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Of course there will leak some hydraulic fluid here and there.

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OK Guys...Here is the lastest and greatest...It is COMPLETE!!! Well, kinda...needs correct serial numbers and possible darker skin...Other than that...done. Templates are complete also.

I'll shoot you a copy of the templates, Gunny....OK?

BTW...I read that a complete package might be released...anyone with info, please let me know and I will send this so it can be released with that package...Pappy


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I take it that book helped??? :wink:


looking good Pete


now, we just need a "Happy Holligans' skin!! (to match the Scropion)



kevin stein

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upload it if you can!For the package there's time Pete....

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Awesome work.

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Awesome :groupwave:

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That plane really rocks, but how do you use it guys? Is the pure interceptor, and interception missions are not present in any campaign :( a NORAD campaign will be really great

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That plane really rocks, but how do you use it guys? Is the pure interceptor, and interception missions are not present in any campaign :( a NORAD campaign will be really great


Well thats not true. if you set the type of missions in any campaign data.ini for that aircraft to 100 and anything else to zero. I'll bet you get your intercept missions.


Like this


//----- Player Unit







BaseArea=Spangdahlem Airbase












MissionChance[iNTERCEPT]=25 <----------- change this line to 100 and all others to zero

























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The scheme is nice but I do not agree with the panel lines. I think they look painted on and not like they are part of the structure. You can fix this by offsetting a negative about a pixel or so in a diagonal direction (I usually use light coming from up and to the left).

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The scheme is nice but I do not agree with the panel lines. I think they look painted on and not like they are part of the structure. You can fix this by offsetting a negative about a pixel or so in a diagonal direction (I usually use light coming from up and to the left).



Doing that will result in giving a single direction of depth to the panels, you will end up with a skin made of armour plate not tightly fitting aluminimum, the panels will be over exaggerated from a distange.

Most aircraft have a few but not many overlapping [flanged] or recessed access panels.......more modern stuff have none [dont forget all those little joins cause drag....the smoother the better].

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That plane really rocks, but how do you use it guys? Is the pure interceptor, and interception missions are not present in any campaign :( a NORAD campaign will be really great


Great work ! USAFE had four squadrons (32nd, 496th, 525th, 526th) based in Central Europe with a fifth squadron (431st) located in Spain from about 1960-1970 before being replaced by mostly F-4E's. They performed in the interceptor role and any number of WOE challenging intercept missions can be created against swarms of IL-28s and TU-16s.

Edited by Harry

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Looking really good! I love how this community can take a beta release and update it so quickly. I have been flying this bird alot over Vietnam and while its not a dogfighter i still have managed to bag a couple Migs. Thanks to everyone who is bringing this beast to life! :good:

Edited by WarlordATF

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Great work ! USAFE had four squadrons (32nd, 496th, 525th, 526th) based in Central Europe with a fifth squadron (431st) located in Spain from about 1960-1970 before being replaced by mostly F-4E's. They performed in the interceptor role and any number of WOE challenging intercept missions can be created against swarms of IL-28s and TU-16s.


6 squadrons actually, add the 497th FIS at Torrejon AB, Spain, while the 431st FIS flew from Zaragoza.

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6 squadrons actually, add the 497th FIS at Torrejon AB, Spain, while the 431st FIS flew from Zaragoza.


Excellent ! Look forward to those skins for sure :salute:

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Doing that will result in giving a single direction of depth to the panels, you will end up with a skin made of armour plate not tightly fitting aluminimum, the panels will be over exaggerated from a distange.

Most aircraft have a few but not many overlapping [flanged] or recessed access panels.......more modern stuff have none [dont forget all those little joins cause drag....the smoother the better].

That again depends on how much contrast you are using and you need to exaggerate somewhat in order to compensate for scale. On engines with bump/normalmapping this is obviously a non-issue but since that sort of thing is too expensive for TK to add we have to make use of traditional old-school techniques. If you don't add some kind of depth to the panellines it will make the texture come across as flat and dull-looking, not to mention the seams will not look like seams. Take a look at a really well-built plastic model and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. Professional modelers would NEVER go to the troubles of multiple layers of preshading, washes and weathering if it didn't benefit the estaethics of the finished work in some way. We're dealing with models in a model world here, and not real aircraft.

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And if anyone still believes adding depth to panellines is unrealistic, look at this pic of a real F-22 as seen from below:




Please note the very prominent highlight on the lower edge of the panel seam. Does that look like a gap with the light coming from above to you or not?


Oh, and:

Streaky wouldn't look right as they were kept pretty damn clean all the time. After a flight most Deuces were cleaned up from nose to tail. 102 Crew Chiefs took great pride in how they looked because of their status as being one of the hot fighters in the USAF. Pilots loved that plane and everyone wanted to fly that thing. My uncle Tom remembers guarding them in the 50's. He said it was amazing the amount of time crews spent just polishing the skin of the aircraft. Was a shame they had to camo them up later in their career. It looks good Pete. I wouldn't change a thing.

Here's an active duty Deuce:



I rest my case.

Edited by Julhelm

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I rest my case.


Good....you do it your way & let other folks do it theirs.... :good:

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Sure, by all means do it your way and ignore how it's done in the CG industry.

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I have to agree with Sundowner, most active-duty deuces were kept in pretty good shape, but there are exceptions to every rule!


I have never seen that photo of the tail of 70785 with the 460th FIS at Portland before, and it sure does look beat! It went directly to the South Carolina ANG from there, so it wasn't taken at the boneyard!! Thanks for posting the photo. More photos of well worn deuces would be appreciated (not at Davis-Monthan)...


Mike D.

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Apart from the first picture, those are Air National Guard Deuces.

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