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I need some outside opinions on this...

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So I went to bed last night in a democratic state and woke up this morning in the People's Democratic Republic of South Australia. Because of this:




In a nutshell, when making any online comment on the upcoming state elections this year, I must now list my real name and actual address otherwise I can be fined and the website hosting my comments, even if it's from a reputable, public website like a national news or newspaper website, can also be found in breach of the new law and fined accordingly. AND, the site I post my comments on, has to keep my details for up to six months and hand them over to the state government upon request. Failure to do so... yep, you guessed it, a fine.


Even if it's something like "Hey, I saw the Premier out campaigning today." I still have to comply.



What the f*ck?!



*EDIT* And according to the late news tonight, the fines will be up to $5000 per person/organisation. Yay. :fu2:

Edited by Say What?!

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Not sure about how law works south there, but i guess it should be applied to a federal court as anticonstitutional law. It compromises freedom of speech versus privacy. If it was some crime itself (call yihad upon your mother-in-law) you may investigate, but why should anyone report any government on what said who?

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To me its wrong you should be able to send comments in without details...


But saying that I am living in the Country where freedom of speech etc are all going down the pan...

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No no no. This is not freaking okey. Man this makes me so freaking angry. People should demonstrate against this, show that you are angry. Goverments should be affraid of its people not the other way around.

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Holy cow! Now that was completely unexpected from Australia.

So basically no one can speak their minds overtly out of fear of criminal persecution. If that's not a kick in the free speech's sac I don't know what is... Nobody's preventing you from airing your opinion but you'll find yourself watching your mouth and holding your tongue "or else"... Now there's a twisted way of controlling the citizens.

By the way, are votes still supposed to be secret or do you have to add your name and postcode?

Lenin's mummy must have cracked a smile...

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Guest Eject

So I went to bed last night in a democratic state and woke up this morning in the People's Democratic Republic of South Australia. Because of this:




In a nutshell, when making any online comment on the upcoming state elections this year, I must now list my real name and actual address otherwise I can be fined and the website hosting my comments, even if it's from a reputable, public website like a national news or newspaper website, can also be found in breach of the new law and fined accordingly. AND, the site I post my comments on, has to keep my details for up to six months and hand them over to the state government upon request. Failure to do so... yep, you guessed it, a fine.


Even if it's something like "Hey, I saw the Premier out campaigning today." I still have to comply.



What the f*ck?!



*EDIT* And according to the late news tonight, the fines will be up to $5000 per person/organisation. Yay. :fu2:


Dear friends, as said by me several times now somewhere in this Site, but has caused me dearly -- I am branded, see my Profile, from just a month ago as (-) minus 26 Neutral to just last week as (-) minus 26 Poor, and just today increased to minus 28 BAD! -- I remember VEY correctly, I NEVER-NEVER-NEVER use foul languages here, never attacking any other members whatever their status are, much less the good friends of our in the Admin.


Still, I am labeled as such. I do not understand. Chances is, soon it will even be increased to, perhaps, 30-plus minus VERY BAD.



We must again, go and DL, the UN Charter on HUMAN RIGHTS.


Many among us in this sick world like to quickly jump to conclusion that some really BRAVE Websites, even in the land of freedom (where is it? Even when u read in Libraries u r were tailed electronically, and BTW, do u know which nation is most restrictive and like to snoop around every step everyone made -->>> Britain.


That's not me who said it. Lots of cameras, even long range one using satellites to see our house NUMBER! Imagine that.


Re someone's remarks down there on who will do the reporting to the "government" authorities that include the "intel-spook community", let me assure our friends that GOOGLE and Yahoo do really do that.


Kindly Search, among others, www.scroogle.org, and the most hated Website in the USA run by a really brave Jewish gentlemen: I forgot if it is dot com or org, yet, for sure it was (last year I saw) something like rensse or rence or rense dot com or org??


Try also those websites in my signature.


If, only if, this comment of mine is unacceptable here (on which grounds, legally?) and hence I am "spiked", this will be my very last inputs to all of u good guys/gals, since I might have to say good buy to all of you. I hope that will not happen anyway. But who knows, I do not read anyone's mind.


