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Does P4 get it's own name?

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Over Flanders Fields: Skies of Honour (with a u. :grin:)


Like the aerial version of 'the field of honour'

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Driving along a seemingly endless rural highway in North Dakota yesterday, pondering the meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything, I had a possible name for OFF2 P4 suddenly pop into my head.


"Brave New World"

Not only does it capture what the devs are creating in their latest outstanding efforts, it also has a great ring to it. Plus, for the literary types among us, it's a nod to not only Aldous Huxley and Rudyard Kipling, but also to Shakey Bill himself, by whom the line was originally penned:

"O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in it!" (The Tempest, Act V, Scene I)


Nice bit of irony to it as well, don't you think?



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Not bad, Lou. And you gave me the forward pass for another idea with your very quote of Shakespeare:





Edited by Olham

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Over Flanders Fields :


Sods aloft

Sods of the skies

Sods of the Air

A moment of Glory

A Brief Encounter

The Circus Ring

The Ring Master cometh

Behold the Flying Circus.

A Gathering of Sods.

Eagles in the Sun

Dog Fighting the Flying Circus.

Stuttering Machine Guns.

Flights over No Mans Land.

Long way down

Burning coffins

The Ring Masters Revenge

A gathering of Falcons

A gathering of Sods

Edited by carrick58

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OFF: Duel for the Skies


OFF: Seventeen Days...


(or 20 minutes if you fly like me)



OFF: Blue skies and willing foe


OFF: I Fought You In the Skies (appologies to Willi Heilmann)

Edited by Baldric

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Hmmm. If you're invoking Ricthofen's mob, then why not:


OFF: The circus ring

OFF: The burning ring

OFF: Ring sting



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Wow Matt found this thread from June 2009 yikes, and resurrected it lol. We should probably do a competition again. I'd like a name that is very very short as I am fed up of typing it in full!


At the risk of being crucified, let's look at what we (the players) know. It's a completely re-written flight sim from the ground up. So much so that we can't even install it on top of OFF:BH&H.

New AI

New DM

New FM

New cockpits and plane skins

Just New, new and more new.


It also focuses on historical accuracy (as always) and the whole scope of the war in the air. So why not make a complete break from the past and drop the OFF title altogether and start fresh that honors all the work the Devs have done, avoids cliche's (knights, etc) and doesn't focus on just a few men (the Aces). Why not just call it what it is.


The Great Air War.


If you wanted, you could sub-title it (1915 - 1918) in smaller letters right underneath. So you'd get something like this:


The Great Air War

(1915 - 1918)


And for abbreviation purposes, just call it GAW.


I think the name encompasses the totality of what the Devs have been working so hard to re-create and given that it's a complete re-write from the ground up, why not just give it it's own name? After all, isn't The Great Air War what we all wish to re-experience in flight sim form?


Just a thought. Don't crucify me for suggesting we drop OFF altogether and start fresh.




PS. I picture the cover art to be something epic like an in game screenshot (since the planes and scenery are so beautiful) of a flight of Gothas dropping bombs on ground targets while Allied scouts attack, in flak filled skies. Of course if you could get some German scouts in the screenshot defending the Gothas, that would be even better. Maybe some photoshop cut and paste work to create the perfect composite picture?



Edited by Hellshade

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Good points, Hellshade, although maybe a bit a sober title?

And it is not the complete WW1 air war yet - it is the Western Front.


As a graphic designer with some knowledge about brand names, I would recommend not to drop

the main name of the sim: Over Flanders Fields.

The name is now far enough introduced, that it has already a certain cult status - even when people

don't own OFF yet.

So I had a communication on the "Jasta 5" server yesterday. The guys I talked to didn't own OFF yet,

but they knew the name very well, and they asked me all sorts of questions about OFF.

Well, I told them, that they get nothing less but the most immersive, most historically stuffed sim

with the best Campaign they could find anywhere; plus over 3500 skins.

And they were stunned, and I guess some will sooner or later buy OFF, and appear here too.

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I agree with Olham about the use of OFF as a brand name. :good:

I like Hellshade's idea, but RoF already uses "The First Great Air War" as subtitle,

which is too close I'm afraid... :dntknw:

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"Over Flanders Fields: Brave New World"




Oh wait, did I meniton that one already? :grin:



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Over Flanders Fields II. Short. Simple. Classic.


From what (little) I understand, Phases 1-3 were part of the original OFF and what was to be Phase 4 has, in essence, become an entirely new OFF. Thus, OFF2.


IMO any other names after OFF are either way too lofty or corny. In any case, I hope they don't use "knights" (:rolleyes:) or "canvas" ( :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ) anywhere.

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"Over Flanders Fields II: Weekend at Manfred's"





hee, hee ... I crack myself up



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I agree with Olham about the use of OFF as a brand name. :good:

I like Hellshade's idea, but RoF already uses "The First Great Air War" as subtitle,

which is too close I'm afraid... :dntknw:


I'll agree with that. I'll also agree that OFF already has an established name that is recognized and that has value.


However, since OFF 2.0 isn't compatible with any previous version of OFF, it'll also be confusing to people who may think they may need to buy OFF:BH&H and OFF:HitRs in order to fly OFF: The Next Big Thing. Not to mention that as long as you are keeping the "Over Flanders Fields" part, you are doomed to a long name, which Pol seems to not prefer. Just my opinion, but with this many additions, enhancements, improvements and features packed into the new sim, it's a good time to make fork in the road and create a new name for this next generation, re-defining of WWI flight sims.


The Devs probably will stick with OFF for understandable reasons. But just as OFF is known as the spiritual successor to the Red Baron. Maybe it's time for OFF to have a spiritual successor of it's own?


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Over Flanders Fields: "The Next Hurrah"




We meet ’neath the sounding rafters,

The walls around us are bare;

They echo the peal of laughter;

It seems that the dead are there.


So stand by your glasses steady,

This world is a web of lies.

Here’s a toast to the dead already;

Hurrah for the next man who dies.


Cut off from the land that bore us,

Betrayed by the land that we find,

The good men have gone before us,

And only the dull left behind.


So stand by your glasses steady,

The world is a web of lies.

Then here’s to the dead already,

And hurrah for the next man who dies.



---- anon

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Actually as a side point, we were using "The Great Air War 1915-18" as a sub title around Phase 2.


BTW we have chosen a new name, hopefully sometime soon we can reveal it.

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"Murmur, murmur... Two weeks! ... In two weeks! ... You will release in two weeks! ... You will release the new sim in two weeks! ... Murmur, murmur..."


Edited by Olham

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Actually as a side point, we were using "The Great Air War 1915-18" as a sub title around Phase 2.


BTW we have chosen a new name, hopefully sometime soon we can reveal it.


Ahh...but is it one of the suggestions here?

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Ahh...but is it one of the suggestions here?

ah no clues :)

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