. Trust me. Lots of stuff in there.


Next, pricing. It's $29.95 for both discs, meaning Wings Over Vietnam and YAP 2. Just for reference, WOV alone sells for $19.99 at Third Wire. Or, if you have WOV, you can get the YAP 2 disc for $24.95. Plus shipping.


This gets you all set up for YAP 2, includes five training missions, a ten mission set, and some bonus missions. You also get access to their members area where you can look at a detailed mission brief, a great map of the target area, and a Google Earth link that will take you to the real target area.


Subsequent mission sets will follow at ten each (plus perhaps some bonus stuff), at $14.95 each and will be available via download. There is no requirement to buy any additional sets.


The product will run on Vista, just be sure and do NOT patch to the Oct 08 patch. That will screw your pooch.


There is a $10 rebate for YAP 1 customers, which will be made via a credit to your Paypal account.


Have fun guys, this thing is a hoot. And if you have further questions, check into SimHQ, the YAP 2 Developer Forum. I'm sure we can help.


Thanks for the info Tom!



Again great article, looking forward to more.

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Damn, i've been waiting a long time for this. :biggrin:


Perhaps the next paycheck or two to deal with and you all have got a customer!

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Check the website and the mission sets, it tells you each aircraft with what mission.

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Does anyone knows if it can be sent to El Salvador (worldwide for the matter), or if it can be bought via download like the TK sims?

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The product is NOT available by download. Please read the whole thread or go to their website to get the information.



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