For sure, prove it that I ever attacking, personally anyone here. Prove that I ever used foul remarks or words.


If anyone here does not agree with me on not-WOE/WOI_Wox issues, just let me know nicely please, We are all grown ups. We want to establish a cordial, mutually beneficial relationship. We are just gamers here


Chill out every one. We have the freedom to speak ever since we we babies.....




Guys, kindly read this:




And, hold ur breath please -- u may not want to brows this one I referred above. Yes, a Google Search found this:




And let us see IF this post of mine will be the very last since I might be spiked from this community and admin I love very much. At a minimum, I might get a BADDER score as MINUS 40 VERY VERY BAD. Thank you.


Well, it's their right. I am just a mere UNpaid member who talked too much and ask too much.


May u all in fine health -- inner and 'bodily" --


BTW, read that quote by a brave American man at the beginning before the first topic lists at rense.



Edited by Eject
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Chill, Eject.

eraser_tr keeps having his posts kicked down all the time and all he does is write mostly sensible things. Since he sounds like an American Liberal/Democrat, I think it's American Republicans that keep his posts on the red. Your rating doesn't mean all that much and I don't think the Admins will kick you out of the forums if you reach a really low rating.

Even though your post was slightly off topic, I'm giving you +1 for your effort.

Now back to our Nazi Austrians... erm... Australians...

Edited by CarlosemoG

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This development is disturbing to say the least.


If a private website such as ourselves were to issue such an edict, that's one thing. It's a private website, we can do what we want. There is no such thing as freedom of speech on a private website...no matter what some chuckleheads may say. Not pointing at anyone in particular.


However, it is quite another matter for the government to get involved. You would think the government would have other things to do than worry about anonymous comments about their elections.



Edited by FastCargo

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Guest Eject

Dear friends, as said by me several times now somewhere in this Site, but has caused me dearly -- I am branded, see my Profile, from just a month ago as (-) minus 26 Neutral to just last week as (-) minus 26 Poor, and just today increased to minus 28 BAD! -- I remember VEY correctly, I NEVER-NEVER-NEVER use foul languages here, never attacking any other members whatever their status are, much less the good friends of our in the Admin.


Still, I am labeled as such. I do not understand. Chances is, soon it will even be increased to, perhaps, 30-plus minus VERY BAD.



We must again, go and DL, the UN Charter on HUMAN RIGHTS.


Many among us in this sick world like to quickly jump to conclusion that some really BRAVE Websites, even in the land of freedom (where is it? Even when u read in Libraries u r were tailed electronically, and BTW, do u know which nation is most restrictive and like to snoop around every step everyone made -->>> Britain. ADDED by Eject pls, lest I be accused of badmouthing v. Britain -->> here's one Link Worth Reading:






That's not me who said it. Lots of cameras, even long range one using satellites to see our house NUMBER! Imagine that.


Re someone's remarks down there on who will do the reporting to the "government" authorities that include the "intel-spook community", let me assure our friends that GOOGLE and Yahoo do really do that.


Kindly Search, among others, www.scroogle.org, and the most hated Website in the USA run by a really brave Jewish gentlemen: I forgot if it is dot com or org, yet, for sure it was (last year I saw) something like rensse or rence or rense dot com or org??


Try also those websites in my signature.


If, only if, this comment of mine is unacceptable here (on which grounds, legally?) and hence I am "spiked", this will be my very last inputs to all of u good guys/gals, since I might have to say good buy to all of you. I hope that will not happen anyway. But who knows, I do not read anyone's mind.


For sure, prove it that I ever attacking, personally anyone here. Prove that I ever used foul remarks or words.


If anyone here does not agree with me on not-WOE/WOI_Wox issues, just let me know nicely please, We are all grown ups. We want to establish a cordial, mutually beneficial relationship. We are just gamers here


Chill out every one. We have the freedom to speak ever since we we babies.....




