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Playmate of the Month...

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My copy of Computer Pilot arrived a few minutes ago. Guess who's the full-color, two-page tarted-up Sim of the Month? And it's not us!

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Meaby we are waiting still "sim of the year :grin:"

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The undue praise for ROFL that is, (and yes I intended to spell it that way). OFF SHOULD get Sim of the year.good.gif

Edited by zoomzoom

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Good one, Paarma!

Is anyone here familiar with that sort of public relations?

How do these other sims get on the front page?

Do you have to bribe them? Or send them an OFF DVD at least?

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Typical playmate. All looks, no depth. A month later you're looking at something else. Perfect choice, if you ask me.



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I had a look at computer pilot website... only one article about OFF and thats 3 years old... dont take offence at this... but do they even know about Phase 3? I'd never heard of OFF before last month.. and then all i'd heard is it was an addon for CF3. i'm sure thats pretty standard for the majority of the gaming population.


The good thing is though that i and i'm sure many others are discovering it when looking for info on ROF.

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Nice picture!

Looks like it'll pull a lot of new simmers in to WWI

...and if history serves ...they'll be over here soon

OBD oughta start burning DVD's for the rush!

Like I said "Nice picture!" grin.gif

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Perused Computer Pilot one last time before calling it a night. On the last page, (Coming Attractions for December) they promise a full review of ROF.

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RoF has had excellent marketing, advertising, and "sim PR"...IMHO. Whatever the value of the product maybe.


Clearly they had/have allocated a budget for these sales expenses. With the amount of exposure I have seen on the websites and in magazines, it is clearly producing product awareness and probably sales.


Customer satisfaction, however, is obviously another subject.



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Advertising and money spent in that direction is always a smart move if you want to grow a product. But don't dismiss writing a letter to the editor of a magazine and politely asking them to consider another offering. Way back in June I wrote a letter to the editor of Combat Aircraft Magazine asking him to consider a write-up of OFF BHaH after reading Jay Slater's article about the Canvas Knights project. Soon after that Mr. Slater wrote me saying he would be very interested in doing an article, so I connected him with Pol who sent him the discs and info he needed. Long story short, Jay is in the process of evalutaing OFF for a write-up in his magazine, (and so far he is is VERY impressed).


Sometimes it only takes someone asking.





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Well we let all the magazines that reviewed P1 or P2 know about P3 and several others. If they choose to look at it or not is up to them.

Also note other teams can have 30 or more full time people, rather than a few part time, and many dedicated to things like publicity, programming, artwork, testing etc.

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What a big publicity can do for a product can be seen at the example "Dunkin' Donuts".

In my opinion, they are definitely not the best examples for American donuts.

But everybody knows them.

Anyway - I much prefered the donuts I got on the big American funfair here in Berlin,

it was the Octoberfest of the American troops stationed here. Those where not so well

known - but so delicious!

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I much prefered the donuts I got on the big American funfair here in Berlin

Way back in 1968 my Great Grandmother came down to visit from Maine

I spotted her at the stove tuning something in oil

My mouth watered when she said they're doughnuts

I was crestfallen when she said they're old fashioned (plain)

I think I grumbled an "Ohhhh"

Later she served them with powdered sugar on them

Best doughnuts I've ever had

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Yes, when they are really well made, you should try them plain, with no

filling, and only powder sugar on top. Best is to eat them still warm!!!


Oh no - my mouth is watering so much now, I must frie me something!

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