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New Noop anyone?

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Hi all,

In addition to the post by OvS on the developing EV, I thought you might like to see the new Nieuport N.24.


This is, like the EV, still work in progress, but we hope to cover all units that flew this type.


Anyway, here's the 'draft' aluminium doped version. We hope to have French 5 colour scheme versions also.








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Looks nice! I love the nieuports. So nimble, it's like a cat in a three-toed sloth fight. :biggrin: Can't wait!

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The new fresh paint is looking splendid Sandbagger. One of my favourite looking Nieups now I think having seen the model WM did.

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You guys will get me into the cockpit of a Frog - arhm! - French craft.

She looks wonderful! Everybody is talking about the great turnability of the Nupe 17 (shame on me,

I have only flown once, but will soon do French campaigns, promised!) - is the N 24 the same good turn fighter,

or maybe better? Was this craft also flown by American pilots?

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Looks nice! I love the nieuports. So nimble, it's like a cat in a three-toed sloth fight.

ah, y' have a way with the words...

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As always Mike your work is superb!

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Thanks for posting the pics Sanbagger. That's exciting! The best keeps getting better.

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It looks wonderful-- what are the instruments in the cockpit? I take it it will be an upgraded 17-- better instrumentation, but same basic flavor.



Once I get my hands on that, not a German at the front will stand a chance!


It should be an excellent turning platform with some nice all-around upgrades compared to the N.17. It also is a real looker-- very much streamlined and cleaned up lines compared to some of the earlier planes in the series.


For the first time since RB3d, we'll have a nicely completed set of v-strut Nieups.

Edited by SirMike1983

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Looks great! Being a huge Nupe fan, I'm really looking forward to taking that beauty for a flight. And it should nicely fill some holes in the French escadrilles and give more variety for choosing the right one for a campaign. :clapping:


Olham, the Nupe used by the Americans was the N.28. But it was fairly quickly replaced by the Spad and wasn't as well liked by most of the pilots because it had some serious structural flaws in its wings and an unreliable engine. But it did at least have two MGs.

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Very nice look plane that Noop. That last picture is particularly enticing.


Any more WIPs for us to salivate over?

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Looks great! Being a huge Nupe fan, I'm really looking forward to taking that beauty for a flight. And it should nicely fill some holes in the French escadrilles and give more variety for choosing the right one for a campaign. :clapping:


Olham, the Nupe used by the Americans was the N.28. But it was fairly quickly replaced by the Spad and wasn't as well liked by most of the pilots because it had some serious structural flaws in its wings and an unreliable engine. But it did at least have two MGs.


Though technically still French, the Lafayette Escadrille flew N17's and, I think, 24's. American volunteers most of which were absorbed into the AEF.

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Though technically still French, the Lafayette Escadrille flew N17's and, I think, 24's. American volunteers most of which were absorbed into the AEF.



We have all of the Escadrilles listed for aircraft, including the 'Lafayette units. Aircraft will be in aluminium as well as five colour schemes. I'll post some shots of the five colour scheme N.24 soon.

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This is excellent.


Does anyone have a complete list of what's being produced yet? I rather keen to fly some of the more obscure types and see those gaps in the equipment schedules of various squadrons during the campaign filled.

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This is excellent.


Does anyone have a complete list of what's being produced yet? I rather keen to fly some of the more obscure types and see those gaps in the equipment schedules of various squadrons during the campaign filled.


We are trying to introduce more aircraft types, but given the OBD team size, we can only do so much in the time we have (we all have 'real' jobs as well). So far we have the EV and N.24 in motion. Hopefully the Snipe is on its way and there is work on a Greman two seater. Also we are trying to fill in those squads with missing aircraft etc. For instance we have ready 350 Viper and HS powered SE5s as the initial release had only the squad stock aircraft available. We now have all of the SE5 aces. In addition the team have been busy creating new skins for missing aces on the German side as well as enhancing some existing skins.


There's also a lot of work going on not directly for aircraft, such as scenery updates and additions and the ongoing Manager tweaks.


