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MiniPATCH V1.32e is now available!

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18th AUGUST 2009


:shok::crazy: Nuts certified.


MiniPATCH V1.32e is now available!


Please see the Downloads section on our website for full details.



MiniPatch V1.32e


• Aircraft Weapon loadout fix for strike missions.

• Ground unit settings separated from Ai range in air

• Extra scenarios added (each pilot nation now has 12-v-12, and 20-v-20 dogfights) probably for good PCs only ;)

be very alert when you start :) also enable pilot never dies before flying...

• Removed option to stop exit to manager when your aircraft is damaged beyond repair. Option not working, currently no fix, if we fix in the future button will return :)



This patch supersedes and INCLUDES the 1.32a,1.32b,1.32c,1.32d Minpatches. There will only ever be one Minipatch to add on to the SuperPatch and it includes any previous improvements or fixes.

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18th AUGUST 2009


• Aircraft Weapon loadout fix for strike missions.

Sorry but what is "Aircraft Weapon loadout fix for strike missions".



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You may get rockets or bombs - as an Albatros pilot, I won't get any of those.


POLOVSKI - when you and WINDER don't take some holidays now, I'll have to send the MP

to arrest you on the island of Norderney.

Verdict: swimming, sunbathing, dining, icecream, swimming, dozing, dining, drinking, bedtime!!!

Fourteen days minimum!!!!!

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It means when you had a strike mission.. you had no load out and couldn't choose any (i.e bombs, rockets for craft that do have load outs of course).

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Just installed,another great job.

1 question: just had a quick look to see if it had updated in workshop and noticed that the realisum had gone up from 120 to 140 is this normal?

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Just installed,another great job.

1 question: just had a quick look to see if it had updated in workshop and noticed that the realisum had gone up from 120 to 140 is this normal?


Yes its due to the new separated ground unit fire control.



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Simply mind-boggling guys!! Outstanding.

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OK. Fine. Awesome triple plus then. :grin: I'd only just started playing on 1.32d. Can you guys slow down a bit before I run out of superlatives?

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Again the realism setting is just a number, it now goes up to 140 kelvins. Or was it 140 cheese biscuits? Anyway it's 140 now. :)

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Thank you for allowing people to set the AA different than the AI plane guns. :ok::good::clapping:

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Ok, you need to change the company name from OBD to "OCD", Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, because obviously you can help stop yourself from constantly improving the flight sim! Great patch, now head out into the living room and re-introduce yourselves to your wives and children. This has been a public service announcement. Thank you.



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POLOVSKI - when you and WINDER don't take some holidays now, I'll have to send the MP

to arrest you on the island of Norderney.

Verdict: swimming, sunbathing, dining, icecream, swimming, dozing, dining, drinking, bedtime!!!

Fourteen days minimum!!!!!

Yes, and why don't you try out this great little WWI flight sim 'OFF BHH' - have some fun guys!

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Winder & Pol- Seriously you guys are "over the top"..in a good way ;>)


This dedication to excellence with ones product, absolutely puts you on a whole other level; business wise, simming wise and gaming wise.


Whatever you require in payment for OFF 4, 5, etc., you've got my payment information...just charge it when you're ready for release.




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Just updated to 1.32e ...was at 1.28 for a long time

Wow! really nice job guys! :good:

Had a flight of Se5's show up high as we circuited the field

:rolleyes: Looked up to see them bracketed by ack-ack

DM is sweet too

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Guest British_eh



I would suggest that perhaps; as I suggested in the latest POLL, a suggestion that indeed, given the plethora of advice and able assistance available, that due consideration be given by OBD to request input from your greatest resource, your clients.





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Step away from the PC, I repeat: step away from the PC.....


Thanks awfully for the new patch - sterling work, as usual.


Now go and have that bloody break!

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Ummm...what they said.


Great service...AGAIN!

Great Patch...AGAIN!


Get your asses out of here and have a rest OBD guys. You deserve it.


And PLEASE don't spend your time off worrying about what new stuff to put in Phase 4, and how would I make the AI do this or that, or what should I do to "fix" this or that...just relax guys. Go on your hols, come back, then start thinking about it. Enjoy!

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Much appreciated! Y'all are just too good to us! Thanx, and see ya after your furlough.

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