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New Noop anyone?

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It's on the cards, so maybe you'll see it, once the other Nieuports are done :wink:

:yahoo: Co-oool Beans!

Sandbagger, you made my day

Big thanks to you and the Team

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Duce, from the looks of the Nupe 28, she is just beautiful.


Here wing surface problems where solved quickly, but the decision to change for SPAD XIIIs wasn't reversed.

The Nieuport 28 is reported to have been a two-gun craft that was very manoeuverable.

I'd also like to see her in - maybe some day...


(See my new thread "Nieuport 28" - when I got it done)



Some pilots also custom loaded their 24s with a fuselage Vickers and a wingtop Lewis similar to the SE5. It was not standard, as I recall, but was a custom field mod for some pilots. I believe Nungesser had an N.24bis and also a regular N.24 at some point or another with both guns on it. I'm not sure what the performance was like.

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Hi all,

I thought you might like to get a glimpse of the five colour version of the new Nieuport model (not including the possible N.28) - may change in its final form and probably used for the 1918 Nieuports (particularly the N.27).






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Hi all,

I thought you might like to get a glimpse of the five colour version of the new Nieuport model (not including the possible N.28) - may change in its final form and probably used for the 1918 Nieuports (particularly the N.27).


That looks great-- incidentally I believe there was a repro aircraft like that one in New Zealand that go traded up to the Rhinebeck Aerodrome in New York. I believe this particular plane eventually crashed, killing the pilot during an airshow at the Aerodrome.

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Very nice work Sandbagger!!

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Sandbagger and Rabu - you guys WILL get me into the cockpit of a Nupe, sooner or later.

Great looking!

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Ah some colour on a Noop suits it. Nice stuff Sandbagger!

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Very nice Sandbagger! I love the camo scheme!

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Beautiful work Mike, as always. :smile:

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Absolutely outstanding work! Next to the Camel the N24 is my favorite plane to fly and fight in. One of the few Allied planes that, IMHO, can really hold it's own against a well-flown DVII. Many thanks again to you sandbagger and to all the OFF devs. Your efforts are very much appreciated, in fact, they are deserving of an award. Any of you collect WW1 medals? I'm serious. I would gladly go about locating an original WW1 Croix de Guerre for each of you. I have two of them already myself.


What do you think everyone? CdG's for each of the OFF devs? :smile:





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Bump. With the talk and info regarding the status of the FOKKER EV I tought it a good idea to bump this thread up as it is 2 months old and many of the new OFFers may have not seen it. Just to say also that we all want more as a matter of human nature. Well more is coming but as for all good things that come to those who wait it takes loving attention and dedication. Thank OBD team.

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Salute.gif Just a P.S., Kinda a geek question. What are the easiest planes to add on ? The flyable types or A. I. types ?blink.gif Thanks for a great supported sim.

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Easiest? Well currently we have no craft that are AI only, so they are all hard work. We could make them with less detail or AI only, or make them for only 1 squad etc to make less skins/research etc but naaa.


Some of the variants are easiest as you have the parts made of course, but sometimes changing parts a little is slower than making new ones.

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Beautiful job! You have done the silver paint look very realistic!


Well done!

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Hi all,

We may not post much, but I can assure you we're all beavering away in the backroom. We have the EV and N.24 being skinned up in addition to all of the SE5 ace skins (plus a few new squads) and the USA Spad X.III's squads now have their aces too.


There are still to come other Noop varients and hopefully the Snipe (we'll see). Of course there could be other types in the works, but even we team skinners don't get to know everything the OBD modders are up to.

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