So all in all our small team are going for it - I'm sure you'll all be pleased with the next release :wink: (please - don't ask when)

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We are trying to introduce more aircraft types, but given the OBD team size, we can only do so much in the time we have (we all have 'real' jobs as well). So far we have the EV and N.24 in motion. Hopefully the Snipe is on its way and there is work on a Greman two seater. Also we are trying to fill in those squads with missing aircraft etc. For instance we have ready 350 Viper and HS powered SE5s as the initial release had only the squad stock aircraft available. We now have all of the SE5 aces. In addition the team have been busy creating new skins for missing aces on the German side as well as enhancing some existing skins.


There's also a lot of work going on not directly for aircraft, such as scenery updates and additions and the ongoing Manager tweaks.


So all in all our small team are going for it - I'm sure you'll all be pleased with the next release :wink: (please - don't ask when)


great job :good:

is there a priority list of aircraft? i would also like to know what we can expect. most important should be two seaters. after that more two seaters (especially french and more german) :clapping:

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great job :good:

is there a priority list of aircraft? i would also like to know what we can expect. most important should be two seaters. after that more two seaters (especially french and more german) :clapping:


The team are well aware of the various 'wish lists'but need to keep things in perspective with regard to historical accuracy and which aircraft types were commonly used. I guess its the same now as when we were running up to the initial release - having to draw a line in the sand and knowing where to stop.


Here's the French units destined to recieve the new Nieuports (there will be other Nieuport versions) :wink: There may be other Nations covered if they flew these types. We'll see.


ESC 12, 15, 23, 26, 31, 37, 38, 48, 49, 57, 62, 65, 67, 68, 69, 73, 75 to 103, 112, 150 to 155, 313, 315 and the Lafayette.

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We could tell you, but then we would have to shoot you. :suicide:



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We could tell you, but then we would have to shoot you. :suicide:





shoot me in the air? if so, let's get it on! :diablo:


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Is it going to get the upgraded internal tail skid, or keep the 17-type? Many of the N.24s that got the upgraded tail structures also had a 27-type internal tail skid, whereas the bis old-tail 24s had the 17-type tail. It's probably peripheral and minor in nature, but I am curious about it is all.


This plane is a quality work, from what I can see.

Edited by SirMike1983

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Good to hear more about your plans. I hope French two-seaters are somewhere on your priority list, because currently there are none. At least the Breguet and the Salmson should be there for late war, and you could also give them to Yankee squadrons. Keep up the good work, it is much appreciated! :good:

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Olham, the Nupe used by the Americans was the N.28. But it was fairly quickly replaced by the Spad and wasn't as well liked by most of the pilots because it had some serious structural flaws in its wings and an unreliable engine. But it did at least have two MGs.

It's been a long while, but I remember a WWI show that detailed the N.28's wing issues

The issue was whether it was a design or manufacturing problem

As best I can remember, they stated that some American squads used them right to the end of the war with no structural issues


She'd be a beautiful addition to OFF

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As best I can remember, they stated that some American squads used them right to the end of the war with no structural issues


I didn't know that. But overwhelming majority of American squadrons did get the Spad, so there mustn't have been many units that had the Nupe till the end of the war. American Camel squadrons were also rare.


I agree that the N.28 would be great to have in OFF, but it's not as important as getting more two seaters. But the more planes we have, the better!

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Duce, from the looks of the Nupe 28, she is just beautiful.


Here wing surface problems where solved quickly, but the decision to change for SPAD XIIIs wasn't reversed.

The Nieuport 28 is reported to have been a two-gun craft that was very manoeuverable.

I'd also like to see her in - maybe some day...


(See my new thread "Nieuport 28" - when I got it done)

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Duce, from the looks of the Nupe 28, she is just beautiful.


Here wing surface problems where solved quickly, but the decision to change for SPAD XIIIs wasn't reversed.

The Nieuport 28 is reported to have been a two-gun craft that was very manoeuverable.

I'd also like to see her in - maybe some day...


(See my new thread "Nieuport 28" - when I got it done)



It's on the cards, so maybe you'll see it, once the other Nieuports are done :wink:

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