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Was OFF discounted again?

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I was going to order BHaH about a week ago but I balked and waffled and considered waiting for ROF (forget about that old cow) and I could have sworn it was listed as 39.99. I just ordered it today and it was only 29.99. I have no problems with paying less for the game, though, but did this have anything to do with the ROF release or did you feel it was just time to lower the price?

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I was going to order BHaH about a week ago but I balked and waffled and considered waiting for ROF (forget about that old cow) and I could have sworn it was listed as 39.99. I just ordered it today and it was only 29.99. I have no problems with paying less for the game, though, but did this have anything to do with the ROF release or did you feel it was just time to lower the price?



Looks like it. Happy Fathers Day!!


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I reckon that's the price you pay for being one of the first. Cest la vie!



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I don't worry about it much

Compared to new PC, JSticks, Peds, TIR, OFF is but a small piece of the pie ...monetarily speaking

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Well Hush my mouth, how long can they keep this garbage up ?




All's they needed to do was ask for contributions, as I'm sure many would heed the call. But at 29.95 I'm beginning to feel like a major class SUCKER



Why post something like this? As is with everything else... the price drops with time. Ever pass by the bargain bin at Best Buy? Do you think anyone that bought the first edition of anything is crying when they see it selling for less? That's the price you pay... the game is worth it regardless.


How about video cards?

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Early adopters ALWAYS pay more. I never buy at release date when I only have to wait a few months.



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Yes. I will end up paying about $AU4500 all up (ninja stealth beast computer, gaming keyboard, surround sound headset, TrackIR5, MS-CFS3, OFF BH&H). Indeed, OFF BH&H is worth it. I paid about $US60 for my copy when you include P&P and delivery to Australia. You won't see me complaining. I was pleasantly surprised at the quick delivery time (6 days!! to Australia!!!). Loving the game. Looking forward to more add-ons, more aircraft etc.


An outstanding effort gentlemen. Worth every cent.

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Yes there's a new offer, we are hoping the graphic here will change soon too. It's not necessarily permanent, but we want to make OFF available to as many people as possible.


We can't please everyone Uncleal but we try...


If you wait until 2020 it may be $1.99 if we are still here ;)

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I definately got my $$ worth out of OFF BHaH when I bought it at $50.00 (and still am!) But I also don't have any qualms about them lowering the price of P3 because if that's what it takes to spur sales and fund further development of P4 (Over Flanders Fields : New Ways to Kill Old Players) then so much the better.



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Never had any regrets, even though OFF was quite expensive for me here in the European Soviet Union. Probably the best money I ever spent in any game. But hey, if people can get it much cheaper now, that's good for them. The more players the better...

Edited by Hasse Wind

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Never had any regrets, even though OFF was quite expensive for me here in the European Soviet Union. Probably the best money I ever spent in any game. But hey, if people can get it much cheaper now, that's good for them. The more players the better...


That's very well said! :good:


Thank you.

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I got my copy for the $39.99 price, I don't buy any software when it's first released. But that isn't because I'm waiting for a price drop. I wait a few months to see what the feedback on the game is like, waiting for a price drop is secondary. If it just so happens before I place the order thats fine, if not thats fine also, it doesn't matter once I have decided to buy. After I got a good assessment of BHaH I decided it's time to get it, the feedback on BHaH and OBD convinced me it was a simulator well worth the asking price, and the devs were supporting their product 110%. It was just coincidence that when I was saving to place the order the price dropped to $39.99, so I was able to get BHaH a few weeks earlier then expected. Now after playing BHaH for a couple months now I will not hesitate to buy the next Phase when released by OBD, they have won my trust by their hard work, dedication and continued product support of BHaH, so no need to wait for feedback next time. So am I miffed that I paid $39.99 and now the price is $29.99? No I'm not as that is the nature of the business. All software eventually comes down in price, some faster then others, but they all do sooner or later.


One thing to consider also is the customers who purchased BHaH first will have something us later buyers will never have. Thats the excitement of seeing all the wonderful gems BHaH has in it first and getting to share it with other first buyers in the community. Later buyers (like myself) see something and comment on it all flush with awe and you older hands do humor us (thank you all for this), even though you have probably witness the same event 100x already.

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I paid the full freight when it came out. I don't feel swindled-- with computer stuff it almost always that decline with time price effect because of the nature of the market and the technology aspects. It makes sense-- the people who are willing to pay the most are also the ones who want the item the most. Later people are in that "take it or leave it" category and you can only hook them by lowering the price later on. I suppose it's just the free market at work.


Was OFF a bit high to start with? I think so. But was it unreasonable? Not at all, considering the tech support for OFF has been so good (and free). I've paid almost as much in the past for games that turned out to be poor quality in retrospect. I don't have any quality regrets with OFF. The is true especially considering there has been very good tech support for OFF-- free patches that actually are responsive to community concerns (not a single "fix" patch that really doesn't fix much).


