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Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - first flight!

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It mimics the shape of the F-22 and YF-23, but I see areas on it that would degrade it's stealthiness... mainly around the intake manifolds. Other areas, such as the design of the landing gear doors and the seperation line for the canopy can degrade the aircraft's stealthiness. Don't get me started on the burner nozzles. It won't come close to the F-22 in regards stealth performance. Might be present some what of a challenge for the F-35, but not much. If anything, it should make the Eagle sweat a bit. However, it definately is a step up from what they currently have. Putin did mention that the aircraft need work done on it before it could go into production. So maybe some things might improve on the aircraft.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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Lol, I had no idea this was already a thread Silverbolt. Sorry everyone else!!



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I know it is a Sukhoi, but, when I look at it, it strikes me as a MiG-29 that was F-22-ized.


Many People says that the F-22 is an MiG-29 Stealth.


but whatever, its better :rofl:

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Many People says that the F-22 is an MiG-29 Stealth.


but whatever, its better :rofl:


Really? Hm. I never heard that. The F-22 looks like a stealth F-15 to me.

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I believe this WILL most certainly be seen on radar...


Those burner cans are huge!

Edited by TheStig

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I believe this WILL most certainly be seen on radar...


Those burner cans are huge!


well, its not yet the AL-31F, also its an prototype....will probably be changed

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It mimics the shape of the F-22 and YF-23, but I see areas on it that would degrade it's stealthiness... mainly around the intake manifolds. Other areas, such as the design of the landing gear doors and the seperation line for the canopy can degrade the aircraft's stealthiness. Don't get me started on the burner nozzles. It won't come close to the F-22 in regards stealth performance. Might be present some what of a challenge for the F-35, but not much. If anything, it should make the Eagle sweat a bit. However, it definately is a step up from what they currently have. Putin did mention that the aircraft need work done on it before it could go into production. So maybe some things might improve on the aircraft.


Actually the inital rumors about RCS are 0.5m2 which is although a rumor and not a fact quite dissapointing yeah, but who knows...

As for F-35...ugh I don't even want to go on about it lol

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Yeah, it's a nice looking Aircraft, but let's see how long further development will take....and given the previous Russian AF piecemeal orders (a few bombers here, some fighters there, etc.) that might could take awhile until they get that into mass production (if ever)

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Why? Isn't the 30MKI an example?


The very fact that we hesitate to use the assets we boast of raises the doubt that we possess the ability. 26/11 is glaring case in point. Even if I gave you the benefit of the doubt you would admit we just didnt have the gand me dum...for those of us who dont talk Hindi, I mean cojones(though it isn't a literal translation!dntknw.gif)

Whats the point of procuring a weapon you will not use?

Edited by Stick

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Interesting picture : I see 2 big weapon bays! Some sources says that it has 2 wing weapon bays too.. (?)





Edited by Ciacho

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Those fairings under the wing probably house the hydraulic actuators for the movable LERX. Also, as far as RCS goes, it's been stated that it should have the RCS of a 2-rubel coin. The .5m2 figure comes from an old indian news article and cannot be trusted.


As for the burner cans, the F-35 has one too.

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Ive always thought over wing intakes make for better stealth;

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Yes but they're worthless at high AOA which is why all subsequent designs have been compromises optimized for maneuverability.

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Two prototypes are ready ????





i don't think so... my guess it's for the perechute.. good.gif

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gand me dum


bhai stick gmd is only required in the morning,especially in cases of constipation.


well we have the potential but ione thing we lack is teamwork,everyone tries to prove him/her above others.second despite the billions we spend on defense we can not be a superpower unless we manufacture our own stuff.


despite lca being not very good a/c it has helped us in understanding and learning the very process of making a plane,the difficulties encountered etc.


main point is we dont have a long strategic planning and vision,we buy stuff when pakistan or china buy something.


but despite of our failures remember this "why do we fall" -"to stand up again".


but i think we should  buy this a/c.

Edited by satish

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Whats the point of procuring a weapon you will not use?


bhai waise konsa use karte hai.



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bhai stick gmd is only required in the morning,especially in cases of constipation.


well we have the potential but ione thing we lack is teamwork,everyone tries to prove him/her above others.second despite the billions we spend on defense we can not be a superpower unless we manufacture our own stuff.


despite lca being not very good a/c it has helped us in understanding and learning the very process of making a plane,the difficulties encountered etc.


main point is we dont have a long strategic planning and vision,we buy stuff when pakistan or china buy something.


but despite of our failures remember this "why do we fall" -"to stand up again".


but i think we should buy this a/c.


And do what with it? the LeT prefers to take potshots at our civilians not dogfight over the Himalayas.




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Two prototypes are ready ????


3 prototypes WIP...


First drawings


length - 21,0 m


wing span – 14,8 m


height – 5,45 m


gear base – 6,9 m


wheel base – 5,85 m



Edited by lindr2

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Yeah, it's a nice looking Aircraft, but let's see how long further development will take....and given the previous Russian AF piecemeal orders (a few bombers here, some fighters there, etc.) that might could take awhile until they get that into mass production (if ever)


The previous VVS orders are nothing to go by considering the pear-shaped economic situation of the time. They were simply unable to fund the numbers they wanted without an improved economic situation and a drastic reorganisation of military. You have to bear in mind that things like the Mi-28, Ka-50, Su-34 et al were programs in motion while the Soviet state collapsed and were lucky to survive at all. Russia today (almost 20 years after the fall of Communism) is in a much different place complared to then.

Edited by Say What?!

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First drawings


You know, it DOES look like a F-22, F-23, and Su-27 hybrid. F-22 general wing planform, F-23 forward fuselage, and Su-27 general engine arrangement (interestingly, it looks like the engines are slightly divergent).



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This may sound strange, but when looking at the pictures I get the impressions that the engine sections don't belong to that design....like they're some sort of stand-in for parts that are still under development... :dntknw:

Edited by Gocad

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Will they have the money to maintain them and can the pilots get the hours they need?



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