Guys, kindly read this:




And, hold ur breath please -- u may not want to brows this one I referred above. Yes, a Google Search found this:




And let us see IF this post of mine will be the very last since I might be spiked from this community and admin I love very much. At a minimum, I might get a BADDER score as MINUS 40 VERY VERY BAD. Thank you.


Well, it's their right. I am just a mere UNpaid member who talked too much and ask too much.


May u all in fine health -- inner and 'bodily" --


BTW, read that quote by a brave American man at the beginning before the first topic lists at rense.




Carlos, thanks a lot for ur reassuring remarks, and to FastCargo, promise I SHALL NOT, NEVER write anything that is against the Admin policy.



And, I remember very well, I did not START discussion on such "hot" topic. I just commented last time to someone's remarks on some international affairs that might affect us all freedom lover.


Yes, I respect the Admin policy on what FastCargo said. Rest assured Fast, I am not a naughty guy here.


Check out that this week long I posted more on useful issues, at least to me, that have to do directly with our game, mostly mine, the WOE with the good, now less 'punishing" friend's our ours, the guru Wrench.


Hello Wrench, I shall get back to u with minor issue in ur mod, ASW. American South West. Thanks Fast and all.....


BTW, FastCargo's statement on no free-speech here in this private Web only confirms what my friend's professor in Virginia, years ago, said re re Democracy in the USA: "Young man, you watched (American) TV too much."


Again, thanks a lot Fast.   :salute:

Edited by Eject

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This is shocking to say the least. It's even worse than the governmental crackdown that's happening in my country's media by the government. Anybody in the media who becomes "inconvenient" to the government is getting sacked - and that includes one popular commentator which is actually a presidential counsellor!!!


Somehow I think democracy is no longer synonymous with freedom of speech - I mean, honestly it never was but it's becoming less and less so...

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Somehow I think democracy is no longer synonymous with freedom of speech - I mean, honestly it never was but it's becoming less and less so...


And whos fault is this? The peoples! People are so freaking lazy today. Democracy does not come for free. We need to fight for it. Make sure you do your part.

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And whos fault is this? The peoples! People are so freaking lazy today. Democracy does not come for free. We need to fight for it. Make sure you do your part.


These days, doing what it would take to fix this mess, that would probably end up in me (or anybody else) being labelled either a terrorist or a freedom fighter, depending on who's side you're on - and no matter who's side you're on, you're definitely also going to be labeled as a revolutionary...


I do my democratic duty to vote. But I fear the whole system itself is becoming too rotten, no matter WHO is in power... Politicians are to blame in general, recent polls have all shown that the least-credible profession are politicians...


For me, a politician was best described in the words of character Jeffrey Pelt, NSA in the movie "The Hunt for Red October":


"I'm a politician, which means I'm a cheater and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing their lollipops."

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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Guest Eject

These days, doing what it would take to fix this mess, that would probably end up in me (or anybody else) being labelled either a terrorist or a freedom fighter, depending on who's side you're on...


I do my democratic duty to vote. But I fear the whole system itself is becoming too rotten, no matter WHO is in power... Politicians are to blame in general, recent polls have all shown that the least-credible profession are politicians...


For me, a politician was best described in the words of character Jeffrey Pelt, NSA in the movie "The Hunt for Red October":


"I'm a politician, which means I'm a cheater and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing their lollipops."


Hi to the below friends. May I add this, for the last time here in this Site. Kindly Search "The Nature of Government," and u will understand how the acted, been acting exactly like their enemies! Us, free people. I do not say that the entire men/women both civilian and military/cops are that bad. But, for sure, the majority of which are awfull!



Remember FlintStone, where no gun laws restricted his carrying his big clubs???


So, I am a dangerous man, since with my bar hands I can kill bad guys? Who will license my hands?? Over my dead body!




There had been no such thing as government.....u cannot even rub it? Where the h..l is the government? Did they come ASAP when Katrina hits the southern part of the USA????


Oh uh, btw, consult ur DICTIONARY, what terrorist stands for. Who r they? According to it, the very government we love....