There's always that feeling of "I wish I'd paid less!", but how many of the hardcore players here really would've waited that long to get $20 off the original price? I couldn't wait for that-- I wanted to play the game. Which is why we're here in the first place.

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It's NOT the Thirty Bucks ( Lord knows, we spent more on video card upgrades over the years )


Was it worth $59 ? . . Without a doubt


But I can't help feeling like a chump


Unless of course, it's an investment for future business ?


Not sure what makes you feel like a chump. Paying $50 for a top-notch WWI flight sim... or paying $50 for something that doesn't work, is corrupted, or has no tech support... or a forum where you can openly voice your concerns... opinions... etc.. and be heard.


The amount we spent as a group over the years on servers, PC upgrades, extended bandwidth for the first 2 free releases... our time involved... etc.. etc.. etc... was far more of an investment for us than what we asked for initially of BHaH. For $50 bucks, you bought a WHOLE PACKAGE.... plus a sim that will be updated and supported, and provide coutless hours of never ending WWI aerial insanity.


If I wasn't on the team, I would have dropped the cash without thinking to get that. I paid 3 dollars less than everyone else for FCJ which for me was $22 as I helped with some files in it so I was 'graced' with a discount. FCJ does not compare to the level we achieved in OFF... and folks loved that sim to this day.


All the best,



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You pays ya money I guess!... I am pleased I bought it when I did!..I too couldn't wait (patience not my strong point I'm afraid)


When I consider the hours of pleasure I have had, Flying and Skinning..it's been worth every penny.


In my 'Free Games' post, I mentioned a game that I paid full whack for 8 months ago..that is now totally free!...But I don't feel bad about it..I wanted it at the time..it's a good game.... though free is a bit of a hard pill to swallow on reflection!...The B*stards! :smile:

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I think its clear why we have reduced the price over 6 months - standard business practice -albeit a bit faster than we anticipated.


Bottom line is sales are almost at a standstill.....and please no lectures on reviews, and ads etc - we are well aware of this and we have approached many for reviews and ads? well I can tell you that ads are not cheap at all yes we looked at that too.... many times.....we are a very small concern and money is not abundant.


Bottom line is this is a special offer and we are at this moment not sure how long it will stay at this very low level.


Thanks to everyone that has supported us thusfar!!



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I don't for a nano second regret paying full retail for OFF. My income is rediculously low at present. I only hope that the reduction in price means more users. I feel especially good about the OFF scenario overall because of the recent hints and references to additional aircraft and even a P4.

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I don't for a nano second regret paying full retail for OFF. My income is rediculously low at present. I only hope that the reduction in price means more users. I feel especially good about the OFF scenario overall because of the recent hints and references to additional aircraft and even a P4.



OK.. OK... I PROMISE to post some pics of the new E.V.. ;)

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It's NOT the Thirty Bucks ( Lord knows, we spent more on video card upgrades over the years )


Was it worth $59 ? . . Without a doubt


But I can't help feeling like a chump


Unless of course, it's an investment for future business ?


But you've had the game for months more than somebody who buys it now.


Personally I'm kind of proud (if that's the right word) to be one of the first.

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My only regret is that I missed P1 and got into P2 about one month prior to BH&H release. I understand what you mean Siggi.

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Siggi: Personally I'm kind of proud (if that's the right word) to be one of the first.


Absolutely right, Siggi + Rickitycrate - I earn very little money recently, but even if the devs would have made it

cheaper 1 dollar per day, I wouldn't have missed a single day!

You want to save money? Okay, save money! Buy less ice cream, pizza, peanuts, popcorn - even good for slimming.

But if you feel LOVE for a being or a procuct like "Between Heaven and Hell" - Love won't wait! Never!!!

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Guest British_eh

I may just have to purchase another copy, with all thepatches etc, at this great price.


One thing to keep in mind is MS has disbanded future Air Sims, most are going to be PC downloads only, and in line more with the arcade type sim.


It's worth what you will pay for it. I personally don't believe that price is the sole factor in purchasing a sim, but that being said, perhaps it may attract a few indivuals who are Flight sim players, and not just keen on WWI like the majority of us.





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I am really happy the price has come down to $29.99. In the US $50 is a good moderate price but due to the silly currency fluctuations in the past year this translated to a very expensive game when priced in £UK. I did not think I would be able to afford OFF.


In the UK, new triple-AAA games when first released are officially about £35. However walk in a shop like PC-World and you can pick up a new release for about £25.


The new $30+P&P+VAT for OFF translates to about the £25 pound mark.


TIP FOR THE OFF TEAM: A friend of mine works for a book company called Mongoose. They cross sell in the USA and the UK. The have TWO different price schemes for both countries. They completely ignore currency activity. When they set the price in the USA they ask the question, what would people in the USA normally pay for this type of product and price it accordingly. Then they ignore what they charge in the USA and ask what a UK person would pay, and price the UK release according to that price structure. From what he tells me this is STANDARD across all industries, even software industries.


Take a look. Their website:




See what happens when you choose currency. These are the same prices for each country even when the exchange rate was $2 = £1. You get price stability.

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