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Imagine if SF3 used this rendering engine

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It's a planetary engine, so you'd have the entire Earth before you.


They just got JSBSim's flight engine to work with it so it might be easy for TK to adapt the SF engine over.

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It's a planetary engine, so you'd have the entire Earth before you.


They just got JSBSim's flight engine to work with it so it might be easy for TK to adapt the SF engine over.


wow. screw fsx! this kicks fsx ass.

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Damn... :heat: Okay I am in just make it please... so I can get completely lost over the beloved Fjords... Forgot where I signed them... also watch for Telegraph wires low down... :rofl:

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Man that is righteous....

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:shok::shok::shok: :mega_shok:

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I'm not seeing a whole lot...the video looks interesting...but I notice the terrain looks the same everywhere texture-wise. And the cessna didn't travel far.


I would be more curious if I saw something like a Space Shuttle come in to see how the engine works in it's full range with smoothness. In addition, terrain variety while showcasing...just how does it do cities, towns, waterfront...etc.



Edited by FastCargo
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Sweet mother of Jesus! :drinks: If someone hasn't already told TK about this, get over there! Is there anything about who made it? Is it just a free project someone made or is it a company and commerical product? I'm immediately showing this to my father for our simulation design!


Well the ground does look pretty uniform from the air. When you're dealing with old terrain technology like SF, the same texture constantly looks aweful, but with realistically dense and sized forests, it's not that big of a deal.

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Sweet mother of Jesus! :drinks: If someone hasn't already told TK about this, get over there!


I nominate you, Eraser....you can be our mouthpiece :good:

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Yeah eraser, go ahead and be the voice of the masses.... :lol:

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Is that a hint of sarcasm dave? :grin:


Anyway GregoryP beat me to it. If TK can't get it cheap, we need to do a fundraiser specifically for it. A whole world terrain, at that detail level is simply too good to pass up. Anybody else realize how great a step forward that engine is for gaming technology?


Not only for flight sims, but everything. Shooters, RPGs, strategy games! Imagine the total war series, but with no seperate campaign map? A COD or MOH game having the whole of europe to fight in. The next Elder Scrolls game having Daggerfall's world size, at Oblivion's detail?

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I'm not seeing a whole lot...the video looks interesting...but I notice the terrain looks the same everywhere texture-wise. And the cessna didn't travel far.


I would be more curious if I saw something like a Space Shuttle come in to see how the engine works in it's full range with smoothness. In addition, terrain variety while showcasing...just how does it do cities, towns, waterfront...etc.




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Better...still no cities or variance in the land (some snow).


Not trying to be downer...but a terrain engine is not the same as seeing it in game with all the other features enabled.


Get past a tech demo and then I'll start hoping...and I'd be curious to see how hard it is to customize.



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Better...still no cities or variance in the land (some snow).


Not trying to be downer...but a terrain engine is not the same as seeing it in game with all the other features enabled.


Get past a tech demo and then I'll start hoping...and I'd be curious to see how hard it is to customize.






And they should show the alt and spd somewhere on the screen.

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did you guys scroll down and watch the vehicle physics test video? My lord... this engine is awesome!

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Nice mountains and the trees are spectacular down low. From up high it fades out in a weird way making it look like looking at it from a bad angle on an old LCD (but I'd guess that would be easy enough for a terrain painter to fix, as this is more of a tech demo than anything else).


It did remind me of something old school. Anyone remember 4K World from the early 90s?




(you will need either MS-DOS (including Win9x) or Windows 2000 to run this, I'm not sure if it works on XP or not, the one machine I tried it on didn't like it)



Speaking of seeing the shuttle come in to really show-case it, makes me think about how cool it would be if Orbiter could use this (Outerra) as well. Currently while Orbiter does do the entire planet, it only does it as a solid sphere with no 3D aspects and only a painted texture wrapped on the surface. Adding terrain like that would be simply awesome.



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You could finally do Intercontinental bombing missions like ARC Light or the B-2 Strikes :lol:

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Or Black Buck raids in real time, with realistic choice of facilities for the ultimate experience.

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TK, as usual thinks he can't afford it. I hopefully will show him otherwise.

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