Edited by Eject
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What a load of bull. Looks like its time for me to have some fun with some Aussie websites. :lol:

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If I wasnt u/i I'd never have read the aboveyikes.gif.

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Looks like its not going to happen now.


Thank god. What scares me the most is that these politicians actually think about this stuff. I mean they speak of democracy yet they pull stuff like this out of theire asses.

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"It may be humiliating for me, but that's politics in a democracy and I'll take my lumps"


See, Mr. Atkinson? That's Democracy at work right there. Not the rotten political party system adopted by so many countries but the original Greek concept of the "Rule of the People". People deciding what's better for them, not a group of men and women whose allegiances don't seem to lie with their country but rather with their ideology and the people who finance their campaigns.

Now bend over for the people who pay your salary!

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See, Mr. Atkinson?


Anybody said Mr. Atkinson? i knew our prime minister was behind this conspiracy




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You really have to wonder what they were thinking? I mean seriously, there wasn't ONE person in the whole chain who could have said "You DO know what's going to happen if you attempt this...right?"



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You really have to wonder what they were thinking? I mean seriously, there wasn't ONE person in the whole chain who could have said "You DO know what's going to happen if you attempt this...right?"





Perhaps it was an early April Fools joke?

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Ever heard of political suicide before :rofl:

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I read what was a comedy article on animal behaviors mentioning ants. Basically, a single or handful of ants is hopelessly retarded, but when you get hundreds of thousands or millions together, they collectively act intelligently. And they basically made the point that we're the complete opposite, a single person can make intelligent decisions, but the more people there are, the more retarded they act.


One person probably came up with an idea to prevent some kind of fraud getting spread in political commentary and groupthink took over from there.

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You really have to wonder what they were thinking? I mean seriously, there wasn't ONE person in the whole chain who could have said "You DO know what's going to happen if you attempt this...right?"




I've said this a stack of times, what worries me is that this bill garnered support from across the political spectrum. From Left to Right and everyone in the middle. And, it appeared few of them actually read the bill in detail to be aware of how it could be hijacked! A lot of them just assumed that blogs and websites wouldn't be targeted or that that kind of messaging wouldn't be enforced and supported it. If this who represents me now?? Best part is that it only applies to residents of South Australia! So if I was across the border in Victoria or Western Australia or somewhere overseas, that'd be okay. But if I posted from within SA, then I'd be breaking the law. You're absolutely right FC, you wouldn't be able to enforce it. Logging IP address for comments is something that the webmasters across SA would not monitor anyways and several have stated that they wouldn't do so as it would infringe a person's right to privacy.


And the best part!! Absolutely the best part! Atkinson was quoted as saying "I will immediately after the election move to repeal the law retrospectively." -meaning he will dump the law after the election. I mean, that's assuming he is re-elected first! The writ's to enact this law haven't been delivered yet, so the law doesn't come into effect until that happens. So why not just ensure it's not enacted in the first place? Personally, I don't trust him since he's 'word' isn't worth much. He stated last last year that he would be open to discussion about his anti stance to an R rated ratings system for videogames in Australia (despite all the other AG's in Australia agreeing to one. Here, you need a unanimous agreement by the Attorneys General for it to be enacted) and then before his special 'committee' into videogame violence had released their findings into the public attitude towards the system, he came out as saying that he wasn't going to introduce one and that he didn't care about what people thought of him because he was doing it for the kids. Then there was the situation a few months ago (just before Christmas) where a developer wanted to develop a housing estate on the site of a recreation/sports centre (St. Clair's rec centre) in a particular suburb. The residents kicked up an awful sh*tstorm in protest because it would destroy some pretty nice parklands in the surrounding area. In response, Michael Atkinson again, ordered an inquiry into the effect it would have on the residents, before quietly rescinding this and giving the developers the go-ahead. Protesters arrived one morning to the developers started on the site from about 4am...


So you'll understand why I'm a bit hesitant about this whole "won't be enforced" statement given his recent track record. I swear, if he gets re-elected this year, I'm crossing the pond to New Zealand or the US or something! We Adelaidians would deserve everything we get from that point on...

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