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Wings Of Honor's OFF P3 Review

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My review of Over Flanders Fields is finally done. I had aimed for a mid February release but thanks to a constant stream of patches I had to play catch up with the devs and after each patch I needed to test and re-test as well as to write and re-write parts of the review. Now that the situation has calmed down I finally managed it ... phew :biggrin:


Read it here or not ...






Edited by Gremlin_WoH

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Extensive review there Gremlin. Seems fair and on the money. I hope the review has the effect of introducing more people to OFF BH&H.

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Thanks for a detailed and considered review Gremlin. Cheers.

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A honest and fair review.

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Thorough and excellent writing, Rudiger! :ok:

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As far as I could see the only thing he left out was the AI and how freakin' good they are! Don't want to scare anyone I reckon.




Upon closer examination, I see that the AI was attended to. Excuse me!

Edited by Cameljockey

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Great review :clapping:


The only thing you left out is telling potential players is that flying OFF-BHaH will make you smarter and more attractive. :biggrin:

Edited by NS13Jarhead

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Great review :clapping:


The only thing you left out is telling potential players is that flying OFF-BHaH will make you smarter and more attractive. :biggrin:


Unless you already are of course! :biggrin:

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Fair, accurate, honest and complete. I'm especially glad that you included the 1.30 patch build in the review, because obviously that is the version of OFF folks buying the game will end up playing. Noting the devs devotion to providing patches was also a nice touch. A large part of how good a game is boils down to how well it is supported after the sale. Thanks for taking the time to do the review right.




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Good review! I heard that you could get the rearview mirror to show something other than shades of gray, but it has never worked for me! What slider do you adjust to get this to work!?!



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If you have ATI it won't show Rick.



GAAAHHH! Curse you ATI! Graphic stutters that almost get me killed and no rearview mirror! Is ATI owned by the Kaiser by any chance? I'm going to have to throw this card in the pile with my betamax player, my 3DFX stock, my HD DVD player and my Duke Nukem Forever preorder purchase receipt!



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Excellent review Gremlin :good:

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